
CKEM - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 10:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

This is... I don't know what to do now. What are you talking about? Don't give them a prize. Sal: I don't even know what to do right now. It's hot, right? It's hot today. [ Laughter ] "One in wins." Just one in wins.Just one in wins. Just one in wins. She got two in.That's right. -One in wins. -One in wins. She gottwoin. She did. She got two in. If you get the one in, you win. Murr, you may notice we put some rules to your right there. Murr: Jesus Christ. You know what it is? It's the -- You have to be dressed appropriately. There's no swearing. You're fine with the swearing. I didn't hear any swearing. -And she dressed fine. -Finger tipping, though. The finger tippingis the problem. Finger tipping isnothing, by the way. Finger tipping issomething we've made up. Three forms of photo ID required. "Do you happen to have a utility bill on you?" Do you have -- Do you happen to have, like, a utility bill on you? Proof of address,a proof of, you know -- All right. So, we're gonna send in Chase,who is playing the manager of the booth, to make Murray look more like an idiot. Is there a problem here? You know what it is? They played first. She got a couple in. Okay. So she won. -Thank you. -Yeah, you know, okay. So, do you just want me to give her a prize? Yeah, I mean... Chaseis allowed to give away prizes. -Yes. -To make Murray look bad. -We're good? We should just -- -Okay. Sorry about that, guys. Oh, my God. [ Laughter ] Off the backboard into the thing. That's it. One in wins. Here we go. Sal: This person looks not to be messed with. -Yeah. -He seems, like, formidable. Yes. Murr: A-ha! One in! There we go. Very good. Q: Murr, try and tell them they have to claim the prize from another booth. You see the water game over there? Yes. Go over there. You can pick those, too. Go look there, too. You can choose any of those prizes. That's my boy right there. The girl. Her name's Nancy. "That's my boy right there.The girl, Nancy." Do you want anyof those guys, too? Go ask her. Go talk to her. "Go ask for Nancy Chiggins." [ Laughs ] Go ask Nancy Chiggins if she -- [ Laughter ] Nancy C! Yeah, ha! Joe: Look at them all looking. Hey, Nancy! [ Laughter ] It's hot out, right? It's hot. It's a hot day. [ Laughter ] See, what had happened... "I got to harken back to the finger tipping here." You know what? I have to harken back to the finger tipping. Huh? [ Laughter ] The finger tippingis the problem. Like -- What's that, bud? The thing is that the -- Youhave to wait until I say, "Go." And with one of them, she justwent before I said, "Go." -What? -And -- Q: Ohh! Sal: My skin, my skin. She finger-tipped the ball, which means you -- What are you -- You told us we won already. Can we just get our bears so we can go? Oh, here. Here's the manager. One sec. Let me guess. Your finger-tipping rule? She definitely finger-tipped. -So you played? -Yes. -And you won? -And I won. Twice! So, why doesn't she have a prize? -What? -Why does she not have a prize? Well, the -- Hold on. I don't know what's wrong with this man right here. [ Laughter ] Congratulations. You broke every rule. Oh, no! We broke every rule, and we still get the prize! -Whoo! -Oh, my God. Murr: This is so tense. -Oh. -Ooh! Oh, you want to play? Okay.Here. What's your name? Sal: This guy's clearly a retired cop. This isn't gonna go well. Okay. Nice and soft. Don't throw too hard, okay? One in wins anything. Nice and soft, Brooke. Hey! Great job. Nice job. Very good, Brooke. That's awesome. I want a pink unicorn. Between the two of them, it's six forms of ID, then. [ Laughter ] So, between the two of you, we need the six forms of ID total. -I Okay. Here's one. -Two. -Two. -Three, I think... -Three. He has three forms of ID. He has three forms! I'm sorry. I didn't get yourname. I got Brooke and... -David. -David, David. So, the two wins, essentially what they do is they essentially, like, cancel each other out. Murr: Yeah. Dave looks like a finger-tipperto me. I don't know. It did look like you were finger-tipping a little bit. [ Laughter ] There's no swearing, I haven't heard anyone swear yet. -Not yet. -Oh, my God. Oh, my God! -Like a ---Chase, come on out. Yeah. Uh, Chase. He won, and she won. He has three forms of ID. She doesn't, so the wins cancel each other out, so... Give her the prize. [ Laughter ] Pink unicorn, then? [ Laughter ] Thank you.

