
CKAL - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 01:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

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-- >> Reporter: so far the city says they've been able to provide city-owned land for buildings and secure funding from the federal housing accelerator fund. The council advisory committee on housing says it will continue to provide in the next stage advice and recommendations to increase critical outcomes for safe and affordable housing. >> People are taxed at. >> Reporter: thousands of city of calgary workers have voted in favour of a strike mandate, calling for higher wages and more flexibility to work from home. Some calgarian's are saying it comes at a time when the city is already struggling. >> People are struggling, rent is expensive, their mortgage is struggling, they can hardly put food on the table and then you want them to pay more money. It's insane. >> Everyone in alberta and canada is struggling right now and wage increases will put a further strain on the rest of the populace. >> The canadian union of public employees department local 38 represents thousands of the cities inside workers which includes dutch administrative and technical support employees like communications, social workers, urban planners and it. Union has been a mediation over the last few months that the city resulting in three rejected offers. If they can't come to an agreement to -- >> The next step would be to carefully escalate it she well he would call a worker to rule. Ask our members. Any volunteer efforts, that's the start. Any overtime to get operations done, that's to stop. Do only did indeed that you were hired to do and nothing extra. >> Reporter: employees are asking for attendant half half percent raise over the next three years to account for inflation as well as more flexibility for work from home which the city limits to two days for some workers. >> They're all great employees. People are certainly concerned about the rising cost of inflation and how their income is being -- at the same time, we are concerned about who's going to pay the belt to taxes. Therefore we trust administration jabbed the right answers. >> I am confident that we will be able to come to an agreement at some point in time. I do understand that they've taken a strike vote and so basically they've taken a strong position. They've got a strong mandate to promote their objectives. I guess what we need to do is listen. >> The union believes any job action but have a bigger impact on the employer, in this case the city then on calgarian's. It would have to give 72 hours notice of launching a strike but negotiations continue. [ ] >> Thanks for watching city news at 11. For news any time including breaking news, had to our website. We'll be back tomorrow night at 6:00 pm. Have a great night. (Sound effect) Announcer: reads words on screen

from hollywood, it's jimmy kimmel live! Tonight, amy poehler had nashwan and slash with cleto and the cletones. And now jimmy kimmel. A very nice. Show. Thank you for watching. Thank you for joining us here. And the studio and beautiful los angeles, california, where we are joined once again by the great guitar phenom slash. >> Everybody is here with us. >> Slash splashes. >> This is night three of slash's miniature residency with the cletones. It's a good night to be here. You don't want to be out there tonight or really ever. The world health organization, is warning that sexually transmitted infections, stis, as they call them, are on the rise in a big way. They went down, they went way down during covid. But I guess people are back out doing filthy things and they're up again for stis, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomonas, something like that. Each each one nearly impossible to spell, are accounting for a million new infections a day. Even the rate of babies born with stis has shot up, which is the worst? I mean, is there anything creepier than getting syphilis from your mom? No. And also, what happened to monkeypox? Where is that hiding? Is it? I mean, I think it's coming back. That was supposed to be the next big thing. That was like the segway of diseases. And it just. But it is important to spread the word. Maybe instead of like a press release is great, but it would be better if they shared this information in places where the people most at risk for stis would be likely to see it like like the side of a bottle of mountain dew or something. You know, sexually transmitted infections have been around for a very long time. In fact, researchers from brazil just released newly discovered evidence they tested bones from skeletons and found that neanderthals had an ancient form of herpes. Either that, or the night watchman at the museum has some serious explaining to do. But neandertal males are an extinct group of humans that lived until about 40,000 years ago. This is what they look like. This is taken at the exact moment they found out they had herpes and. But then he and the door on the right, the female looks familiar to me, right? I mean, yes, that's right. >> That's that's her. Explains a lot. >> Marjorie taylor greene is part of you know, this would actually be funny if it wasn't so stupid. And dangerous. Yesterday. Files were unsealed in the trump stolen documents case. They revealed that when the fbi searched mar-a-lago in 2022, the agents were authorized to use deadly force if necessary, which is standard operating procedure. Whenever the fbi execute a search warrant. But in the maga verse, it is a plot to kill donald trump. Clan mom led the charge. She wrote the biden, doj and fbi were planning to assassinate president trump and gave the green light. Does everyone get it yet? What are republicans going to do about it? What a rich imagination this woman has. You'd almost think she has the brain of a child, you know. So the fbi felt the need to put out a statement that said the fbi followed standard protocol in the search, as we do for all search warrants. No one ordered additional steps to be taken, and there was no departure from the norm in this matter. But did that stop the right wing outrage machine from spinning like matt? Oh, of course it didn't. >> Fox news alert a major bombshell in the trump documents case. The fbi authorized the use of deadly force. >> The department of injustice effectively put a shoot to kill order on the corrupt raid of mar a lago. >> So they were, in essence, prepared to shoot and kill former president donald trump, our democratic democrats trying to kill our president. >> They were actually thinking of using deadly force. It's pretty extraordinary. >> Deadly force to shoot, to kill over paperwork. >> What was life threatening about pieces of paper? >> Maybe they wanted the engagement of physical force. >> They are showing up as though they're drug dealers who are armed, treating him the same way they would if they were going into a drug den. >> These people are sick. It's crazy. >> It's crazy. >> It just seems so crazy. Seriously, jim, this is crazy stuff. This is crazy. This is wild. This is dangerous. So dangerous. So say a prayer. All right. >> Let's we will pray that you are someday able to experience an emotion called shame. Because this is the diabolical

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