
CKND - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

for areas of southern manitoba. Dense fog advisory. We have a frost advisory in some areas of north western ontario. As you can see on our map it will be a rainy one for the next couple of days. By sunday at 5 o'clock. Fisher branch 44 milliliters for winnipeg looking at 35 milliliters. Gimli at the 40 mark. So it is going to be a rainy weekend folks, but at least you won't have to water the flowers. As we're looking at the this afternoon even possibly some snow for southwestern manitoba. That won't be good for the flowers. As we go into saturday you will see more of the rain showers moving further north and into central areas, but for winnipeg, brandon, cooler day today including for thompson but temperatures get cooler for thompson over the weekend. We will see them warm up in winnipeg and in brandon. >> Announcer: weather is brought to you in part by the walk for alzheimer's may 25th in assiniboine park. You're watching global news. [ ] >> Moises: police in spain say they have recovered a painting by the late british artist france sques bacon worth estimated $7.4 million. The piece titled study for portrait was one of five valuable paintings stolen from a home back in 2015. And the fourth painting to be recovered. The group of five stolen paintings are estimated to be worth a combined $25 million euros. Police arrested two people accused of stealing the art work which led to the discovery of the painting. In total 16 people have been arrested in connection with the robbery. Police say an investigation and search for the final stolen painting continues >>> Terrace smith is an accountant by day and transforms into a champion fighter at night. She is at her last chance to qualify for the olympics. We pull no punches in this report. >> Double. >> Reporter: it was that contact with the pads and hitting full power on every punch that first got tarra hooked on a new sport. There was no turning back. >> How did the first fight go? >> I tko her. I was happy. >> Reporter: eight years of working her way up the ranks becoming a feared opponent in every bout. [ Cheering ] >> She can hit. Tiny little 132 pound girl that can hit that can crash. We have to be quite careful of who she is sparing with. >> Reporter: a fierce fighter with a fast right hand. A stark contrast to the accountant who sits behind a desk during the day. >> I took on a partner role at my firm this year has been extremely stressful. It is exhausting at times. >> Reporter: smith has claimed numerous bc titles as well as national and international belts. Every win in the ring fueling her to push harder with very little free time for anything else. >> Work, work, box, box. It has been tough, but it is just going to be that much more rewarding when it pays off. >> Reporter: a new round of bouts will start a tournament in bangkok as she fights her way for a spot in paris. >> The olympics is a pincal. That's what everyone wants. That's your shot at the ultimate glory. >> Reporter: and a' chiefment she never could have imagined when she first started. >> I have always believed in myself. So I think just putting that into training is what kept me going. >> What a great way to finish it off. >> Reporter: global news. >> Moises: paris has unveiled the podiums for the olympic and paralympic games in front of the eiffel tower. They took their turns posing for photos which organizers made out of recycled wood. The bid committee proposed a strong eco friendly plan. The olympic games will be held from july 26th to august 11th followed by the paralympic games from august 28th to september 8th.

>>> Stay with us. Your local headlines are next [ ] This Global program is brought to you in part by the True North Youth Foundation Flatlander's Beer Festival, June 7th and 8th. ANNOUNCER:Who's a fake... We're being bamboozled. And who's the real deal? ALL:Let's see your voice! (Singing in deep voice) I Can See Your Voice,all new, tonight at 8 Easternon Global. Stream on StackTVand the Global tv app. I want you to...take the future.Let 'er rip. ( ) This is what we callvibrant collaboration. (Gasp) Woman:Last night, a Jedi was murdered. Home, please. The trio is back! (Snap) (Cheering) ( ) The Doctor:These are great, like, the best, like, wow! ( ) Stay safe near dams. Hydroelectric generating station can be a dangerous place. Water levels around dams can change quickly. Obey all warning signs and barriers. They are there to protect you! Safety, it's in your hands. ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylenol. It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. We're for the pilots the racers the car lovers the captains we're for the kid in all of us. Eliminator r c we sell fun. Start to finish. The only thing that can measure up to the beauty and craftsmanship of a Huron window is Huron windows. Every Huron window is manufactured right here in Manitoba. Huron windows and doors. You'll love the view. Vanessa:Hi, I'm Vanessa! Tori:Vanessa likes gymnastics. She loves soccer, she loves to ride her bike. She loves to stay at the park as long as she can. She shows me every day that she can do anything she puts her mind to. The War Amps is able to provide Vanessa with the devices and support that she needs because of the generosity of the public. Nothing will stop her. Any help that she ever needs is right there because of your generosity. Vanessa:Thank you! [Giggle] closed captioning is brought to you in part by eliminator rc were for the pilots, the racers, and the kid in all of us. Eliminator rc we sell fun. >> Gabrielle: good morning. Thanks for joining us. It is friday may 24th. You're watching global news winnipeg. Just a reminder we are one week away from the bottomers playing at home. Mark your calendars. Lots of rain to talk about. For now let's take a look at what's making headlines [ ] >> Gabrielle: terrifying moments in a winnipeg car jacking. What happened before crashed into a downtown building.