Dave went ahead and killed youwith kindness right there. Joe: Oh, my God.How terrible do you feel? Murr: Oh, I feel like thebiggest dick in the world. -Murr, you're done, buddy.-That's it, pal. [ ] >> Meredith: oh, yeah, thunder, can you feel it, canada! Sid seixeiro with back! >> Sid: good to see you. >> Meredith: good morning. Happy monday, meredith with you. Sid returns to the desk. Great to see you. >> Sid: great to see you too. That could also be for the oilers. Boy, is there a hockey game in edmonton tonight! >> Meredith: tonight! >> Sid: 8:30 P.M. eastern. Oilers and dallas stars, western conference final. Tied up at one. The oilers -- I got to go back and look at this. Research has never been my strong suit. Especially in broadcasting but I can't remember the last time a canadian team has been within seven wins of winning the stanley cup. >> Meredith: yeah. >> Sid: which is what the oilers are at least sitting on. I'd be spliezed if they didn't get one more win in this series. This is a place I don't remember for canadian hohoey. >> Meredith: right, yeah. >> Sid: in a long time. >> Meredith: and we want this to be normal. We had a few -- we had four teams heading for it at the beginning? >> Sid: yeah, and that drifted away. >> Meredith: drifted. Okay, we got one. How is this match-up? >> Sid: dallas is a good team. >> Meredith: yeah. >> Sid: tonight is a big night. I don't know if the oilers can pull this off if they don't get it tonight. We'll see. 8:30 P.M. eastern tonight. We have a busy "breakfast television" coming up coast to coast. Coming up, we love these two. Colin and justin are in the building and are here giving us a sneak peek at their new oceanside hotel in stunning cape breton. Five minutes is not enough for these two. We will run out of time. We'll try to get to it as quickly as we can. >> Meredith: I think they're excited to see their sports daddy. Oh, yeah, I watch the show! >> Sid: you remember sports daddy? >> Meredith: I remember it. But are we all turning into plastic people? A documentary investigates the impact of microplastics on the human body. We're going to speak with a co codirector and subject of plastic people to discuss this groundbreaking film. She's one of the best of the best in this business. >> Sid: she's great. >> Meredith: I cannot wait to sit down with her and get into it. It's really troubling. It's really troubling, yeah. >> Sid: it is. Our tech daddy . . . Drew kozub, will be joining us. Look, do you like camping but want tech to make it easier? We have stuff that's going to blow your mind here. We have charging stations that are out of this world, a portable projector you're going to love. >> Meredith: oh, fun! >> Sid: that wagon that moves for you. Basically that's the segment and it's all amazing and coming up on geeking out! Geeking out! Geek, geek, geek! Tech daddy! That's coming up >> Meredith: I'm so glad you're back, sid. I had to do a geeking out in your absence, it just didn't feel right. >> Sid: I find that difficult to believe, meredith shaw. >> Meredith: I loved talking to drew kozub, he was in new york on secret assignment that we'll find out about. I should have gone low, geeking out . . . >> Sid: your range is -- >> Meredith: I should do something else. No one can do that like you can. >> Sid: do you want to harmonize it as the show goes on? Great to see you, 8:33, you're watching "breakfast television." tammie, good to see you. Good morning. [ ] >> Tammie: good morning, everyone. Just moments ago, lawyers representing the universities of toronto have filed an injunction to clear the campus of pro-palestinian protesters. They're now being forced to clear this downtown toronto campus. But those on site, they say they are not eager to leave. This is a live look at the campus grounds this morning. This is at king's college circle, where tents and demonstrators have been for weeks. Right now there's a rally that is being hehe. People are speaking at the podium as well, supporting this pro-palestinian encampment that has been there for almost a month. Now, representatives say that they've no intention of leaving the grounds until their demand to divest from israel's israeli connections is met by the school. The rally this morning is being supported by the labour union and workers from the u of t as they join this protest. Once again, lawyers for the school, they have filed an injunction in court in order to clear the campus.

