
CKND - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

the food is here, we are fulfilling our promise. But not just today, we will continue to assist your community as much as we can going forward. But for today, we will do the first distribution. God bless! There are many more villages like this one. The record drought has left countless children and their families without enough food and at risk of extreme malnutrition. Join the friends of LIFE and be the answer to the cry of those in great need. RANDY: As you see these pictures, I want you to understand that what we're seeing now, especially in Ethiopia, we've seen before. The classic signs of malnutrition are thinning hair, sometimes turning red, and flaky skin. The very obvious physical signs so many times. Oftentimes, there are the pictures of the mothers who work so hard. Or the mothers walking miles and miles for water or for someplace that's got some food. But this is the smile of a child who is in the feeding program right now; a child who is healthy, who is learning, who is able to laugh and to play. And Tammy, I want to see so many smiles. There are so many that need it desperately. It works. We know we can do it when people will join us. TAMMY: Yes! It is possible. Hope is possible. When we come together, we can save the lives of so many children. And it starts today. Go online. Make a call. Give the best gift you possibly can give today. Let's change the lives of so many children right now today. Thank you so much for watching. We'll see you next time onLife Today. LIFE Today is made possible by the supporters of LIFE Outreach International. Your gift will be used exclusively for the exempt purposes of LIFE. The ministry features specific outreaches as examples of the programs it supports and conducts. Gifts are considered to be without restriction as to use unless explicitly stipulated by the donor. The ministry is a member of the ECFA. The opinions expressed in the preceding program are those of the participant, and do not necessarily reflect those of Global Television or Shaw Media. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. ANNOUNCER: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. When a story breaks, we're there. The news that's presented to you, it's presented to you by an entire team of people. And that team of people, their roots run deep. Global News. Our city. Your news... every day. Right from the start,it's you It's my homecoming! Every single personis so hot. Forget about the boyfriend. He made it abundantly clear that I was interestedin Joe. If you're gonna keeppushing me, I will explode. I don't accept disrespect. So they tookthe hardest management situation I've ever been in.

You need to figure it out, or you're both gone. Damn! (Announcer says words on screen) Stream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app. . >> Gabrielle: changing the way they respond to calls. An inside look at the new system and how it is bringing folks to ease pressure >>> More on the dozens of pups seized from a home. Some have given birth and some are ready for adoption. We will bring you that update. >> You're watching global winnipeg. This is global news morning. [ ] >> Gabrielle: good morning. Thanks for joining us on your friday as we made it to the end of the week. Just ahead of the weekend waking up to wet weather. We are under a rainfall warning for parts of southern manitoba. More on what you can do to protect your home later on. For now let's take a look at your top story. [ ] >> Gabrielle: the priority system for emergency calls to the winnipeg fire paramedic service is changing with a goal to get the right help to the right patients. We continue our exclusive look at the new system. The partnership started responding to calls from on may 8th went straight to the roost easing the pressure at the detachment centre as communication operators match limited paramedic to calls. The system can identify the urgent calls. Operators ask a series of questions and look up their history meds hospital visits before sending them to paramedics or higher priority. >> It allows them to focus more within their scope rather than taking on calls that we can provide assistance to. >> We're at a point where we have to be watching our resource and is we can't send to every call. So we have to be very specific of holding them for the priority 1's which are the higher scplights sirens responses. >> Gabrielle: the system and the roll are still being phased in.

>>> An update in the political world. The manitoba tories have announced their candidate for the byelection. Family lawyer pinsky look to keep the tories in power in the riding after heather stefanson stepped down. He has three decades of legal experience and looking to keep the seat blue. The ndp, liberals, and green party have announced their candidates. The pcs won the seat in last fall's election just 268 votes. >>> Happy update to a story we brought to you about the winnipeg humane society rescuing dozens of dogs. They started with 68. Now they have 79 because a couple of dogs had puppies. They say that five dogs are ready to be adopted. Their manager of services says the support from the community has been astounding. He is reminding perspective pet parents that many may have their sights set on the bunch they were already at overcapacity and they have other pups who are in need of other homes as well. >> May be it is small and cute, but really is it suitable for isn't it true may be a big fluffy one might better suit you because their personality is better. You never know. Don't focus too much on just appearance and actually come down and spend time with them and see who is the best fit for you. >> Gabrielle: significant rainfall is expected in southern manitoba today. The city of winnipeg says its teams are ready to respond to any weather related issues. You might want to pull out your generator in case the power goes out. You may look at a back water valve make sure your gutters are clean and down spouts pointing away from home. If you have important items in the basement it is best if they are in plastic bins or off the floor. Mike says it is still too early to tell if any specific area of the city is at risk of flooding. >> As the system starts to come through there may be some more information that becomes available in what is tracking. Really good to look at the weather radar and to see where the storm is tracking and where the intense hot spots are. >> Gabrielle: gaming has evolved over the years and now schools are looking to tap into that interest. We explain how gaming is being used to expand student skills all while having fun. >> Reporter: video games and youth go hand and hand and now some manitoba schools are looking to capitalize on that interest with competitive gaming becoming prominent in many schools across the country. She was interested in starting an e sport team for sometime but new starting small was important. >> I was nervous to get started and worried about getting overwhelmed. I called it the beta year. >> Reporter: they started small, the students turned out to be op that's gamer slang for overpowered as a group claimed national recognition for an escape room they designed and built within the game of mine craft. >> They were required po incorporate something they are learning about. They built it around ancient egypt. >> Reporter: kyle says games like mine craft allow him to explore his passions. >> I think of the endless possibilities and how you can make it whatever you want. >> Reporter: and as students dreams are built up, they are finding bigger platforms. The ceo for e sports canada. Sher team organizing the e sport expo taking place thursday and friday. She says with some structured and intentional guidance video games are being used to neutristudent's interests and help them develop other life skills. >> We can turn things around instead of it being a casual space where there are no rules, we're now introducing a lot of the concepts of traditional sports. >> Reporter: don't expect gamers to put it down soon. Esports canada estimates that 89% of canadian youth play video games daily and at this expo they are learning to take it to the next level. Global news. [ ]

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