
CKEM - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

continued to look for more suspects. >> I'm 72 so I've seen it all. Sault at thessed out about high rental prices, food costs and soaring numbers at the pump but you may find relief knowing albertans are taking actions to relieve this stress. Ottawa is pumping 670 million dollars into alberta's system for seniors care. Provincial and federal ministers inked the five-year deal in edmonton today all agreed that the covid-19 pandemic exposed tragic short comings and seniors care across the country which need to be fixed. >> Anywhere where seniors were predominant, that's where we saw the virus wreaking the most havoc. >> The stories coming out of nursing homes, long-term care homes. Were nothing short of horrific. >> Reporter: the mop will be used to hire staff to expand services for seniors who receive care at home. The investment is part of alberta's five-year plan to rebuild the system which includes 654 million dollars in provincial dollars to build and modernize care spaces. >> Can restore citizenship rights to those. >> I've contacted family members who have been separated from their family members. >> One toronto father hopes other parents won't have to endure. >> I'm 72 so I've seen it all. >> Albertans are taking action to reduce financial stress. The stress of high rental prices and soaring numbers at the pump embracing key strategies like tracking our expenses and creating a budget seems to be working. >> I think it's fabulous. Stress can be really paralyzing. It can be toxic. >> According to a recent study 88% of albertans are taking action to reduce financial stress. Just understand where you are at and where you're going and the other component is working with a financial professional like a certified financial planner. >> Tai chi. >> It's an issue that spans generations but there are different ways to approach the same stresses. Too certain generations just want to know what to do and not really engage with it. They're there. And the younger folks want to know what's going on. >> When you get your paycheque, it's kind of like trying to half of it so save and the rest maybe ways to have fun with it and things you need. >> I'm just saving and hoping that by the time like I need to start doing all this, I'm on my own. >> And taking steps to address financial stress will in turn provide you with clarity. At some point you reevaluate your life and spendings. You start to spend on the places that are a little bit you know, spend a little bit smarter no this calgary, phoenix phillips, CityNews. >> I was like thank god. >> Toronto resident joseph tito is applauding a new bill that would allow foreign born citizens. >> I think it's a great thing. If you're a canadian citizen, you're a canadian citizen, period. >> It's a cause close to his heart. Amid an emotional draining battle to bring his newborn children home to canada. >> Can we just please capture this moment and I want to live in it for the rest of my life. >> Reporter: the twins were born via a foreign surrogate in kenya. Because he's considered a second generation canadian. He was born in italy to a canadian mother. It meant and the girls would have to stay in kenya during the process. The twins were eventually granted temporary travel documents. When we got back my girls were stateless for the first nine months of their life. If I wasn't on social media or if I didn't cause a mess that I had caused I would have been in kenya for nine month. >> It's a situation that's not unique to tito but the federal government is aiming to change that. >> Under the new legislation children born abroad to canadian citizen was also born outside canada will be a canadian citizenship from birth. As long as a canadian parent born outside of canada three years of time spent in canada before the birth of the child will be able to pass their the citizenship to the child. >> Changes to the law made in 2009 by the then conservative

government by stephen harper. >> Because of this unjust law, the conservatives 15 years ago. >> Reporter: last year the ontario superior court found the system unconstitutional and gave the trudeau government until june 19th to fix it. >> The citizenship is very much a privilege that needs to be earned in a lot of circumstances. But certainly not in these cases where it was unfair to begin with. >> Titos two little girls got their citizenship after two and a half years in canada, they're now 5 and about to graduate kindergarten. He hopes the bill means more parents won't have to go through what he did. >> I think that if it doesn't matter where your children are born if you are canadian and you have ties to canada. Then you should be able to bring your children home. >> While the court has given the feds until june 19th to make the changes, immigration minister mark miller says the governmet may have to request an extension as bill makes its way through the house of commons. For CityNews, I'm erica natividad. >> Reporter: the goal is to give artists a voice at the legislature. Hoping to create a new arts and creative economy advisory council to address issues like the poverty often faced by those choosing careers in the arts, culture and nonprofit and how the to sustain and grow the industry. >> When it comes time to balance the books the first thing to get cut is funding for the arts. Uncoordinated. >> Similar programmes do exist in manitoba and nova scotia. This is being introduced as a private members bill. It would require support from the governing ucp to pass. >> The conservatives want a fill buster to avoid their embarrassment, that's their prerogative. >> You're not resuming debate -- >> Excuse me, do I have the floor? >> Reporter: a hearing derailed by political bickering. >> Not reaching the desperate people needed so badly. >> Supplies run out for palestinians and israel pushes deeper into gaza. For 30 years, Walmart's helped Canadians save through a lot. The Elmo Craze in ‘96. Your endless wait for dial-up. Sfx: Iconic dial up ‘trying to connect' sound Those wide, shapeless jeans... that hair thing with the uh teeth. In the 2000s, you were all doing this. So we did this. In 2020, the race for toilet paper was won here. Whatever was happening, we made it happen - for less. 30 years later, we still are. ( ) (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Fiery with a cooling finish. The Nashville-Style Hot Chicken part of the new Globally Inspired Subway Series. Nivea q10 Targeted Wrinkle Filler. ( ) With Pure q10 coenzyme and Bioxifill peptides. Visibly reduces the look of fine lines in 5 minutes and moisturizes to help reduce the look of deeper wrinkles over time. For every expression of you. Nivea. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! The Jeep No Limits Eventis here.Which means more trailsto blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoyno payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee,the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty sevenhundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. Closed Captioning is brought to you by lotto 6/49 The next Gold Ball jackpot is $54 million! Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Announcer: Stream your favouriteshows on demand with Citytv+. Start your free trial now. (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Never know what is going to happen next! Wow! -whoah! We've never seen anything like this before! The youngest ever on that stage! I'm sorry, I cant give you a yes (booing) I've got to give you one of these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen

