
CKAL - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

with alberta wildfires saying they are ready if conditions change in the fire danger increases. Meanwhile what buffalo rcmp praising the public for a smooth evacuation last week. Sang over 150 members were called into fort mcmurray and there were no major public safety issues in impacted neighbourhoods. >> The federal government tabled a new belt that could enforce citizenship rights to those known as not canadians. >> I talked to family members who been separate from their loved ones because of this unjust law. >> The details and the ordeal that one toronto father hopes other parents don't have to endure. >> Ottawa says it is pumping $627 million into alberta's system for seniors care. Provincial and federal ministers inked a five-year deal in edmonton today all agreed to the covid-19 pandemic exposed tragic shortcomings and seniors care right across the country, which need to be fixed. >> Anywhere we seniors were predominant that's where we saw the virus raking the most havoc. And I will tell you that the kinds of stories that were coming out of nursing homes across the country long-term care homes, supportive living homes were nothing short of horrific. The federal money will be used to improve care homes and to hire staff to expand services for seniors who receive care at home. The investment is part of alberta's five-year plan to rebuild the system which includes $654 million in provincial dollars to build and modernize care spaces. >> Calgary police say grandparents scams are on the rise with more than 50 report incidents this year and never $185,000 being lost. Cps releasing footage of went to scams with the victim losing thousands of dollars. Play saint seniors are often targeted in the scams because text pertained to be a point in trouble asking for money and also pretending to be law-enforcement. And you went with information about scams is encouraged to contact police or crimestoppers. >> Calgary police are looking for a second vehicle after a person was killed in the forth tight area. Say that on may 18th a man in his seventies was killed at the crossing on memorial driveinvestigators now say a black bmw x. Five hit the senior with a driver taking off and ditching the vehicle shortly after. Police say a white sedan was travelling in the lane beside the bmw and they are hoping to speak to the driver. Anyone with information or dashcam footage of the incident is asked to contact police or crimestoppers. >> And agenda was sent around whereby two ministers would appear to discuss the grave problem of car theft in this country,. >> Point of order. >> Conservatives relevance a chair we are dealing with the amendments. >> I literally have not finished the sentence. >> The line repeated again and again by canada's political and police leaders. Auto theft is a national crisis, but when mps have a chance to ask ministers about their doing about the public safety committee turned into a political slap fight. >> If the conservatives want to filibuster to avoid the embarrassment of as 210, that's their prerogative, we want. >> You are not resuming debate,. >> Excusing do I have the floor,. >> No you don't. Spent speak over me. >> You are organized by the chair. >> I was by the chair [ Inaudible ] >> The committee was posted here from the minister and public safety minister dominic along with rcmp and border services. And said liberal mps immediately moved to deal with an earlier debate introduced by the tories. They voted with liberals meaning witnesses were never question. >> We have two ministers of ground arse must be prepared to answer questions on all the thoughts. I can only conclude that because of the liberals decision to move a motion to proceed during order of business that they are not interested in allowing their ministers to testify on this matter. >> Is part of an ongoing dispute at the public safety committee over what it should work on. Public safety subcommittee had agreed on an agenda then conservatives tabled a motion to amend that agenda. But instead of voting on it, tories spoke at length over it to meetings preventing about. Liberals say if it's so important that they are ready to vote on and now. >> Chair mr cannot continue to make the same motion over and over. If he wants to hear from the ministers we have no speakers up we are prepared to vote on his own amendment that he is filibustering his on a moments, we are prepared to vote and get right to the minister. >> The meeting adjourned without resolution.

