
CJOH - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> It's a devastating diagnosis that thousands of canadians live with every year. Als, also known as lou gehrig's disease currently has no cure but that could change in the years ahead. After a promising breakthrough in canadian research. Here's natalie van rooy. >> Reporter: living with an official als diagnosis for six months, but his symptoms started over a year ago. >> It was devastating news. I'm... You terminate the plans in your immediate future, everything from garage to cutting grass to your social world. No future plans, no nothing. >> Reporter: als is a disease that slowly paralyzes people because the brain is no longer able to communicate with the muscles of the body. At can progress quickly, with 80% of patients dying within two to five years of diagnosis. St. Pierre is managing his symptoms like having trouble with balance. >> I'm living day by day. I'm hoping I will know later on this summer if I'm in for the long run. My fingers have gone numb here, I can lift a pail of water but can't tie my shoes. >> Reporter: now there's a promising breakthrough out of western university after decades of research. A potential cure. >> While it's a pathway that gives us hope we will find a cure going forward. >> Reporter: dr ... Team targeting interaction between two proteins present in als impacted nerve cells can halt or even reverse the progression of the disease. The team has been working with fruit flies and mice. >> It's still and mice. Our track record and mice going to men has not been stellar. We've got a lot of work ahead. >> Reporter: of us doctor strong hopes to help -- bring the potential treatment to human clinical trials within three to five years. >> For one of the first times in my life, I can say I see the horizon. >> Reporter: st. Pierre says he hopes to access the treatment himself. >> Some light at the end of the tunnel. Which never existed. >> Reporter: before until then, is keeping busy raising money for treatments for the debilitating disease with a fundraising walk and motorcycle ride scheduled for june. Natalie van rooy, ctv news. >> Graham: hopeful news on a devastating disease and fingers crossed the research is incredible but it takes time. That's the unfortunate part. >> Matt: assistant gm of the calgary flames, he and his wife are open about it, hopeful and ... A lot of sunshine out there, it's been very warm, it feels like the middle of summer! It's may 22nd today, yesterday was 2 years since the... Show. People are on edge early in the summer but let's look at what's happening active weather right now. The severe thunderstorm warning for the pembroke area in particular has been dropped but in bancroft all the way to deep river, even tolike it will drop because that storm has crossed the r that red underneath the storm right now in western québec is still there for parts of the pontiac. Other than that, there's still more storms rolling through mostly affecting the ottawa valley. Still a couple cells might catch on here in ottawa too. The seaway looks good but that ri stays with us around eastern ontario untils what we mention' been toon damage or anything else, us, we want to see pictures or videos like we saw last night. It's warm infe t kenol t clearly cooling off significantly. Still feeling into the mid thirties here in ottawa with humidex at least for right now. The maritimes experiencing some warmth not quite there, some pushing into parts of new brunswick and nova scotia sitting around the 20° mark. St. John's 10°. Southern ontario, toronto, there's been... Tornado warnings over the course of the day. 29 windsor, upwards closer to thunder bay, the jetstream is causing cool push. 11° on the superior. Winnipeg 15, calgary single digits at 8, opposite weatherwise across the country. Vancouver sitting at 15. Overnight tonight, risk of thunderstorms again through the evening. Until about evening -- midnight, 19, staying warm. Tomorrow, there will be lots of

