
CJCH - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

northward. >> According to recent data from the government of canada there are 40 different types of ticks in our country but not all of these ticks will make you sick. Some scientists say avoiding all ticks is the safest approach. >> Not every tick is infected but every type of tick can have something nasty. >> Reporter: it's a growing and alarming concern, especially with canadians enjoying outdoor activities during the warm weather season. Paul hollingsworth, "ctv news," halifax. >> Todd: after the break, role models become plastic models. A canadian soccer super star among the athletes honoured with their very own barbies. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Come along with me for a much needed spa day. Looking your best costs less than you think. First, the staffrecommended a deep cleanse with Olympic deckcleaner. There were lots of Olympicshades to choose from. Luckily, Kent has stain testers to help find the perfect colour. Then it was time for the facial. It gave me thathealthy, radiant glow and long lasting coverage with a protective coat. Confidence level through the roof. Kent. Right products, rightsolutions, right here at home. [Kaye Kaminishi]: We were born in Canada. We spoke English. On the streets, we weren't welcome... ...but on the field, we were the Asahi... Vancouver's Champions. Everyone cheered for us. Our people had a voice. Then Canada declared war on Japan. They took us from our homes, called us enemies, forced us into camps. But we brought the game with us. Baseball helped get us through the internment. [narrator]: The Vancouver Asahi were among the 22,000 Japanese Canadians interned during the Second World War. The team never played another game. We have an earthly address,and yet, our citizenshipis in heaven. Anncr: 30 minutes of gospelmusic and inspiration. I urge you to keep upyour courage... Faith to Live By.Sundays at 9 a.m.on ctv. >> One of canada's most famous soccer player, the other world's most famous doll. Now christine sinclair and barbie are teaming up in toy land one might say. >> Wide open goal. It's christine sinclair! >> The belief christine sinclair gave canadians was contagious. They could dream, win and be the best in the world. A role model. >> My faith. >> Now mini model. A barbie with her signature head band and jersey. >> They got the gold medal most important, high socks because the cool kids wear high socks. >> Among sinclair's achievements. Scoring the most international goals ever. She says this was unexpected but a huge honour. >> You know, an iconic toy, hopefully can inspire the next generation of young canadians. >> For 65th anniversary barbie is honouring nine athletes from around the world. Tennis star venus williams is another. >> There's moments in life that you can't even dream about, never thought that I would be you know made as a barbie doll. >> While the aim is to inspire, the maker of barbie says the dolls aren't for sale. >> The role model dolls are created just in their likeness truly to honour those athletes. And I would love a doll too. I feel everyone's pain out there. But there is only one and it is gifted to the role model. >> Reporter: that puzzles parents. >> I think why not. Sell them all. >> Sinclair says growing up she didn't have female role model athletes to look up to. >> Through this barbie I hope to show especially young girls obviously that anything is possible and that you know chase your dreams they can come true. >> Reporter: a goal that much larger than a game. Sarah plowman, "ctv news," fredericton. >> Todd: that's it for us tonight. I'm todd van der heyden. For omar sachedina and all of us here at "ctv national news," thank you for watching. Have a great rest of your evening and I will see you right here again tomorrow.

keeps you informed, prepared and safe. Ctv atlantic, your home for news. . >> Lindsey: it's thursday, may 23rd. Tragedy in mexico breaking overnight. A stage collapsed at a presidential rally in mexico has killed 9 people, including a child. >> Rising tensions. China is simulating a full scale attack on taiwan just days after taiwan's new president takes office. >> He has refused to leave until our demands are met. We will not compromise on this. >> Protesters at university of toronto vow to stay until their divestment demands are met. Some people have started a hunger strike. >> I'm a big guy, so anything about smaller seats is not appealing to me. >> The price of comfort. Westjet offering lower ticket prices, but you have to be willing to give up leg room and luggage. Stay with us, canada. "your morning" starts right [upbeat theme music] >> Lindsey: welcome to "your morning." anne-marie is away. I'm lindsey deluce. >> Akshay: I am akshay tandon with the news headlines this thursday morning. >> Klsey: I'm kelsey McEWEN. That westjet story, I feel like you can offer higher prices. >> Lindsey: many people are like, I don't need that 2 inches of leg room and I don't want to bring a bag with me. >> Kelsey: it's not cheap to fly to canada. The price I'm paying right now doesn't feel luxurious. >> Lindsey: it could be a tough sell. Maybe for people who are doing a day trip for business. I don't know. >> Akshay: first up, let's talk about what else is making news and headlines this morning. We begin with this incident in mexico where at least 9 people, including a child has died after a stage collapse at a presidential campaign. A warning, this video may be difficult to watch for some viewers. >> Akshay: just take a look at that. Presidential candidate had been delivering a speech in a city near monetary. Eyewitness accounts say a light string structure on stage was blown down by the wind.

>>> China this morning is holding military drills calling them punishment against the island of taiwan. In a sign of escalating tensions, the drills simulate a full scale attack. Li is a member of taiwan's separatist democratic progressive party who has been called a troublemaker by beijing. Its defence ministry has condemned china's actions. >>> And people in the U.K. will head to polls july 4th. >> Who do you trust to turn the foundation into a secure future for you, your family and our country? Now is the moment for britain to choose its future. >> Akshay: rishi sunak was on the campaign trail this morning. After 114 years in power, the tories are widely expected to lose. The labour leader says the country has a chance to end what he calls the chaos of rishi sunak's government. >> A demonstration in israel this morning is reminding people of the uncertain state of hostages being held by hamas. Protesters in tel aviv held up pictures of some of the hostages. Demonstrators are calling on israel to call a cease-fire deal to bring the hostages home. The footage was released by the soldier's families to put more pressure on israel's government to secure their release. >> Prime minister justin trudeau says canada will not follow norway, ireland and spain's lead to recognize a palestinian state next week. >> We are prepared to recognize the state of palestine at the rigt time. >> Trudeau is facing calls from the ndp and within his caucus to make the recognition, but the prime minister says canada's position is that a palestinian state must come for negotiations with negotiations with israel before it is recognized. >> Students at a pro palestinian encampment will meet with school administrators today. >> Akshay: a rally was held last night at the encampment that has been set up for more than two weeks now. Some students began hunger strikes. People at the encampment have two main dhemans that u of t disclose its relationship with israel and that the school divest any investments that it has with israeli companies. Those in the encampment taking part in the hunger strike say they will stick with it until the demands are met. Robert pickton will stay in a medically induced coma. He is currently in life support after he was attack eded at a québec prison this weekend. The inmate who has been accused of assaulting pick ton has not been interviewed yet. >> That story we were talking about, westjet is making changes to lower the price to fly, but it comes with sacrifices for travelers. >> They actually have the space where you can take a little leg room away. >> Akshay: the question is, are you willing? Westjet is planning to add more seats to some of its bigger planes and says it will lead to cheaper prices. People who fly this category can bring a bag on board, but can't use the overhead bin. The airline is also asking ottawa to freeze government imposed passenger fees.

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