
CKAL - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 10:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #3

happens, okay? >> Tracy: okay. >> Kevin: if you have frustration because we want people to eat this before it melts and you're like, ugh! Take the frustration out by crushing the oreo cookies. >> Tracy: oh, sorry -- >> Kevin: get your frustrations out. The thing that my husband said -- >> Meredith: okay we did it. >> Kevin: now that we've crushed those -- maybe you crushed them a little bit too much. A little mushy. We're going to go like that and put it all over that. >> Tracy: looks good! Very good >> Meredith: I like that kind of oreo topping. >> Kevin: then we have m&ms. Be generous. Put some on. >> Tracy: I mean, this is looking good. So far I'm with everything. >> Kevin: yesterday you said no bananas or cherries. >> Tracy: don't mess it up. >> Kevin: I still got cherries. A couple on the side. >> Tracy: yeah, put them on the side. >> Kevin: when you have nachos some people like jalapenos and some don't. Sprinkle the marshmallows now. >> Meredith: I love that there's an order, kev. >> Kevin: it's about how it's going to look. >> Meredith: how it's going to layer. >> Kevin: the cool whip, tracy. Put dollops on there. Dollop, dollop. Perfect! Chocolate sauce. >> Meredith: okay. >> Tracy: you do it, mer. >> Kevin: shake it up. >> Meredith: shake it up! >> Kevin: got to make sure it's good and evenly spread the chocolate -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> Meredith: I don't know if I need to do it that way. Everyone has their own technique. >> Tracy: you're doing it right. >> Kevin: and the last little finishing touch is sprinkles. >> Meredith: okay. I mean, it would have been multi-coloured, kev, but, okay. >> Kevin: this is all we had at 8 P.M. at the grocery store. I'm sorry. This is a summer party! When you have nachos, the one thing that you always want to have with nachos can guacamole. I don't see any on here. >> Tracy: we're not putting any on there, are we? >> Stefan: we're going to take mint chocolate chip ice cream and put it right in the middle. Like guacamole would be there. >> Tracy: we were so close to having it perfect? So close! >> Meredith: kev with a big mint chocolate chip fan. >> Kevin: the best flavour in canada. This my friends -- hopefully -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> Kevin: make ice cream nachos at home this weekend for your family and friends. The key thing is you have 13 minutes to eat it before it melts and becomes mush. >> Meredith: yeah, total mush. The person I feel like we need to get in here is devo brown. He was the most -- you know, suspicious of this. Really you think this is a sundae. >> Devo: I was just doing work over there. Cool! An ice cream sundae. What a great ice cream sundae you made! >> Meredith: try this. >> Kevin: try the guak. >> Tracy: we did that on purpose. We have a vessel. >> Devo: yeah, a little vessel. Mint chocolate chip is not terrible, I'll give you that. >> Kevin: right. You would be the hit of the party if you showed up. Just run in the house and make sure people eat it right away. >> Tracy: and spoons. >> Devo: did you do a practice run of this last night? >> Kevin: no, I wish I did. >> Meredith: it went well. Chef kev I like this very much. Thank you for all that work. We appreciate you. Hopefully we've inspired you for this weekend. We'd love to know -- because he did say mint chocolate chip was the premier flavour across the country and I think you're going to have something to say about that. "you sound off", what's the best ice cream flavour. This is the hard-hitting stuff on a friday. We want to know, don't holdback. Spread that around -- >> Tracy: the answer is Closed captioning is brought to you in part by Sportsnet Plus Stream the Stanley Cup Playoffs nba Playoffs Blue Jays ufc and more! There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims In the truck world, there's only one. Only one that's led the way. One that delivers both performance and efficiency. Tough this smart can only be called f-150. Right now, get this f-150 for $228 bi-weekly at 1.99% apr. Ok, someone just did laundry... No, I add Downy Light so the freshness really lasts. Yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. And I don't like anything. But I like this. Get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes.

