
CKAL - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. The Jeep No Limits Eventis here.Which means more trailsto blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoyno payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee,the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty sevenhundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Never know what is going to happen next! Wow! -whoah! We've never seen anything like this before! The youngest ever on that stage! I'm sorry, I cant give you a yes (booing) I've got to give you one of these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen >> Kelly: we have time for one more great story. This is "what I'm liking." today is the tenth anniversary of red nose day. Since 2015, it has raised over $370 million to fund a variety of nonprofits, helping more than 35 million children. That is amazing. Across the five boroughs they offer kids positive support activities from lacrosse to bicycling. We have rob, who works for the organization. What's up? The red nose day. Tell us about your program. >> It was founded under the patronage of nelson mandela. We fund a variety of programs using sports intentionally. Rome new york teaches kids how to row while fighting academic support. Figure skating is another program we support that teaches them how to figure skate while building self-confidence and leadership skills. We have an equestrian program. They use therapeutic horseback riding as a tool to develop skills. All of these programs work together to further the red nose day mission. >> Kelly: what you think the greatest benefits are? >> Not every kid gets access to sports. We work hard to ensure young people have access. The biggest benefit is it provides an organic opportunity to hone your life skills on a public stage. You learn how to lose and how to win and how do I work with teammates and accept feedback from a coach. What is it like to commit to someone bigger than you. I am a product of the work we support. I grew up in east harlem. My dad signed me up for a baseball program that took place on the scruffy list of baseball fields. That program change the trajectory of my life. My biggest takeaway was that life is the story of failure, much like baseball. You can experience failure more than successes, but how do you turn that into a positive? >> Kelly: you are so cool. I am liking your post right now. Believe in the works that you doing, so they are giving red nose day a check for $1,000. To learn more, head to their website. Thank you to all of our guest this hour. Have a great day, and if it is not, change it.

>> Announcer: broadcasting on the traditional territories ofthe blackfoot confederacy of the siksika, kainai and piikani, the tsuut'ina nation, the stoney nakoda nations, the métis nation,and all people who make their homes in the treaty 7 region of southern alberta.this is citynews. >> I swam in this pull the first day opened and I will torment it the last day close to." >> A calgary aquatic centre is set to close at the end of the year ahead why the centre that's been open since 1960s is shutting its doors. >> Everyone is going to stuff their stuff into a backpack. >> Would you leave this at home to save more cash? How westjet is working on making flying more affordable by saving passengers more money and airlines more overhead space. >> I'm a 72 so I've seen it all. >> Stressed out about higher rents, spring talks and sorry numbers at the pump, you may find relief knowing that most albertans are taking action to reduce stress. >> I swam in this pool the first day opened and I will swim in this pool the last to it closes. >> And iconic piece of calgary history the inglewood aquatic centre has been serving how gary for over 60 years but it's days are numbered. It set to close for good at the end of 2024. >> Not impressed, wise that? >> Because this area needs to have some recreational facilities,. >> Were searching for a new facility additional congestion and the fear that the city will not maintain them as much of that neglected this one. >> The inglewood aquatic centre is one of 13 city operated recreational centres in the of major illogical repairs. The cost to fix this facility is tagged at about $600,000 but the fate of the land it sits on has already been determined. >> Cal great moulding and bring build this pool for its employees and their families but the company entered an agreement with the city to take over operations open it to the public and transfer over the land. >> Unrestricted covenant was registered on the land, that required that at any point in time the city no longer operates the pool for public use, the land reverts back to calgary moulding and bring. And that agreement is now held by holdings. >> One nearby resident says with calgary facing a house and cried he hopes the city can buy back the land and put more housing after the pool is knocked down. >> I think that's an ideal place I think everyone can get behind the brewery as a place where higher density development can fit into the community but largely lower. >> The city added the repairs needed at the inglewood aquatic centre do not pose any safety risks to the public the facility will eventually close its doors december 22nd. In calgary jayden wasney citynews. >> If the conservatives want the filibuster to avoid the embarrassment of s2 10, that's their prerogative. >> You are not resuming,. >> Spent do you have the floor or what. >> The hearing on auto theft derailed by political bickering. >> If you're going away for a day or during evening I think it's quite possible that my work. >> Westjet is working to make flying more affordable for travellers. The company is launching cheaper fares for those who are willing to travel without a carry-on bag. Limiting passengers to items that can only be stored under their seats. >> Everyone is going to stuff their stuff into a backpack or apartment and underneath, at going to like despair airlines, spirit airlines it's like while, is pretty rough. >> Even if you're gone two days, a certain number of necessities you really cannot do without and it's really hard to pack squirrel all those away into a tiny load carry-on. >> Carry-on is not the only thing westjet is working on to make flying more affordable. Is also calling on a free government imposed fees on tickets, which explains as making prices more expensive for customers. >> Sometimes is actually cheaper to fly to american cities to get to a canadian destination, sometimes it's cheaper the flight to detroit to get the winds are. Than it is to fly direct went to. That you not be the case. >> This is because a federal government owns airport land and collect rent from operators. Who then pass on the feast airline passengers, and other service providers. >> Switching to a different model could lower prices for consumers and increasing competition. >> If we do see these changes in taxation and ownership, for example,, lower seamount cost could give carriers more will go room to lower their affairs.

