
CKEM - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

you'll receive your benefit upfront. Looking good, Sally. Being well protected sure feels great. North Cover - Comfort in being protected. Get a quote today. Call 1-855-293-1010 now or visit (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Never know what is going to happen next! Wow! -whoah! We've never seen anything like this before! The youngest ever on that stage! I'm sorry, I cant give you a yes (booing) I've got to give you one of these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen Conference Finals!” Time to turn things up a notch” Are you ready?” Heres where I go to work!” Unbelievable!” Wild action!” Im here... so keep your head up!” a Richter scale hit!” You get an opportunity... you gotta take it!” Whos going to be the big factor in the game?” Draisaitl scores!” Im here for that” Im here...” Im here...” Im here for...” The Stanley Cup!” This is a guy.... who wants to get to the Stanley Cup Finals!” Im here... To win!” The show goes on!!!!” (Cheering and clapping) >> Kelly: we have time for one more great story. This is "what I'm liking." today is the tenth anniversary of red nose day. Since 2015, it has raised over $370 million to fund a variety of nonprofits, helping more than 35 million children. That is amazing. Across the five boroughs they offer kids positive support activities from lacrosse to bicycling. We have rob, who works for the organization. What's up? The red nose day. Tell us about your program. >> It was founded under the patronage of nelson mandela. We fund a variety of programs using sports intentionally. Rome new york teaches kids how to row while fighting academic support. Figure skating is another program we support that teaches them how to figure skate while building self-confidence and leadership skills. We have an equestrian program. They use therapeutic horseback riding as a tool to develop skills. All of these programs work together to further the red nose day mission. >> Kelly: what you think the greatest benefits are? >> Not every kid gets access to sports. We work hard to ensure young people have access. The biggest benefit is it provides an organic opportunity to hone your life skills on a public stage. You learn how to lose and how to win and how do I work with teammates and accept feedback from a coach. What is it like to commit to someone bigger than you. I am a product of the work we support. I grew up in east harlem. My dad signed me up for a baseball program that took place on the scruffy list of baseball fields. That program change the trajectory of my life. My biggest takeaway was that life is the story of failure, much like baseball. You can experience failure more than successes, but how do you turn that into a positive? >> Kelly: you are so cool. I am liking your post right now. Believe in the works that you doing, so they are giving red nose day a check for $1,000. To learn more, head to their website. Thank you to all of our guest this hour. Have a great day, and if it is not, change it.

broadcasting from treaty 6 territory, also home to many diverse first nations, inuit and metis peoples, this is CityNews. [ >> Good evening and welcome to CityNews at 6:00. It is the western conference final and edmonton is officially canada's team heading into tonight's matchup against the stars. They may be called the stars but we're the ones with the star players. We will be here live in the ice district throughout the hour ahead of game one. >> Reporter: how a 15-year-old boy is being remembered by his mom after he was attacked and killed while on a walk in northwest edmonton earlier this week. >> Reporter: a man is sent with stab wounds. Neighbours in the area tell us the neighbourhood is usually quiet. >> Welcome back, we live in the ice district and puck drop is less than 30 minutes from now as oilers take on the dallas stars. I'm here with stu MaCDONALD edmonton entertainment group. You were there in the 90s. Tell us about the moment. >> My memory the first time we met them in 1997 and it was late in the series a home game and down by three goals and anyone there will remember this night. Building started clearing out with five minutes to go. Probably half the building left with three pucks in the met to tie it up, send it to overtime. Overtime starts the building is back up to 17,000 people. Every second person was soaking wet because when they got to their cars, I've got to get back in there. And one of the most memorable moments with cujo making a big save to marchant scoring. And crazy to see how many years ago how many series we've played against dallas. Fun to be back in the western conference final. >> The lesson here is don't leave until the game is actually over. >> No question. Like you never know and we have proven or option has proven that to the last possible minute. Hopefully we've got a great start tonight. We don't need the last couple of minutes to come back. We can secure a victory. Whether it's in the plaza. Or could be a fun place to be. No tell me about that some of the numbers that we saw for that vancouver series you were telling me before, there's tens of thousands of people showing up here for watch parties here in the ice district. >> Last monday night for the clinching game in san a couple thousand miles away. And with over 15,000 in the arena. About 4,000 in the plaza. 7,000 in fan park. And fans on the street taking it in and but it's been no surprise with oilers fans. They love their team. They love celebrating together. Our job just to find more ways to provide them an opportunity to watch and enjoy together and we're doing that again tonight. >> How big is this not just for the oilers but for every business in this area like everybody sees a bump when you have this ez big fan events here for play-off games. >> I think it goes well beyond just downtown edmonton. This is really an oil country piece where people are getting watching the games together. Getting the oilers gear out and it's got the community so high we know the magic of play-offs in canada but it's great when it's happening in oil country. And certainly a boon to business across the region. >> You said there are tickets available for later this week if folks want to get into the arena. >> We released a. Many of holds yesterday. Original number of holds on top of that so there's still a select amount of upper and lower bowl for games one and two. Jump on as quick as you can but there is a chance to get inside right now. >> Lastly I will ask you for your prediction. Oilers in how many games? >> Any I'm happy with. Any amount of games. Game seven over a tie game so, our chance right now is to reward all our fans, supporting this team throughout the decades. We get into the stanley cup final. Going to be a tough series, though, no question. >> Thank you for your time. I appreciate it. Thank you so much for being here. We will be live throughout the news hour here in the ice district ahead of game one. It starts at 6:30. Reporting live from the ice district, darcy ropchan, CityNews. >> Reporter: the edmonton oilers and dallas stars open on thursday. The oilers are playing in their second conference final in three years. Dallas finished first in the central division and have made the west final the past two seasons. Puck drop for game one goes at

