
CKAL - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 10:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>>> Hundreds of thousands packed the streets in iran as the country's president was laid to rest. He and his foreign minister were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. 40 foreign dignitaries attended including representatives from iraq, pakistan, russia and china. >>> 9:05 here on "bt." time now to take a look at the forecast. We say good morning to frank once again to get a look at what is happening this weekend with. Can you make some plans outdoor outdoors? Sounds like you can depending where you are. >> Frank: you never know what you're going to get for the month of may as well. But it's been nice right across the country. In the west, they've been dealing with chilly conditions and that's moving across the prairies right now. >> Tammie: could be chilly as well coming out to the east. >> Frank: yeah, next week in the east, temperatures in the teens, but not today. Summer-like feels. Let's get into it. I'm going to take you to somewhere towards the east. I'm going to take you west of where I am, though, to the royal botanical gardens outside of hamilton. As a matter of fact, it's a part of hamilton, burlington and halton. Big, big space. Huge space. Some beautiful gardens there. If you get time, check it out. Right now they have the lilac festival on. Satellite combined with the radar, southern ontario into high pressure. Big system moving its way towards, impacting towards winnipeg. We can see that this is an area with cooler conditions into northwestern ontario. Unsettled through saskatchewan. Even into portions of edmonton, even over towards bc for today. Even along the coast. Unsettled as we take a look along the east coast as well. Today, what do you got? Wet weather today in whistler, victoria, and vancouver. You got cloud cover in kelowna. Fairly settled conditions looking up into northern alberta. Fort mcmurray today right around 17. In central alberta, down to southern alberta, could see shower activity. It's chilly as as soon as you move over towards manitoba. Pleasant temperatures today in saskatoon. In moose jaw. But single-digit highs into brandon. Today in kenora, risk of some showers and as we take a look at thunder bay, it's later into the evening that you get into some showers. Showers will push their way into southern ontario through saturday. But today enjoy that sunshine, 17 into ottawa, a nice day todod in new brunswick at 21 in the capital at saint john. Charlottetown, 25. Nova scotia today, 23. We take a look over towards new zealand, you got wet -- newfoundland, wet weather average temperature around 8°. There's a live look again at the satellite combined with the radar. On this friday, may 24th, we hope the rest to have day and the remainder of the month shines nice and bright for you. [ ] >> Meredith: thank you, frankie! Yes, it is now time for the bright spot. Sid returns monday. Tammie sutherland, tracy moore and devo brown, meredith shaw with you. And this is a really good news to end the week. It was my very first spirit of the season show this year, it's our big christmas show that happens at casa loma. Incredible "bt" viewers are in attendance and it's a really special experience. One of the "bt" viewers, giulia, won a trip for her and her family to universal studios. [ cheering ] >> Tracy: amazing! >> Meredith: there's the moment. >> Devo: a great moment, yeah. >> Meredith: they were so sweet! I was trying to put that microphone in her face. I want to get the reaction. There she is! Yeah, it was a really, really big moment. Turns out . . . That she just got back from the trip, and she very kindly sent us some photos of this trip of a lifetime with her family. She wrote this trip was nothing short of extraordinary. We had the most fantastic time filled with unforgotten memories and amazing experiences. Once again, thank you for this incredible crediblecredible opportunity. Yay for you! >> Tracy: I love to see it full circle. You give it away, see the beautiful reaction and then the go, they have the time of their lives, they take pictures and send it back and say, by the way, that was life changingly good. You just feel like, okay, this is nice. Do nice things on this show. >> Meredith: yes! >> Tammie: I feel like people win things and then kind of -- we all forget about it and they disappear. It's nice of giulia to reach out and say here, you guys changed our lives with this. This is amazing. Good for you! >> Tracy: it's good. A trip is one of the things that can break up everyday life and, you know, I heard that she was very well-deserving. Everyone is deserving of a lovely time away, but it's nice to see that level of joy. We do give aways all the time and sometimes it's like w wah-wah-wah. Do you want the trip? Are you sure you want to go. But they were like, yes! >> Devo: I said, you have to decide. They had a lot of family there that day. She said, you don't understand, this is special for us.