You hungry, little guy? Kick off your summer... You think he'd see that coming. With a ton of fun. I have that in spades. Ahhh! Cheddar, one of my top 26 favorite cheeses. [mummbles] I don't know. Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims - [Cook] So what do you think? - I think this new deck looks amazing. - [Announcer] Imagine impressing your neighbors with proprietary decking and railing products from Deckorators. Voltaren Emulgel Extra Strength contains an anti-inflammatory... ...that has the power to relieve your muscle and joint pain. It penetrates deep to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. And you can go 12 hours between applications. Voltaren. The joy of movement. [basketball game crowd noise] Gimme that ooey gooey, crispy, crunchy mouthwaterin' Gimme that creamy, dreamy, meaty,toppin' pepperoni poppin' Gimme that crispy, cuppy 'roni Papa Johns Better get you some Try the trio before its gone It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! "Islam Makhachev, the best in the world." "His ability is second to none." "Dustin Poirier" "This is who I am, I'm a fighter at heart." "I'll never quit in there." "Let's go." "What a fight." "Fireworks are guaranteed." "Both capable of ending a fight in dramatic fashion." "They will not be able to keep the roof on this place." [ ] >> Tammie: 9 o'clock here on "bt." welcome back. We begin with a "CityNews" exclusive. Ontarians will soon be able to get a bottle of wine or can of beer at gas stations and corner stores. Our caryn ceolin is joining us live with reaction to this new legislation, likely to be announced in about an hour and a half time. Caryn? >> Caryn: well, tammie, perhaps you've visited québec and purchased a six-pack or a bottle of booze, a bottle of wine from the corner store. Well, that could soon be a reality here in ontario. In fact, "CityNews" has learned that it will be before the end of the year. So beer, wine, ready-to-make cocktails, those are coming to convenience stores, gas stations and even more supermarkets by the fall. That's over a year earlier than the previous deadline -- time line, rather, of 2026. So premier doug ford and his finance minister peter bethlefalvy are expected to make it official at a news conference beginning at 10:30 eastern time in etobicoke. As part of the plan, "CityNews" has learned an unspecified amount of taxpayer dollars will flow to beer stores to keep the locations open for things like bottle recycling and bottle return as well as to support the private retailer during this transition to a new system of selling alcohol in this province. Torontonians I spoke with this morning, they are reacting with mixed emotions. Some are supportive of the move, others say that they feel that the government's priorities are not straight. Have a listen. >> I really can't decide where my taxes are going to go. But yeah, sometimes they don't go to the ideal place. Maybe this is not a priority right now. >> Whatever it takes to get out of the beer and lcbo stores. >> Indifferent to be honest. >> I don't feel great. He should put that money towards the food banks, for example. >> At least it's staying in canada. >> Doug ford needs to worry less about alcohol and more about housing. >> Caryn: interested retailers tammie, could start applying for licences in the coming weeks and then those that are granted licences will be able to sell alcohol starting at some point this fall. Again, the premier's press conference begins at 10:30 eastern titi. >> Tammie: caryn ceolin live in downtown toronto. You can follow along on as well for more on that story.

>>> As pro-palestinian student encampments continue across the country, officials at the university of toronto are now offering a deal to demonstrators, but it's only on the table for 24 hours and it's conditional on clearing school property. Here is a live look at the encampment at u of t this morning. Some have been protesting here for three weeks. Demonstrators have been calling on the university to sever financial ties with the israeli government. School presidents offer to these encampment participants, it includes a review of the divestment request and a move to establish an advisory committee. An update from demonstrators is scheduled for 11 o'clock eastern today to respond to what they're calling the university's shameful scheme to clear the encampment. >>> Canada's federal addictions minister expressing deep concerns with toronto's now-rejected pitch to decriminal decriminalize possession of illicit drugs. Ya'ara saks announcing its formal denial on friday after telling reporters just days earlier the application was simply dormant. Citing a lack of restrictions on age and amounts, saks says toronto public health has refused to make any changes. The rejection comes after ottawa agreed to scale back a similar pilot project in bc in response to concerns raised by some police services, health professionals and politicians. >>> Ukrainian authorities are once again renewing their calls for more weapons and military support from allied countries. Firefighters dousing flames after missile strikes at a printing facility, killing seven people and injuring dozens more. Authorities also announcing a mandatory evacuation of more than 120 orphans and uncompanied children overnight. Analysts say that russia's latest push appears to be a coordinated offensive that includes testing ukrainian defences in the south while also launching incursions in the north. Ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy now urging for air defence systems and missile launchers to counter those ongoing attacks.

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