
CJOH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

Closed captioningis brought to youin part,by Bingoland Ottawas favoritecommunity gamingcentre! [narrator]: on highway 1 just west of hope... [narrator]: ...push has come to shove... [narrator]: ...for colin mclean and mighty mo... Aw, come on. Come on, baby, come on. [narrator]: ...trying to free a stuck semi... Beside a busy road. [colin sighing]: I'm ready to snap. [colin]: it's not going to work. [grumbles] aw, [bleep]. It's time to rethink this plan and pull the guy out. Wait here. [narrator]: colin will have to reposition mighty mo to the front... [colin]: four feet of freakin' snow... Yee-haw. [narrator]: ...and pull the rig into the live lane. [colin]: ...and where we're gonna be exiting is gonna be into that open lane of the freeway where traffic is travelling at anywhere from 80 to 100 kilometres an hour. Okay, boss, this ain't gonna be pretty. Brakes off, put 'er in gear. Any of you guys that are headed westbound just past hunter creek, you're gonna have a wrecker pullin' a guy out here... [narrator]: colin kicks the mo into gear... Come on, buddy! [narrator]: ...and waits to make his move. Come on! [narrator]: finally, the truck's out of the deep drift... [colin]: yeah, you're good, you're good. [narrator]: ...and with a short break in traffic... Go! Go! Go! [narrator]: ...colin waves the driver out into the open lane. Go! This is a high-volume traffic area. I need to get him out of there fast. [narrator]: push or no push, it's a win for jamie's classic wrecker, but a bittersweet victory for colin. [colin]: the whole bumper thing for me now, I really don't care for it. It'd be great, though, if you ever hit a moose or something. [laughs] chuggada, chuggada, chuggada. [narrator]: 90 kilometres northeast in the hills between hope and merritt, b.c... [james luke]: we're going right to the top. [narrator]: ...a 4x4 tow truck climbs a narrow road into the backcountry. [james]: I'm actually kind of bothered about this one. [narrator]: reliable towing's james luke is following an atv... [narrator]: an off-road recovery. It's got a lot of steep grades, corners. It's very nerve-racking. Don't like that. Some of these cliff sides drop a good thousand feet. [sighing] oh, my lord... [narrator]: eight kilometres in, the atv leads james to the crash site. This is a problem. [narrator]: over the edge... A pick-up truck and camper cling to a steep bank. [james]: it's a camper trailer that is hanging over a cliff side with a truck attached to it. It's a very sketchy situation. [narrator]: the driver was climbing the icy road when the truck lost traction... [tires spinning] ...began to slide backwards... ...went over... ...until coming to a stop, snagging a tree 40 feet below. [james]: another two feet, and it would have been a different situation. [narrator]: the driver and a passenger jumped out of the truck before it left the road. [james]: these people are lucky. I'm amazed they even walked away from this. I didn't think it was that steep... [narrator]: after a sobering look at the wreck... ...and that's quite a pull, too. [narrator]: ...james realizes he's outgunned. Oh, man. [james]: the truck and trailer combined weigh more than my truck.

I cannot do this job myself. I don't want to end up down in the ravine. [narrator]: he calls one of reliable's top operators... Hey. What's up? [narrator]: ...and good friend, mitch karr. [james]: I've known him for a long time. Better be ready, my friend. He's definitely, uh, one of a kind, that guy. [narrator]: mitch is highly trusted by company owner suki manj. I call him the beard of knowledge. He lives, breathes, and dreams towing. There we go! I'm looking at the truck and the trailer right now, and this road's a sheet of ice. All right, keep your phone with you and close. It's all good, we'll get it figured out. Okay, bye. [sighs] [mitch]: doing these off-road recoveries can be very risky. Having those extra eyes is going to be a very critical point to being able to get this back up. [james]: it's gonna be a long night, boys, I hope you're ready. [narrator]: night has fallen... [narrator]: james leads mitch up murray lake road. [mitch]: it's a back road, middle of nowhere. We're a long ways away from any kind of real civilization. This is ridiculous. I was not gonna try and move it myself. That truck is just barely hanging on... And a travel trailer that's down the bank. It's going to be a heavy pull. We'll take this nice and slow, nice and easy, but we'll make it happen. [narrator]: a passenger who was in the truck when it went over has returned to the scene. [woman]: the trailer was fishtailing, and that's when my husband told me to jump. I've never jumped out of a moving truck before. So we got some decent weight. Yup. Probably 1,200 pounds. [narrator]: but the steepest challenge for mitch and james will be the slick, narrow road. This is every tow truck driver's nightmare. We're gonna put my truck up here. [mitch]: the road is not wide enough for even two one-ton trucks to pass each other. When I pull the truck to get into a position this way... Yeah. You're gonna have to tie off to that trailer in some way, shape, or form, and hold it... Yeah. I can pivot that truck. [narrator]: mitch and james' one-tons will winch from opposite sides, guiding the pickup truck and trailer up the bank until the camper is up on the road. ... And we'll bring the whole thing up this way. We're gonna have to bring it back out gently, and slowly. [james]: see, this is why I call you, mitch. [clucks] that's what I'm here for, buddy. Hard this side... go slow. [narrator]: the reliable crew carefully backs into position. Keep coming straight back. [mitch]: you're working on really, really slippery road conditions. The worst could definitely happen here. Okay, good, right there. [narrator]: mitch deploys the one-ton's stiff legs... Good. anchor it to the road. I stuff those things in the ground, and they'll keep me from moving anywheres. Go ahead and roll. Go ahead, pull 'em both out. Okay. [mitch]: starting to winch is the big moment. That's when you really know whether or not we're going to be able to withhold all of that weight. Just keep steady. [mitch]: if everything lets go, our trucks are down at the bottom of that hill too. [narrator]: mitch and james start to winch... James, can you pull more? [narrator]: ...but the steep pull... [james]: hold on, hold on. Mitch! I got, like, eight inches of air under the front tire. [narrator]: pushing james... Whoa... I'm completely in the air. [narrator]: ...out of his comfort zone. [james]: whoa! Hold on, mitch! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Gordon ramsay finds his next food star Top food entrepreneurs are fighting for a 250 thousand dollar prize but this time Buckle up, big boy gordon faces his biggest rival ever. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? It's team lisa The more worried you are, the happier I am vs I hate you!!! Team gordon She can Vanderpump off. We're done on ctv stream on all your favorite devices ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60

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