
CJCH - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

ANNOUNCER:Jamie Oliver Seasons. Spring starts Monday June 3rdon CTV Life. ADAM:Moving up to the $50 questions. Sixteen blocks to go. Still have that Mobile Shout-outand the Street Shout-out. Europe's longest river,the Volga, runs for over3,500 kilometres through what country? I think that's sort of somethingI should know. Why should you know? I'm Ukrainian.Ah. And so...I'm Canadian. ...I'm going to sayRussia, though, because the Volga Rivergoes through Russia. It's got to be Russia. We're going to gowith the Volga. Mark the Canadian.With Russia, with Russia. Mark the Canadiantrusting Lenna the Ukrainian. And that is correct,for $50. Whoo! All right, baby. Russia.We did it. (Both laughing) What term describes the partof a bridle that goes into a horse's mouthand is used for control? It's called the bit. It is the bit.I used to ride. Oh, there you go.It's the bit. The bit is correct, for $50.Yes. Yes!(Both laughing) Moving up to the $100 questions.You'll also have your Swap-out. Oh, yes. Oh, right.Yeah. Recognized for his workin x-rays, Lawrence Braggwas the youngest ever recipient of what prestigious award? I'm going to have to saythe Nobel Prize. Yeah?Yeah, yeah. All right.Well, I don't know. I have no idea about x-rays,or this guy. I never heard of him. We're going to gowith the Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize, for $100,is correct. Yes. Oh!Holy (Bleep)! (Both laughing) Mark! Well done. ADAM:Okay, now this one, if you are correctwill be the High Five Bonus. It'll be worth $200. (Gasping)LENNA: Holy cow. And you can useyour Shout-outs or your Swap-out to get that correct answer.All right. An alpine horn is a long,wooden instrument used by herdersand mountaineers from what chocolate-lovingEuropean country? I know this.Do you really? All right, as we arriveat your destination. MARK:You know the cough drops? The Ricola, remember? That's an alpine horn.LENNA:Yes. But what country is that? Switzerland. We're going to gowith Switzerland. Oh, my God. Okay. That's correct, for $200.Yes. (Laughing) LENNA:Oh, my word and a half. We keep telling themwhat a team we are. Smart and smarter. We didn't get thrown outand we got a wad of money. Yeah. Holy jeez. How much money did we win? The wad of money you're talking about is $425. Whoa. Maybe we should have one of those. Very nice. Very nice for sure. But you have a choice now to leave with the money you've won, or go for the Video Bonus Question, which is double or nothing. Is that how it goes? That's how it goes. Oh, let's take it. Okay. We're going to skip the Video Bonus. LENNA: We'll skip the Video Bonus. So you're going to keep the 425. Yeah. Not go for the Video Bonus Question. Yeah. No. All right, so what will happen is we will watch the Video Bonus Question. Yes, I know. Oh! Don't make me do this. That's just how it goes. That's the way it works. God, it's so painful. All right, fine, fine. We will. Considered North America's mosteasterly point, what weapon lends its nameto this cape? Cape Cod? Cod's a fish, it's not a weapon. MARK: I don't know. I don't know. I honestly don't know. Cape Spear. Smart and smarter. A good decision, then. You leave winners. And you would not have doubled your money. Very wise. Good wisdom. All right. Nice meeting you. Nice to meet you too. ADAM: Cheers. Thanks for watching. Thank you so much. LENNA: Yes! So I just take this money and we just... ADAM: Yeah. Just on our way. Holy cow, this is amazing. Mark, really. You know, you got to be careful. That's a lot of money. (Laughing) Thank you. Bye. (Speaking inaudibly) Whoo! Holy cow. Oh, my gosh. (Laughing)

