
CJCH - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 04:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims When choosing a location, amenities matter. Like private outdoor space, natural light, and most importantly, temperature control. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Island cr After the car crash, I worked hard to regain my strength, and now I'm back doing the things I love most in the world. MacGillivary Law fought for me and dealt with the insurance company, giving me a sense of peace while I was focused on regaining my mobility. They picked up the phone at every turn with care and compassion. After winning my case, I can now spend time with those most precious to me. So when you call MacGillivary Law, you know your future is in good hands. My name is Coralie Robert, and I'm a lawyer with MacGillivray Law. MacGillivray Law was my first choice when I finished law school. They represent people who have been injured in accidents or had their disability claims denied. MacGillivray Law is known for putting clients first and that is very important to me. I love that it is a young, dynamic firm yet has the experience and wisdom to take care of our clients. And we represent people all across Atlantic Canada. MacGillivray Injury Law is the best of both worlds. (Upbeat instrumental music) >> This segment of what's for dinner's brother you buy food and beverage atlantic. >> Yes thank you so much for food and beverage atlantic think you're shy for another edition of what's for dinner. >> You're welcome it's kind of nice to be here. >> It is how is it going? >> It's been great I'm putting a real nice test on tonight's dinner I'm doing a greek salad with these paprika potatoes from wt griffin and it just combining with the vegetables sort of idea and then I finish it with some halibut. >> Yummy. >> A beautiful fresh halibut so I just took lisa out of the microbe it takes six minutes and some butter and you just are in and once that's down let it cool so it looks like this. >> So it's up paprika and garlic flavoured. >> That's right. >> So delicious. >> We'll do a quick vinaigrette so some oil, some amusing red wine vinegar for tonight's recipe, element of oregano and basil and put in some garlic. >> This is our greek salad. >> This is for the recent and. >> So if you didn't use all the dressing could you put it in the fridge for a couple of days? >> It'll stay up. In the refrigerator for sure. Good at two to three weeks anyway. >> Nice you can make lots and keep using it. >> That's right. There we go salt and pepper and then just throw your cover on it and you can shake it while I put the throw salad together make sure it's nice and tight so I can add some cherry tomato -- tomato halves and I'm going to do the beautiful cuisine potatoes of course. >> They're going right in. >> They're going right into the salad with that nice flavoured. >> I like that. >> Some onion, some peppers, cucumbers, olives, I've added a little bit of green olives and black olives and once used are all this up you've got your dressing. >> I do. >> Just pour it right in for your dressing right in. >> Look at that. >> And adhere feta. >> "of labourers are gonna be fantastic. >> Yeah, and then I sauté, I seared a beautiful fresh nova scotia halibut. >> Yes. >> That's what's on the side there served on top of the solid and it's ready to go. >> I love that I love the idea of placing the potato with the greeks alleges is so cool. >> Todd: -- >> There is a piece on the website and on your screen, thank you chef. >> You're welcome. >> Maria: thank you. Under our next story some of our reviewers may remember the greatest escape of 199430 years later we go to the school they're planning to mark the infamous event with the return of cobb county bingo and we have more on the unusual fundraiser. >> I mark johnson I'm here at cpa and raising money from come by bingo for our cargo that's happening this week. It's a great time it's huge everybody has a lot of fun out here and it's amazing we've been got bouncy castles we have a cafeteria and some at the cheema-singh to be great the whole school is a one big carnival it's fundraiser but also a mini event here at cpa. It happened 30 years ago

the cow as caves and we had a student handling it and then the cow got away. >> I was totally onto the cow when I got it and then it got nervous when it got nervous it shook and took off towards the woods. >> I'm with the students with a search party for that missing cow. >> They might not have too much experience of something but yet the cow got away and now we brought it back to finish on unfinished business here at cpa. We tried almost all of our cows blindfold and we have about 650 of those ones then they're pretty much all bought by students, staff and then team everyone will wanted a little gives in this the window 400-dollar cash price. Usually they poop a couple of times an hour because there's a couple of students in here they don't disturb it or scare it too much. >> But I think no word yet as his chosen his car. >> That's too funny I wonder if the original incident one of those cows in the neighbourhood unintentionally one of the cow bingo. >> Exactly I happened to tell you if you like to see the full story from 30 years ago do yourself a favour just go to our website ctv news atlantic nazi and check out our video vault you will love it. >> Is worth a lot. >> It so hilarious absolutely. >> All right so you got the blame on its bad weather's I'm going to give you all the credit for the beautiful day we had today. >> Summerlike temperatures. >> Kalin: a mix of sun and cloud across much ofthe region a little bit of cloud cover are on the brunswick area but things are really starting to green up starting to bloom sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $52 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. [alc Sting] Kayaking is a spectator sport. You spectate the water. The cliffs. The sunrise. The best part? You never have to get out of your seat. Come find your Island. Prince Edward Island After a life-changing diagnosis my disability claim was denied. And, the hardest part is my whole family suffered because the insurance company protected their interests and not mine. Disability claim denied? Call Preszler Law. Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. Music Make your first move withbattery power made by stihl. music find battery tools in the AKhome owners system starting at $269.99 Shop local buy STIHL.Available at these full service stihl dealers, or find yournearest dealer at stihl dot ca. The qeii Home Lottery final deadline is midnight Friday! Live lakeside in Glen Arbour with the 1.8 million dollar Grand Prize Showhome awarded with $50,000! Absolute final deadline midnight Friday! After slipping on an icy walkway, I thought the insurance company would compensate me. But the only thing they covered was their bottom line. It was really my family that ended up getting hurt the most. Injury Claim denied? Call 1-800-justice. Male Announcer: Everyone's talking about Mary. Who, me? Announcer: She's brightening up ctv daytime... Welcome to the Good Stuff! Announcer: her own Mary way... It's a little thick and gloopy. Gloopy? That's a technical term that I've made up. Announcer: ...with good friends... It's so fun to be in Canada, it's like my second home. Announcer: ...good moments... (Gasping) ...and good times. Give me a high five! Do you love it? Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg. Join the fun. Announcer: Weekdays at 10:00, 9:00 Mountain on ctv. Female ANNOUNCER:Jamie Oliver returnswith the first partof his seasonal cook Might just put a little bitof spring in your step. ANNOUNCER:Jamie Oliver Seasons. Spring starts Monday June 3rdon ctv Life. >> I never thought that I would be made as a barbie doll so this is certainly on top of my dream and of course especially at this stage in my life all I want to do is share what I know what I know what I've learned to help other people in particular young women. >> Maria: montel has launched a new campaign highlighting iconic female athletes including canadian soccer star christine