we've been wanting to travel, pandemic things happened and we weren't able to. She sent me a message last night saying how thankful her and the family was. Jules! You had a great time and I'm glad you did. You on the family. >> Meredith: we appreciate that. All the messages and everything. That's why we wanted to make you our bright spot today. Coming up on this show, it's time to put away the chunky sweaters and take out the light dresses because summer is almost here. Coming up at 9:20, a fashion stylist will join us with her top fashion tips for the season ahead. >> Devo: you're saying hoodie season is over? Sglung chunky ones. >> Devo: me and my hoodies still. We're chatting with jennifer lopez, sterling k. Brown and simu liu about their film called "atlas". Get the tissues out because it's emotional. The trailer for céline dion's highly-anticipated documentary requests I am céline dion," it's leer, it's emotional. It might be dusty in re. We'll take a first look at that afte There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims Garfield is the perfect family adventure. Oh, yeah. It's a total blast. Now that's amazing! Now... Now! ...the best animated film of the year arrives. (laughter) Nice twist. Well played. The Garfield Movie. Now playing. (meow) [ ] By reliably delivering more the Hyundai kona suv has earned, “Best Residual Value,” from jd Power four years in a row. [ ] From its advanced technology to its durability we took the best-selling subcompact suv in Canada and made it more wah. [Hyundai sting] ( ) Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus certain ingredients you might not. Summer Fridays, Merit, Amika, Phlur. Clean at Sephora, is only at Sephora. [ Serene music playing ] Welcome to the Wayborhood. The Wayfair vibe at our place is Western. My thing, Darling? Shine. Gardening. Some of us go for the dramatic. How didn't I know Wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] This. Wow! Do you have any ottomans without legs. Sure. You'll flip for the poof cart. in the Wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. Wayfair. Every style. Every home. [Wife] We wanted to find the best deals for our next fabulous trip. So we hired a private travel hacker. The top airlines, travel sites, she searches them all. -She's a technical genius. -i just used Skyscanner, it searches billions of prices to get you the best deal in just one tap. I tried showing them how easy it is to use Skyscanner, but the ultra wealthy don't like change. Who says kids these days are lazy -and don't know how to work? -i say that, all the time. - Mama, what's a Dare Veggie... Crisps? - Oh! I'm Dare Veggie Crisps! I'm a little bit of all the things... veggies, crackers and chips. [group] - Ohhs! - Veggify your snack time with Dare Veggie Crisps. - Made with real veggies! Febreze! Your bathroom... Needs Febreze Small Spaces... The always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget. No outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required. So your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days. That's the power of Febreze Small Spaces. Closed Captioning is brought to you by lotto 6/49 The next Gold Ball jackpot is $54 million! Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. [ ] >> Mission control, do you copy? >> Welcome to the arc 9 initiation module. >> I need to find the rescue pod. >> I cannot allow you to follow this course of action. >> You know what? I'll do it myself >> Meredith: another look at jennifer lopez starred in netflix's sci-fi action film "atlas". This is alongside sterling k. Brown and simu liu as they take on artificial intelligence. It's streaming worldwide and devo got a chance to chat with the stars in new york city. >> Devo: if you're feeling déjà vu, that is okay! It's okay! >> Tracy: what? >> Devo: if you were with us

yesterday, we tried to do this and ai got into our system and messed it all up. >> Tracy: right [ Laughter ]. >> Devo: but we're good today. "atlas" is all that. Talking about ai really controlling humanity and, you know, while it was built to help humanity, it's there and trying to destroy it. Simu liu is the villain in this one. Nicest canadian, why not make him a villain, let's do that, right? Coming hot off of barbie and being oun worksafe -- one of the ken ins that. Jennifer lopez, the majority is her in this suit. It's an ai version droid thing that she controls and smith is the companion of hers on this. Very difficult acting type things on this. Jennifer lopez, sterling k. Brown, simu liu. Brad payton, the director out of newfoundland. We talked about all of this set in ai. Is it s sry? Cool? Scary for a lot of people. I'm on that page as well. And, you know, j.lo compared it to the snert and comparing your way with that. If you could have ai tendencies what would you bring to your human self of ai characteristics. Let's see what they had to say. >> Agent atlas shepard spent heres of her life hunting harlan. Original engineered to advance humanity. Instead nearly ended it. >> Devo: this is the story that we all fear. >> Yeah. >> Devo: I mean, so what was the conversations like on set? Were you getting into it or was it like, no, we're shooting and film and it's good >> We're having the discussions that everybody is having, which is like what's going to happen? Is it scary or is it great? You know? Do we embrace it or totally reject this idea? >> Yeah. >> I think it's very much like when the internet kind of presented itself. It was like . . . There's going to be good things and there's going to be bad things and hopefully we learn from that. Like, how we have to proceed every time there's a new technology that's going to revolutionize our lives. >> I'm not letting you in my head. >> My name is smith. >> You're a computer program. >> No, I'm a computer program med smith. >> It's going to be both. >> Yeah. >> It's going to be awesome and it's going to be dreadful and we're going to just deal with the consequences. >> Yeah. >> Atlas, my primary protocol is to keep you alive! >> Same! I don't need your help. I don't trust any ai. [ ] >> Smith? >> This movie was built to showcase both sides of the equation and start that conversation because it is inevitable. It is coming. It's actually probably here right now and it's just bubbling up. [ ] >> We don't have much time. Harlan is planning an attack. >> Devo: you jumping into that role, it's different for you. >> You never want to get caught doing the same thing too many times and harlan presented in that -- not just that he's a villain, but he's not human. So I think it presented an interesting acting challenge that I got to sink my teeth into. >> She failed her ranger exams four times. >> She's one of the sharpest minds. >> Mayday! We're under attack! >> I do not know how to use this thing. >> Let's hope you're a quick learner. >> Devo: what would the ai version of each of you be? What characteristic traits would that ai have? >> Mine would have amazing hair. >> As opposed to -- >> Have you seen the ai girls on -- >> No, I haven't. >> On pinterest and all that. >> Devo: how is that dicht from now? -- different from now? Let's be real >> I want that hair. That's ai! No, give me that hair! You know what I -- [ Laughter ] >> I want him to be able to dance. I want to groove. I've had two acl surgeries, my boogie has been affected. I want the boogie back. >> If you wanted to know my name you ask me. >> But your name is written on your badge. [ ] >> Devo: "atlas" is streaming right now on netflix. The cool thing is the voice being smith was somebody that they were just using on set to kind of -- you know what I mean? Wasn't going tokmakjian the final -- going to be the final voice. The chemistry they had was so good they kept that voice actor to be the voice of -- >> Meredith: wow, that's a lucky break for them. >> Devo: brad the director said he kind of knew this was going to be the thing, but everybody had to see it and feel it and hear it. Simu liu is dope. We finished the introduce and he's like, what is that shirt? Dude, tell me about this suit. We were doing the fashion thing. Shouts to all of them. "atlas" is available to stream on netflix now as well. I want to take you to something different.

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