
CKND - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

recognized in legal proceedings. >> To signal a change in the way starvation is being viewed is not only an inevitable consequence of war, as -- or a byproduct of war, but as a deliberate strategy. >> Reporter: at this point, and does not sound as if israel we'll halt operations. A government issued a statement saying, in part, israel has not, and we'll not conduct military actions in the rafa area, which may inflict on the palestinian civilian population in gaza, conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole, or in part. Icj rulings are legally binding, but not enforceable. Crystal goomansingh global news. London. >> Lisa: prime minister justin trudeau is weighing in on the international court of justice's ruling on israel's military operation in rafa. Saying, it is in line with canada's position. >> Hamas needs to lay down its arms, release all hostages, but they are also must be no more military operations in rafa by israel. The icj's latest proposed measures go exactly in that direction. And the icj's proposals are binding, and we expect everyone to follow them, as a matter of international law. >> Lisa: the prime ministers has more a need to be getting into gaza at greater rates. Trudeau also criticize the israeli government for creating what he calls barriers reaching a two state solution. >> Kevin: israel says it has recovered the bodies of three more hostages in gaza, and warned it will not stop fighting for the people still being held there. >> There are men, women, children, and babies being held by hamas in the living hell across our border in gaza. We will not stop fighting for their freedom. >> Kevin: israel's military says three bodies were recovered in an overnight operation in northern gaza an army says they were killed the day of the attack on october 7th. Let's turn out to russia's war with ukraine, and transparency is not something that one normally expects from the kremlin, but tonight, for anonymous sources apparently very close to russian president vladimir putin are telling the reuters news agency that putin is willing to end the war if russia is allowed to keep the territories it now controls in ukraine. >> Kevin: >> Lisa: the big question now is mike armstrong reports is weather the messages from putin's entourage are real, or just more ecological warfare. [ ] >> Reporter: there was no confirmation, but also no denial. Latimer pollutant visiting one of his few allies friday in belarus. He said there is in these -- need for peace talks with ukraine. But he added that, they should reflect realities on the ground. What that likely refers to art the front lines in eastern ukraine. According to a reuters reports, for sources close to putin say he is willing to quote freeze the war. That would be on the condition he keeps what his troops have taken. White now russia controls about 18 percent of ukrainian territory, and is fighting to take more. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> Reporter: on the first question about this potential pollutant proposal is whether it is real. Report citing multiple kremlin sources, even anonymously is not likely to have come out of the kremlin without putin's approval. University of toronto's laurel braun. >> It's highly unlikely. This is a regime. Is very tightly controlled. >> Reporter: the other question is motivation. The proposal could be a trial balloon to feel things out, it could also be a way of putting pressure on ukraine in the west to play on growing fatigue with the war. But an agreement at this point would leave russia isolated, and impoverished, and putin with perhaps only one accomplishment. >> Vladimir's prudence focuses on the only one thing and that staying in power. And protecting absolute power. And he has been successful. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> Reporter: the ukrainian president in his weekly statement friday said putin is trying to disrupt an upcoming peace summit anyway he can. About 70 countries are set to meet next month in switzerland. That we'll include premenstrual truth trudeau, china has been invited, russia has not. Mike armstrong level news montréal. >> Lisa: next on copan is a 10 peter cowan is back with her for forecast. >> Kevin: and we still got out ways to go with this rain. >> Peter: and if you're waking up early saturday morning, we will see some lingering showers around temperatures around

40 degrees, on those winds actually during the day could gust up to 50 Closed captioning for this Global program is brought to you in part by Bath Fitter Your bath and shower experts for over 35 years. Book your free consultation today. The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. For 30 years, Walmart's helped Canadians save through a lot. The Elmo Craze in ‘96. Your endless wait for dial-up. Sfx: Iconic dial up ‘trying to connect' sound Those wide, shapeless jeans... that hair thing with the uh teeth. In the 2000s, you were all doing this. So we did this. In 2020, the race for toilet paper was won here. Whatever was happening, we made it happen - for less. 30 years later, we still are. ( ) Your mouth, yourteeth and your gums areamong your most valuable assets, help chew and digestfood, talk and speak clearly. And of course, providing a healthy smile. When taken care of, they can last you a lifetime. So doesn't your mouth deserve the best possible care? The Manitoba Dental Association is the regulatory body for Manitoba dentists and registered dental assistants. We care aboutyou and your oral health. Dig safe! Building a fence, planting trees, adding a sprinkler system? Click before you dig to have underground natural gas and electrical lines located. Safety, it's in your hands. Beautiful!Minnesota gold right there!Nice Katie! Love it. We're from the Carolinas and always wanted tocome to Minnesota. I'm so hungry and readyfor some good food. It's kind of build yourown adventure here. Wow! 10/10 recommend. Special occasion in your future. Celebrate with Global News. Let us be a part of the festivities. Each week, Global News Morning is giving away a $50 party stuff gift certificate. Send in photos of your celebration to GlobalNews.CA/Winnipeg/Contest for your chance to win. Brought to you by Party Stuff. I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) If you want to swim 12 months of the year, then you've got to have a swim spa. They're available in a variety of sizes, from 11 all the way up to 19ft. With r35 installation. They cost less to heat for a whole year than the traditional pool cost for just four months. And the best part is, if you move, you can take it with you. So if you like the idea of a refreshing dip on a hot summer's day or ringing in the New Year under the stars call Krevco Lifestyles, your Gotta Have Swim Spa Store. >> Peter: welcome back here's a look at safin the capital ford lincoln roof cam tonights. Those temperatures are going to back to mid single digits were pockets of rain moving through. As for today, that reign certainly some pressed daytime heating though you're in single digits, we should be in the twenties for a high. Correct it was in the thirties. Sunrays now at 531 and setting at 920. A look across the country, that heat to the east. Toronto 23, money six charlottetown and fredericton, what really went to pick one of the coolest major cities in southern canada, and yet this is why. With got the site below that continues to sweep through, with lifting north this weekend causing the ring to pull out. But then we'll due a quick sweep south, and we'll bring with it a chance of showers, by the middle of next week, this big ritual warm things up and bring back the sunshine. Still lingering snow tonight to west band, in the rain through areas around winnipeg, and further north we will see that left to the north along with that system. Let's take a closer look at the timeline of this, so that's no risk easing over the next few hours to brandon, and western sections. Tomorrow morning justice of showers in winnipeg it will eventually lift to the north into the afternoon hours, and then in to your sunday some nice sunshine to start off the day. The clouds we'll roll in the afternoon, chance of a sprinkle into the evening, in that chance of showers could linger into monday two, maybe even a risk of rain date or -- later in the day as well. With her to monday morning, week at the end of the six, 12 millimetres of rain in winnipeg, portage make a little bit more littlest of the brennan area but the interlake could be. At to 30 more millimetres. And wins for the bus tomorrow morning, that he gusting to 50 k. Will ease back to just a bit

