
CJOH - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 11:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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... All right here. Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. [ ] >> Announcer: tonight, what if you bordered windows from a car tractor and nothing happened,. >> [ Unintelligible ] I can't do that the windows are done. >> Is overwhelming, at this point I don't think any of us are getting our money back,. >> Reporter: several people say a contactor faces thousands of dollars and did no work. They've been waiting years in some cases. [ ] >> [ Unintelligible ] with [ Unintelligible ] >> To make sure nothing has a risk of falling, we are going to installed mesh at that localized area. >> Reporter: after a five-day shutdown, no answers on what caused it, or whether it will happen again. Ehsassi. >> Reporter: it's a decaying bike path of my take another five years to fix. >> I am detouring five columbus to avoid this path. >> Reporter: why we'll take so long, and why writers have to bump along. [ ] >> Good evening we begin tonight with at least a dozen people cost eastern ontario and western quebecers say they paid deposits worth thousands of dollars to have their windows replaced, and now say they are worried they have been scammed. Ctv's austin lee has their story. >> My trust in a person's word forget contractors, but a trust in a person's work is at an all-time low. >> Reporter: is one of a handful of people who fear they have been taken for thousands of dollars. In january, she sent a contractor $10,000 to have the windows replaced in her recently purchased weight field home, but months of delays have put barclays life on hold. >> I haven't even my place yet. Because I can't do that to the windows are done. >> Reporter: and she is not alone, it has been roughly two years since christian lafleur put down a $4000 deposit for work for the same company. He says not only is the work still not done, but he has yet to see any proof that his windows have even been purchased. >> It's overwhelming, at this point I don't think any of us are going to get our money back. I would love to see our money back, but I don't like it's going happen. >> Reporter: the company in question is view windows. The men behind the company? Dennis walker, who has ignored multiple requests for an interview. Lafleur says, he knows of at least 12 people, including himself who are out a total of nearly $64,000. Richard cyr is out nearly $8500. Money he sent nearly two years ago. Yet again, no work has been done. Not only that, it seems the windows were never ordered. >> I even showed up at the manufacturer of the windows the so the general and was very helpful in telling me these windows have never been ordered. So as opposed to what I had been told that they had been ordered,. >> Reporter: austin lee, ctv news. >> Matt: you can done with the ctv news app right now just can the qr code on your screen using or smart phone. We have more details on the alleged contract a scam at eastern ontario, and western québec.

>>> Woelfel lrt services back up and running including saint laurent station today after shutdown for five days because of loose concrete in the tunnel ceiling. Is not clear is what is causing the a temporary fix in place. Tunnel at saint laurent's old. Built in the 1980s. No water is leaking into it, and corroding the concrete. Ctv's leah larocque has more. >> Reporter: it's an easier commute today for classmates alastair and gerald. >> I took the train this money, and it was great. >> Reporter: saint laurent station back up and running, after trains skipped it for five days. >> They haven't really been very good in terms of transportation. They need to work on a. P1 when we stopped, we stop everything. So we don't take any risk. Thank it is the most important. >> Reporter: water was leaking, causing some of the ceiling tiles to discolour. There are worrying signs of decay the station closed, and engineers brought in to investigate. >> I want to say look behind the ceiling panels that's where there was concern raised about corrosion of the support structure to the ceiling panels. >> Reporter: to fix the problem, crews removed the ceiling tiles, and put up temporary mesh to possibly catch falling concrete. >> To make sure nothing has a risk of falling, we are going to install mesh at that localized area. That area will need more work in the coming months. Because it is not in a state, at them temporary state. It is safe. >> Reporter: in january there were also problems inside the tunnel near saint lauran after pieces of concrete from the ceiling fell onto the track. The city says the two issues are not related, but clearly there are serious issues with the tunnel. It was originally built for buses, and not trains. >> So after the debris issue from january, did we do tile structural inspections? >> Reporter: counsellors wanting to know what to tell concerned writers. >> I keep telling people the tunnels are safe, the infrastructure is safe. Trying to maintain public confidence, in trust in the system throws another issue in the same tunnels. >> Reporter: as for what exactly caused the water damage in the first place? City says, they still do not know. >> It's like [ Unintelligible ] sometimes it's working, sometimes it's not. To kind of have to be prepared almost that it might not be working. >> Reporter: leah larocque, ctv news. >> Staying with the lrt new documents appear to show that the earliest date the trillian line could open is mid-august. Last week, oc transport officials said the north-south line from bayview to riverside south would open at some point in the summer. Documents posted online for next week's light real subcommittee meeting lattimore specific online for training and testing. They are planning to complete line for eight to 10 weeks along with 14 days of trial running before opening it for writers. They have extended coverage of the light rail issues include little saint laurent. There are more stories online is ottawa.n the forecast get there is sti whether there the region right now, u. All the areas in yellow are severe warnings, and the watch has actually been lifted for the ottawa area, what it is still there for all of the ottawa valley can see at this hour. There arere tracking just thrst north of highway seven. So it something to pay attention to right now, because it doesn't look like we are quite done with thunderstorm activity at this point. That will be done by two or 3:00 in the morning, and then all of the cloud cover is going to clear up, because we are expecting sunshine, and almost 20 degrees to start your thursday tomorrow. A beautiful day, no humidity in the afternoon, or very little of it I shouldn't say no, there that could be a little but out there. But again, may be feeling one or 2 degrees warmer, with 26 into the afternoon right now. Still pretty warm muggy, feeling -- point you can liked when a. We'll have more details in your forecast coming up a little bit later. Is a classic ottawa problem. Different levels of government failing to work I get -- together to fix issues. This time at a bike path in the cities must end badly in need of repair, but the solution will not come quickly. The pathway along greenbank road is the only bike path that connects bar haven and [ Unintelligible ] pickets on federally owned land, with the city maintains it. User say it is bumpy, it is unsafe. Here's ctv's peter sperling. >> Reporter: this is a bar haven resident and avid cyclist. >> I get out as often as I can. >> Reporter: what there is one path in ottawa he just won't write anymore. >> I am detouring five kilometres to avoid this path, just to get started with my cycling tour for the day. >> Reporter: he says the pathway parallel to greenbank road between two areas leaves much to be designed. >> The condition of it is

