
CKAL - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 01:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> NEXT, ON CITY NEWS. >> WE DON'T WANT THE UN CHARTER TO BE BURNED. >> Reporter: UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT CALLING FOR WORLD LEADERS TO ATTEND AN UPCOMING PEACE SUMMIT AS VIOLENCE CONTINUES TO ESCALATE ALONG THE COUNTRY'S SHARED BORDER WITH You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen A&W root beer with sweet cream. We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. If you're lost You can look And you will find me Time after time For everything you care about. Intact Insurance. Nutty...and sweet. Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? (Background conversations) (Crashing sound) (Birds chirping) (Laughter) (Upbeat music) Canadian, Ultra, Exel. Molson, Everyone In Frizz, dryness, breakage. New Dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask, with patented peptide complex, fortifies hair bonds, helps reverse ten visible signs of damage in one minute. Keep living. We'll keep repairing. Is that a Cheestring? I'll trade you my bagel for it. How about my pirate's treasure? Mystery Orb? I offer Cthulhu, the World Eater! I'll stick with the Cheestring. Keep it Cheesy. Cheestrings, only from Black Diamond. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wedne!

>>> Let's take a look at your weather for the week, more sun coming our way and hopefully here to stay, monday morning starting off good with a high of 21 and uv index is going to be six for a high. No rain, but plenty of cloud cover tuesday with a nice high of 23 and a low of 11. Moving into wednesday a mix of sun and cloud with a 40 percent chance of showers and a high of 16 with 60 percent chance of showers at night. >>> Dramatic drone footage displaying the aftermath of a deadly russian bombardment in ukraine's second-largest city. >> Reporter: approximately 120 people were inside the centre at the moment of the attack and airstrike touching down on top of a busy gardening centre in ukraine's kharkiv region on saturday leaving at least 16 people dead, 16 people missing and dozens injured. [ speaking alternate language ] >> Voice of Interpreter: at around 4:00 the enemy attacked the supermarket with guided bombs, they hit the building directly, immediately afterwards the fire broke out as the centre stocked a lot of flammable materials. >> Reporter: the attack the latest to strike the border region which has slowly become the new main battleground of the war, fighting has intensified in recent weeks in kharkiv and russia's belgrade where ukrainian airstrike touchdown leaving at least three dead and tell others injured, but even as troops continue to successfully jab at the offensive efforts, ukrainian president volodymyr zielinski says his country still needs all of the help it can get >> To president biden, leader of the united states, and to president xi jinping, leader of china, we do not want the un charter to be burned, burned down just like these books, and I hope you don't want that either. >> Reporter: standing in the charred remains of ukrainian printing press, zelenskyy urged the world leaders to join him at the upcoming global peace summit this june in switzerland. >> Please show your leadership in advancing peace, real peace, not just a pause in strikes. The efforts of the global majority are the best guarantee that commitments will be fulfilled work police, support the peace summit with your personal leadership and participation. >> Reporter: earlier this week russian president vladimir putin did signal he may be open to peace talks in the near future, but ukrainian officials remain wary as the comments were made during a joint nuclear exercise between russia and belarus, officials say it is not cynical to distrust russian subsidiarity when it comes to negotiations, but rather a plot practical necessity. [ ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Narrator: For over 100 years,Jamieson has been here for you,putting quality And we're here for 100 more. The experts at Jamieson are here for your health and wellness. Our Essentials lineup has products that support immune function, gut health, heart health, and the maintenance of good health. Jamieson is herefor your health. Door Bell sfx It's like playing a video game but in real life. Yes! When we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep. Big open rooms without clutter and that feeling of fresh air freedom. Call one 800 got junk. Hey, so Mom's thing is coming up. Should we book flights? Let's do it. We could go a day early. Mmm... Or the later one? ( ) With over 500 flights daily... we have a flight for that. (cheerful piano music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Never know what is going to happen next! Wow! -whoah! We've never seen anything like this before! The youngest ever on that stage! I'm sorry, I cant give you a yes (booing) I've got to give you one of these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen >>> At least 27 people are dead after a fire broke out at an amusement park in western india. The fire erupting at a park, the footage showing firefighters clearing debris at a structure used for bowling, go karting, and trampoline and traction. Police say it is difficult to identify the bodies at this time, adding that the dead include four children under the age of 12. The owner and manager of the park was detained for questioning as police continue their investigation into the cause of the deadly blaze. >>> Severe heat wave continues across pakistan with temperatures reaching 50 degrees celsius in southern parts of the country. Unders of people have already been treated for heatstroke over the past week and meteorologist say the heat for spell is a clay to continue until the 1st week of june. Authorities have advised people to stay indoors and avoid nonessential travel during this time.

>>> Rescue efforts continue in a remote village in papua new guinea after a devastating landslide hit in the early hours of friday while many people were asleep. Emergency teams have been struggling to reach the affected area with road access being largely locked, the united nations says about 60070 people are currently estimated to be buried under the rubble, the number of casualties has yet to be officially announced. The officials say the threat of more landslides loom as the country is in the wet season. >>> Leaders of south korea china and japan will meet monday and sold for their first trilateral talks in four years to discuss how to revive cooperation, after the their inaugural standalone summit in 2008 the leaders were supposed to hold such a meeting every year, but the summit is suspended since the last one in 2019 do to the covid 19 pandemic and often complicated ties among the asian neighbours. >>> World-renowned sherpa mountain guide scaled mount everest for a record 30th time on wednesday, for 54-year-old from nepal first climbs the mountain in 1994 and has done so almost every year since, except for three years when authorities close to the mountain for various reasons. The next closest competitor is a fellow sherpa with 27 successful climbs, the following day another man from nepal reclaimed the world record for the fastest assent, reaching the feet. >>> How often do you use french? >> I don't really. >> Reporter: new report shows the use of french is on the decline among young people in the province. 152 page report by oak you lf, québec leg which watchdog shows the level of french spoken outside the home is often below the provincial average among 18-34 -year-olds, especially in montréal. >> For a while it was about 5050 but now I think it is becoming more anglophone but a lot of people in their home speak english. >> Probably more english because it is more diverse, but I do hear french. >> Reporter: the report says youngo favour english or a mix of english and french at work and in shops, 58 percent of quebecers and between 18 and 23 use old use french also exclusively at work compared with 60 percent in 2010. It also shows enrolments is on the rise and that more than half of young quebecers prefer to use english on social media platforms. >> Voice of Interpreter: each piece person speaks to leg which they want, the most important thing is what language you understand. >> Reporter: in montréal the use of french outside the home dropped to 60 percent, in gatineau a dropped to 63. Association for canadian studies says the findings are not surprising. >> There is a lot more mixing and interaction between anglophones and francophones in montréal and that is an inevitable reality. >> Reporter: last month québec announced they would be spending $600 million to promote the french language, more than half the money going toward helping newcomers learn french. >> Immigration will change the demographic in the sense that the vast majority of immigrants coming to québec or people whose firstling which is neither english or french, over time there is going to be some stability the real issue I think is the should speak french and english. >> Reporter: the provinces french leg which minister says the report does not take into account recent changes that strengthen the french linkage charter, but adds if we have to go further we will do so. >> There are still a lot of people speaking french in montréal. [ ]"Ready?" Change is inevitable. It can send you offin new directions... show you the unexpected. Like how your favouritespot isn't yours anymore... it's theirs. Introducing thecompletely reborn three rowHyundai santa fe. Wah changes everything.

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