of westerly breeze by sunday. Next week that will get into a cooler northwest wind, and in those winds we'll ease into the end of the week when that southerly wind '01 things up in the middle of the week. Tonight a risk of frost and brain impaired that's no, not good for the plants. 40 degrees in winnipeg three imported spirit of the north tomorrow 10 degrees and thompson with a showers, eight norway house seven in island lake city year reign. Eight dauphin nine swan river fisher branch, 10 deepwater port is 12 and brandon 16 for melitta reigning gimli 9 degrees along with winnipeg kenora dryden and that rain zone two. Eight and pin while 10 degrees time back chance of a morning shower. 12 carmen morgan winkler. And then winnipeg after getting to 9 degrees tomorrow we fault the t1 sunday, risk of frost with that sun to start. 17 is the clouds rolling in the afternoon risk of an evening shower. 15 on monday chance of some were pockets of rain. Eight -- 18 degrees on tuesday and then by wednesday the ridge builds and with a high of 23 degrees in the sun. And it's time now for your manitoba. Sherilyn todd stuckey starts us off near saint and there, in the reign really helping green things up out there, a next shot was taken by esther. This was south of morden. Beautiful crocuses. And e-mail your photos to estes and then to winnipeg at global >> Announcer: your manitoba is brought you buy lightning lotto. Know your limit play within it. >> Lisa: scratching the summer travel lift is high on the list of priorities for many people across the country. That's despite hydration training household budget. >> It shed light on how many are willing to stretch themselves financially to make a getaway happen. And gaviota has the details. >> Reporter: financial times are tough for a growing number of canadian households. But the urge to take a break is a particularly strong this summer. >> A lot of canadians are excited to travel, whether that looks like a road trip, a steak asian, or even a flight overseas. >> Reporter: four in five canadian say they are the need a vacation, but only three and five say they are likely to take on this summer according to excel's pulling exclusively for global news. Two thirds are scaling back vacation plans, because of inflation. More then a quarter say there is no way they can afford it this year, while nearly 20 percent say they can easily afford one. The vp of axles public affairs says age, as opposed to income dictates how likely you are to want to splurge. Younger, less affluent respondents say they are willing to break the bank to get away. >> I may be some implications for the line of credit with a credit card, but younger people leading the way in vacation intentions, and wasn't we find a way to do it. Budget be damned. >> Reporter: personal finance expert shannon jarrell says budgeting as you plan your travel is the way to go. >> There is an opportunity to sort of use your itinerary is a budgeting tool. >> Reporter: airfare is a major travel expense. Terrel recommend saving money by flying out on the sixpence of dates and times from cheaper airports. >> We want to think about chasing the deal, and not the destination. If you want to trim costs on airfare,. >> Reporter: other ways to trim costs? Consider it a steak asian rather then a luxury vacation abroad. Trees free activities like self-guided tours, and scope out less expensive food options. >> We really want to avoid coming home to that nasty credit card bill that we are not anticipating. >> Reporter: and get a global news toronto. [ ] >> Kevin: here are the markets for friday, the tsx going up 120 points, and slight increase -- very slight increases for both the venture, and the doubt tonight. Looking at the dollar amount, it is also going up tonight. Gold also rising, and oil is up. [ ] >> Announcer: little news market report is brought to you in part by tater wealth advisory group. Client. Driven investment device. >> Lisa: it is the home opener for the winnipeg see bears. >> Kevin: a global news at 10, the bears trying to bounce back from an opening game loss in saskatchewan tonight. They hosted the scarborough shooting stars. We got the highlights had. Plus, the jets confirmed their We're finally here! This is wild, man. (Announcer says words on screen) The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. Tired of looking older than you feel? Are you wanting to look younger but are afraid of looking unnatural? Meet Emface. Emface is the only technology that builds back lost facial muscle while simultaneously building collagen and elastin. No needles. No toxins. No downtime. Totally natural results. Don't let aging change you. Change

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