sinclair and tennis champion venus williams you just saw there with their own barbie nine dollars and total will showcase barbies committed to leveling the playing field for girls globally while also celebrating barbie's 65th anniversary. Sixty-five years old barbies looking good still. >> Todd: I'm sure they will be top sellers for sure. >> Kalin: let's take a look at our sunrise and we've got some beautiful drone footage for you there's a shot by darrell reid looking here at downtown CITY$KéB. You can see the water their little bit of blue sky and the background a little bit of cloud cover as well it's uncommon to get that type of makes this time of fear of course provincial capital sun rising tomorrow between 5:30 and 5:45 am and then setting between 8:44 and 9:01 pm there you go those are the times for fredericton after the 9:00 our nile all right let's take a look at on radar around the region so some first part of the season it's a chance some pretty isolated showers it looks like we have a couple of showers just drifting through the eastern parts of me none nova scotia with antigonish counties and areas and no lightning with those it's also a very low chance that they could see a small pop-up shower for the first part of the season are on interior areas of the southwest of nova scotia and around southern areas of new brunswick our next chance of a shower may be a small thunderstorm comes during the overnight hours of that will be for a couple of different parts in them or times will take a look at in the timeline in a moment other weather systems there much pressure between the high and low pressures when we zoom out we have a large low pressure testing that is in the vicinity of great lakes and a couple of other fronts without the cold front in this weather system triggering some severe thunderstorms 1 of those generating a tornado through parts of southern ontario for today this is some severe thunderstorm watch is that extended to western areas of québec. As we take a look at our forecast timeline for cloud cover and precipitation so again this evening that low chance both 20 percent chance may be seeing a pop-up shower and then during the overnight in the next chance of seeing a few showers are few thunderstorms even northwest of new brunswick as well as some areas beginning around fredericton extending towards moncton in the southeast and then the early morning hours of thursday I chance of a few of those showers or a small thunderstorm if 1 develops could drift towards northern areas mainline nova scotia cumberland-colchester counties moving down towards truro, parts of the north shore and we still have some warmth and some humidity for thursday but we also have weather front that's going to be getting a little bit closer and that need to are going to see some grounds of rain and showers moving into the maritimes now those will be mostly for the province of new brunswick there will be 1 round of rain and showers that will come across across the north of new brunswick morning into early afternoon and then a second round develops as we make our way to write afternoon into thursday evening at thursday night there will also be a chance of a shower throughout the day for parts of prince edward island and for eastern areas of nova scotia. Because of the warm that the humidity that we've had around the mames for this week with any occurring rain or showers for tomorrow there will be a risk of some thunderstorms along with them. Now wins in the forecast for tomorrow become southerly and there will be sustained in a lot of cases that the 20 kilometres per hour and a location of this between 40. Temperatures for tonight mild even more for them or times given the time of year of course most of the lows will be in the range around 9 to 15 degrees then around 8 for sydney at that high temperatures in the forecast for tomorrow and then parts of the maritimes going towards from the low to mid twenties so between 15 and 19 degrees with some coastal areas and cooler at sending your 12 degrees there with some cloudier conditions expected and a few showers moving through. Uv index plus the maritimes for tomorrow it's gonna be raining with a high of 5 or prince edward island, nova scotia and southerners of new brunswick and claudia north near areas of new brunswick so they're written moderate let's take a look at our weather washer for tonight and tonight's weather watcher's six-year old harlow fancy from partners like nova scotia she sent us a drawing of the spectacular rainbow if you'd like to be a weather watcher your weather-related drawing can come into ctv weather watchers po box 5063 halifax nova scotia or EAT;P;o e-mail kalin don mitchell at bell >> Maria: and now we like to introduce you to them every timers who mark milestones today first up is as if it anniversary for ted and theresa, andrea of halifax congratulations you 2 and happy 60th anniversary to aldridge and carolyn mcisaac of durham nova scotia. Icr milestones again or to find out how to send as a milestone go to ctv news and just a reminder final This segment brought to you by.. Chris Brothers,Atlantic Canadas Deli... Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new

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