no in the midst of a global racial reckoning, one woman's tragic death. >> I asked the police yesterday if they could take my daughter to camp. My daughter ended up dead. >> Reunited a rally crime for change. >> Black mental health matters! >> Living in a black body and experiencing mental health challenges, you probably are at your highest risk of being killed by police within the city. >> One solution. >> Welcome to the crisis service. >> A nonpolice led initiative for anyone having a mental health crisis. That's what my father needed. >> The black community had been asking for this for over four years, veracity and the call. This sunday at 10:00 p.m., only on citytv. >> Reporter: >> An agenda was sent around whereby two ministers would appear to discuss the grave problem of car theft in this country. >> Point of order. Relevance, chair. We're dealing with the amendment. >> I haven't finished a sentence. >> It's a line repeated again and again by canada's political and police leaders. Auto theft is a national crisis but when MPs had the chance to asked ministers what they're doing about it, the public safety committee turned into a political slap fight. >> If the conservatives want to fill buster to avoid their embarrassment of st10 that's their prerogative -- >> You're not resuming debate -- >> Excuse me, do I have the floor? >> No you don't. You were recognized by the chair, you said point of order. >> The committee was supposed to hear from pablo rodriguez and public safety minister dominic LeBLANC along with rcmp and border services. Instead liberal MPs immediately moved a debate. The mvp voted with liberals meaning witnesses were never questioned. >> Supposed to be prepared to answer questions on auto theft and I can only conclude because of the liberal decision to move a motion to proceed to an order of business that they're not interested in, in allowing their ministers to testify on this matter. >> It's part of an ongoing dispute at the public safety committee over what it should work on. Public safety subcommittee had freed on an agenda then conservatives tabled the motion to amend that agenda. But instead of voting on it, tory spoke at length over two meetings preventing a vote. Liberals say if it's so important they're ready to vote on it now. >> Chair, can't continue to make the same motion over and over and if he wants to hear from the ministers we have no speakers up, we're prepared to vote on his own amendment that he's filibustering his own amendment. We're prepared to vote and get right to the minister. >> Thank you no the meeting adjourned without resolution. In ottawa, xiaoli li, CityNews . >> It looks like the whole operation is being designed and destined to fail. >> The united nations ls children's fund warning of the dire situation in gaza as israel continues to restrict aid deliveries in the strip. >> Aid is not reaching the desperate people who need it so badly to survive day after day. >> Israel's increasing pressure in the south has forced palestinians to flee rafah an area considered safe from the fighting. An extraordinary figure. Earlier this month, israel eased control of the rafah crossing. Effectively sealing off gaza from the rest of the region. >> We can't get to our warehouses in rafah because of the operation. And fuel is inadequate to move supplies. >> U.S. officials say they've been briefed on israel's rafah plans and are closely monitoring the operation. >> We now have to see what unfolds from here. So we will watch that. We will consider that and we will see whether what israel has briefed us and what they've laid out continues or something else happens. >> Israel releasing new video of fighting in gaza where officials say the assault continue until hamas is eliminated. >> No power on earth will stop israel protecting its citizens and going off the hamas in gaza. We will destroy hamas, we will

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