6:30 mountain, 8:30 eastern. >> While rain has held cool the wildfire risk significantly in alberta officials say the fire currently classified as being held near fort McMURRAY will take weeks or months of work to be declared out. >> We recorded more than 45 millimetres of rain on the wildfire outside fort McMURRAY over the weekend. But it doesn't mean our work there is done. >> Firefighters, aircraft and heavy equipment have continued working with more than 200 firefighters on the ground to reinforce containment lines and extinguish hotspots. >> All but three of new wildfires this year have been classified as under control with alberta wildfire saying they are ready if conditions change and the fire danger increases. Meanwhile wood buffalo rcmp for a smooth evacuation last week saying over 150 members were called in to fort McMURRAY and there were no major public safety issues n the impacted neighbourhoods. >> On wednesday the family of a 15-year-old boy who was killed here in northwest edmonton carved this cross into a tree. A message of condolences has since been added. His mother witnessing his death and while not ready to speak on camera, telling CityNews he was brave. She identified her son as broden, saying in a statement she is completely devastating. Saying broden was her first child and best friend. Medical supplies left behind at the scene where paramedics tried to save broden where he was attacked. Near 137th avenue and 184th street. Just south of St. Albert but he died on scene around 9:30 P.M. tuesday. >> Edmonton police say they took a man into custody shortly after the mother of the boy confirming with CityNews the suspect was walking with them down this road during the incident saying they were known to each other. >> Police say 40-year-old keith james landry has within charged with first-degree murder. The school putting out a statement saying broden was a grade nine student, saying councillors are at the school providing support to those who need it. Saying all children grieve in different ways and some may take some time before they're read to talk to someone about this. Our staff are trained to watch for signs that children might need extra support. Broden's mom says she's worried about his friends, class mays and teammates saying for many this will be their first loss, adding I want kids to be kind and take care of one another. Police say an autopsy for the 15-year-old boy is scheduled for friday. In northwest edmonton, laura crouse, CityNews. >> Reporter: an edmonton couple faces murder charges in the death of a 64-year-old man. Brian rudd was found dead many a home and 68th street saturday, may 11th. Police are not saying how he died. They claim it's because of an investigative reason. 32-year-old matthew batrick and 42-year-old mary gillard face second-degree murder charges. A man is in the hospital after an argument took place at a home behind he. In the area of 115th avenue around 11:00 wednesday night after reports a man was stabbed during an argument. It shocked neighbours. >> People watch out for each other. >> Reporter: the victim was transported to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Witnesses initially called this in as a shooing but officers say that the description didn't match the injuries. The suspect left the scene on his bike before police arrived. Speaking to others in the area who asked to remain off camera for safety reasons they say the house is known for trouble. And it's no surprise that something happened. Earlier today when I was talking to people in the area, there was a dog roaming the property without a leash and the gate was left open and the windows were covered and those nearby say if there is trouble in the area, they want those individuals removed. >> Just security for everybody. You know like, if they're doing serious whatever they're doing, eventually manage is going to happen. >> From edmonton, adam ziccarelli, CityNews. >> Homicide detectives believe there are multiple suspects responsible for the stabbing death of a 34-year-old man on kingsway avenue a week ago. Investigators have already arrested and charged 31-year-old irvin with second-degree murder as well as a robbery at the kingsway transit station but

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