
CKEM - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 01:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> I think it is a good idea to really represent whatever culture because canada is a culturally diverse country. >> Reporter: calgary is the third most diverse city in canada with over 200 at ethnicities, in honour of south asian heritage month global fest is showcasing the city's multiculturalism through music and dance. The first group to hit the stage the azeri calgary stars, the group formed in 2014 and have demonstrated their dancing skills around the world. >> This is exposure to the events like this to see other cultures as well and to be able to share their own culture, to have their own heritage. >> Reporter: the coordinator for the group says these girls have worked around-the-clock to prepare for the event. >> Studying for online classes we take with choreographers in azerbaijan, it is a ten hour difference for us, girls wake up really early to get those online classes. >> In total we spent months practising for stuff like this. >> Reporter: despite the gruelling schedule these girls say it is all worth it, performing in front of crowds and doing what they love. >> I used to get nervous but now it is not as nerve-racking as it was, it is like I am ready to perform to show people what I love to do. >> Reporter: eight groups will be performing at this event and it continues on sunday at marvel mall, in calgary, jayden was knee, city news. >>> It's what you've all been waiting for, preseason cfl actions, saskatchewan hunting here back to return, he can't cash's thing cleanly watch, it is the preseason, don't worry. It's fine. Thompson, louis, also camped secure it, or member, it's the preseason. 46 yards for the score, but saskatchewan was winning in this half, in the third windrow trailer the third, then if you are interested writers down one here, a field goal attempts saskatchewan winning four seconds left, blanchard with 57 yards for the win. No. Nope. The writers when.

>>> Canada looking to reach their fifth straight metal game and in their way, switzerland in the first period, switzerland up 1-0 on the power-play, redirected past jordan finning tent and it is to-0 after one under the second. Zellweger shot doesn't get through, the rebound off a body and in the 28 time champs cut the deficit in half. Onto the third period, canada with the man advantage bedard scores with his tenth point of the tournament tying the game at two neck this one eventually needs a shootout in the first round it is bedard, works his way in and check out the release, varies out and his dad loves what he sees a glove side pass putting switzerland on top. Onto the fifth-round needing the score to keep canada a life but the sprawling stop as switzerland winds, canada upset by the swiss, they will play for the bronze on sunday, meanwhile switzerland will take on check he a for gold. [ ] [Wife] We wanted to find the best deals for our next fabulous trip. So we hired a private travel hacker. The top airlines, travel sites, she searches them all. -She's a technical genius. -i just used Skyscanner, it searches billions of prices to get you the best deal in just one tap. I tried showing them how easy it is to use Skyscanner, but the ultra wealthy don't like change. Who says kids these days are lazy -and don't know how to work? -i say that, all the time. Voltaren Emulgel Extra Strength contains an anti-inflammatory... ...that has the power to relieve your muscle and joint pain. It penetrates deep to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. And you can go 12 hours between applications. Voltaren. The joy of movement. "you can have it all" by george mccrae You. Look. Fabulous. - No, you. - You! You! - Youuuuuu! - Youuuuuu! - It's Old Navy. - It's Old Navy. (vo) It's Shrimp Your Way. Choose three flavours for just $25*. Like new Street Corn Shrimpthat's ending soon. It's time to grab some CheddarBays and get flavourFULL. Try Shrimp Your Way today,only at Red Lobster. ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. (Upbeat music) When you're performing at your best, it's hard to imagine anything holding you back. ( ) But performance inhibiting deposits restrict your engine's performance, robbing it of its true potential. Don't let anything stand between you and performing at your best. New and improved Shell V-Power Nitro+Premium Gasoline. Performance unbound. (Shell mnemonic) Announcer: Citytv+ has all your favourite shows on demand (crowd cheer))plus more. [dramatic music] Announcer: Start your free trialwith Prime video channels today. . We had become a social phenomenon Announcer: Celebrate the iconic series m.a.s.h.! Announcer: Told by the stars who lived it Good is good and it lasts forever Announcer: Speaks words on screen Announcer: On Citytv You think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Whoah! Announcer:Speaks words on screen >> Reporter: the battle of the western conference final continued saturday night with the oilers in dallas for game to. The dallas stars did win the game 3-1, tying the series as both teams fight for a spot in the bath finals. Oilers fans in edmonton are keeping the good vibes going ahead of game three. >> I think it will be fine. >> We will definitely be fine, I can feel it. >> Reporter: are you nervous for the next game? >> Kind of. >> Reporter: do you think the oilers can pull off the next one >> Yes. >> Reporter: oilers fan's flooded downtown to support the team. >> A lot of local businesses around us and restaurants would love our support and are willing to acommodate oilers fans, so going around there with groups will be really fun. >> Reporter: it has been over