>> The model has been in place since the 1990s, and westjet says it changes to the system would foster more transparency for airlines and consumers. >> In calgary margo citynews. >> I'm 72 so I've seen it all. >> Albertans are taking action to reduce financial stress. The stress of high rental prices. Food cost and soaring numbers at the pump embracing key strategies like tracking our expenses and crating a budget seems to be working. >> I think it's fabulous. It's going to be paralyzing it can beat tough it can stop us in our tracks. >> According to a recent study 88 percent of albertans are taking action to reduce financial stress. >> Having a plan is so critical to understand where you're at and getting that control and where you're going. The other component is working with a financial professional like a certified provincial planner. >> [ Inaudible ] >> It's an issue that spans generations. But there are different ways to approach the same stresses. >> Certain generations just want to know what to do, and not really engage with a. That there grumbled. >> The younger folks want to know what's going on. >> When you live paycheck it's trying to keep have it safe, and the rest you can keep 10, 15 percent, and the rest on things you need. >> Just saving and hoping that by the time I need to start doing all this on my own, I'll be able to support myself. >> Realizing that taking steps to address financial stress will in turn provide you with clarity. >> At some point you are real evaluate your life, you'll reevaluate your spending, you'll talk to friends, on the places, spend a bit smarter, a. >> In calgary phoenix phillips citynews. >> The calgary capitol district says provincial funding falls short of meeting the needs of students. They have approved their 202425 budget which includes a $21.5 million operating deficit which will be covered off using savings. They say they will be able to balance the books and hire more teachers and education assistance but made it without a funding boost from the province there could be difficult operational decisions to be made in the next school year. Borchard says they have seen significant enrolment growth without appropriate funding to address it. And anticipates 2000 more students who enrolled by the end of the summer. The calgary board of education will approve its budget next week. >> The goal is to give artists a voice at the legislature. The opposition ndp is hoping to create a new arts and creative economy advisory council. To address issues like the poverty often faced by those choosing careers in the arts culture, and nonprofit, and how to sustain and grow the industry. >> Also often when it comes to time to balance the books the first thing that got cut was funding for the arts. >> The creative economy in alberta is under leverage due to fragmented programs that are uncoordinated, and inefficient. >> Similar programs do exist in manitoba and nova scotia. This is being introduced as a private member's bill. >> Meaning it would require support from the governing ucp the past. >> Without that community behind us it just would not be possible. >> Calgary's centre mall is expanding its rooftop garden and growing vegetables, fruits and herbs all throughout the summer to help those in need. On thursday the mall reopened its farming operation collaborating with a distant organization, including made by momma. A charity aimed at helping families in need. >> Absolutely, we are receiving a request from 100 families each week. Last year we received over 4000 referrals for our program. And partnerships like this are so critical and helping meet that need. For families in the community. >> This year the garden commemorates 50th anniversary and planted 50 additional plants continuing its efforts in serving the calgary committee. >> While rain has has helped cool the wildfire risk significantly and alberta officials say the fire currently classified as being held near fort mcmurray will take weeks or months of work to be declared out. >> We recorded more than 45 millimetres of rain on the wildfire outside fort mcmurray over the weekend. But it does not mean our work there is done. Firefighters aircraft and have you comment have continued working with more than 200 firefighters on the ground to reinforce containment lines, and extend which hotspots. >> All but three of new wildfires this year have been classified as under control.

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