
CJCH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 04:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>>> And at least 16 people have been killed by a powerful cyclone that slashed the coastlines of india and bangladesh. Heavy rain and destructive winds hit the region inundating roads, toppling trees and destroying homes. Nearly 800,000 people have been displaced by cyclone. The first major storm to hit the region this year. >>> The university of toronto has filed for an injunction to evict the pro-palestinian encampment that started on campus nearly one month ago. The student demonstrators were told to leave by 8 a.m. This morning but tonight they are vowing to stay put. Ctv'sen annie bergeron-oliver is following the story. Annie, what is the timeline now? >> Heather, the university of toronto is going to court to try to get protestors off campus and that hearing is expected to happen tomorrow. The deadline to clear out of campus has come and gone but the protestors remain. >> We want disclosure and want it now. >> Protestors demanding the university of province of ontario and partnerships with israeli universities and disclose any investments linked to israel's offensive. U of t president says policy on divestment is clearly laid out. >> Have a very clearly articulated policy for considering divestment proposals which we have used in the past and saying to the protest group policy is there, it lays out the steps, and you are free to use it and we hope that they will. >> Reporter: the president of four major universities appearing before parliamentary committee today to talk about the encampment on campus, as well as a rise in antisemitism. >> Intefada revolution from the river to the sea, do you consider these chants to be hateful and anti-semitic. >> I find it anti-semitic. >> Unfortunate, awful and can be considered can anti-semitic. >> Testimony comes as superior court judge in quebec granted ucam requiring protestors to stay away two meters away from campus. Judge ordered protestors to stop blocking security cameras and allow university and fire officials to visit the site for safety checks. Demonstrators at the university of toronto will be meeting with school administrators tonight, heather. >> Annie, thank you.

>>> Israel is facing new condemnation after a deadly strike on rafah. One that prime minister benjamin netanyahu acknowledged today as a tragic mistake. Dozens are killed just days after the international court ordered israel to halt its attack on the southern city. Ctv's colton praill reports. >> Reporter: charred debris is all that's left after a deadly israeli strike on an encampment near rafah on sunday. Something unfortunately went tragically wrong israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu told his country's parliament today. Israel launched an investigation into the strike that the hamas-run health authority says killed at least 45 and injured well over 200 people. Now fleeing the encampments and displaced for the eighth time, this palestinian family left wondering where in gaza is safe. We listened to them and their leaflets this man says. Today none of that was adhered to. It comes as israel faces unprecedented international pressure to halt their assault on rafah. >> Again, innocent children and civilians were killed, and again, in violation of the international court of justice. >> Reporter: and as palestinians search for safety, today canada is increasing the number of emergency visas available from a thousand to 5,000. >> I think we do have to have hope in this situation of a humanitarian catastrophe such as gaza. But we have to be realistic. Canada has not nor will ever control the comings and goes at rafah gates. >> But critics question the government's inability to get people out of gaza. >> Not good enough. It's not good enough for family members who is dying and there is a genocide going on right now. >> Reporter: as israel faces mounting pressure over its strikes in rafah negotiators are set to restart peace N.A.C. egypt tomorrow. Qatari officials warned this had weekend's destruction could be a hindrance to progress. >> Ctv's colton praill in ottawa.

