
CKAL - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 01:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

[tense music] - Yeah. Her name is Maddie Flynn. You saw her? - Yeah, a few days ago. George went out and said he was gonna make 8 grand. Came back with her and the money. She was so out of it. I asked him what he was doing with her. - And what happened next? - We got into a fight when he said he was splitting. - Yeah, why is that? - He said he couldn't take both of us. - Did he threaten you or her? Did he use a gun? - No, he wasn't violent like that, and I never saw a gun. After the fight, he did get me high to calm my nerves. Next thing I know... [crying] I woke up in that bag. [sobbing] - Hey, Tanya, you're safe now. You're safe. - [sobbing] - There you go. There you go. You're safe. Well, now I know why Maddie was so calm in the energy drink van. This guy likes to drug his victims. - He groomed Tanya. Got her hooked on fent. - Does Tanya know what happened to Maddie? - No, only that she was in the motel room with George-from-Canada. Apparently, he has a history of being on the run. - Which means he knows how to stay hidden. - And Tanya said that he likes to ride Amtrak, which is where he met her. - Well, I'll call and find out if a girl matching Maddie's description was on any route in the past two days. - You manage to reach out to Tanya's mother? - NYPD tried, but they couldn't get a hold of her. - I have a good relationship with her. - Yeah, why don't you try to call her? - Yeah. - Chief, what's going on? - We found a girl who'd been missing for more than a year? - Yeah. - One-P-P wants a press conference now. - Maddie's still missing. What is this, some kind of victory? - Well, it is a victory. Maybe not the one you want, but it's the one that's in front of us. - Tanya Garcia went missing from Paramus, New Jersey, over a year ago. But now thanks to the tireless work and dedication of the NYPD and Bergen County SVU, she is home and reunited with her mother. [applause] - I'm honored to wear the badge, but my duty doesn't end when a case is closed. They all stay with you, whether innocence is saved or lost. My goal is for the world to be measured by how safe it is for the innocent. After all these years, I've come to accept that maybe it's not possible. But I still have a duty to hope. - There are other-- - No! What about my daughter? What about my daughter? - Eileen! - You promised me you'd find my daughter! - And as I said to you on the phone last night, I am still working this case. - [sobbing] No. - Honey, honey, please, you're causing a scene. - Someone needs to! Where is Maddie? - Come on. [dramatic music] - Maddie! - Come on. - [sobbing] - Come on. - [sobbing] . [dramatic music] [wolf howls]

>> "CityNews" calgary acknowledges that we are broadcasting on the traditional territories of the blackfoot confederacy of the siksika, kainai and piikani, the tsuut'ina nation, the stoney nakoda nations, the metis nation and all the people who make their homes in the treaty 7 region of southern alberta. [ ] >> I swam in this pool. The first day it opened. And I was swim in this pool. >> The aquatic centre is set to close at the end of the year. Why the centre that's been open since the 1960s is shutting its doors. >> Emrates will strut their stuff into a backpack. >> Would you leave your carry on bag at home. >> How one airline is looking to cut costs and make flying more affordable. >> I'm 72 so I've seen it all. >> Stressed out about high rental crisis but you may find relief knowing that most albertans are taking action to reduce this stress. >> I swam many this pool the first day it opened. And I will swim this pool the last day it closes. >> An iconic piece of calgary history, the aquatic centre has been serving calgarians for 60 years but its days are numbered as it's set to close for good at the end of 2024. >> Not impressed. >> Why is that in this area needs to have recreational facilities but means searching for a new penalty additional congestion and other penalties and the fear that the city will not maintain them as much as they've neglected inglewood. >> It's one of 13, the cost to fix this facility is pegged at about 600,000 dollars but the fate of the land it sits on has been determined. >> Calgary built this pool for its employees and their families but the company entered an agreement with the city to take over operations, open to it the public and transfer over the land. >> In a restricted covenant wasler registered on the land that requires that at any point in time in which the city no longer operates a pool the land reverts back and that agreement is held. >> One nearby resident said a housing crunch and put up more housing after the pool is knocked down. >> I think it's an ideal place and I think everyone can get behind the raillands as a place where higher density development, fit into the community that is largely low rise. No the city adds the repairs needed at the aquatic centre do not pose any safety risk to the public. The facility will officially close its doors december 22nd. In calgary, CityNews. >> Reporter: west jet is looking to make flying more affordable for travellers. For those willing to travel without a carry on bag. Limiting passengers to items that can only be stored under their seats. >> Everyone is going to stuff their stuff into a backpack or purse. It would be like spirit airlines in america, which the same spirit airlines it's pretty rough. >> Even if you're gone for two days there's a certain number of necessities you can't do without and it's hard to pack squirrel all those away into a tiny carry on. >> A lack of carry ones to make flying more affordable. It's calling on a government imposed tickets which it prices more expensive for more customers. >> It's cheaper to fly to american cities to get to a canadian destination. Sometimes it's cheaper to fly to detroit to get to windsor than to fly direct to windsor. That should not be the case. >> This is because owns airport land to airlines, passengers and other service providers but searching to a different model could lower prices to consumers and increase competition. If we see these changes and taxation and ownership of routes for example. Lower seat mile cost could give carriers more wiggle room to lower their fares. >> The model has been in place since the 1990s would costar

