
CJOH - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> For years, the dave smith treatment centre has been a respite for troubled young people, a place for recovery, balance at a second chance. This week in carp, the grand opening of a brand-new uni realization of dreams that took decades to build. This week, the official opening of the dave smith youth treatment centre on 1895 bradley side road in carp. >> Reporter: what a celebration in carp this week. [ Cheering ] >> Reporter: as they look to the skies to thank the menu had this vision for decades. >> This was his dream, to have a multicentre together with all our staff and youth, all under one roof, working together rather than being scattered across the campuses. He would be very thrilled. >> Reporter: the dave smith youth treatment centre is now a safe place for a fresh start, he raised millions for years, all across ottawa and the valley, much of it for this building. One place, a larger footprint, to help troubled youth with addictions, treatment, and a second chance. People like alexandra rodriguez. >> I learned how to be assertive, how to take care of myself, how to communicate with family and appreciate life a lot more. >> As we come together,'s marks a true difference for the youth in our community. You've all been a part of it and for that I thank you. For years, the dave smith centre has been operating at different campuses. Smith's vision was this place. He died in 2020 as this grand opening was still years away. >> It's been such a big moment for the agency and something that we've all been so eagerly anticipating. The fact that it's finally here, everyone is just beyond excited to finally move. >> Graham: in it's a full live in rehab facility, counselling, treatment, life skills, all under one roof. At a time when the demand for mental health services has skyrocketed for young people, this place will be a hub of hope >> I felt safe the second I stepped in here, and I felt safe until I stepped out. It changed my life and helped everything. >> Graham: wonderful to see that, is so many have worked so hard on bringing that forward and it was wonderful to see that ribbon-cutting this week.

>>> The weather forecast , that brilliant blue sky out there, lots of it today. It was a too and a bit cooler. The forecast was correct. At about 16°, that wind whipping around, there was a bit of chill in the air. From the satellite, not much going on, just a few clouds, a few wisps. Tonight slow, get the blanket out, maybe a longsle I ottawa, a bit warmer inenton, cooler in kit at 6°, 5° went -- maniwaki. Gatineau at 8 degrees at -- kemptville at 8° as well tonight. Let's look around the country. A big discrepancy in atlantic canada, no surprise there. 8° st. John's, 22 charlottetown, warm air in halifax too 22, and 20 in fredericton. Québec and ontario, québec city 15, timmons cooler at 11, we are pretty nice sitting at 20-degree -- toronto, 25°, windsor, 27°. Cooler on the prairies at 13 in saskatoon. Warmer in regina, winnipeg training and 9. Cabin 10 celebrating that when last night, cool at 13°, but they don't care. They are up 1-0. Vancouver at 14°, whitehorse and look at yellowknife, 17°. Warmer than winnipeg, basically all of the temperatures on the board. Well done yellowknife! Tomorrows highs, as race weekend kicks in, a chance of shower later in the day for us, we will have when he won° and bright sunny skies for most of the day. Basically perfect running weather. Pembroke 18, bancroft 21, a bit warmer in trenton at 23, tremblant warm, 23, montréal at 21. This seven-day forecast is brought to you by davidson hearing aid centre, celebrating 80 years in family business. Here's your seven-day right now. A high of 21, warmer on sunday. Look at sunday's temperature. 25°, bright and sunny not a cloud in the sky. The chance of precipitation is getting lower which is nice for monday, tuesday, wednesday. Some showers moving in but the temperatures moderating a bit. Our warmest day will be sunday but from what I understand from the runners, 25 is not that punishing humidity, smoke in previous years for race weekend, 25 is going to be nice especially in the morning. A nice way to start those long runs. Not a bad seven-day at all. As we had to the end of may.

