
CKEM - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 10:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

(classical music plays) My Lindor bar. To enjoy. To dream and to keep dreaming. Irresistibly smooth milk chocolate from the Lindt Maître Chocolatier. Melt into a lasting moment of bliss. [announcer] Everybody knows not to drink and drive, but some people still think it's okay to take drugs and drive. Police have the authority, the ability, and the tools to determine if drivers are impaired by legal or illegal drugs. And because drug-impared drivers can pose just as great a risk as drunk drivers, they face the same penalties, like the loss of their driver's licence, a criminal record, fines, and more. A message from the RCMP, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, and Arrive Alive, Drive Sober. Joe: Pull out a piece of paper. -Ah! -Oh! -Get in there, Murr. -I -- Excuse me. I'm sorry. I thought only chicks had tattoos like that, the -- the -- right? Ohh! Ahh. [ Laughs ] "Is this guy trying to get knocked on his ass?" I thought it was a -- like, only chicks had that. You know what? Carry on with the conversation. I'm gonna be... [ Laughs ] Look at the face! Look at his face! He's so confused. Look, the whole group is confused. [ Laughter ] He goes, "This guy. This guy." He's laughing. Look, he can't believe it. His mind's blown. His mind's blown. Because no one the size of Murray would ever say something like that. This guy's got a great attitude. Hey, there's a guy with a tattoo working out right next to you, Murr. [ Laughter ] All right, here he goes. Let's load one up, Murr. Hang on. Let me see what this is. This could go bad. You know... [ Chuckles ] I, uh -- I know a guy that can fix that for you. Oh, God! The -- the tattoo. I know a guy that can fix it. He does great workfixing tattoos. Yeah. Oh, it's all right?All right. Okay, no problem. [ Laughter ] -It's so personal. -Yes. -It's -- You -- You chose it. -Right. You got it inked on you... -It has meaning to you. -Forever. -...till the day you pass on. You wear it with pride normally. And here comes this -- this guy. Look, they're looking at you. [ Laughter ] Now onto the next one. Dude, I -- I got a tattoo when I was drunk, too. So... -Ohh! -Oh, no! Oh, my God! And there's also this girl to your left. Yeah, look to your left right now. Oh, God. Sal: She's ripped. Oh, my God. Yeah, why don't we get in there? Murr: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, no. Is that -- [ Chuckles ] The tattoo -- the -- it -- it looks like a child did it. Ohh! I don't even want to listen to what's about to happen. Th-that one -- is it -- did you have, like, a -- a young person did it for you, or no? Did -- Was it a child? No, it wasn't -- it wasn't -- Oh, I don't know. That's why I was asking. No.It wasn't a child? Oh, I didn't realize.I didn't realize. -Get out of there! -Okay. Okay, great. Sal: [ Laughs ] Oh, my God! That was crazy. Almost there, pal, almost there. Oh, my God. Excuse me. Did -- did you get that in -- did you get that in prison, the... Oh! [ Laughter ] [ Chuckles ] No, the tattoo -- you didn't get it in prison? -No, no, no.-Oh. Cool. Where'd you get it? California. I knew it was either California or prison. [ Laughter ] -[ Laughing ] I can't take it. -All right, Murr, this is the last line in the fanny pack, buddy. This is it. Murr, go back and give that guy another line from the bag. [ Chuckling ] What guy? Drive fast, Murray. Oh, my God. This is -- This is my death right here. You haven't gotten killed yet. Oh, my God. You know -- You know what it is? It's -- it's a -- it's a -- it's a cute doodle. Oh! -What, the fanny pack?-Yeah. -Aah! -Aah! Get out of there!Get out of there! [ Murr chuckles nervously ]

[ Laughter ] He got it. He got through the whole fannypack and didn't get killed. [ Laughter ] [ ] >> Meredith: 8:30 on a friday morning! Good morning, canada. Good morning, vancouver. What a beautiful shot that is on this -- you call it a vacay day? >> Tracy: it's a vacay day. Pre-vacay. If you flip it and your weekends are a vacation, it's more special. >> Meredith: this is good. Tracy moore in for sid seixeiro this week. He's back on monday. It's been fun with you here, trace. >> Tracy: I love wearing your fashion, but I love hanging out with you. I love, you know, talking to strategic officers with you. [ Laughter ]. >> Meredith: that was -- if you know you know! >> Tracy: we're having fun. We've had a good time this week. >> Meredith: yeah, and a big show this friday. Glad you're here. >> Tracy: yeah, frankie flowers is getting down to brass tacks with your lawn care questions. He has answers athabasca good for the environment -- that are good for the environment and your neighbours. >> Tracy: who wrote this? >> Meredith: our darling supervising producer, look at him there, kevin forget, has done us a solid. Chef kev is back and he promised to make the staff -- that's us -- the ice cream nachos that went totally viral and he delivered. That's what kevin forget does, he delivers. >> Tracy: we're going to eat ice cream, mer. We love that! Who loves to party? Who loves hosting a party? Some do, some don't. It's a lot of energy. Tam, I see you shaking your head, but you do it all the time. She's such a party hoster but it's a lot of anxiety. We're going to give you tips on hosting the ultimate get together, which is what we should be doing in summer. Jessica panetta stops by. >> Meredith: yes, that is going to be your friday show. Do not miss a minute of it! Big news cycle as always, tammie sutherland, now doing the news, she's coming up next, good morning. [ ] >> Tammie: good morning, everyone. The truck driver who caused the deadly humboldt broncos crash six years ago faces deportation trial today. Omni news spoke with his lawyer about the hearing. >> After this hearing, which is going to go against him, there's no doubt about that, they will then give him the opportunity for a pre-removal risk assessment to show there would be risk if he went back to india, but more importantly, we would be entitled to apply for residency on humanitarian grounds. >> Tammie: he was behind the wheel when his truck slammed into the junior hockey teams bus in 2018. 16 people were killed, 13 others were injured. Sidhu's lawyer said he was granted full parole last year. He wants to remain in canada to support his family.

