
CKEM - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 01:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> It's derelict talk -- homes like these that are being taxed even more by the city. Neighbours tell us the city needs to clean up places like this. >> We've had a few people set up and came it's in the front yard of the abandoned house. That was weird. >> He has a shepherd as a brother and my shepherd is not a fan. Other than that I keep to myself >> Reporter: people living around commonwealth stadium said they've had -- they've had their problems with properties like these, adding they are happy to see the city charging the owners of those homes nearly 3 times the normal property tax rate. Neighbours hoping the move gets derelict homes cleaned up and back on the market. >> There's a problem with housing in canada right now. Nicer to get them with people in them. >> Reporter: officials telling city news since announcing the tax over 6 months ago, nearly 15 percent of edmonton's 300 derelict homes have been cleaned up in addition to a higher property tax rate, those who enforce bylaws say nearly 700 tickets have gone out to problem property owners as well. Just blocks north of commonwealth stadium, community leaders on alberta avenue say this crackdown on dilapidated properties is something they've been waiting 20 years for. The homes are more than eyesores, they are a safety hazard, particularly for edmonton's vulnerable. >> These are not homes or houses that anybody -- it's not fit for any human habitation. They are derelict, falling apart half the basement is completely gone. Once we call the fire to come help, they said they wouldn't go into the structure because it was so unsafe. >> Reporter: she adds she would like to city -- sea the city and force the same rules on commercial properties next. >>> Front-line workers are using national paramedics services week as an opportunity to show the tools and equipment ems practitioners use each and every day on the job. Alberta paramedic students spent the day getting hands-on experience, learning what they need to know before heading into a real-life emergency. >> All the equipment here makes everything so much more real and more exciting to get out there working. >> Reporter: from loading a stretcher into an ambulance to practising their stitching skills. The interactive day gives paramedic students I glimpse at the real world. >> People don't realize how much 911 and how much we are capable to do. >> Reporter: paramedics are the first to respond to emergency calls and each day on the job can be different. Public education officer and paramedic ian cal waite says it's to be prepared for that. >> The call will come in and you will get those notes giving you a rough idea of what is you -- what you are responding to. It's your job as a paramedic to effectively create a differential diagnosis and identify what's going on and then develop a treatment plan to adequately manage that event. >> Reporter: she has a paramedic student about to begin her ambulance practicums. And she is excited to put her skills to the test in the real world. >> I really hope that I can touch and make a positive impact on as many people as I can. >> Reporter: and edmonson, laura krause, city news. >> Announcer: next on city news. >> Reporter: it's your typical alberta spring when you never know what kind of whether you're going to get. Rest assured the greenhouses say even if there's a chill in the air and his sun is hard to find, still a really good time to get your plants in the ground. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Loving the uncommon is a wonderful thing we have in common. ( ) (classical music plays) My Lindor bar. To enjoy. To dream and to keep dreaming. Irresistibly smooth milk chocolate from the Lindt Maître Chocolatier. Melt into a lasting moment of bliss. Grace didn't believe in magic. But her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. You were made to dream about it for years. We were made to help you book it in minutes. Things are not always how they seem. I don't even know where to begin. (Cheering) There's nothing wrong with being spicy. Man: Our star player wound up in the emergency room. Wow! You can't leave without cuddles, but you also can't leave covered in hair. With Bounce Pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. Bounce. It's the sheet. Okay, and root beer to drink?

No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. Closed captioning is brought toyou by lotto MAX.The next lotto max jackpot i plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. With draws Tuesdays andFridays, you can dream to the max. Announcer: Citytv+ has new seasons of all your favourite shows on demand (crowd cheer))plus more. [dramatic music] Announcer: Start your free trialwith Prime video channels today. >>> Family carving across into a tree, the beginning of a memorial for a teenager found fatally wounded tuesday night in the far northwest corner of edmonton. Homicide detectives say paramedics tried to save the injured 15-year-old near 137th avenue and 184th street just south of st. Albert but he died on seen around 9:30 pm. The teens mother witnessed her son's death. She's not ready to speak on camera but telling city news her son died a hero. They had been walking their dog when he was attacked. Kevin 10 police arrested a man on seen who they say was known to the victim. Meanwhile st. Albert public schools confirming the death of a grade 9 students. Lowering flags at this junior high school wednesday.

>>> That's all for city news at 11. Thank you for staying up late and tuning in. We will be back again tomorrow evening at 6:00 and 11:00 pm with the latest local news. Have a good night. [ ]

>>> A busy may long weekend for rcmp in the edmonton region. Strathcona county rcmp handing out over 500 tickets during an enforcement blitz including 6 roadside sanctions for impaired driving at a check stop in sherwood park saturday night also saying speeding onto anthony had day posed a significant risk to the public. >>> When it comes to spring weather in edmonton and alberta, it has its ups and downs. Over the weekend a frosty morning to now multiple days of rain but this greenhouse and north edmonton says if you're looking to plant a garden this year, now was a good time to get your plants in the ground. >> I have limited my front flowers to things that are more weather resistant. >> Reporter: edmonton gardeners want some sunshine after a number of days where the rainfall and frost warnings. The element's are changing constantly, making it difficult to garden a. >> We started outputting nicely but then all of a sudden we got a real cold interval and that's what we are in right now. >> Reporter: the cold and wet weather isn't stopping some from starting their own gardens. Groceries are expensive and a garden can be a good investment if it works out. >> This is my first ever time planting stuff outside so I'm just figuring it out and trying to see what I can put and grow and can't grow. >> Reporter: he says frost warnings shouldn't be an issue for those living in a city. Those in more rural areas need to keep an eye on their plans if they are already in the ground. >> We benefit from all of the heat sink that into the houses during the daytime and it's released at night. The incident of possible night frost is very low. Further out that may be a different story. >> Reporter: this year also marks the 25th year of front yards and blum, competition which awards gardeners with the best yards and he says he's excited to see what the season blooms. >> Looking forward to a busy time. >> Reporter: from edmonton, adam ziccarelli, city news. >>> Even before game 7, the edmonton oilers had decided that winter lose agains the vancouver canucks, they would be flying home to the alberta capital. Eventually they won game 7 and 1 the series against the canucks. Allowing them to spend tuesday at home, a day off for edmonton. Wednesday mourning they skated at rogers place before hopping on a plane and taking a 4 hour plane ride to dallas, arriving in the big d. For the big series between the final 2 teams remaining in the west and involved in the conference final >> We all love hockey, we all love competing in these moments and the ultimate prize is the stanley cup and there's 4 teams left. We've done a good job so far but they have guys that want to win it really badly I can tell you that we have lots of guys that want to and really badly to. >> You can't get too far ahead of yourself. You have to stay in the moment especially playing again -- against a team like dallas. They require all your attention and then some. They definitely have it. >> This is what you've been hoping for ever since you were a little kid being able to go into the third round of playoffs and you want to make it all the way but I think a big thing for both of us -- for everybody in general I'm sure everybody in the situation feels the same is you can't jump to far ahead. That little kid in you is just saying what an exciting moment it is for all of us to be able to be here. >> Reporter: on a mcdavid reference to the 2022 conference final when edmonton took on colorado but wasn't swept by the avalanche, certainly back then they were a good team. A couple of seasons later they are a better team with more lessons learned and more experience and maturity. They talked about all 4 teams remaining in the chase for the stanley cup. He said while they are different , they are all the same when it comes to the pillars and foundations that have got them to this point. Now it's up to dallas and edmonton to figure out what will get them to the next point and advancing to the cup final.

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