>>> A new pop quiz, test your knowledge of the week's news, take the quiz at >>> Coming up, edmonton and dallas go to double overtime in game one and I gave it away. But that's okay. The canadian start taking the stage in ottawa. [ ] sarah mclachlan bringing her tour to the capital this fall, details after the break. >> From france to canada, a hero's homecoming. >> Great on something like. >> This soldiers from newfoundland pay tribute to a fallen comrade from the first world war. That story and more later on ctv national news. >> Announcer: out of us top our products for quality Over and over and over again." So, you know they're built to last. ( ) Only the best earn the badge. ( ) Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. Huge jackpots are back at Delta Bingo Online, with even more chances to win! With 20 thousand dollars in prizes starting April 20th, and one-hundred-thousand dollars in prizes on May 25th, Saturdays are for yelling bingo. Play at Hey, I'm saving big with td Insurance for being a claims-free, hybrid-driving university grad. Wow Dave! You should have your own jingle. With over 30 ways to save nobody saves like Dave Hm! Td. Ready for you. Were at Deslaurier Custom Cabinets with Megan. Megan, tell me why Gloria is such a good choice. There are so many reasons to come to DesLaurier We have been in business for over 40 years. We are a locally owned company and we have ten fantastic designers to choose from. And I hear you have a special event happening right now. We certainly do. If you buy a kitchen from DesLaurier you will get $1,000 to use a capital barbecue. DesLaurier Custom cabinets where you design a kitchen and get a fantastic barbecue on until June 9th. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Exploring the Cabot Trail was incredible, but it is so nice to relax, isn't it? (Snoring) Rest up, buddy, because tomorrow we're doing wine country. What does it take to be aleader in electric vehicles? At Hyundai, it takes acommitment to quality a desire to innovate and show the worldthe way forward. But don't takeour word for it. Take it fromeveryone else. So, what does it take to makeCanada's most awarded fullyelectric vehicle l wah is whatit takes. [Hyundai sting] [ ] >> Graham: retail giants like dollarama, costco and metro are facing a class-action lawsuit in québec over reusable plastic bags. Ctv's olivia o'malley explains. >> Reporter: if you ever purchased this green dollarama bag, you can be part of a new class-action lawsuit. I would assume this impact several million people across québec. >> Reporter: a lawyer is leading the case against defendants such as dollarama, and metro. >> This is the dollarama bag that was filed in court as evidence. >> Reporter: he says these stores cell bags they advertise as recyclable, when in fact they are not. >> The law is very clear, you can't make a full fraudulent claim, in this place -- case, the claims are manifestly wrong, false and fraudulent and misleading. >> Reporter: while the bags are reusable, many people see to be spoke to say they are surprised they can't be recycled. >> This is just for emergency and I don't have any bags, so I keep using it all the time. >> When I buy a bag like this, I just reuse it as long as I can until it rips. I always thought it was recyclable. I always. >> Reporter: the lawyer says according to one of the biggest root most recycling facilities in québec, these cannot be recycled in québec or even in canada. >> If you try to stretch it, it does not stretch, it's rigid and therefore goes in the garbage not in the recycling bin. >> Reporter: several companies mentioned including dollarama tells you to be newsday will not be commenting on the subject

because of the ongoing legal procedure. Any québec or who bought a bag from april 16th 2019 until now is still eligible to join the class-action. Olivia o'malley, ctv news. >> Graham: into nice big picture, the world's largest tree has passed a general health check. It's name is general sherman and for the first time, researchers have scaled the 85 metre tall sequoia tree. They are searching for evidence of an emerging threat to the magnificent tree, bark beetle, but after careful inspection, the towering 2200-year-old tree is doing just fine. >>> Some of the other stories you need to know. One of canada's most popular singer-songwriter's coming to ottawa this fall. [ ] >> Graham: sarah mclachlan is bringing her fondling towards ecstasy 30th anniversary tour to the canadian tire centre. The show was on november 8th, tickets go on sale next friday. At 10:00 am. >> A lot of women take their hair products so seriously but you are down to earth. >> I bring my hair products, I packed them, but then I use the hotel's products as well. >> Graham: she's a down to earth woman, ctv's natalie van rooy joins jeff on move 100 this morning as a special guest cohost. You can listen to the morning show every weekday from 6:00 am to 10:00 am. [ Cheering ] >> Graham: td place will be packed this weekend when -- takes on ford fc. The canadian defending champ derek demand is so high that the north side stands will be open tomorrow. Atletico ottawa is currently first place in the league. Kickoff tomorrow at 3:00 pm. >> Announcer: scores! >> Graham: the oilers take an early lead in the nhl's western conference final after a dramatic win last night, the captain scored just 32 seconds into double overtime. Defeating the stars in the first game of the series. The final score 3-2, game two for tomorrow night in dallas. >> The double quarter pounder with cheese meal... I think I will have to supersize it. >> Graham: oscar nominated documentary filmmaker morgan spurlock has passed away. He started... Released a feature film supersize me. At saw him conduct an experiment well it goes he only ate food from mcdonald's for a month while documenting the impact on his health. Family members say, he died yesterday in new york of publications with cancer. He was just 53 years old.

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