
CKAL - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

as well as pull out at least 15 percent on four or more approved national polls. The deadline to qualify is june 20th. In washington, julia benbrook, city news. >> You might not recognize his name, we will certainly heard of his work. Documentary filmmaker morgan spurlock pathway the age of 63. >> I think have to go -- spurlock pathway the age of 53. >> I think have to go supersized. >> Reporter: spurlock is best known for his oscar-nominated document treat to precise meat in which he attempt to eat only mcdonald for a month to see what happens to his body. Spurlock return 15 years later with a sequel that examined the animal food processing agency. The films did produce results, prompting many restaurants to review their menu options. Spurlock passed away in new york after battle with cancer. >> Reporter: on the world seen, at least 14 people are dead after a fire broke out in an apartment building in the viennese capital of hanoi. Several explosions were heard as the fire quickly spread. It is believed the blaze started in a nearby courtyard were electric bikes were being sold and stored. >>> Four people are dead after two-story restaurant collapse on the spanish island of mallorca. Witnesses say they heard what sounded like an explosion as part of the building came crashing down. Officials believe a terrace gave way as a result of excessive weight. >> Reporter: emergency crews inspect what is left of a chemical factory in western india. At least nine people were killed and 64 hurt when a boiler exploded in the facility. The death toll is expected to rise as the wreckage is cleared. >>> And, there has been a major development in world of us college sports. An agreement has been made that paves the way for schools to pay student athletes. The ncaa which governs high-level college sports has agreed to a revenue sharing plan that would allow individual schools to share about $20 million a year with its athletes. In return, those students cannot file antitrust suits against the organization the deal also includes a payment of nearly billion in damages for past and current athletes. >> Israel must immediately hold its military offences and any other actions in rafah@in a landmark emergency ruling, -- >> Reporter: na landmark emergency ruling, united nation top court has ordered israel to immediately stop its assault in rafah, where hundreds of thousands of already displaced palestinians have been forced to flee fighting once again. >> The court is not convinced that evacuation efforts and measures that israel affirms to have undertaken are sufficient to alleviate the immense risk with which the palestinian vpopulation is exposed as a result of the military offensive in rafah. >> Reporter: south africa brought the case to the icj against israel as part of a larger cased which accuses tel aviv of committing genocide against palestinian during the seven-month war. >> It's groundbreaking as it's the first time in explicit motion is made for israel to halt its military action in the area of gaza. This is de facto calling for cease-fire, it is ordering the emerging party in this conflict to end its belligerent action against the people of palestine. >> Reporter: israel is unlikely to comply with the order which the icj has no way to enforce, but it could still ratchet up pressure on benjamin netanyahu's government. Palestinian officials welcoming the step on friday. >> We expect that resolution of the icj to be implemented without hesitation, that is mandatory. Israel has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the icj. >> Reporter: as international reaction rolls in, the european union foreign policy chief said the block now faces a difficult decision. >> We will have to choose between our supported international institution and the rule of law or our support for israel and both things will be quite difficult to make emphatic. >> Reporter: the world's court also ordering israel to open the rafah crossing between egypt and gaza to allow in humanitarian aid. Trucks have been stuck at the border for weeks with food bound for gaza left rotting in the sun after israel seized the crossing. Brandon choghri, city news. >> Announcer: still ahead, on city news.