>>> Also happening right now in toronto, a solidarity gathering at an all girls jewish school after it was the target of a shooting this weekend. Police found multiple bullet holes in a window of the school on saturday morning. They are still searching for suspects. Prime minister justin trudeau, toronto's mayor and ontario's premier have all condemned the act calling it antisemitism. The rise in argumented incidents against jewish people have prompted multiple police services to expand their presence at jewish schools and synagogue synagogues. We are also live this morning at the school that was targeted where you can see supporters of the public and political figures standing with the community ahead of the return to school this week. This is just getting underway. >>> About 4700 evacuated residents will be able to return to their homes in fort nelson bc later today. Those residents have been displaced since may 10th when a wildfire blew to within a few kilometres of the town. Currently two fires continue to burn out of control in that area. Fort nelson's mayor says four homes were recently destroyed by wildfire but is relieved that nearly 5,000 residents can head back home. >>> Nearly 20 people are confirmed dead after severe weather rips through the U.S. midwest and southwest. Officials have confirmed at least 18 deaths so far in texas, oklahoma and arkansas with hundreds injured and many homes and other buildings destroyed. The tornado also knocked out power for tens of thousands of residents across those states. >>> 8:36 here on "bt." time now to take a look at the forecast. In for frank ferragine who is heading down to disney today, this hour, we say good morning to chief meteorologist natasha ramsahai with the lateses on the forecast from coast to coast to coast. And watching some of the videos over the weekend, tash, of the storms down south. Like the tornados, incredible. >> Natasha: it's the same system that's bringing the thunderstorms across southern ontario and québec today. You were talking about fort nelson. The fire situation out west has improved. They've had many days of cooler weather, wetter weather, lots of rain, lots of cloud, so this is a good thing, right, for this region of our country right now. So good news there, not so good news through ontario and québec with the storms which I'll show you in a second. It's a rainy day with a pacific frontal system moving across vancouver island right now. A few scattered showers down into vancouver proper later this afternoon. And fairly cloudy skies as well. More sunshine in through alberta and again that rain is going to be prevalent for the northern two-thirds of bc. We have showers rolling across southern manitoba. But this is the system, this is the one that's been bringing the storms stateside as well. Getting lightning through eastern ontario. It's going to be kind of cool, kind of wet through kenora today and as we head into with eastern ontario and eastern sections of the country, ottawa, watch for potentially severe storms as we go into this afternoon. Toronto, it's going to be midday storms and for southwestern ontario it's pretty much happening now. It's only 7° today in st. John's with that sunshine -- sunny breaks and we'll get the rainfall in there as well. Leduc, alberta, man, that's a nice sunset time, lots of sunshine with that sunsetting at 9:46 P.M. and in summerside pei and huntsville, ontario, that sunsetting just before 9:30 P.M. >> The sunset report is brought to you by corona. Sunset's nature's greatest reminders to relax and take in the moment. Corona corona, this is living. >> Sid: seems nice. Coming up in entertainment, devo is travelling to walt disney world resort. Fans were confused when all north american tour dates for the black keys were cancelled with no explanation and no make-up days. Until now. We have more info. We will share the band's statement about their cancelled tour and what that means for ticket holders. That's coming up in entertainment a little after 9 A.M. coming up this morning . . . Colin and justin are back and we get a peek into their oceanside hotel at cape breton north star. It's a full morning. Good to see you. More "bt" coming up after this. [ ] >> Announcer: every day, everywhere, follow the sunset. Corona, this is living. [ ] Breakfast Television is brought by Tim's new Flatbread Pizza. Freshly prepared and served hot out of the oven. There's a new Tims run in town. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan,

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