
CKEM - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Craig's here. Let's park down the road and come back on foot. Catch them off guard. Any sign of Rex? Laura:Take care now! Oh yeah, he's been in that barn. (Sarah sighs) That woman has Rex. (Athena grunts) (heroic music) (Rex growls) Stand back. Let's split up. Okay, I'll go this way. Charlie if you see anybody, get out okay? Backup is on the way. Don't be a cowboy, you mean? Yeah another blow to the head could be serious. I'll keep my head down. (chickens clucking) (dramatic music) (men grunting) (men grunting) Yaghhh! Stop right there. You're trespassing- on private property, Detective- unless you've got a warrant. I'm here for my dog. Let go of my son or I shoot. Where's Rex? Craig:Behind you! (Laura groans) (siren approaching) Where's my partner? You mean the one that got shot in front of you? I don't know. Must be dead by now. Hey. Take him. (Rex barking) Sarah. Rex! Rex! Rex! Hey! Buddy! There you are. Hey! Hi! Buddy! You okay partner? (Athena whinnies) Not hurt are you? Hi. (Athena snorts) You found Athena, buddy. You've got a new friend. Sarah:Hi! Charlie:Ha. (Athena whinnies) (Rex barks) I think Rex has got something. Sarah. IthinkRex justfound the murder weapon. Oh! Hey. Hey you've been busy, haven't you? Huh? Okay. Well I think- you both deserve a break. Forensics will take it from here. What do you say pal? Want to head home? (Rex whines) (Athena whinnies) Better call in a trailer from the station. I don't think Rex is leaving until his new friend is safe. (soft music) (Athena neighs) (Athena neighs) (closing theme music) Next time on Hudson and Rex. What are you- What's your name? Gabriel Garcia. The Laurie Myers case? Gabriel? (gun shot) That was six years ago. (Rex growling) Well, I'll be sure to let- immigration know where to find you. No! I needed to get arrested- so that you would have a reason to hold me. What makes you think I can even help you? The witness who ID'd me. Maybe he saw the real killer. And maybe you can find them. So much gets lost- in the mists of time, detective. What if an innocent man- has been in prison for six years,- and a murderer is still out there? You have to explain the gun. (Rex whines) I think Rex just found a murder weapon. (Rex barks)

broadcasting from treaty 6 territory, also home to many diverse first nations, inuit and metis peoples. This is citynews. [ ] >>> Edmonton police are investigating two separate shootings that happen saturday evening. More of the investigations in the details. >>> Thomas sending a barrage of missiles directly into israel while palestinian officials call for an end to violence. >> I think it's about time to end this war. >> Reporter: while the pot those why the palestinian prime minister says that the war most dog before it's too late for gaza to rebuild. >> We're not doing enough consultation with the public and the people involved. >> Reporter: edmonton's homelessness crisis on the table for city council, wall advocates to the city is not doing enough. [ ] >>> Edmonton police are investigating two separate shootings that happened saturday evening. The first happened in the area of 144th avenue and second street near shelton gas station around 7:45 pm saturday, aps arrived at the location where they found a man holding a look of weapon. The officers called for backup, ultimately firing his gun, hitting the man. Life-saving measures were used on scene and the suspect remains in hospital with life-threatening injuries. A search is investigating the events but the officers did find a taser at the scene. Second shooting happened at the second said there's others or the city at southgate mall. App that the area of 47th avenue and one away street got by an apartment complexes southgate mall. Police say officers responded to multiple gunshots in the park it in the area, when police arrived they found a man who had been shot. Ems treated and transported 29-year-old to hospital with serious but nonlife-threatening injuries. Earlier in may, police released 2023 year end crime stats which show that overall crime is done in the city but violent crime is up by about 6%. This includes the use of weapons like caustic sprays, knives and guns, eps also recently finding two loaded handguns and traffic stops which police he is concerning considering one of the suspects had 36 separate court ordered lifetime bands from possessing a gun. From edmonton, city news.

>>> Edmonton police are asking for the public's help to find a 15-year-old boy missing since police say little wooden bautista reportedly left his residence in the area of 142 avenue and 70th street at 2:40 am on friday. He is described as average height with a fuller build and short, dart dark -- dark brown hair. It was last seen wearing black pants, black shoes and a white shirt. Anyone with information is asked to contact edmonton police. >>> After announcing it last fall, alberta's health minister introducing legislation to help split up alberta health services nearly 16 years after it was created. [ Siren Wails ] >> Reporter: sirens ringing out of her tel aviv on saturday morning as a barrage of missiles was launched from inside the gaza strip,. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> (Voice of Interpreter): >> I came in to see the news on the tv and suddenly there was a huge boom in smoke and fire and dust all over the whole house. >> Reporter: rock but fragment found scattered across central israel, including outside of the local elementary school. The attack signalling to the israeli military that hamas is still able to file long-range missiles despite being under bombardment from more than seven months. The war has left tens of thousands dead and thousands more continue to be at risk every single day, not only due to israeli airstrikes, but famine and disease as well. More humanitarian aid has arrived on the coast of gaza through U.S. appointed a floating corridor. But is U.S. officials? Over 1800 pallets of food have now become entered transferred to international aid agencies working with palestinian people. What palestinians sit still not nearly enough. >> Every day that passes by, we lose hundreds of people. And the more that the war continues, there will be much more difficult for us to reheel and rebuild and make a new start. >> Reporter: speaking in brussels on sunday during a joint conference with spain, the palestinian prime minister reiterated calls yet again for an immediate cease-fire. >> I think it is time to go beyond condemning these actions and requesting israel to stop this war in gaza. I think that we need to raise the voices a little bit more and demand the cease-fire. I think it is about time to end this war. >> Reporter: he also use this time to call on all countries that have not yet acknowledged a two state solution to do so, and spain has answered the call. Spanish mack. >> (Voice of Interpreter): spain will recognize the palestinian state next tuesday, the 28th of may, joining the 143 other countries in the world who have already done so. We believe this is the only way to ensure a future of peace, prosperity and security in the solution. >> Reporter: with the sheer amount of death and destruction caused by the war, the calls for an end to violence or being echoed worldwide, including right outside the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's front door. Thousands continue to rally in tel aviv, demanding that the prime minister's present a plan for an and gain the war and take concrete actions to return the remaining hostages. City news, city news.

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