
CKAL - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

advances cultural change in the organisation and helps to build and amend relationship was indigenous communities and communities. A cree woman and scoop survivor says she understand why krejci women would want to wear the ribbon skirt, but feels it is passing the roark of reconciliation off toridge women >> If it is indigenous led it immediate the rcmp as an institution isn't doing the work. It is the indigenous people putting this forward, making this initiative that are, you know wearing the ribbon skirts. And the rcmp is like, yeah, it is good. Reconciliation. >> Cultural transformation and reconciliation is not a cop in a ribbon skirt. It is the rest constitution of indigenous land and life and the ending of state-sanctioned and systemic violence as we know it >> Assistant professor dr. Christian boss is writing a book on the history of policing. She says the rcmp relationship with indigenous peoples remains uncomfortable. Adding if police want to wear the ribbon skirt, more progress on reconciliation must happen >> If it was ever appropriate, it would be when these colon notial institution as adopt and fulfill all 94 calls to actions set in the rcmp and the calls to justice put forward in the final inquiry for miss, murdered indigenous women and girls. >> We're really proud to be here in calgary and the citizens are starting to really get to know who we are and support >> The calgary festival is back in our city. Aiming to spread inclusion and diversity in front and behind the camera. >> As calgarians prepare for a busy travel season, they're being warned of possible airport disruptions. It comes as more than 9,000 unionize workerses with the canada border services agencies voted overwhelmingly for a strike mandate. The union says 96% voted in favour of taking job action. Calling it a last resort. The union president saying one of the key issuees is aligning wage was other law enforcement agencies. In a statement the federal government saying it is fully committed to reaching a fair and reasonable agreement for border services employee mediation sessions are set for early june, but if no geelong is reached. You could see delays at land border and longer lines at airport security headed into the the summer time. >> That building is known around the world for calgary. >> As a group of calgarians continue to try to preserve one of calgary most iconic fixtures the saddledome changes that canada olympic park and olympic plaza have some feeling the olympic legacy is beginnings to fade. >> That is our culture. I'm fifth generation albertaan. That is our heritage. And, when that's off the landscape, we're going to hurt our image worldwide >> But the dome isn't the only piece of olympic infrastructure set to come down. In 2018 the key jumps at cop were decommissioned due to a lack of funding and olympic plaza is about to undergo a major redevelopment. Some feel calgary is slowly losing its olympic legacy that helps shape the city into what it is today >> It is very sad, actually. It is-- I'm shocked that they're even doing things like that. Especially the saddledome >> The calgary is progressively changing the infrastructure all the time. Let's not forget our history. Let's keep it, raw, there, for people to see and understand. >> The calgary municipal land corporation has launched an on-line survey, giving calgarians a chance to have their say on what the revamped olympic plaza should look like. As for the saddledome. Ground work for the new arena has already begun. The final design is question the to be released one member says he hopes the new building will feature some saddledome charm >> With the new design to honour the saddledome. Have pieces of it in there. It is such an important part of calgary, the original calgarians love that building. We've all been there >> The new event centre is expected to be completed by 2027. And new look olympic plaza is set to open in 2028. >> We'll really proud to be here in calgary. And the citizens are starting to get to know who we are >> The fourth calgary black film festival is back with the red carpet at the globe cinema in the city's with the downtown. This year the event et the didn'ting of 35 film panels and workshops. All aiming to spread the message of inclusion and diversity in front and be hind the camera.

