
CJCH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #9

into the region. Also tracking through the montréal area toward the eastern townships. As we head into the mid-afternoon, this is particularly concerning. For the likelihood of that severity to jump up. Hail will be a big concern here. 2 to 3 centimetres in diameter, due to the fact that there will be a bit of corkscrewing in that cloud allowing that hail to develop. It's also possible we could see rotation within this as well. The same region that had the rotation and tornado warnings last week through the kawarthas heading eastward toward ottawa region. Keep that in mind. It's a good day -- I said it so many times this spring already. Good day to keep your push notifications on. As we go into the evening, the storms will persist. Ask they linger and they continue in intensity as we head into tomorrow morning. That band, that front sitting over our maritime provinces, stretching up toward labrador and backing into ontario and québec. We will see more showery-type of rainfall tomorrow. If you are in northwest ontario, you will hang on to that cloud. Once this clears, we are set to see a dry end to the week. Wednesday, thursday, friday, looking dryer than initially forecast. Something to look forward to there. For atlantic canada, ahead of the front arriving tomorrow morning, a fairly sunny day ahead. Already, though, environment canada has issued a wreckhouse wind warning for the southwest of newfoundland in advance of that cold front. When it arrives tuesday night in newfoundland, winds will pick up at 100km/h. Knowing that, this is already issued more than 24 hours in advance. For now, here is a look at your local forecast. Channel channel-port aux basques . >> Anne-Marie: canada has a two tier system when it comes to public washrooms. It's not only difficult to find a public bathroom, the problem becomes more desperate when you phase more physical and economical barriers. Joining us this morning from halifax on why public restrooms are so important is lezlie lowe. Journalist and author of "no place to go." >> Good morning. >> Anne-Marie: according to a 2021 public toilet index report, canada has 18 public toilets for 8,000 people. Toronto has 300. How did the pandemic impact how we understand the importance of public restrooms and toilets? >> I felt like the pandemic was a really big opportunity for people to start to understand the really deep need for public bathrooms in our cities because it was a time when everybody was faced with this kind of lack of access. People had pretty good access before who commuted by car, had short commutes and would go into their offices and had their coffee shops. Those changes happened on a broad societal level and people really understood, I felt, what was happening for people who had less access. We saw a lot of cities making changes during covid. Providing temporary options for people. What I hoped would come out of that would be a big change in the way cities approached public bathrooms. We have seen the needle move a tiny bit. >> Anne-Marie: we started out this interview by describing a two tier system for public bathrooms, what does that mean >> We all think of public bathrooms in the way that we use public bathrooms. If you have good access, you think access is great for anybody. If you have poor access, you are not able to live your life the way you might normally live your life. Bathrooms are set up for people who are not caregivers, who are housed. Who are middle class, which sounds ridiculous.