in ottawa shyly lee citynews. >> I would like thank god. Toronto resident joseph is applauding a new bill tabled by the trudeau government that would allow a foreign canadian parents to pass their citizenship rights to children born abroad. >> I think it's a great thing because if you're a canadian citizen and your canadian steamship. >> It's a cause close to his heart. Citynews for spoke to him nearly six years ago, I made an emotionally draining battle to bring his newborn children home to canada. >> Can we please capture this moment and I want to live in it for the rest of my life. >> The twins were born via a foreign surrogate and can you. But they did not inherit his canadian citizenship because he is considered a second-generation canadian. He was born in italy to a canadian mother. May teach have to sponsor his kids as for national family members and the girls would have the same kenya during the process. >> The twins were eventually granted term temporary travel documents. >> When we got back my girls were stateless for the first nine months of their lives. If I was on social media or if I didn't cause a mess of a because I would've been in kenya for nine months. >> It's a situation that not unique to him. The final government is now aiming to change that. >> Under the new legislation children born abroad to canadian citizens who was also born outside canada will be a canadian citizenship from birth as long as the canadian parent was born outside of canada nearly three years of time spent in canada before the birth of the child, they will be able to pass down as an ship to their child. >> The build reversal changes to the law made in 2009 by that then conservative government under stephen harper. >> I talk to family members who been separate from the loved ones because of this unjust law the conservatives bought in 15 years ago. >> Last year the ontario severe court found the current system unconstitutional. And gave the trudeau government until june 19th to fix it. >> Citizenship is a very much a privilege that needs to be earned in a lot of circumstances, certainly not in these cases where it was just patently unfair to begin with. >> The two little girls got their citizenship after about two and half years in canada, they are now five and about to graduate kindergarten. He says he hopes the new bill means that their parents will not have to go through what he did. >> I don't wish upon anybody, and I think it doesn't matter where your children are born if you are canadian and you have ties to canada then you should be able to bring your children home. >> While the court has been until june 19th to make the changes, immigration minister says the government may have to request an extension as it makes his way through the house of commons. For citynews. >> Announcer: next on citynews. >> Think about reaching the desperate people who need it so badly. >> Dire warnings from humanitarian agencies as supplies run out for palestinians and il pushes it deeper into gaza. For 30 years, Walmart's helped Canadians save through a lot. The Elmo Craze in ‘96. Your endless wait for dial-up. Sfx: Iconic dial up ‘trying to connect' sound Those wide, shapeless jeans... that hair thing with the uh teeth. In the 2000s, you were all doing this. So we did this. In 2020, the race for toilet paper was won here. Whatever was happening, we made it happen - for less. 30 years later, we still are. ( ) (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Fiery with a cooling finish. The Nashville-Style Hot Chicken part of the new Globally Inspired Subway Series. Nivea q10 Targeted Wrinkle Filler. ( ) With Pure q10 coenzyme and Bioxifill peptides. Visibly reduces the look of fine lines in 5 minutes and moisturizes to help reduce the look of deeper wrinkles over time. For every expression of you. Nivea. Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! She's dreaming to the max! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [ ] Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it!

Never know what is going to happen next! Wow! -whoah! We've never seen anything like this before! The youngest ever on that stage! I'm sorry, I cant give you a yes (booing) I've got to give you one of these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen >> On the nest veracity. In the next of a global racial recognition one woman's tragic death I asked the police yesterday if they could take my daughter to camp they said my daughter ended up dead. >> Reignited a rally cry for change. >> Black mental health matters. [ Cheering and Applause ] >> Living in a black body and experiencing mental health challenges you probably at your highest risk of being killed. By police within the city. >> We had the recognition that we needed to do more and what is that more? And how do we adjust it. >> One solution. >> Welcome to the committee has golden. >> On nonpolice led initiative for anyone having a mental health crisis. >> Someone that know how to deal with mental health issues that's what my father needed. >> The black community has been asking for this for over 40 years. >> Veracity and didn't call. >> This friday at 10:00 pm. Only on ctv. >> It what to expect in the coming days and you'll need to enrol a handy. Some fog to start off friday which a move away in the mornings, they'll be a mix of sun and cloud with a chance of showers throughout the day. We are expecting a high of 14 and a low of five. More precipitation expected a saturday with a 6 percent chance of showers and a high of 50. The low of six. We'll be much better on sunday, periods of rain with a high of 14 and a low dropping to six at night. A potentially fierce wildfire season has already begun now canadians are being warned about the possibility of a significant hurricane season as well. >> We do expect climate change to worsen the impact of hurricanes particularly affects and the storm surge impact. >> What we see water temperatures is warm, you're looking at intense and you're looking at the rate of intensity. Which can be tremendous. >> Current watchers are forecasting an above average hurricane season in the atlantic ocean anywhere between 17 and 25 named storms are expected and up to 13 of those could become full-fledged hurricanes. The atlantic provinces are usually the most impacted in canada but it's still too early to determine what path the storms will take. >> Officials in ukraine are once again calling on allied companies -- countries to provide more weapons and military support. The place come followed and on the deadly russian missile strike. >> Firefighters douse the flames after missiles strike a printing facility killing seven people and injuring dozens more. It's a latest in a string of recent bombardments strategically located city in northeast ukraine northeast ukraine. President volodymyr zelenskyy has spent the week appealing to other countries for step up their involvement in the war specifically mentioning the need for air defence it and missile launchers. [ ] >> Thousands of mourners flock to the streets as iran's president is laid to rest the process and funeral and burial succumb four days after ebrahim raisi and his foreign minister were killed in a helicopter crash. 44 dignitaries attended the ceremony including representatives from iraq, pakistan, russia, in china. [ Applause ] >> And other off a day after calling a general election british prime minister rishi sunak is at the campaign trail labour campaign party was also outbuilding support as she tries to fail the job. The election will be held july 4th. Many analysts say rishi sunak is taken big risk with polls indicating its conservative party could be swept from power.

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