>> This day and me study on city hall round right we just raise the priceline means a lot. >> Reporter: pride and has a newly -- pride season is officially kicked off in canada. >> I just offer some skating lessons and the park and people loved it, you know? >> We roll you into the montréal It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) a refocused healthcare system in Alberta means... Some of the people in this waiting room won't have to be here. This family could have a practitioner to call their own. These patients could have more continuing care options. This person could be accessing mental health treatment. Leaving fewer people in Urgent Care who can now access more timely acute care. Giving every Albertan the care you need, when and where you need it. Learn more at a message from the Government of Alberta. The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. We were born from a deep desire to create positive change, together. One-hundred-fifteen years later, that impact is felt everywhere. It's where we've made innovations accessible to those who need it most. Where we've championed truth and justice... for all. Where we've mapped out futures... we're already living. From here to here and even here. We're not just transforming lives. We're shaping the world. (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Never know what is going to happen next! Wow! -whoah! We've never seen anything like this before! The youngest ever on that stage! I'm sorry, I cant give you a yes (booing) I've got to give you one of these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen metro vancouver let's look at your weather for the weekend. We will see more rain saturday it starts with a mix of sun and cloud a 60 percent chance of showers in the afternoon with a risk of a thunderstorm that will last into the evening along with some mild winds a high of 15 and a low of 7. No rain but plenty of cloud coverage expected sunday with 516 and a low of 5. The sun returns monday and will will see a nice warm high of 20 degrees dipping down to ate at night. >> It was pretty scary because we are things outside. >> Reporter: this tornado season could be 1 of the most active in modern history with more than 800 twisters reported so far this year. >> Seconds after we clothes the door was when we knew everything was breaking loose. >> Reporter: now officials say this could also be the worst hurricane season ever. Largely due to the warmest ocean surface temperatures on record. >> This season is looking to be an extraordinary 1 in a number of ways based on our data and models with the el niño la niña playing out a significant role. >> Reporter: a newly released forecast from american officials critics between 17 and 25 named storms as many as 7 of those could reach major hurricane status with wind speed of over 180 kilometres per hour. >> It's even the statistics vary above normal activity is expected. >> Reporter: some people still rebuilding from severe weather. >> It's not a weeklong process, it is several months of work. >> Reporter: also preparing for the future. >> Getting tightened up for hurricane season he the water out. >> Reporter: canadians also being warned of a potentially

significant hurricane season. >> We expect climate change to worsen the impact of hurricanes particularly rainfall effects and storm surge impacts. >> When we see water temperature this warm, you look at the rate of intensification which could be intense. >> Reporter: experts say this year the latest in a returning trend. >> There nubbin 88 consecutive years a blunt normal last one was eight years ago don't takes one landfall hurricane to setback years and years of economic development >> Reporter: brandon choghri, city news. >> Rights or not one and then forgotten, they have to be reaffirmed, reclaimed and pride is a moment to due exactly that and with a smile and with all the colours of the rainbow. >> Reporter: although the skies were grey in winnipeg friday morning, the lgbtq2s+ community brought out their colours and were loud and proud as they watch the pride flag being raised at city hall kicking off the pride season all across the country. >> This day and me standing on city hall grounds where we raze the pride flags means a lot. >> Reporter: artist eric plamondon was one of dozens of people who watched the winnipeg mayor -- members of pride winnipeg and mayor scott gillingham raise the pride flag. >> To have a mayor who was here and present and engaged in raising the pride flag is something we should not just take for granted. >> Kicking off pride season every year a lot of the rest of canada looks at how everything is going winnipeg, what will winnipeg do different than the rest of canada. >> Reporter: the president of pride winnipeg barry said pride makes it clear that canada is not a country that tolerates hate. >> We think back to 19871 of the first bars in winnipeg were 86 we saw the markets across canada, a lot of those were people walking with bags over their heads because if they were found to be part of the community, they could've been assaulted, fired from their jobs so to see the flag hanging it shows diversity it shows inclusion and it truly shows that winnipeg especially in canada is a place of equal rights and freedom. >> You kind of hold your head a little higher, you wear your colours little brighter and you kind of discover how other people are doing this too. >> Reporter: in winnipeg, john roberts, city news. [ ] >> I help people be themselves and just reconnect and just the inner child and just socialize and learn. >> Reporter: I am practising my footwork and so was everyone else here at metro rollerskate school skatespace funded by world champion who shows us how everyone and anyone can rollerskate let's go. >> Just an idea during the pandemic wear everybody was just out home it was hard to enjoy it and I just offered to due some skating lessons and the park and people loved it. >> Reporter: and did they ever lovett, and is no developed into this. [ ] >> Reporter: where founder chloé "kozmic" seyrès whose state name is cosmic teaches with other coaches here in saint catherine alexander. >> I also offer basic classes which is learn to skate classes which is all the big main families of movement that you need to know for you to be comfortable on skates. >> Reporter: after ending her relationship with ballet as a teenager, cosmic grew up with rollerskating and as you can see ... [ Cheering ] >> She has perfected it. >> Very lucky to have the chance to compete at the international championship and when several world championships once I retired I was like okay, thank you, time to retire. >> Reporter: from roller derby to moves with in-line skates and recently been featured as a solo artist for cirque du soleil cosmic in her teens skating knowledge is out of this world inspiring. [ Singing ] >> Reporter: we are skating here at the same time, tell us why you like coming here. >> I love music and I love exercising and we come here and we heal our souls. >> With music and laughter and love and kindness which there is not enough in this world. >> Reporter: and I have a hug? That is wonderful. >> Reporter: invented in europe in the 17 hundreds,

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