I know so many viewers will say yes, I have gone into starbucks and bought a muffin so I could use the bathroom. If you don't have the ability to do that, you have compromised access. People who have issues with mobility. Who use mobility devices. And definitely women, we have all seen women waiting in public bathroom lines. That's because the design of the bathroom. It's not because of women's bodies or women not doing the right thing in public bathrooms. There's this two tier system where a small percentage of people have great access and the rest of us do not. >> When cities are lacking at setting up for access to public washrooms, there's the wrap around issues around security and cleanliness and safety. Once the city decides to invest in public bathrooms, how do they set up -- >> Public bathrooms are highly complex spaces and they are not always easy to make work well. So they are deeply private spaces, but they are also public spaces and that needs to be managed and they need to meet the needs of a vast array of people who live in our cities. It's really -- it can be really challenging. The way to broadly approach that is to think through all of the different user groups and try the best you can to address the needs of the people who are using the bathroom while at the same time deterring things that go wrong in bathrooms. So bathrooms being vandalized or bathrooms being used for things other than using the toilet or washing your hands. There are a lot of different ways in doing that. There are a lot of creative ways that cities are doing that. It requires a lot of thought. >> Anne-Marie: it's something we don't often think about. You are right. Thank you for highlighting it for us. >> No problem. Thanks so much. >> All right. Here is lindsey now with "in case you missed it." >> Lindsey: here are some stories you may have missed. Donald trump did not find a friendly crowd at the libertarian national convention. Take a look. So trump was booed by the crowd before he could even get a word out. His reaction was -- the convention also heard from robert kennedy junior. They ended up choosing chase oliver. >> Prime minister justin trudeau has confirmed he will travel to france next month for the 80th anniversary of d-day. He will be in france for two days and will be at a canadian ceremony on the morning of june 6th. That will mark 80 years since 14,000 canadians stormed the beach. Trudeau also attended the 75th anniversary of juno beach in 2019. >> A B.C. man has been reunited with his wallet after losing it more than 30 years ago. It is a reunion that has given him a personal time capsule and a few friends. Here is adam sawatsky. >> Nick choudhary will not forget that day at the pier. >> He tried fishing off the rocks. Nick decided to lighten his load. >> I picked what was the perfect spot to put my wallet down and go fishing. >> Reporter: on the way back, not only did he catch no fish. There was no sign of his wallet. >> I had everything in there. >> Seeing that this was back in 1991, he couldn't just go on-line to replace it all. >> He tried not no think about it over the next 33 years until this 14-year-old was fishing off the same break water. A friend asked him to help look for something he dropped in the rocks and jamie lee uncovered an old wallet instead. >> It was crusty and super hard. >> Not only did it contain id, there were old-fashioned video store cards as well. >> Super old. >> Jimmy's dad started searching for the owner on-line. >> I don't know if I want to be touching my phone right now. >> Until he was sent a picture of his younger self smiling back at him. >> I was blown away. >> Bill didn't waste time. >> I thought as a nice gesture what I would do for my fellow neighbour. >> And reunite nick with a time machine of sorts.

>> Reporter: which is why despite being thankful that they went through the effort to return his old things. He is more grateful to be forming new friendships >> Something like this that is totally out of the blue can build new connections. >> Lindsey: what a great story. Coming up, we have your sidebar stories. Are you awkward in social plant based ingredientsyour hair will love and none of the stuffit won't. Our sulfate free collections,smell incredible and leave your hairtouchably soft and smooth. New Herbal Essences. (Catchy music plays) ( ) ( ) With perfect flavour in every bite of Pringles, it's a taste you can't let go. (Sentimental instrumental music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Need help reducing the look of your dark spots? New nivea luminous630 dark spot solution 10 years of research. 1 patented solution. Reduce the look of dark spots and try the world's #1 dark-spot serum for luminous skin. 100% Satisfaction Or Your Money Back. That's me beforeDawn Powerwash.Soaking, scrubbing...that's life. Was life. Now, Powerwashgives me the power of an overnight soak in minutes. I'm sorry, minutes? With 3 cleaning boosters... Not found in traditional dishsoaps that help break down, loosen and lift awayfood and grease... So much faster! Just spray suds on... No water needed ‘til rinsing. Tougher mess? Let the suds sit a few minutes before wiping. Even cleans... (Both) The grill! Thank you! It's more than soap.It's Powerwash. Introducing Little Caesars New Crazy Puffs kd Mac & Cheese No way! Yes way! Stuffed with our favourite ooey gooey mac & cheese - For real? For real! Get out? Here for- a delicious time, not- a long time! Cheesy! Cheesy! This is the summer you've been waiting for on ctv champions will rise and dreams will come true for these canadians it's a once in a lifetime event a golden opportunity to win it all it... Is.... A new season of The Amazing Race Canada What else? Coming this summer to ctv (Dramatic music) (Cheering) man: Let's go. Let's play hockey. Light 'em up, light 'em up Light 'em up, light 'em up, light 'em up >> Anne-Marie: "your morning" every morning right here on [upbeat theme music] >> Anne-Marie: coming up in 20 minutes. Kevin kwan is here. He will tell us all about his new book. ? In half an hour, marilyn denis is back in our studios. We will chat about her career ask new lifetime achievement award. >> Tomorrow, preparing for another round of potential president donald trump. What is at stake for canada if he wins. Now it's time for sidebar stoies. >> Lindsey: it's time for sidebar 2.0. here we go. You are in a social situation. Let's lay it out for you. You are at a cocktail party. You know some people or you don't know anybody and you are mingling around. We have all been there. Can you relate to any of this? >> Hello. We were thinking about it. What would be a good idea, would it now?

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