abysmal. There are cracks, and bumps, and flooding that occurs at certain times of the year. And it is actually unsafe to travel down depending on your mode of transportation. >> Reporter: others agree. >> Needs to be fixed. >> It obvious he needs repair some smoothing out, and for the bikers, and even for walkers. >> Reporter: the cyclist says its too bumpy for his buy choosing to ride along the shoulder instead. >> Especially on a bike with our tires. Maybe a mountain bike would be okay. What you need to more. >> Reporter: the city tells us there is a plan to renew this pathway. But before that can happen, I deal needs to be struck with the canadian food inspection agency in order for construction to start. The agency says it is aware of the state of the path, but says although part of it is owned by the federal government, it is maintained by the city. Complicate matters, the federal government is set to start building a new laboratory nearby. Which will mean taking a part of the path in the coming years. >> What we want to avoid is putting the pathway that in having to tear it up. But my understanding is that five years off. >> Reporter: counsellors for the area want it fixed sooner than that. >> We obvious he can't leave it in the state is in now. Skin prevent for several years, and it's only going to get worse as each winter passes. >> Reporter: but for now, there is no solution, and cyclists are fed up. >> It's of that should be addressed. >> Reporter: peter sperling ctv news. >> Matt: a new push to revitalize the downtown core that has been declining for years. Nothing out of a board of trade is calling for $500 million from government, and the private sector to transform it over the next decade. But is it a realistic plan? Ctv jackie perez reports. >> Reporter: the lunch rush is what it used to be at this downtown restaurant. >> The foot traffic we used to have, in 2019, 2020 is not there anymore,. >> Restaurant relies on people working in the offices. A lot of that clientele are federal workers. But as hybrid work policies allow people to work from home, fewer people see more empty street. >> Local businesses have made peace with the fact that some of the workforce is not going to return. That we now need to move forward. >> Reporter: now there is a push to revitalize the core, with government help. >> We know that hybrid work is here to stay. What does that look like? That's a conversation we are having right now. >> The exhibition of downtown autobahn top rarity. >> Reporter: the ottawa board of trade in collaboration with the canadian urban institute releasing its plan to boost life back into the downtown streets. By increasing the number of residents downtown, and repurposing federal buildings for new uses. If the plan comes together, they say it will add 40,000 new residents. And 50,000 jobs by 2034. >> If we have a vibrant and thriving downtown, that we will actually realize 1.3 billion-dollar influx of revenue. >> Reporter: the investment required $500 million over 10 years. From the private and public sector. >> There are lots of different ways that we can procure investment in the city that don't necessarily have to come from government. Government has to play a roll, what I think there are other forms of investment that we can expect as well. >> Reporter: for businesses in the core, time is ticking. >> We talked about it enough. We have discussed it enough. Now is the time to make things happen. >> Reporter: jackie perez, ctv news. >> Matt: the government is investing nearly $10 million to build more housing in the capital. More than $4 million will go to the shepherds of good hope to create studio apartment on murray street for people experiencing homelessness. Cornerstone housing for women also receiving more than $4 million, and 700,000 is going to the ottawa mission to create new units at the florence street house. >> It is different solutions to solve the problem that we are facing for today. It is building all types of homes across the province of ontario. And we can do that. We have done that before, we have moved off -- obstacles and we built affordable homes. We build attainable homes. Epic materials housing and so making the announcement in the city today at the new shepherds a good hope building on murray street. Is currently under construction. It is expected to open in the spring of 25, and we'll include 48 units, drop-in program, and new community soup kitchens. And more then a dozen local business leaders gathering in the carling to neighbourhood tonight sharing concerns about a separate proposed shepherds of good hope supportive housing develop and. >> And the research the [ Unintelligible ] of the ops site has [ Unintelligible ] >> Reporter: organizes pointing to ottawa police statistics showing that crime in the neighbourhood is increasing. The community is already home to three buildings on maryville road that offer support for the city's vulnerable population. And those in attendance were concerned a fourth will mean more problems. >> We're just having a meeting this evening because there is a lot of issues in the neighbourhood. >> It's very hard to imagine what's going on now is increase

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