two decades since the oilers and stars have faced off in postseason playoffs, season renews one of the most memorable playoff matches in the 90-cent to thousands, the team squared off in the playoffs from 1997- 2001 and again in 2003 with dallas winning five of six matchups. >> I think the team we have today stands alone in itself. >> I think we have believed in them this far, it is only fair to continue. >> Reporter: the western conference final continues on monday in edmonton with the oilers hosting the stars. From edmonton, christina laughlin, city news. >> We are here to defend well, they have been doing a good job passing, are two good teams and defend well. >> Reporter:%. >> Good question, I don't know. We never like to lose. >> And that's all for city news at 11, thank you for staying up late and tuning in, we will be back again tomorrow evening at six and 11:00 pm with the latest local news. Have a good night. [ ] [ ]

(Sound effect) Announcer: reads words on screen [ominous harp] Narrator: There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call... the Twilight Zone. Her name, X-20. Her type, an experimental interceptor. Recent history, a crash landing in the Mojave Desert. After a 31 hour flight, 900 miles into space. Incidental data, the ship with the men who flew her disappeared from the radar screen for 24 hours. Why, hello, Colonel. How are you feeling? I'm fine.... ...I'm fine. Major Gart here? Of course. - He's here. - Of course. Um, go on in. - He'll be glad to see you. - Thank you. Isn't that one of the space pilots, the ones that crashed? Yeah. That's Colonel Forbes. Narrator: But the shrouds that cover mysteries are not always made out of a tarpaulin, as this man will soon find out on the other side of a hospital door. Are your gums bleeding and inflamed? New Colgate PerioGard toothpaste is clinically proven for healthier gums. It reduces bleeding and inflammation with its long-lasting Antibacterial activity. New Colgate PerioGard significantly reduces gum bleeding and inflammation. Alberta College of Aeronautics, is where careers take off. Don't leave your future up in the air. Study and train now for in-demand commercial pilot positions. The sky isn't the limit, it's just the beginning. Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! (Sound effect) Announcer: reads words on screen - Well, the prodigal Colonel, welcome. Hey, how 'bout a shot of straight R & J? - How are you feeling? - Are you serious? You know, one more thermometer in my puss, I'm gonna absent myself without leave from this establishment. Well, come on, what's it like in the outside world? Yeah, it's fine. - Well, tell me about it! Who'd you see, talk to any of the guys? Or what about the ship, Clegg? Did you check her over? It's fine, the ship's fine. They put it under wraps. [laughs] You got off on a toot, didn't ya? You don't look so good. How do I look? A little hungover, maybe? [chuckles] Oh, you got another one of those? Very steady, Colonel! Steady. Bill, something's happened. Something I just don't understand. Well, go on. First, I wanna get oriented. Want you to ask some questions, alright? Alright. When did I leave here? [chuckles] Yeah, well, don'tcha know? [breathing heavy] Look, I don't know anything anymore! Look, all I need... ...all I need is somebody's help, alright? Look. At 9:30 yesterday morning, I walked out of here. Didn't I? Yeah, about that time, I guess. Who did I walk out with? Well, nobody was with ya.

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