
CKEM - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

>>> That building is known around the world for calgary. >> Reporter: as a group of calgarian's try to preserve one of calgary's most iconic fixtures of the city's skyline, the saddledome, changes at canada olympic park and olympic plaza have some feeling the city's olympic logo legacy is beginning to fade. >> That is our culture, I'm a fifth-generation albertan, that is our heritage, and when that's off the landscape we are going to hurt our image worldwide. >> Reporter: but the dome is not the only piece of olympic and for structure set to come down, in 2018 to ski jumps at ski cop were decommissioned due to a lack of funding and olympic plaza is about to undergo a major redevelopment, some people feel calgary is slowly losing its olympic legacy that helped shape the city into what it is today. >> It is very sad actually, I am shocked that they are even doing things like that, especially the saddledome. >> Reporter: calgary is progressively changing, the intra- structure all the time, let's not forget our history, that's keep it raw, there for people to see and understand. >> Reporter: the calgary municipal land corporation has launched an online survey giving calgarian's a chance to have their say on what the revamped olympic plaza should look like. As for the saddledome's replacement, groundwork for the new arena has already begun, the final design has yet to be released but one member with save our saddledome says he hopes the new building will feature some saddledome charm. >> Some way to honour the saddledome or have pieces in their, it is such an important part of calgary. >> Reporter: the new event centre is expected to be completed by 2027, whale the new olympic plaza is set to open in 2028. In calgary, city news. >>> Amazon has been a welcome addition to our province and economy. >> Reporter: calgary celebrating the facilities first amazon robotics fulfil mix centre, it will create over 1500 jobs, welcome news for a province that's labour market is struggling to keep pace with population. >> We know this matters, not only to job creators and investors but the many people moving to alberta and finding work. >> Reporter: calgary is currently the fastest growing city in the country, but the unemployment rate spiked in april, they are says the new tow .8 million square-foot facility will help to manage the growth. >> The city has to be firing on all cylinders when it comes to managing growth right now, we need to make sure people have places to live and make sure people have ways to get to work, we need to make sure they have implement opportunities. >> Reporter: the mayor also helps the facility will help local businesses within calgary reach more customers. >> It is leveling the playing field for a lot of small businesses pagodas allowing them to get their products out to market quicker so they can compete with some of the large big-box retailers. >> Reporter: amazon has grown its alberta workforce from 4000 in 2019 to almost 6000 workers this year, with plans to expand further. >> The gross of that a growth of amazon in alberta the number of jobs continue to go up. >> Reporter: the company hopes technology in the facility will help to advance productivity in the workspace by using automated systems and robots to help them poise, pack, and ship customers orders faster. In calgary, city news.

>>> Next, on city news. >> Reporter: a landmark ruling from the un top court ordering israel to stop its assault in rafah, but will it make a difference as the eighth month of warm years. [ ] (VO)When you share a hotel room withyour kid, you also share a bedtime with your kid. But if you get an Airbnb, you get to pick your own bedtime. [ ] You might not know how to keep cool in your home. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." Get an air conditioner for as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance Chuck's getting a checkup thanks to a recent health scare. He's also thinking about his family, and how to protect them should anything happen to him. With North Cover Life Insurance, he'll be so well covered that it'd be like he's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Looking good, Chuck. With North Cover Life Insurance, Applying is easy. It only takes one phone call, with no medical, blood tests or forms. [Music] Chuck, there's a step stool behind you. Your family may get an advance payout to cover funeral costs. And they will be looked after with a cash payout up to one point five million dollars. Plus, if diagnosed with a terminal illness, one-hundred percent of the benefit can be received upfront. Being well protected does feel good. North Cover - Insurance the right way. Get a quote today. Call 1-844-552-1010 now or visit (vo) It's Shrimp Your Way. Choose three flavours for just $25*. Like new Street Corn Shrimpthat's ending soon. It's time to grab some CheddarBays and get flavourFULL. Try Shrimp Your Way today,only at Red Lobster. (Clinking) New Finish Ultramax. Engineered for the ultimate clean in the toughest conditions. Dry burnt-on stains. Old dishwashers. Very hard water. Even when you skip the rinse. Its new CycleSync technology releases the right ingredient at the right time. And Finish Ultramax breaks down stains, cuts grease, and boosts shine for the Ultimate clean. Even in the toughest conditions. ( ) >> Israel must immediately halt its military offensive. >> Reporter: in a landmark emergency ruling the united nations top court has ordered israel to immediately stop its assault in rafah where hundreds of thousands of already displaced palestinians have been forced to flee fighting once again. >> The court is not convinced that appropriate efforts that israel affirms to have undertaken are sufficient to alleviate immense risk to the palestinian population as a result of the military offensive in rafah. >> Reporter: south africa brought the case to the icj against israel as part of a larger case which accuses tel aviv of committing genocide against palestinians during the seven-month war. >> This order is groundbreaking, it is the first time explicit mention is made for israel to halt its military action in any area of gaza. This is the fact owe calling for a cease-fire. It is ordering the major party in this conflict to end its belligerent action against the people of palestine. >> Reporter: israel is unlikely to comply with the order, which the icj has no way to enforce, but it could still ratchet up pressure on benjamin netanyahu's government, palestinian officials welcoming the step on friday. >> We expect that resolutions of the icj will be implemented without hesitation, that is mandatory, israel has to abide by the demands from the icj. >> Reporter: as international reaction rules in, the european union foreign policy chief says the block now faces a difficult decision. >> We will have to choose between our support of

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