sun, but the humidity will dissipate. You might feel some in the morning but by afternoon, a cold front pushes through pushing it down which is good news and 26 will only feel a touch warmer, however, a high uv index for the afternoon tomorrow. The valley is very active now, it will continue for the next few hours and it will clear out. Gusty winds possible tomorrow 24 for the valley, not experiencing humidity. Smaller chance of thunderstorms on the seaway but the went those risk is there. 27 tomorrow, gusty winds from the southwest, high uv but lots of sunshine. Your seven-day forecast is brought to you by davidson hearing aid centre. Salivating 80 years in family business. Sunshine tomorrow, friday, saturday sunday, a bit closer to more seasonal temperatures of 20, 21, but that's a beautiful few days ahead. We won't experience humidity we've had a last few days and then a bunch of rain to start next week. >> Graham: good for the first part of that 7 days. >>> Coming up, a local high school track team setting records on cracking down on garbage rule breakers trash cops coming to the city this fall when the new three container limit comes into effect. Details after the break. >> Tonight london drugs refusing to pay millions and ransom. >> They've also lied through their teeth of what data they have. They are criminals. >> So forget those sophisticated hackers threatened to release stolen data. >> Announcer: at ottawa's top ( ) ( ) (Clock ticking)TYLENOL Rapid ReleaseGelcaps are scientifically designedto quickly release medicine and effectively relieve pain. Tylenol. Rapid Release. Rapid relief. Sandals Jamaica Sale is now on! With rates from $199 per person per night. Visit or call 1-800-Sandals With FreeStyle Libre 2, know your glucose level and where it's headed. Get real-time glucose readings sent right to your smartphone. FreeStyle Libre 2. Now you know. Visit or scan the code on your screen. Are you considering downsizing for finding a space that better suits your needs? With 22 years of experience, our office understands emotional and practical decisions when selling your home. If you have questions about your property or the neighborhood you live in, contact our office today.(Announcer) When you enter CHEO,you enter a Wo (child) With real lifeSuperheros! (child) Using amazing powersthat make us feel all better! (child) a special place,just for kids (child) That inspires us,and cares for us (child) With innovativelife-changing research, (child) cheo helps somany kids, every singleday! (child) Helping us liveour best lives, (child) Making a difference,for children, youth and families (Announcer) cheo. TheBest Life For Every Child andYouth. Discover furniture and accessories for your home and garden, as inspiring and unique as you. For a limited time, get up to 25% off made-to-measure furniture. Home Société [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance Every moment matters in a medical emergency. But Ottawa's paramedics are stretched so thin, they're struggling to reach us in time. A message from cupe 503. [ ] >> Graham: into nice big picture, incredible video of last nights thunderstorm that swept through ottawa. Shared with us on x. Taken from orleans. You can see the huge shelf cloud at the front of the storm cell along with heavy rain and lightning. No reports of significant damage. We have a photo gallery of the storm moving through the city on our website

>>> It's sweltering in ottawa, the hottest day so far this year, heat waves becoming more frequent and more extreme and that's prompting calls to protect workers who spend their days outside in the summer months. Here's ctv's queens park bureau chief siobhan morris. >> Reporter: not quite summer but already the sun is baking ontario making for some sometimes sizzling working conditions on the street and off >> We need better protection for workers from heat stress, as ontario faces more climate change driven extreme heat events. >> Reporter: new democrats, the ontario federation of labour and workers want the government to do more to make sure workers are kept. >> Cool the time for action is. >> Reporter: now whether they earn their paychecks in schools. >> , the heat drains them of energy making tasks such as cleaning, lifting and moving equipment even more exhausting. >> Reporter: or work in the shop. >> I'm wearing heavy leather, mask, gloves, and sometimes I can only stand there for ten minutes and I have to stop and peel that off. >> Reporter: all that gear can speed up the effects of heat stress on the body. Critics say cracking up the ac if you have it is not an adequate plan. >> You'd be amazed how many times I've heard from schools that not only is it sweltering lay hot, but the water fountains are also turned off because they didn't pass the water testing. >> Reporter: the ndp will look at what other jurisdictions have done to inform a bill they will present this fall. >> Making sure their cold water available, more breaks, shade, and frankly indoor space you can air-conditioned, making sure you have an engineering solution that produces or illuminates. >> Reporter: risk and acknowledgement these solutions will cost. >> More there's also a cost when workers can't work, when they need to go home. We've seen lives. >> Reporter: lost a spokesperson for the ministry of labour says employers have a duty to keep work environments safe, including in high heat. She says the ministry does thousands of proactive inspections each year but that workers should report some things they think rules are being woken. Siobhan morris, ctv news. >> Graham: some other stories you need to know right now, they will be new trash cops in the city this fall monitoring for illegal dumping when the new three item garbage limit comes into effect. As of september 30th, households will be limited to three containers every two weeks. The city expecting an increase in illegal dumping. For new trash inspectors, the fines range between $20,500.

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