>>> Plus a message to homeowners. With a rainfall warning in place in southern manitoba, what you can do to protect your property. [ ] >> Announcer: you're watching global winnipeg. This is "global news morning." [ ] >> Gabrielle: winnipeg police are searching for a suspect after a brazen car jacking that involved a family still inside the vehicle. Officers were called to the headquarters on portage avenue tuesday afternoon. They found a vehicle that had crashed into the building. Police think that a woman and her teen waiting for her husband. When the suspect tried to steal. They didn't get far. Crashed into the building. He attacked the woman on the ground. She suffered only minor injuries. The 18-year-old was unhurt. No suspects have been named at this point. Police are asking anyone with information to call the major crimes unit. >>> An update in the political world, the manitoba tory haves announced their candidate for the up coming tuxedo by election. Family lawyer pinsky look to keep the tories in power in the riding after heather stefanson stepped down. She has three decades of legal experience and looking to keep the seat blue. Which had has been since the inception of the 1981. The ndp, liberals, and green party have announced their candidates. Which goes june 18th. The pcs won the seat in last fall's election jst 268 votes >> Gabrielle: after public out cry, the province has partly walked back a funding cut to programming that funds summer jobs for young people. On wednesday, the minister responsible bushie announced he's adding $300,000 to the program which helps nonprofit groups and municipalities hire young people in the summer. Last week several organizations across the province learned they didn't get the funding they usually get if any. They were concerned about the impact to programming. Th manitoba camping association says it is unclear exactly what will happen with the announced funding particularly as provincial politicians go to a black out period prior to an uncoming byelection. Kim sugar says that while 300 grand isn't a cure all, she is hopeful. >> It is sounding like the funding that the additional funding now open will be some that will help camps who are denied funding in that first intake. We're really hoping that they'll come through with that and camps will feel supported and heard because it was such a huge loss for them. >> Gabrielle: many families have been benefitting from 10 dollar a day child care for more than a year now but certain families still don't qualify and there is a push to get that changed going into summer. Right now the fee are 10 bucks a day for those in infant preschool and nursery school spaces during regular full time hours but it is different for school aged and I hads for those children during in services days and school holidays like summer break. The fees stay the same as before.%-pnow thendp governmentsaidin their election campaign they are going to change that to make it $10 for all kids no matter what day. They could not comment on that promise thursday due to a black out period with the up coming by election. Summer break is quickly appropriating and they want answers. >> It is urgent. Families need to plan for their summer and know how to budget for their summer. Those that are fortunate enough to have a space need to know. >> Gabrielle: significant rainfall is expected in southern manitoba today and the city of winnipeg says its teams are at the ready to respond to any weather related issues. The city says you might want to pull out your generator in case the power goes out and make sure your phone is charged before the storm. You should inspect your back water valve make sure your gutters are sleen clean and down spouts pointing away from home. If you have important items in the basement it is best if they are in plastic bins verses in a card board box or off the floor. Mike says that it is still too early to tell if any specific area of the city is at risk of flooding. >> As the system starts to come through, there may be some more information that becomes available on where it is tracking. Really good look at the weather radar and see where the storm is track and go where may be those intense hot spots are if there are any. >> Gabrielle: yesterday marked world turtle day and we're being reminded to take care of our friends. They say around this time of year female turtles make a

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