
CJCH - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

>> I don't believe anybody has gone to the federal government to ask for help. Provinces try to deal with wildfires at first. If they are overwhelmed, they reach out to the agency which is a cooperation between the federal and provincial government and they get help from other places. What experts tell me is that oftentimes that is too late. Whether it is other provinces getting wildfire fighters over. Oftentimes that comes to it. >> Lindsey: it seems like a lot of steps to go through right now. It is not streamlined. >> Lindsey: talk to me about what that would look like and what that would do? >> Rather than wait until the provinces overwhelmed and relying on the armed forces as we saw last year or last year we had over 5,000 international firefighters come in. What some people want is a centralized agency where you already have people deployed in certain areas where there is a higher risk that can be ready to deploy. They are tracking the data ask they are ready to deploy whenever so that it is not too late by the time help is needed. There is quite a few different models. I suspect that the cost is one issue. Given that right now, the provinces would probably be taking the burden of the cost. Why would the federal government want to take that on. But there is also some people who are saying that instead of spending that time and resources to kind of take it away from the provinces and to give it to the federal government and kind of add extra hurdles, why not increase coordination or why not put more effort into mitigation and adaptation. There are some other things to look at as well. >> Lindsey: what surprised you the most about how things are run right now? >> It is the amount of hurdles that there isn't already a centralized system. I know the federal government is trying to coordinate better with the provinces. The fact that we rely on thousands of international firefighters to come in when firefighters in canada are overworked and underpaid and yielded all of these issues. It's kind of the hurdles that exist. Especially when other g7 countries have either a national firefighting force. >> Lindsey: what is the likelihood that we could see this happen? >> I am not sure. We know that the federal emergency minister has expressed openness to this before. This year, he introduced -- it's more support for NGOs already doing that work. It is kind of a bit of a step back. They haven't ruled that out. We also have a federal election next year. I do know one thing is that the current federal government are happy to talk about wildfires. This at the are happy to make more appearances. We will talk about this issue especially as it relates to climate change. >> Lindsey: interesting. Mark, thanks for being here today. Appreciate it. After the break, morning thunderstorms are moving into atlantic canada. We are going to talk about that with kelsey. She is tracking this storm. Coming up in 2 minutes. Stay with us. ( ) ( ) ikea. Bring home to life. Nivea q10 Targeted Wrinkle Filler. ( ) With Pure q10 coenzyme and Bioxifill peptides. Visibly reduces the look of fine lines in 5 minutes and moisturizes to help reduce the look of deeper wrinkles over time. For every expression of you. Nivea. When you live with diabetes,confidence comes from knowing your glucose levels and where they're headed. Manage your diabeteswith confidence with Dexcom g7. Bladder leak underwearhas one job. I just want to feel protected! Especially for those sudden gush moments Always Discreet protects like no other. With a rapid dry core thatlocks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. Always Discreet— the protection we deserve! (Radio announcer) And now for the weather. Looks like it's going to rain. (Record scratch) (Sound of wind and rain storm) Getting ready for spring can be a big job. At Kent, we're here to help. Whether it's a trip to the garden center, finding the right tools, or the perfect finishing touches, there is a Kent for all your needs. Kent. Right products, right solutions, right here at home. Red hot summer four farmers one mission true love I'm super excited to find the love of my life. A new crop of daters

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>> Good morning, canada. >> Kelsey: I love that so much. Caitlyn and greg, I hope you are watching this morning. >> Lindsey: cute. >> Kelsey: they are friends of ours. Some of the first friends we made when we came to ontario. >> Lindsey: I had no idea that campbell ford had a giant toonie. Uncle joe lives there. Hello, uncle joe. I didn't know there was a large toonie there. >> Kelsey: thank you for sending that in. There's the qr code. If you would like to send a cool landmark that is in your community, record that and share it on the show. >> Akshay: there is some exciting news in sports. The city will be awarded a wnba team today. The toronto franchise will start playing in 2026. A group led by larry tanenbaum will own the team. Toronto's wnba team will mostly play out of coca-cola coliseum. The team will also have home games in montréal and vancouver as well. The announcement is happening at 9 a.m. You can watch it live on ctv news channel. >> The city of toronto is looking to take a new approach to its strategy when it comes to deal with homeless encampments. >> The clearing is not a strategy that works. Removes people from one place to go where? >> Akshay: the new report recommends a housing first human rights approach shifting away from enforcement. The city says with a lack of mental healthcare services, more people are experiencing homelessness. The goal is to use more outreach workers and compassion. A toronto shelter support worker says what these really need is a coordinated regional response and regional reception centre. The city will present the report next week. >> Overseas now. Taiwan is responding to military exercises by china. Its new president visited an army camp this morning promising to defend the island against threats from china. Beijing says it's punishment for taiwan. The drills simulate a full scale attack on taiwan as opposed to past exercises. China this morning also issued a warning for the U.S. to stop supporting taiwan. >> Nikki haley has shared who she will support in this fall's presidential election >> Biden has been a catastrophe. I will be voting for trump. >> Lindsey: it's not a surprise the former south carolina governor did say donald trump hasn't been perfect either. The endorsement of her former rival came during nikki haley's public speech. She says that donald trump's last major rival in the presidential race.

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