
CKEM - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>> We benefit from all of the heatsink that goes into the houses during the daytime and it is released at night. So the incident if possible night frost is very low. Further out that may be a different story. >> Reporter: this year also marks the 25th the front yard and blum, the city when competition which awards gardeners with the best yards. Coleman because he is excited to see with the seas and blooms. >> Looking forward to a busy time. >> Reporter: cooler, what are weather means the majority of fire back to the board to have now. The bands or offer fort mcmurray and grande prairie which have been downgraded to advisories where permits are required for parts outside of fire pits and fireworks are prohibited. Several restrictions and advise roots remain in and around edmonton. >>> One of edmonton's oldest hotels showing off a new, more modern look. The fairmount hotel mcdonald began renovations on the majority of the rooms two years ago. The hotel, which stood next to the river valley since 1915, says the updated room still maintain the hotel's historic touches with each room including an image from the edmonton archives to show the hotels over one century-old connection to the region. >> We could call it a little bit of an update to the ged. >> Reporter: a bertens without a high school diploma concern register for a new out of education credential formally known as a ged, general education development. The new program will be known as the canadian out of credential or see abc which is a collaboration between provinces with the consideration of indigenous perspectives and diversity. >> 's of the things we think right now is there a greater diversity that we have ever seen and learning needs, and all sorts of different needs for students. We are seeing teachers that are just struggling to balance all of that. And to meet the needs of all of their students. >> We're able to see that we have perspectives from both cultural communities, first nations, métis, if you would, francophone, perspectives and dynamics. We want them to be thought about in terms of the development and the credentials. That is something that the team was able to look at specifically and incorporate within the credential as well. >> Reporter: alberta's education minister also stresses this will offer for postsecondary institutions a credential they can rely upon looming learners to easily apply for higher education. You consider, calgary ranks fifth in average income with no high school education. Clearly some albertans feel they do not need more schooling. For those who do... >> Sure they are earning minimum wage but we also know the minimum wage is not necessarily the living wage right now either. Hand so what are the doors that open for them if they do not have that high school diploma? >> Reporter: those considering this can apply online with the option of a paper and pen, that's allowing greater accessibility nationwide. >> Having this at the national program I think will provide more consistency from province to province especially when students are moving with this type of diploma to another province they know what they are getting. >> Reporter: in calgary, phoenix You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) Alberta College of Aeronautics, is where careers take off. Don't leave your future up in the air. Study and train now for in-demand commercial pilot positions. The sky isn't the limit, it's just the beginning. Speaker: Hi, can I take your order? Hello? Oh. Hey. Wait, what was the question? Speaker: Let me guess, one driving high combo, extra baked? No? Uh, can I get a burger with a side of... fries? Think you're a better driver when you're high? Think again. Smoking weed affects reaction time and concentration. A message from madd Canada. What's behind the Blue Cow Logo? High Canadian Standards. Which means we meet strict requirements. ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings.

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one of those sources said that some top congressional democrats have been encouraging biden to take a trip to the border in the coming weeks. That debate once again. No trip has been announced on the white house spokesperson told cnn that no border trip for biden is under consideration at the moment. But if officials did move forward with that person that would mark a second visit the us-mexico border this year and his third during his presidency. >> Thank you very much for for think a sin. That is cnn's julia benbrook and washington. [ ] >> Health, education, the french language are important to us in québec. Each year we sent to ottawa $82 billion of our money. >> Reporter: for the pq, that has always stood for independence, more francophone than anglophone brights it is an interesting position to take to try to say if you are not happy with them give us a try. A first for the parti québecois. The added features pq leader walking directly into the camera talking to english speakers about the benefits of their party -- independence. >> On the surface it is a very bold move. Right now most anglophones are less than enamored with the caq. We see francois legault's ratings dropping and we see people frustrated with bill 96 and other legislation that seems to limit anglophone brights in québec. >> I find that even though the law which of course some people might have an issue with it, there is a benefit of course to learning more than one language. >> Alterable over steps in our areas of jurisdiction. >> I think mr st. Pierre is trying to get into people's heads as a possible alternative to the caq. We know a few weeks ago the poll showed if there was an election the pq would win. With a win a majority? Not sure. I think what mr st. Pierre is saying is there will be room for anglophones. They have not really defined that room but I think he is trying to extend and all of branch but I think it fell short. >> That is what independence is all about. Reclaiming the money that belongs to us and spend to get where it really matters. It pays off to be independent. >> I think the parti québecois is a good option. I think it is full of good ideas, different ideas. >> I do not think it would have. >> I would like to see a just a place for anglophones but a place for people to come in and feel that they are building something together has opposed to feeling like an outsider being allowed to enter québec society. That is not just the pq, I think all the parties are lacking that message that there is a place for everybody and that richness that we have to offer can make us competitive. Also we are competitive and talk about a dependence. >> Reporter: for many of us, feet is something that we used to start our day. If lattes are your think you may have noticed that it is starting to cost a little bit more. That, according to data collected by technology company square. >> We looked at thousands of copy shops on squares platform on canada only found the average price of the latte is about five dollars. Up about 5 percent since last year. It actually is outpacing the overall rate of inflation in canada. Last month that was supposed to be a boat to .7 percent. >> Reporter: while the price in ontario has not gone up it is not the highest price to grab a coffee in ontario. >> The highest prices in yukon. That make sense in the way, areas like that have a higher operating cost. They have to supply coffee, you can see that across the small business fear. You also going to see that specifically reflected in the cost of labour and hiring. >> Reporter: the port the rising cost of inflation many businesses including these coffee roasters have adopted their business model to meet the demand. >> I started this company back in 2018. I've had several cafés and it is a natural progression from that to start to post coffee. But I have been in coffee for about 20 years now. I just wanted to get closer to the coffee sourcing and roasting and doing call sarah for cafés in toronto. >> Reporter: he is not seen anybody get hot over the price of the increase for his rose but also says may be an increase is not enough. >> I have not seen anybody get upset about the price of a latte. In my opinion the price is still low. I think the price of a latte is one of the best deals out there. The price of coffee in general. I think it can go more, it should go out more. I think we are around just over five dollars on average for a

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