more transparency for consumers. Mar go rubin, CityNews. >> I'm 72 so I've seen it all. >> Albertans are taking action to reduce financial stress. Soaring numbers at the pump embracing key strategies and creating a budget seems to be working. >> I think it's fabulous. >> Stress can be toxic. Stop us in our tracks. >> Target a recent study 88% of albertans are taking action to reduce financial stress. >> Having a plan is so critical. Understand where you're at and getting that accomplished and where you're going. And working with a financial professional like a certified financial plan. >> Tai chi. >> That help you. >> It's an issue that spans generations, but there are different ways to approach the same stresses. >> Certain generations just want to know what to do and not really engage with its. They're there kind of and the younger folks want to know what's going on. Shoe when you get your paycheque it's like trying to keep half of it saved and the rest 15% to have one with it and things you need. >> By the time I need to start doing this on my own that I will be able to support myself. >> And taking steps to address financial stress will provide you with clarity. >> At some point you will reevaluate your life. You start to fend one of the maces that, spend a little bit smarter. >> The calgary catholic school district says provincial funding falls short of the students. Has approved their 2024-25 budget which includes a 21.5 million dollars operating deficit which will be covered off using savings. They will be able to balance the books and hire more assistance but admit without a funding boost from the province there could be difficult operational decisions to be made for the next two years. They've seen significant enrollment growth without appropriate funning to address it and anticipate 2,000 more students to enroll by the end of september. The calgary board of education will include its budget next week. >> Without the community behind us it wouldn't be possible. No calgary is expanding its rooftop garden growing herbs throughout the summer to help those in immediate. On thursday the mall reopened its existing farming operation collaborating with a different organizations including made by mama. A charity aimed at helping families in he'd. >> Absolutely, so, we're receiving requests for assistance for over 100 families each week. We received over 4,000 referrals for our programme and partnerships like this are so critical in helping meet that need for families in the xubt. >> This year the garden commemorates its 50th anniversary and planted 50 additional planters continuing its efforts on serving the calgary community. Significantly in alberta. Officials say the fire classified as being held near fort McMURRAY will take weeks or months to be declared out. A we recorded 45 millimetres of rain but it doesn't mean our work there is done. Firefighters, aircrafts and heavy equipment have continued working with more than 200 firefighters on the ground to reinforce containment lines and extinguish hotspots. >> Have been classified as under control with wire saying they are ready if the fire danger creases. Praising the public for a smooth evacuation last week. Saying over 150 members were called in to fort McMURRAY and there were no major public safety issues in the impacted neighbourhoods. >> Ottawa is pumping 627 million dollars into alberta's system for seniors care. Provincial and federal minister sink inked a five-year deal today. All agreed right across the country which need to be fixed. Too anywhere where seniors were predominant, that's where we saw the virus wreaking the most havoc and I will tell you that the kinds of stories that are

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