and those making these films say the journey has been hard >> It isn't the best for feature films short films any films so it is difficult to be coming ups a black director trying to get any funding >> It is mostly about access. Given the opportunity to present your film in front of so many people or to be given the outlet or even resources to record your ideas, right. >> I think that's a major, major, major difficulty. >> Despite these struggling toking. The opening night was a time to celebrate >> The theme is always black joy, black excellence and black communities growing. So, there isn't a specific theme for the year. We just take every opportunity to celebrate black createos. Especially in the film industry and given the community of calgary an opportunity to see themselves on the screen. >> The fourth calgary black film festival runs from may 24-28 and can be attended in person or on-line. For more information. You can head over to calgary black film In calgary, citynews. >> Independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy jr. Is speaking at the libertarian convention friday in washington, d.c this year's theme "become ungovernorrable" the are presumptive gop nom me donald trump is expected to speak at the same convention on saturday. He ramped up his attacks on kennedy in recent weeks >> Republicans get it out of your mind that you're going to vote for this buys because he's conservativetive. He's not >> The poll shows voters who didn't vote for trump or biden in 2020 may be considering kennedy in 2024. Kennedy challenged trump to a debate at this week's convention but it is unlikely to happen. President joe bidenen and trump are prep for their first presidential debate next month. It is happening earlier than expected giving kennedy less time to qualify >> I think that president biden does not want to be on stage. President trump says he is happy to are have me there. >> It is still unclear if his independent run will hurt trump or biden more at the polls. Kennedy who only has ballot access in a hand full of states says he expect to meet the criteria and accused trump and biden from trying to exclusive him in order to coif for the first debate on june 27, candidates must appear on enough state ballots to reach the 270 plek tor qualthreshold and at least 15% or four orr more approved national polls. The deadline to qualify is june 20th. For citynews. >> It must immediately halt the military offense >> In the landmark emergency ruling the united nations top court has ordered israel to immediately stop the its assault in rafah, where hundreds of thousands of already displaced palestinians have been forced to flee fighting once again. >> The court is not convinced that the evacuation efforts, and the related measures that israel affirms to have undertaken are sufficient to alleviate the immense risk to, which the palestinian population is exposed, as the result of the military offensive in rafah >> South africa brought the case to the icj against israel as part of a larger case, which accuses tel aviv of committing genocide against palestinians during the 7-month war. >> This order is groundbreaking it is the first mention is made for israel to halt its military action n any area of gaza. It is calling for a cease-fire. It is ordering the major party in this conflict to end its delig rent action against the people of palestine >> Israel is unlikely to comply with the order, which the icj has no way to enforce, but it could still ratchet up pressure on benjamin netanyahu's government. Palestinian officials welcoming the step on friday >> We expect that resolutions of the icj to be implemented without hesitation. That's mandatory. Israel has to abide by the decisions. And the demands from the icj. >> As international reaction rolls in. The european union foreign policy chief says the block now faces a difficult is decision.

>> We have to choose, between our support of international institutions and the rule of law or our support to israel. And both things is going to be quite difficult to make >> The world court also ordering israel to open the raf aa crossing between egypt and gaza to allow in humanitarian aid. Trucks have been stuck at the border for weeks w food bound for gaza left rotting in the sun, after israel seized the crossing. Citynews. >> Next on citynews. >> The season is looking to be an extraordinary one. >> Forecasters predicting a wild hurricane season that, could be the most dangerrerrous ever. Follow Follow the sun (Laughing) Which way the wind blows (Indistinct chatting, laughing) When this day is done [basketball game crowd noise] Gimme that ooey gooey, crispy, crunchy mouthwaterin' Gimme that creamy, dreamy, meaty,toppin' pepperoni poppin' Gimme that crispy, cuppy 'roni Papa Johns Better get you some Try the trio before its gone At Enterprise Mobility, our experts always see another road. Because with the right mobility solutions, the path to success is shorter than you think. ( ) Woman: My nephew is having a blast with his new team. I'll have to tell him what I learned about his great-grandfather, Philippe. Through Ancestry, I found that he played on three different teams. And even landed a scholarship. Get to know your family story at "you can have it all" by george mccrae You. Look. Fabulous. - No, you. - You! You! - Youuuuuu! - Youuuuuu! - It's Old Navy. - It's Old Navy. Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Whether you're moving from across town or from across the country, into your starter home or dream home, it's a big deal that requires a lot of decision making. ( ) But when it comes to deciding on your electricity and natural gas, you can make things easy on yourself with Easymax. Sign up today at or call 310-6010. ( ) Vernon is a true tourist trap. Long lines. Traffic jams. Influencers. Crowded restaurants. And of course, theme parks. May we suggest you follow your own paths... to Vernon, B.C. (sigh) Italy... KFC's $5 Sandwich of the Day is back. Only in Canada. Have a great trip... What? Sit down. Not everyone's happy. But you will be. ( ) >> In the midst of a global racial reckoning one woman tragic death >> I asked if they could take my daughter to camp. My daughter ended up dead >> Reignited a rally for change >> Black mental health matters >> Living in a black body and experiencing mental health you're at the highest risk of being killed by police in this city >> We had the requisition we needed to more and how do we address it? >> One solution. >> Welcome to the nonpolice led initiative for anyone having a mental health crisis. >> Someone that knows how to do a mental healths issues. That's what my father needed >> The black community had been asking for this oover 14 years >> Veracity answering the call. This sunday at 10:00 only on city tv. Let's take a look at your weather for the weekend. We'll see more rain saturday it. Will start with a mix of sun and clouds and a 60% chance of showers in the afternoon, with the risk of a thunderstorm that, will last into the evening a long with some mild winds. The high of 15° and the low of 7° no rain but plentyiy of cloud coverage expected with the high of 16° and the low of 5°. The sun returns monday and we'll see a nice, warm high of 20° dipping down to 8° at night.

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