>>> Canada's competition bureau has initiated investigations into the parent companies of major grocery chains, loblaws and sobeys. The bureau alleges both companies employed so-called property controls in their lease agreements to hinder competition. Those controls, they say, essentially limit other potential tenants there by reducing competition in the grocery sector. The owner of sobeys has already labelled the investigation "unlawful." the probe comes amid rising public and political pressure over increasing food prices. >>> The numbers are out from what was a devastating year for canada post with a loss around $750 million, its second worst year on record. Officials say their services are down in a big way and the government is considering changing legislation that currently mandates daily mail delivery. Some experts suggest implementing higher stamp prices, a more efficient delivery network, and expansion into new fields as possible solutions. >>> Canada's last remaining team in the stanley cup playoffs took another step towards the ultimate prize. Connor McDAVID scored 32 seconds into double overtime as the edmonton oilers beat the dallas stars 3-2 in game 1 of the western conference final. Zackh hyman had a goal and an assist. Skinner stopped 31 of 33 shots on goal. Game 2, that is set to happen tomorrow night in dallas. >>> 8:34 here on "bt." time to take a look at the forecast from coast to coast to coast. We say good morning to frank ferragine who is live in studio this morning with the latest on what is happening for the weekend weather. Good morning, frank. >> Frank: you got to go oilers as well. >> Tammie: yes, go oilers. Now we all have to cheer for the oilers, right? >> Frank: connor McDAVID out of newmarket, ontario. Same place I was born here in the gta. Cheer him on. Great hockey player, he deserves it. >> Tammie: for sure! Canada deserves the stanley cup back on canadian soil >> Frank: we do. We do. We need to cheer! Let's see where we can cheer. I'm going to take you to ottawa this morning and take you to -- halifax, forgive me -- as soon as I see tulips I think about ottawa. This is the halifax public garden. This was yesterday, the tulips nice and in bloom there as we push our way further through spring. Now, what we've been seeing is over towards western canada quite chilly conditions. You can see how that tucks down, even rapid city, at 8:30 eastern time in terms of the temperatures. But as soon as you work your way towards areas to the east, we see chicago sitting at 19 and then there's that warmer air in through toronto. Next week, though, it's going to cool off into southern ontario. Looking at active weather, scattered showers pushing through into bc as well as into edmonton. That in saskatchewan. Very active weather towards winnipeg this morning and then this is going to push over towards southern ontario. As we take a look towards atlantic canada as well, wet weather there. Unsettled is the best way to describe today. 11 in victoria, 11 in whistler, 12 into vancouver. You can see red deer today sits at 15. Still a risk of showers, 16 with a risk of showers into medicine hat as well. Saskatoon for today, showers as a risk at 15. There you can see it as we work into southern manitoba, that temperature cool. It's only 5° in brandon today. 6 in towards central manitoba that is. And with that, a little bit of a rain-snow mix, risk only in the morning. We'll have 13 in kenora today, 10 in thunder bay. Then getting into southern ontario with 25 into london. We see 17 into ottawa. 17 québec city. Nice day today in st. John's, but as soon as you head out towards the coast, sydney today with wet weather at 23. And 8° in st. John's, 17 into corner brook. That's a look at the satellite radar on a friday, may 24th. May your day be great, devo brown. >> Devo: frank ferragine, by guy! >> Frank: yeah. >> Devo: you ready for it? >> Frank: ready for . . . >> Devo: next week. >> Frank: oh, florida of course. My boys -- I got the boys too. I'm bringing my boys and one of their friends and then kevin forget has his boys. Laura has -- we have a group of like seven teenagers. >> Devo: guess who I'm bringing? >> Frank: who? >> Devo: none of my boys. Just me, baby. >> Frank: okay, good . . . >> Devo: smart. Not responsible for anyone. >> Frank: I can keep you busy all week language. >> Devo: the kids are going to do their thing -- >> Frank: go with uncle devo. >> Devo: uncle devo is out of commission. >> Frank: uncle devo and uncle alfie, the cameraman. >> Devo: we're going to disney world starting monday. Frankie, next, we got to get the lawns in order. This is huge this time of year, especially this weekend, right? >> Frank: huge this weekend. This guy, frankie flowers coming

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