
CJCH - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 04:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #5

>>> The united nations will head to the polls in six weeks to decide who will be britain's prime minister after the current one called a general election. >> Earlier today I spoke with his majesty the king to request asis illusion of parliament. The king -- disi go solution -- the king -- disillusion -- the king has granted the request. >> Merella: standing in the pouring rain rishi sunak said the vote would come at a time of great uncertainty in the world. Citing russia's war in ukraine and instability in the middle east. It also comes at a time when his party is behind in the polls, with the british public appearing eager for change after 14 years of a conservative government. >>> Graceland is off the auction block for now. He will advice's granddaughter has won a legal bid to delay the sale. >> Rylee: riley keough argues a creditor is illegally claiming rights to the memphis property. The company says her late mother lisa marie presley used the state as collateral for a multimillion dollar loan that was never repaid, but keough claims the documents were forged and the loan never exist the. It's unclear when -- existed -- the judge will make a final ruling in the cases. >>> An unusual standoff was caught on camera at a montreal zoo. Footage shows a canada goose choosing flight -- choosing fight over flight, staring down a fox that tried to attack. The woman behind the camera says at one point the fox had the goose's neck in its mouth. >> I just watched the scene and it was unbelievable. The fox kept going after the goose and the goose was flapping and hitting it. The fox was limping at one point. >> Merella: remarkably the bird managed to break free with the fox eventually giving up the goose living to fight another day. >>> After the break, it is a barbie world. A canadian soccer superstar gets an honour that is plastic and fantastic. Ever wonder what's around the next corner? ( ) ( ) Past the trees. ( ) Over the mountains? ( ) That's where adventure lives... ( ) Take a Nissan suv and go find it. ( ) Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) We have an earthly address,and yet, our citizenshipis in heaven. Anncr: 30 minutes of gospelmusic and inspiration. I urge you to keep upyour courage... Faith to Live By.Sundays at 9 a.m.on ctv. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at The qeii Home Lottery final deadline is midnight Friday! Live lakeside in Glen Arbour with the 1.8 million dollar Grand Prize Showhome awarded with $50,000! Absolute final deadline midnight Friday! Do you require home oxygen or cpap for sleep apnea? Family 1st Medical can help. Our clinicians use the latest technology to ensure you breathe easier and sleep better. Family 1st Medical. Putting your family first since 1987!

>>> Christine sinclair is a well-accomplished canadian athlete with a lopping best of wins and titles -- long list -- she's inspired a legion of young canadians to play competitive soccer. Now she's inspired something else. Sarah plowman joins us now. There is a christine sinclair barbie. >> Reporter: merella, christine sinclair is a three-time olympic medallist. She scored more international and more olympic golds than any player in the world, and now she's being honoured in a very small, but big way. >> There's sinclair wide open goal. It's christine sinclair! >>> The belief christine sinclair gave canadians was contagious. That they could dream, win, and be the best in the world. A role model. >> That's me, my face. >> Reporter: and now mini model. A barbie with her signature headband and jersey. >> They got the gold medal, most important, right? High socks, because the cool kids wear hay socks. >> Reporter: for its 65th anniversary, barbie is honouring nine athletes from around the world. Tennis star venus williams is another. >> I mean, there's moments in life that you can't even dream about. I never thought that I would be, you know, made as a barbie doll. >> Reporter: while the aim may be to inspire the maker of barbies says the dolls aren't for the public. They won't be for sale. >> The role model dolls are created just in their likeness truly to honour those athletes, and I would love a doll, too. I feel everyone's pain out there. But there is only one. And it is gifted to the role model. >> Reporter: that pus else parents. >> -- puzzles parents. >> Why not sell them to all the girls so girls can play with barbies, not just princesses, they can be kicking a ball or -- >> Sinclair says being a barbie role model is an honour. >> You know, an ionic toy -- iconic toy hopefully can inspire the next generation of young canadians. >> Reporter: I asked the maker of the dolls whether they're considering selling them to the public and I was told that there are no plans right now, but you never know what the future holds. Merella. >> Merella: yeah. What a shame. Sarah, thank you.