>>> Incredible footage out of australia today where a small plane narrowly avoided disaster during a crash landing. Footage shows the cessna flying a few feet above suburban homes in sydney's south west just missing the roof of an apartment building. The plane tipping on to its wing. The two on board walked away unscathed. Officials say the aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing after losing power. Authorities are now investigating. >>> Authorities in peru struck gold literally. They diseased four gold bars weighing just over 100 pounds which allegedly came from illegal mining. Gold was confiscatedded from a exporting company. Headed to the united arab emirates. Investigators say the company purchased the bars from a trading company that was it allegedly part of a criminal organization managed by public officials including a judge, a former lawmaker, and a prosecutor. >> Reporter: seniors are often targeted by scammers. There are many different types, starting with a suspicious call or e-mail. B.C. woman is sharing her upsetting story with the hopes it won't happen to anyone else. Ctv's yvonne raymond spoke with her. Yvonne, faced to make a major life change. >> Heather, an elderly woman in court any, B.C. is moving to a new home she can afford after falling victim to a devastating scam. It has wiped out her life savings of more than 100,000. And raises questions on the protections for canadians. Peggy christian says it started with a phone call from someone claiming they could fix her computer which they said had been hacked. The initial price was $200, only the calls and requests for more money kept coming. There were new excuses and eventually a belief some of her money would be paid back. She used gift cards to pay and then withdrew her investments, sending wire transfers abroad. It went on for months ending in january. >> This shouldn't happen to anybody at all. She hasn't been sleeping and very anxious and some depression and it's really hard to see this happen to my sister. >> Trust that we may have had years ago for people is not there anymore. >> Reporter: peggy's financial institution coast capital cannot comment on the case for privacy reasons. The family thinks staff should have noticed some of the red flags and want the ombudsman or banking services and investment to investigate. Obsi cannot comment on individual complaints either. There is general information on line suggesting financial services could reimburse money depending on how the loss or fraud occurred. But it seems much of responsibility is still in the hands of customers. Peggy's family has engaged their local mp to see if any regulations should be changed. Heather. >> Heather: yvonne, thank you for this.

>>> Coming up, classroom controversy. >> The goal overall is to destigmatize talking about these topics. >> Sexual education program expelled from new brunswick schools. >>> Plus soap star shot dead in a suspected and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. ( ) This is not just another E-Class. Because it evolves with you. It adapts to you, the generic It is the first E-Class made just for you. For you, for you ( ) This is not just design. Because your E-Class: it adapts to you, recognizes you, understands you, empowers you, energizes you, feels you. It evolves with you. The new E-Class. ( ) Hey fellas! We've got to talk. It's about your food. It has spray on flavor and powdered meat. It's time for fresh food, that belongs in the fridge next to our food. Now, who's hungry? FreshPet. The iwk Telethon is back.We'll hear from kids who rely onthe iwk for world Your generosity is life changingfor many Maritime families. The iwk TelethonJune 2nd live on ctv. Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) Here's three mouthwatering reasons to order the new loaded garlic fingers from Greco Pizza one Bacon Albino Ranch, two honey mustard, crisp brothers, smoked pepperoni and three tropical doner taste. All three today with our famous don't air sauce. 310, 30, 30. >> Heather: we want to warn you important but mature scenes in our story. Blair bigs banned a sexual education organization from making presentations at any school in the province. On friday higgs took to social media to say I'm furious would be a gross understatement. The group shared materials well beyond the scope of a hpv presentation calling some material clearly inappropriate. Joining us now is the head of hpv global action theresa north. Thank you for joining us. Theresa, you led a series of discussions at the four schools. What's your response to the premier's reaction and have you heard from the province? >> First, I will start off by saying I haven't heard from the province. And secondly, I'm disappointed, you know. We are talking about important topics, and we're delivering them in a respectful way. I'm not being inappropriate at all. In fact, I'm taking away the shame around these issues that so many teens feel comfortable -- don't feel comfortable to ask. And here's an important platform to ask those questions anonymously and receive age-appropriate and evidence-based answers that aim to help them and guide them to have these healthier choices. You know, there was a highlight of this tweet of the front cover of the presentation, highlighting four really important questions that are being asked by teens, there are asking me, they are asking other educators, they are asking each other, they are going on line. A couple of those questions are highlighting issues that many women and girls are often growing up feeling uncomfortable in their own bodies. And there are not able to turn to anyone and ask about those topics. And the goal overall is really to be destigmatizing and can talking about these topics, and you know for them to have these experiences in a more meaningful, that they will understand what's going on better and this is empowering them. >> Heather: theresa, we are going to show part of that slide that you just mentioned that the premier says went beyond an hpv presentation. Tell us more about the importance of this subject matter, but also who vets these presentations before they enter the school. >> So, first of all, I'm a parent myself, and I was concerned where my teens were getting their information while they were growing up. And teens are thinking about those things, whether we like it or not. They are asking those questions that you just saw in that slide. And it's in all of our best

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