
CKAL - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 01:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

And no payments for 90 days. (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Never know what is going to happen next! Wow! -whoah! We've never seen anything like this before! The youngest ever on that stage! I'm sorry, I cant give you a yes (booing) I've got to give you one of these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen >> Rights are not won and forgotten. They need to be reaffirmed and reclaimed. And pride is the moment to do exactly that. With a smile and with all of the colours of the rainbow >> Although the skies were gray in winnipeg friday morning, the lgbtqia+ community brought out their colours and were loud and proud as they watched the pride flag raised at city hall. Kicking off the pride season, all across the country >> This day, and me standing in on city hall ground, where we just raised the pride flag means a lot. >> Artist clemeno is one who watched the winnipeg mayor and members of pride winnipeg raise the flag >> To have the mayor that is here present and engaged in raise aring the pride flashings is something that we shouldn't just take for granted >> We're kicking off pride season. A lot of the rest of canada says how is everything going in winnipeg. What does winnipeg do different than the rest of canada >> President of pride winnipeg says pride makes it clear that canada is not a country that tolerates hate >> If you think to the 1986 with the marchs across canada many were walking with bags over their heads, because if they found out they were part of the community they could have been assaulted, fired from their jobs. To see the flag hanging it shows dusk versity and inclusion. And shows that with winnipeg and specially canada is a place of equal rights and freedoms >> You kind of hold your head a little higher. Your wear your colours a little brighter. Can and you kind of discover how other people are doing it too. >> In bishop, citynews. >> In winnipeg, citynews >> Amazon has been a very welcome addition to our province and our economy >> Calgary is welcoming its first new robotic fulfillment centre how the in facility will help with the province's growing labour market. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Loving the uncommon is a wonderful thing we have in common. ( ) (Lively mellow music) ( ) ( ) ikea. Bring home to life. Music Dogs have hands too. Help clean them every day with Dentastix. To help keep them happy and healthy. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser powers through tough messes. So it makes it look like I spent hours cleaning. And no, I didn't! It makes my running shoe look like new! It's amazing! It's so good, it makes it look like I have magical powers! Magic Eraser and Sheets make cleaning look easy. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing.

Closed Captioning is brought to you by lotto 6/49 The next Gold Ball jackpot is $54 million! Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Announcer: Citytv+ has all your favourite shows on demand (crowd cheer))plus more. [dramatic music] Announcer: Start your free trialwith Prime video channels today. You're watching citynews calgary. Here are some of our top stories tonight. >> Amazon has been a very welcome addition to our province and our economy >> Calgary is celebrating the facility's first, new amazon robotic fulfillment centre. The facility will create over 1500 jobs. Welcome news for a province that's labour markets is struggling toking to keep pace with the population >> We know this matters, not only to job creators and investors but the many people moving to alberta and finding work >> Calgary is currentsly the fastest growing city in the country but the unemployment rate spiked in april the new 2.8 million square foot facility will help manage that growing >> The city has ton firing on all cylinder, when it comes to managing growth and need to make sure people have places to live and people have ways to get to work and make sure they have employment opportunities >> The mayor hopes the new facility will help local businesses with within calgary reach more customers. >> The leveling the playing field for a lot of small businesses because it is allowing them to get products to market quicker and able to compete with some is of the big box retailers >> Amazon has grown its workforce from 4000 in 2019 to almost 6000 workers this year. With plans to expand further >> The growth of aamazon within alberta. The number of jobs have gone up. You hope it continues to go up overall >> The company hopes technology will advance productivity in the work space by using automatic systems and robot to help employees back and ship customers orders faster. In calgary, citynews. >> That building is known around the world for calgary. >> A as group of calgarians continue to try to free serve one of calgary most iconic fixtures of the skyline, the saddledome changessia the canada olympic park and plaza have some feeling the olympic leg social securitysy is beginnings to fade >> That's our culture. I'm fifth generation albertaan. That's our heritage when it is off the landscape we will hurt our image worldwide >> The dome isn't the only piece of olympic infrastructure set to come down. In 2018 the ski jumps were decommissioned due to a lack of funding and olympic plaza is about to undergo a major redevelopment some feel calgary is slowly losing its olympic legacy that helps shape the city into what it is today >> It is very sad, actually. It is, I'm shocked that they're even doing things like that, especially at the saddledome >> Calgary is progressively changing the tra structures all the time. Let's not forget our history. Let's keep it raw, there. For people to see, and understand. >> The calgary mans paul land corporation has launched an on-line survey, giving calgarians a chance to have their say o what the revamped olympic plaza should look like as for the saddledome replacement. Ground work has begun. The final design is yet to be released one member says he hopes the new building will feature some saddledome charge >> With the new de sign to honour the saddledome and have pieces of it in there. It is such an important part of calgary. Original calgarians will love that building. We've all been there >> The new event centre is expected to be completed by 2027, while the new look olympic plaza is set to open in 2027. 2028. >> Thanks for watching citynews at 11:00. For news any time, including breaking news, head to our website, citynewsca. We'll see you again back here tomorrow at 6:00 pm. Have a great weekend ahead. (Sound effect) Announcer: reads words on screen

>> Lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- jennifer lopez. Tony goldwyn. And slash. With cleto and the cletones. And now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheering and applause ] >> Jimmy: thank you very much. That's very nice. I'm jimmy. I'm the host of the show. Thank you for watching. Thank you for joining us here in hollywood. Look at this, slash is here with us tonight. How about that? [ cheering ] what a way to come back to work. I was in new york last week, supporting my friend donald trump. This poor guy. It's like you can't have an affair with a porn star and give her campaign money to shut her up anymore. It's not fair at all. [ laughter ] the criminal trial, the people versus donald julianne trump, is coming to a close. Prosecutors concluded their case today. The defense is expected to rest tomorrow. And I have to say, I don't think a defense has ever been more well-rested than this one. Let her rip van winkle fell asleep in court again today. A reporter from the new york actually news was there. Daily news tweeted -- "it appeared trump was fully out a few minutes ago and just woke up. His head was tipped back so far that he would have been looking at the ceiling when he opened his eyes." [ laughter ] is it possible that his gas is knocking him unconscious? [ laughter ] how bored could you be at your own trial? There was some excitement though. The judge had to clear the courtroom. He kicked everyone out because the defense's witness, a lawyer named robert costello, kept rolling his eyes at the judge and tried to stare him down. Costello was an adviser to trump's former "fixer" michael cohen. Trump's lawyers have been working to paint cohen as a sleazy liar who is hell-bent on revenge, while conveniently leaving out the fact that trump used him as his own, personal porno venmo. [ laughter ] cohen was on the stand for four days testifying against trump. Among his many revelations was that one of his duties for the family was skulling on melania trump's madame tussaud's wax museum negotiations. [ laughter ] this is not a joke, by the way. [ laughter ] he was in charge of making sure the sculptor got her dead-eyed scowl just right. [ laughter ] they did a pretty good job. She's almost smiling. He's adjusting his pants. [ laughter ] I like that there's a wax figure of melania. That means every night, there are two melanias who won't sleep with donald trump. [ laughter ] there was no court on friday so trump could go to his son barron's high school graduation. You remember the one he was screaming about, saying the judge wouldn't let him attend? He was allowed to go to his son's graduation, and almost immediately fell asleep there too. [ laughter ] he sat down, closed his eyes. Said wake me when they get to the letter "t." [ laughter ] on the way to the ceremony, trump posted this. "going to barron's high school graduation. Great student, wonderful boy. Very exciting. Djt." what a beautiful, fatherly post. Isn't that so? [ laughter ] personal. Sounds like what you'd say to your schnauzer after it graduated obedience school. What a wonderful boy. The graduation was a private event. But there were photos of the proud parents. 54-year-old melania spent the ceremony wedged between her 77-year-old husband and her 80-year-old dad dressed like a gondolier in mourning. Donald, you can see donald himself had an absolute blast. Same face he made when eric was born. The crowd in florida was delighted when dad waved his little hand at his son. [ laughter ] and I thought this was nice. Trump let barron borrow one of his giant red fat guy ties to drape over his shoulders. [ laughter ] do you think donald trump has ever taken a picture of any of his children? I mean, ivanka, obviously. [ laughter ] but any of the rest of them? I'm trying to imagine it and I can't. Trump did not speak at the ceremony. Which is a shame because, never mind circumstance, no one is more full of pomp than trump. When it comes to wisdom, he has a lot to offer to these young graduates. But since he didn't, we took the liberty of cobbling together some of his more inspirational moments to make this speech for his son's graduating class. >> Let me begin by saying to each member of the graduating class, congratulations. You can do things that -- that stupid people can't do. As we pursue this bright future, we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world, china. You all see the future. The future is bleak. Hold your eyes because they won't be good in five years. Hot dogs. Let's talk about hot dogs.

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