
CJOH - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

But don't takeour word for it. Take it fromeveryone else. So, what does it take to makeCanada's most awarded fullyelectric vehicle l wah is whatit takes. [Hyundai sting] Create the furniture of your dreams. New Oak Tree does exactly that. They build furniture for life. It's their passion. Carlton Place, Navan, and Pembroke. [jamie]: every year, we end up with some pretty huge ice storms up in hope. [tree crashing] holy [bleep]. Unbelievable. -our phone lines will go down. -that's right... Power will go out. The internet's down, so our branches can't connect to each other. Did you experience a lot of that this last winter? We did get some ice storms this winter, yes. [ken]: look at the tree down here. Like, look at the mess. Trees, most dangerous thing. Wow. The branches are covered in ice. -they fall... -[ice cracking] I just finished saying to the guys, "watch that tree." [crashing] look out. Wow, there, that's what I'm talking about. As soon as I said it, it come down. -really? -oh, broke right off, yeah. Just one simple thing like that, you'd be killed in an ice storm. -that quick, bang. -wow. Another real bad thing is high winds. [ken]: oh... High winds are very unpredictable, I'll tell ya. Whoa, it's windy. The wind was really blowing strong. She's blowing, eh? [ken]: ryan got there first. He says, "i think I need help on this job." so we went up with two smaller trucks. We got craig there. -let's do this quick. -here, craig. And doing it in windy conditions like, like... Oh! Unbelievable, the wind was. Craig! Get me the strap. Whoo! Watch the semi. And you don't have a lot of room to upright it... Here comes another big truck. ...'cause your bridge is only so wide. Such confined area. Yes. We're gonna have to get right over to this side. We could go to this railing. You came up with the idea of using the bridge. Yes. I think that would be better, and it gives us a better angle. That's pretty innovative, and not many guys would've done that. That railing looks pretty strong. [laughs] we'll find out. I mean, what else are you gonna use? There's no room. I just wanna see what strength we got on this rail. Watch yourselves on this here. Go. [jamie]: meanwhile, the traffic's backing up. [ken]: exactly. There is no easy way of doing it sometimes. It's coming now, just take it a little bit. Why is that so tight? Watch it. When we first hooked onto that truck, we broke a strap. Looked like the strap was brand-new. That's pretty sharp. That's like a razor. Yeah. Yes, and it should never have broke. Let's go to this axle here, then. We ended up having to put that line there. Pass me that line? Is it lifting, craig? [ken]: then we had the other wrecker flipping it also, and catching it. Yeah, go ahead! Whoa! We just gotta hope the wind stops for a second. [creaking] here she comes. Beautiful! [cheering] whoo-ee! When you see it come up onto its wheels, and comes down nice and easy... That was beautiful, yeah. That's the way you wanna land 'em if you can. -yeah. You get hooked up to it quick, ryan. It looked like it was in pretty good shape. Was there any damage to it atll? No, there wasn't much damage. Yeah, it doesn't even look like it damaged it at all. Well, that was one hell of a job. Not the biggest, heaviest thing in the road... -no, no. -...but it was a complex job. It is really, yes. And not everybody could do that. No. [ken]: let's see what else comes our way today. [merv]: it sat in there, I think, for three days in the median. He weighed too much. He broke through. He sunk and sat. There she be. You ended up using a bulldozer to pull that out.

[al]: hey, hey, hey! [merv]: big al with his d9 cat. 100% the best tool for that job, yeah. [al]: it's gonna be the king of the hill tonight, right here in abbotsford. Well, al, that's a big machine. Oh, yeah. My chariot has arrived! It's unique to see a machine like that out on the highway. [merv laughing] wee-hoo! That job looks like it was really cold. [laughs] that was one of those jobs where I wish I had my winter gear. Well, you're usually standing on the coq in a t-shirt. [laughs] yeah. What was it like riding on it? My whole family comes from a logging background, so I've ridden in cats, I'm used to ‘em. [laughing] one thing I have not done is rode in a cat in the wintertime with 90-kilometre winds. It was the coldest trip in a cat I've ever had in my entire life. [al]: whoo! [jamie]: a lot of times, these trucks have moisture in their air systems. A couple of days turned off on the side of the road, and they're gonna freeze up. The original plan was that we'd heat up the air dryer, and that would help try to get air back to the tanks, release the brakes, and then we could pull it all forward. We tried the tiger torch, but the wind was howling. Holy. And those new trucks have got so much plastic line and plastic parts. The last thing I need is to be phoning my dad saying, “boy, we've got a big fire going." (laughter) so you ended up caging brakes? We had to go to the old mechanical way. [jamie]: caging brakes in cold weather, it's not a fun job to do. [merv]: the only nice part about caging all the brakes is that there's no wind under that trailer. Oh, it's actually warm under here. It was like 10 degrees underneath that truck. Let's roll. [jamie]: you're very cautious when you're pulling that thing. [al]: you can hear the squeaks as it's all starting to stretch out from the torque of that dozer. Just the power alone of that machine. Pull the whole front end off that truck. The last thing you wanna do is do that while the cameras are rolling, I'll tell ya. [laughing] do you got your wrench there? Was one of the brakes frozen up? The whole tractor was actually frozen to the ground. Get a little more? A little bit more, not much. All right. Worst-case scenario, we can still drag it. Here she comes. It's busted out of there now. That was probably the happiest time, was when I got in the cab of that freightliner. -[laughs] it was warm. -it's warm! You must be in that cat, putting that throttle up. Feeling like-- [gives tarzan yell] -[laughing] -right? Sometimes. [merv]: I'm just gonna do a little bit of a pick and load, and get 'er off the highway. All right, we're outta here. When you're done that job, how do you feel? Plenty happy to be in that heated cab. Mother nature makes you go home to momma. [laughs] yeah! Well, that was cold that night. [laughs] (Dramatic music) So you ready to go? Go until you can't go anymore. Lets go. Let's play hockey. Set the tone! We'll give 'em the lumber. You hurt? No excuses. They look ready to me. Bulldog hockey, baby. (Cheering) Light 'em up, light 'em up Light 'em up, light 'em up, light 'em up woman: Name two continents. Man: Mustard and relish. Oh my God. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Getting the right new windowswith Pella was simple.Yeah, when renovating adr it can be hard tofind great people. Our dedicated Pellaadvisor was a godsend. We had confidence in Pella. They sold over 5 millionreplacement windows and doors. So, we knew our local teamwould be on top of every detail. And the installation wasdone in just a day. Mom the kitchen sinkis broken again.

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