
CJOH - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Thanks c. To b. Ottawa has extended coverage at the damage at the sale about allergy tunnel, more stories online at >>> A classic ottawa problem, different levels of government failing to work together to fix issues. This time it's a bike path in the city's west end. Badly in need of repair, but the solution won't come weekly. The pathway along greenbank road is the barrhaven to an opinion. It's on federally owned land but the city maintains it. Users say it's bumpy, floods, and it's unsafe. Here's peter szperling. >> Reporter: a barrhaven resident and avid cyclist. >> I get out as often as. >> Reporter: I can there's one path in ottawa he just won't write. >> Anymore I'm detouring five kilometres to avoid this path the day. >> Reporter: he says the pathway parallels the greenbank road between hunt club and fallowfield leaves much to be desired. >> The condition is abysmal, there are cracks and bumps and flooding that occurs in certain times of the year, it's actually unsafe to travel down, depending on your mode of transportation. >> Reporter: others agree. >> It obviously needs repair, some smoothing out and, you know, for the enjoyment of bikers and even walkers. >> Reporter: just cyclist says it's too bumpy for his bike, choosing to ride along the shoulder instead. >> Especially on a bike... Maybe a mountain bike would be, okay,, but it needs. >> Reporter: work the city tells us there's a plan to renew this pathway, but before that can happen, a deal needs to be struck with the canadian food inspection agency in order for construction to start. >> The agency says it's aware of the state of the path but says that although part of it is owned by the federal government, it's maintained by the city, come looking matters, the federal government is set to start building a new laboratory nearby. This means digging up part of the path in the coming years. >> What we want to avoid is... Having to tear it up, my understanding is that's five years. >> Reporter: off counsellors for the area wanted fixed sooner than. >> That we can't leave it in the state it's in now. It's been bad for several years and it will only get worse as each winter passes. >> Reporter: for now, no solution and cyclists are fed. >> Up it should be addressed. >> Reporter: peter szperling, ctv news. >> Graham: some of those cyclists, once they get off the bumps and head here to kanata bridge, a beautiful spot, that bridge of course closed in winter now open, sunrise, sunset, beautiful spot to see the city's downtown. Some fairly active whether to say the least. >> Matt: it's been an active afternoon indeed graham. Right around the region, at least for now most of it has been isolated to parts of the ottawa valley. But the current radar picture at this point. Any area and read a seeing severe thunderstorm warnings. We had a tornado warning earlier in the day, to be clear that's done. It's not happening right now, up towards round lake that we saw that whitney area pretty intense thunderstorms. Lots of activity, renfrew now suing it right now. At least in the last little bit you can see intense cell. Wind gusts could top 100 kilometres per hour. There's been severe downpours, also thunder and lightning associated with these storms. The worst of it appears to be rolling through but until midnight tonight, the chance of thunderstorms will be with us including in ottawa. Pay attention tonight because it's so muggy, it felt like 38 with the humidex this afternoon. We did not set a record, the good news I have for you is after we get through this evening with the active whether, the humidity disappears tomorrow. It will be warm in the morning but by tomorrow afternoon, this high of 26 with increasing cloud cover it won't feel like 30 or 32. At will feel just a touch warmer than that. Feeling like 36 even after 6:00, so extremely muggy, a close eye on the thunderstorm. Another full look coming up in a bit. >> Graham: thanks matt.

>>> A new push to revitalize ottawa's downtown core has been declining for years. Now, the ottawa board of trade is calling for $500 million from government and the private sector to transform it over the next decade. Is that a realistic plan? Jackie perez joins us with the. >> Reporter: latest the future of downtown ottawa has been a hot topic over the last few years as hybrid work policies allowed people to work from home. So the ottawa board of trade is helping senior levels of government will spend millions making downtown more livable. The lunch rush is not what it used to be at this downtown restaurant. >> The foot traffic we had in 2019 is not there anymore. >> Reporter: it relies on people working in the offices. A lot of that clientele are federal workers. As hybrid work policies allow people to work from home, fewer people mean more empty... >> Local businesses have... Some of the workforce won't return back they now need to move forward. >> Reporter: there is no a push to revitalize the core with government help. >> We know that hybrid work is here to stay. What does that look like? That's the conversation we are having right now. >> A top priority. >> Reporter: ... The ottawa board of trade in collaboration with the canadian urban institute releasing its plan to boost life back into the downtown streets. By increasing the number of residents downtown and repurposing federal buildings for new uses. If the plan comes together, they say it will add 40,000 new residents and 50,000 jobs by 2034. >> If we have a vibrant, thriving downtown, then we will actually realize a $1.3 billion influx of revenue. >> Reporter: the investment required, $500 million over ten years. From the private and public sectors. >> There are many different ways we can procure investments and the city that don't have to come from government. Government has a role, but there are other forms investment that we can expect. >> Reporter: for businesses in the core, time is ticking. >> We talked about it enough, we discussed enough, now it's time to make things happen. >> Reporter: the report identified actions that need to be taken immediately, with much focus around park street and the byward market. Now, a 500 million-dollar price tag is a hefty ask. Ten years is not long to get these recommendations in place. Leaving some sceptical at such a lofty goal. >> Graham: jackie perez, thanks.