>> Good evening, I'm stephanie tsicos in now for wednesday, may 22nd. This is ctv news at 11 30. And a growing optimism. >> Why farmers are feeling good about this season after a tough 2 years. And making waves improvements to reduce no swim advisories at a new brunswick feet. And security for curry being doled out by banks. Canada. >> From our maritimes news centre. Here's ctv news. Here is stephanie tsicos. >> Joining us first frisko is off tonight. Much of the maritimes has been dealing with hot, dry weather these past few days. And that could exactly what's needed in our fields and orchards. Ctv's jonathan macinnis has the story. >> Alex walsh isn't going to count is apple's before their pit. But there's reason to believe this year's crop will be a good one. We've got a big bloom got that potential for big crop or just need, you know, everything to go well and we'll have a good officer. In the season. It's not just apple's. The president of the nova scotia fruit growers association is optimistic. This will be a bountiful season for all growers. >> Overall fix is going to be a really good year. There's a lot of blue everywhere and the weather is cooperating. It's a major turnaround from the last couple years when farmers faced a series of extreme weather events that destroyed some crops entirely in 2023 and february. We had a freeze polar vortex that took it all of the peaches and other stone fruits. >> And in 2022 and february, same kind of thing happened that damaged a lot of them. So we've had 2 years as virtually no peaches. Cherries, plums. >> Despite that, the tree fruit industry still contributed. 83.1 million dollars last year to the provincial this is a great flowing year. Now walsh just needs the pollinators to do their thing. >> We only need 10% of these flowers to 2 of the pollinated to to set a crop in, then we'll have a good profits market bowl and you know, good for export and good for industry. Good for nova scotia. >> But after 2 years of unpredictable weather, walsh is waiting and hoping histories will bear the fruits of his labour come harvest time. Jonathan macinnis, ctv news, berwick. Nova scotia. >> The remains of a north atlantic right? We'll have been spotted in waters off a southwestern shore of nova scotia. They were spotted by transport canada air patrol. The cause of death isn't known. Meanwhile, environmental group oceana is reporting this female right whale seems to have lost its calf. It don't named skittle has been photographed swimming without its baby, which is now presumed dead. If so, it would be the 5th calf loss this season with one killed by ship strike and for missing. It's been a problem for years. And now new brunswick is taking steps to reduce the number of no swim advisories at parlee beach on environmental advocate says that's great, but more needs to be done. Ctv's derek haggett has more. >> Beachgoers who have already been to parley will notice a big construction project is well underway. A new storm water quality improvement system is being added by the province contaminated water that's going into this lagoon will be treated before runs into the ocean, causing no swim advisories. It is beneficial. You know, it's one of the at the is it going far enough? Is this where the problem is? There were 23 no swim advisories to the sample results. Apparently last year, including 2 separate weeks of 5 advisories in a row. The advisories occur when bacteria levels are above national guidelines. The new project will see storm water to the south of the title creek collected by a new sewer system, which will direct run off to a new public facility. Where will be treated, but will it improve the water quality at parlee? >> Its more complex issue than that. We need to look at the bigger picture. We need to look at the watershed level, everything that's going on in the water said it's going to affect the beach, meaning what's going on at the beach isn't just caused by what's going on in the provincial park itself. >> But everything surrounding it, if we can. Street storm water runoff at the source reading all from different impervious surfaces like >> Rooftops, parking lots, roads. We would be improving water quality in general. Melanson wants to see the province use a different testing process. >> Right now, advisories come 24 hours after the samples were selected and tested in a lab. It comes in the day after day to sample this morning, it analyzed again. Then the house is tomorrow morning and then they post according to an analysis are. >> Ctv news asked the province about the cost and timeline for the project, but did not hear

back by deadline. Derek haggett, ctv news, pointe-du-chene. New brunswick. >> First of its kind report tracking the economic prosperity of african nova scotians has been released and highlight areas where economic and social gaps need to be closed. For instance, income disparity. The index compiled data covering 6 key areas, including population, labour, income education, housing and well-being. The report was 3 years in the making and its advisory council says the data collected reflects the experience of african nova scotians, including historical challenges like anti-black racism. The council says it's important to share these findings in order to push for change. >> When you review the data, you know that the circumstance for black nova scotians aren't ideal. I mean, education, there were some improvements around education. But you know, we're still very much over and sit represented in core housing need very over represented in those needing an adequate housing yeah, so I would just say that, you know, the it's, it doesn't paint a pretty picture, but it does show, you know, the reality, the index is measuring tool. You know, the old adage, what doesn't get measured doesn't get change. >> So this is a tool that we're hoping advocacy groups, community groups can use in those areas in which they're working to bring about some positive change. >> The group hopes to continue the research and present data every 3 years. There is evidence that violence in schools is on the rise. The discussion sparked after a video showing 2 teens in an altercation in fredericton was widely shared online legal and mental health experts are hoping decision-makers are paying attention. Ctv's laura brown has more. >> It's a video many have found shocking. The teen approaches another from behind, pulling them onto the pavement and sparking an altercation. Other team stood by some capturing it on cell phones. It's been widely shared in the fredericton area and beyond. But one of the striking things about it. And that's not a typical, unfortunately, that people are. >> Videoing there cheering aiding on and the definition of bullying in nova scotia and most other provinces includes participating, which itself is very broad. Legal expert wayne mackay coauthored a report on cyber bullying in 2012. >> In an interview with todd battis is on this broadcast. Mckay said even though the incident didn't happen on school property, that doesn't clear the school of some responsibility. >> Jurisdiction for schools is quite broad. And if there's an impact on the school and the students and it's pretty clearly within their jurisdiction, even if it's not right on their premises since the pandemic, we have seen increases in violence among our get. >> So there is an upward trend there. No, I really did the occurrence of that violence is how it gets share. And doctor simon sherry is urging decision-makers to think about banning cell phones in schools. >> The psychologist says they're not the only culprit for any increases. We may be seeing in violence or bullying but they don't help as much as he's going to be portals for education, social connection. They can also be portals for bullying, major mental health problems forced out of the way too much. >> In high school this morning. So earlier this month, bill hogan announced new brunswick students will not be able to use cell phones in the classroom, beginning in september, he said he was considering other changes in light of this incident. >> Fredericton police arrested and later released a 16 year-old female last week stating that charges are pending. Laura brown, ctv news, fredericton. >> Get the maritimes top stories, breaking news alerts and watch live. Download the ctv news app. >> Local leaders in southern new brunswick man today for the area's barrie for state of the region. Panel are there appears to be an appetite for municipal cooperation as ctv's nick moore reports, that certainly a shift from the past. >> Here to cooperation and collaboration were 2 words used often today at the st. John chambers, state of the region event. The idea of cooperation certainly evolved. We have to look at where we are today. You cannot go back in history and say this isn't the way we used to do it. Not too long ago. Cooperation maven followed quickly by the word amalgamation, especially between quispamsis rothesay and st. John. The contentious question he's now off the table following municipal reforms last year. Today, the 7 local leaders on stage, which also included grand-bay westfield hampton, the village of fundy, saint martins and the fundy rural district seem to be more comfortable in working

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