>>> And that's our newscast for this wednesday. Thanks for sharing your time with us. Be sure to join todd van der heyden later tonight and for ongoing coverage of canada's top stories, tune into ctv news channel. I'm merella fernandez. I'll see you again tomorrow. Your local ctv news begins right now. [ ] >> Announcer: "ctv national news." >> It's wednesday, may 22nd. This is ctv at 6. Here's what's making news tonight. >> Will this early summer like weather spell success now? Haligonians have their say on

the city's to downtown neighbourhood. And wet weather returns for some on thursday. It does come with the risk of some thunderstorms. From our maritimes news centre. This is ctv news at 6:00. Is todd battis. Good evening. The hot dry weather continue today and much of the maritimes and that could be exactly what's needed in our fields and orchards. >> Ctv's jonathan macinnis has some growers. I like them apples turns out. Alex walsh isn't going to count is apple's before their pit. But there's reason to believe this year's crop will be a good one. We've got big bloom got the potential for big crop. We just need. >> You know, everything to go well and we'll have a good officer. In the season. It's not just apple's. The president of the nova scotia fruit growers association is optimistic. This will be a bountiful season for all growers. >> Overall fix is going to be a really good year. There's a lot of blue everywhere and the weather is cooperating. It's a major turnaround from the last couple years when farmers faced a series of extreme weather events that destroyed some crops entirely in 2023. In february, we had a freeze polar vortex that took it all of the peaches and other stone fruits. >> And in 2022 and february, same kind of thing happened that damaged a lot of them. So we've had 2 years is virtually no peaches. Cherries, plums. >> Despite that, the tree fruit industry still contributed 83.1 million dollars last year to the provincial gdp. Devos's a great flowing year. Now walsh just needs the pollinators to do their thing. >> We only need 10% of these flowers to 2 of the pollinated to set a crop in, then we'll have a good profits market bowl and you know, good for export and good for industry. Good for nova scotia. >> But after 2 years of unpredictable weather, walsh is waiting and hoping histories will bear the fruits of his labour come harvest time. >> Believe it or not tied. Alex walsh is actually prove these trees once this year. He's planning on thinning out the blossoms again tomorrow because there's just too many he does this to control the amount and the quality of apple's that will be picked here in the fall. >> Todd, you can almost smell the apple pies. Now john john in the annapolis valley for us tonight. There's a live look at peggy's cove, very different story there. 16 degrees, a bit of fog in the year by the looks of it. >> Let's get our first look at the weather, kalin mitchell in the weather centre. What a difference a year, but what about an hour's drive a part? Yeah, it's a it's nature's air-conditioner at work here in the maritimes. And nina, you live in a maritime environment in ocean environments and you're going to see ocean effects and the winds a little bit more onshore around parts of the atlantic coastline of nova scotia and hence a little bit cooler. Some of our surrounding ocean waters right now around the maritimes, the range around 7 to 9 degrees, taking a look at temperatures. So for many communities in the maritimes this evening, it's feeling like a summer one. We've got a number of locations that are sitting up in the mid to high 20's. Still, we putin that level of humidity, that's in the air, a number of locations with the humidex feeling up into the high 20's and some into the low 30's, including feeling near 30 right now can fill in the annapolis valley of nova scotia near 32 at fredericton and woodstock in new brunswick. Remember, there is going to be some less humid air filtering into the maritimes at the end of this week into the start of the upcoming weekend. So for those who are finding it a little bit too muggy this early into the season. There is some relief in sight that will be on friday for the province of new brunswick in friday night into saturday for both prince hampered island and nova scotia. But a lot going on on radar and satellite at the moment. We've got a little bit of broken cloud cover around the region. Looks like there may have been a few showers passing through the east of nova scotia. There is a higher chance of some areas, rain and showers for tomorrow with those a higher risk of some thunderstorms. Taking a look at burning restrictions around the maritimes. There's a closure out for the north of new brunswick, restricted hours through central and southern parts of the province. But open around the bay of fundy coastline for charlotte county, a combination of some restricted hours and some closures for prince edward island and some restricted hours for category one burning for the province of nova scotia. Top kalin and a lot of places thee air temperature says a swim at the beach. The water temperature screens know at chevy acts. Pearly beach work is underway on a problem that has kept swimmers out of the water at times in recent years. Ctv's derek haggett reports. Beachgoers who have already been to parley will notice a big construction project is well underway. A new storm water quality improvement system is being added by the province contaminated water that's going into this lagoon. We'll be treated before it runs into the ocean, causing no swim advisories. It is beneficial.

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