>>> The provincial government investing nearly $10 million to build more supportive housing in ottawa. More than 4 million will go to the shepherds of good hope to create studio apartments on murray street for people experiencing homelessness. Cornerstone housing for women, also receiving more than $4,000,000.700000 will go to the ottawa mission to create new units at the florence street rooming house. >> Different solutions to solve the problems that we are facing for today. It's building all types of homes at -- across the province of interior that we can do that. We've done that before, we've removed obstacles and built affordable homes, we can build... >> Reporter: >> Graham: housing minister making the announcement in ottawa today, the new shepherds a good hope building on murray street. It's currently under construction. It's expected to open in spring of 2025, it will include 48 units, a drop in program, and a new community soup kitchen. >>> Police searching for a suspect in connection to a robbery in centretown. Police say around 2:00 am, on april 27th, a man approached a woman who was walking around gloucester and percy street, the men allegedly grabbed her and stole her phone. The victim wasn't injured. Police searching for this man who was wearing a black jacket with grey camouflage at the time. >>> Sobering new numbers when it comes to food insecurity in canada. And it's annual poverty report card, food bank canada warns, we've reached a critical turning point as poverty and food insecurity worsen. In every corner of the country. Canada receive an overall grade of d- with one in four people saying, they struggle to put food on the table. The ottawa food bank says, those were those relying on their service is at an all-time high. >> We are doing our best to provide food for our network in a way that really takes into account the people needing help the most. One of the grim realities is that families with children make up 30% of the people who are coming to our doors for help. >> Reporter: >> Graham: the report suggests the federal government has to find new ways to find further financial relief for the high cost of living.

>>> Coming up, calls to protect workers in ontario during heat waves and groundbreaking research out of western university. For one of the first times in my life, I can say I see the horizon. >> Graham: researchers may have discovered a potential cure for als. >> Matt: wouldn't that be something, for such a debilitating and devastating disease. >>> It's been very active as an afternoon, it's still muggy out there but we have lots of sun -- thunderstorms happening currently through the ottawa valley, another check after the break. Let's look at our first photo of the day. What a shell cloud storm moving through yesterday. We have a number of videos and pictures that were sent to us, but look at this shot again, to your left, clear sky and that shelf cloud, a storm system like this bringing with it normally wins coming first, everything else, funder, lightning, rain, following. Thanks for sending us that. If you want to check out other pictures of the storm, jump on to check them out. 30° in the capital, feels like 36 of there. It's trying to be hazy and we have a risk of thunderstorms, watch for those throughout the evening. Another reminder, if you will be on the website, sign up for morning and evening newsletters. Check out the best local content from sea to be news, ctv morning live and new This program is brought to you by Preszler Injury Lawyers, the name to remember She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. I'd do anything Welcome to the new PetSmart Treats rewardsTM. Ready go Collect points with every purchase. And save big on their favourite services. Anything for you PetSmart. Anything for Pets. ( ) Technology goes beyond special effects or epic camera shots. Shh. This is my favourite part. It offers surprising new perspectives. Evokes feelings. It takes you places that seemed out of reach. ( ) When technology becomes and extension of yourself that's progress you can feel. That's Audi. Woman: My nephew is having a blast with his new team. I'll have to tell him what I learned about his great-grandfather, Philippe. Through Ancestry, I found that he played on three different teams. And even landed a scholarship. Get to know your family story at Step into sustainableliving in Watercolour Westportby Land Ark Homes,(John) are yet to come is incredible! Come see our net zerosolar powered model home. Upbeat rock music . Messi magic once again Oh Canada!! their time has come The stage is set And it is spectacular!! [ ] >> Graham: very warm as matt said, the temperature and wild weather outside the city has moved through. Traffic is generally speaking pretty light on this wednesday evening.

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