
CKEM - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 01:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Even before games have been, the advent and oilers had decided that win or lose against the vancouver canucks, they would be flying home to the alberta capital. Eventually they won game 7 and 1 the series against the canucks, allowing them to spend tuesday at home, a day off for edmonton. Wednesday mourning they skated at rogers place before hopping on a plane and taking a 4 hour plane ride to dallas, arriving for the big series between the final 2 teams remaining in the west and involved in the conference final. >> We all love hockey, we all love competing in these moments and the ultimate prize is the stanley cup. There's 4 teams left so we've done a good job so far but they've got guys that want to win it really badly I can tell you that we've got lots of guys that want to win really badly to >> You can't get too far ahead of yourself. You have to stay in the moment and plan against a team like dallas. They require all your attention and then some. They definitely have it. >> This is what you've been hoping for ever since you were a little kid being able to go into the third round of playoffs. You want to make it all the way but I think a big thing for both of us, for everybody in general I'm sure everybody in the situation feels the same is you can't jump to far ahead. That little kid in you is -- what an exciting moment today's for all of us to be able to be here. >> Reporter: anna mcdavid referenced the 2022 conference final when edmonton took on colorado but was swept by the avalanche. Back then they were a good team but a couple of seasons later they are a better team with more lessons learned and more experience and maturity. They talked about all 4 teams remaining in the chase for the stanley cup. He said while they are different they are all the same when it comes to the pillars and foundations that have brought them to this point. Now it's up to dallas and edmonton to figure out what will get them to the next point and advancing to the cup final. >> Announcer: next on city news. >> They are in a bad situation now so we need more. >> Reporter: people evacuated by canada from a war zone now asking for more time to help pay back the costs. ( ) Ever wonder what's around the next corner? ( ) ( ) Past the trees. ( ) Over the mountains? ( ) That's where adventure lives... ( ) Take a Nissan suv and go find it. ( ) Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. Here comes the sun, at Home Hardware's Get Ready for Summer Sale. Save 30 percent on BeautiTone Wood-Shield Best Stain And up to 25 percent on Benchmark Yard Tools and Outdoor Equipment. Only at Home Hardware and Building Centres. Here's How. In my book, saving while shopping is a no-brainer. So, I use Rakuten to get Cash Back while I'm book clubbing. Cha-Ching! So, how does that work? Well, stores pay Rakuten to send them shoppers. Rakuten shares that money with us, in a check or PayPal payment. It's free and easy. jazz music ( ) At Enterprise Mobility, we never stop looking for new mobility solutions. Because sometimes the best road forward, is the one you didn't expect. ( ) Tide is busting Laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. Cold water, on those stains? Cold water can't clean tough stains? I'd say that Myth is Busted. Turn to cold, with Tide. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Announcer: Citytv+ has new seasons of all your favourite shows on demand (explosion) Let's go! Announcer: Plus more!(crowd cheer) Canada's Got Talent, a milliondollar season! (applause) [dramatic music] Announcer: Start your free trialwith Prime video channels today. >> People are really in bad

situations now so we need more time. I think it's not fair in the situation to be -- >> Reporter: now facing a hefty bill, he is a permanent resident who is visiting family in sudan last year when civil war broke out. He and his family escaped on a canadian forces plane but canada is asking for him and many others to repay the costs of evacuation. >> It's not clear. Who pays what. Some people pay their accommodation and some people pay... So we need more clear information. >> Reporter: it standard practice for canada to ask for repayment when evacuating people from any crisis. Canada extends alone, expecting repayment with interest. Mohamed says he wasn't told upfront how big that lone would be. It's more than $7000 and he intends to pay but hopes the interest can be waived. >> It's not about myself only. I know a number of evacuees who are still struggling. Some of them they are in shelters. And some of them are still... >> Reporter: city news reached out to the office of foreign minister melanie joly but did not receive a response in time for broadcast. In ottawa, xiaoli li, city news. >> I want your help and need to know I can trust you. I cannot have any of my writings -- riding shown to anyone. If I get past these legal issues without any of this showing up in the crown's hands I will consider getting married to you. Those writings, letters, admitted serial killer jeremy skibicki was setting to it -- sending to a penpal did end up in the crown's hands. Court heard that he was communicating with crystal hunts, a female inmate in nova scotia. Michael mcdonald with winnipeg police testifying that 9 of skibicki's letters were seized by police with about 2 or 3 others being destroyed by hans. They ranged in date in 2023 from early january to april. The letters seam to suggest a budding relationship between skibicki and hunt with skibicki riding I am so broken and don't know who else to love. So I will love you. The... Including riding in 1 of the letters I accept that my trial is going to sock but I may get all any of these charges overturned if I am convicted. He is facing 4 counts of first-degree murder and the deaths of marcedes myran, morgan harris, rebecca contois and an unidentified woman known as buffalo woman. His defences arguing he should not be found criminally responsible due to mental disorder. The majority of people in this country are liars and self-serving he wrote in 1 of his letters. I can have 100 experts while the crown has nonand I'd still get convicted by a bunch of morons he continued. He acknowledged the media coverage... He would like to grow out his hair and die a blonde. They said he wanted to change his name legally... He also wrote about his views on race, writing it's no surprise that the most anti-semitic countries in europe are the safest and have the least sexual assaults. He later wrote that homosexuality should be the butt of jokes because of the quote child abuse. Court is expected to resume in june with the defence presenting their evidence. In winnipeg, edward djan, city news. >> Announcer: ahead on city news.

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