
CJCH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

and children are among the dead in last night's attack. The idf said they targeted two hamas seniors and now will review the killings of civilians. The strike came two days after the international court of justice ordered israel to stop its military operation in rafah. >> The deadline for the pro-palestinian protesters to leave their encampment at the university of toronto is here. It was 8 o'clock this morning. There are no signs they are going anywhere. This is the scene this morning on campus. The tents are still there and the signs still up. Negotiations were held over the weekend. On friday, the university issued a trespass order to protesters giving them until this morning to clear out. The school will seek a court injunction to force them to leave. Protesters are calling on the schools to meet their demands. >> The university has made it clear, they want to clear this encampment. They have issued a trespass notice and now an injunction. The reason for this is it is threating the legitimacy of this institution. >> Lindsey: today is the 25th day of the university of toronto encampment. >> As far as plane landings go, they don't come -- this is australia. Forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing. Gliding their way back to the airport. You will see it here in a second. The pilot and his partner walked away. They are gathering information right now. Managed to make it to the runway. Amazing. An investigation may happen. People in paris have the right idea when it comes to the perfect picnic. Thousands of people gathered. Look at this. On the iconic champs-élysées on sunday. They all sat along a giant tablecloth. It was made in france from 100% recycled fibers. So stunning. Under the sun. 8 kitchens were set up along the venue. >> Lindsey: I am obsessed with this. >> Anne-Marie: I love picnics. I useed to do it all of the time with kids. When I travel sometimes, I will go to a grocery store and have a picnic. I have picnic baskets and that's what I want for mother's day every year. >> Kelsey: everything is better. >> Anne-Marie: everything is betterhen you eat it outside. >> Kelsey: it's going to be rain if you are goingutside for today. This is our view of the city of toronto. We are s to see heavy rainfall mong its way into the city within the next hour or so. It's already raining quite steadily through southwest ontario. We also had a dump of rain overnight. If you are a light sleeper, you probably heard it. As I was getting up for work, around 2 a.m. You could hear the rain coming down ferociously through the toronto area. Also seeing rain is the B.C. coast. This southwesterly flow is going to drive quite a warm-up in southern alberta and saskatchewan over the coming days. Southern manitoba seeing precipitation of its own. It's been constant. That rain in southern manitoba and it continues on and off for the next wee bit here. There are air quality statements in northwest territories this morning. North of fort nelson where we were there just live. You can see the humidity with dense fog behind the mayor during his interview. That will contribute to the feeling of being a little warmer later on. You see temperatures jump back up into the 20s. For the fort McMURRAY area and wood buffalo, you will see that warmth spreading. We are also seeing a massive jump in temperatures in southern alberta. For the next two days, at least, you will see temperatures quite warm. About 10 or 12° warmer than they were last week. That warmth is also present in saskatchewan for the next three days. And within three days, you jump up within southern manitoba. Today and tomorrow will be relatively cooler. Still high teens. We get that prescription in B.C. for the next couple of days. It is wednesday before that spills over. That kicks off a wetter spell to end the week. Just a quick note, the rain moving its way into the gtha this morning will be quite heavy at times, lasting until early afternoon. Watch out for flooding and ponding as the storm moves through. Now here is your local forecast.

>> Anne-Marie: you might know kevin kwan best for the crazy rich asians trilogy. It was a massive best seller. "lies and weddings" is the new novel. In the opening pages, someone is embailed in a crystal candelabra. It is a rompy read taking audiences from hawaii to marrakech to england. Kevin kwan is back. >> Great to be here. >> Anne-Marie: you know what I love about your books, I make a moment of them. I know I am going to sit and get lost in it. I don't want anybody to talk to me. >> That's the whole point of why I write those. Get your favourite drink and be in the moment. >> Anne-Marie: give us a taste of this escape. >> It's my version of bridgerton for the 21st century. It's always about a girl marrying a rich man. This time it's a guy who wants to land a rich girl. It's all taking place around destination weddings. It's this anglo chinese family that is trying to keep up appearances and they have gone totally broke. >> Anne-Marie: I love how you write about countries as well. I read an interview where you said, writing is bad for my health. I don't hear a lot of authors say that. You write in 12-hour stretches. Is that right? >> I do. I have to go in my cave and channel the characters. My diet goes out the window. I can't exercise anymore. >> Anne-Marie: what does your cave look like? >> It's a room. There are windows, but very, very simple. A desk. A laptop. Me. A drink. That's about it. >> Anne-Marie: do you put up signs, don't bug me. >> I don't let anyone near me. >> Anne-Marie: this is why you crank out such great books. Your "crazy rich asians" is great. And now there is a broadway feature. >> We have an amazing team. We have begun hearing some of the songs. >> Anne-Marie: what do you think so far? >> It's unbelievable to see your words turn into music and see the characters come alive in dance and song. >> Anne-Marie: your books and the film adaptations seem to have been a bit of a star maker. How did your life change after all of the success? I remember talking to you early on in this trilogy. >> It's interesting just to have a chance to write more books. It's beyond my wildest dream. >> Anne-Marie: when you were putting it together, sometimes when you speak to authors, you were like, I could imagine what this looked like big or little. >> I really did. Even when I was writing it, I could see how it unfolded in the movie. >> Anne-Marie: tell me, when you saw the wedding scene in crazy rich asians, is it how you imagined? >> It truly is. But beyond. What he did in that scene beyond me to tears. With the water and the music. Everything was perfection. >> Anne-Marie: do you have a formula? You have crazy rich asians and rich people's problems. Do you do this on purpose? >> Yes. It keeps it fun. Wait until you hear the next one. It is intentional and purposeful and it is meant to draw you in. >> Anne-Marie: I am excited to read this next book. It's called lies and weddings. Coming up after the break, the one and only marilyn denis is here in the "your morning" studio. We will catch up with her and Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus certain ingredients you might not. Summer Fridays, Merit, Amika, Phlur. Clean at Sephora, is only at Sephora. (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Bright and zesty.

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