
CJCH - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

on ctv. >> Good morning. I'm amanda debison. It's monday may 27 7 cloudy, spotty showers and almeida has the forecast. But first, a look at the news. A 57 year-old pei man has died following a boating accident in summerside harbour. Rcmp say there were 2 men in oyster dorian, the harbour saturday night when they believe the boat hit a channel marker. One man was ejected. The man who remained on the boat attempted to rescue the man who had gone overboard and was able to bring him to shore and called 9-1-1 police say around 9:45pm officers attended holmen wharf and the 57 year-old man was pronounced dead. New brunswick's premier has banned the quebec-based sexual education group from high schools in the province over presentation. He calls clearly inappropriate. Blaine higgs expressed his displeasure on social media, saying I'm furious would be a gross understatement. The group share materials well beyond the scope of an hpv presentation. A number of concern parents have shared with me photos and screenshots. The group that held the presentations tells ctv atlantic they were vetted and are disappointed over his comments. The province is currently in a separate legal battle over its controversial decision on its pronoun policy in schools. Sunday marked the one-year anniversary of the start of the devastating wildfires in hammonds plains and tantallon. >> We've been displaced ever since, but the people that are still in the subdivision, either with major damage, minor damage or no damage still feel this impact on a daily basis. >> Tricia murray dion is a resident in the chair of the highland park repairs association. As part of a healing process. She helped organize an ice cream social in community walk for those from the devastated subdivision. 71 families in the haliburton subdivision lost their homes in may. 2023 another 38 were damp where damage rebuilding still underway. That's news. Has your weather. Good morning, ana. Hey, good morning, amanda. We're going to start off with a a wreckhouse, a wind warning on the step right on out. So you can take a look at here. Channel-port aux basques and vicinity of tuesday afternoon to early wednesday morning. >> So expect winds to gust up to 100 kilometres per hour. As for the rest of the maritimes today, it's a nice mix of sun and clouds. Some areas will see some showers, but highs mostly in the double digits out almost in the 20's. Your Morning is brought to you in part by Nespresso. Make your morning extraordinary. Lost a bet. Nutty... and sweet. Latte macchiato. Okay George, this one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. Sweet. Don't forget to recycle. Bye. Unforgettable. [engine sputters] Nespresso, what else? Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. I'm Katie Kelly and I'mOSound your host for the IWKTelethon Tribute on June Neon Dreams headlinesthis special celebration, of 40 years of community giving. Join us for a two hour specialon Saturday, June 1st at 7 p.m.on ctv. Chuck's getting a checkup thanks to a recent health scare. He's also thinking about his family, and how to protect them should anything happen to him. With North Cover Life Insurance, he'll be so well covered that it'd be like he's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Looking good, Chuck. With North Cover Life Insurance, Applying is easy. It only takes one phone call, with no medical, blood tests or forms. [Music] Chuck, there's a step stool behind you. Your family may get an advance payout to cover funeral costs. And they will be looked after with a cash payout up to one point five million dollars. Plus, if diagnosed with a terminal illness, one-hundred percent of the benefit can be received upfront. Being well protected does feel good. North Cover - Insurance the right way. Get a quote today. Call 1-833-530-1010 now or visit

on ctv >> Anne-Marie: it's monday, may 27th. Total destruction. This is what's left of a refugee camp in rafah after idf attacks sunday night. At least 45 people have been killed including women and children. >> The students are steadfast in our demands for divestment and disclosure. >> No backing down. Talks have gone nowhere and now we will see how the u of t plans to enforce its deadline for pro-palestinian protesters to clear off campus. >> A saskatchewan man is at the peak of his game and the view from the top is life changing. From the summit of the world's tallest mountain. Stay with us, canada. "your morning" starts right [upbeat theme music] >> Anne-Marie: good morning, canada. Welcome to "your morning." I'm anne-marie mediwake. >> Lindsey: good morning, I'm lindsey deluce. >> Kelsey: I'm kelsey McEWEN. Happy monday. >> Lindsey: it is 8:01 eastern. That means the deadline for pro-palestinian protesters to leave their encampment at the university of toronto is officially here. But there are no signs that the protesters going anywhere. I want to show you the scene this morning. On campus, the tents are there. The signs are still up. Protesters are expected to hold a rally right now. The 8 o'clock deadline to call on the school to meet their demands, negotiations were held over the weekend. The encampment leaders are giving school officials their counter effort. The school says it will seek a court injunction to force them to leave. We are watching that this morning closely. >> Search and rescue efforts are happening right now after an idf attack sunday night. 45 people have been killed and many women and children are among the dead. The idf say they targeted and killed two hamas figures. The strike comes two days after the international court of justice ordered israel to immediately halt its military operation in rafah where hundreds of thousands of people have been sheltering. The first long-range attack since january. Those rocket attacks were intercepted by air defence systems.

>>> People forced out by fire in fort nelson, B.C. are being told to be careful. >> Traffic is going to be heavy. Even if people spread themselves out evenly. Be patient. >> An evacuation order will be lifted at 8 o'clock this morning local time. The local emergency room will be open. Stores will be open. Gas stations will be open as well. The entire community was cleared out may 10th because of the parker lake fire burning nearby. Four homes were destroyed. 6 properties damaged. The fire is still considered out of control. They are telling people in fort nelson, you will still be under an evacuation alert. >> Tomorrow for the first time ever, a question will be asked in an indigenous language inside the ontario legislature. Ndp deputy leader will rise in the chamber to ask a question in og cree. His family, friends and indigenous leaders will be at queen's park to see the historic moment. It will also be a birthday present for his mother who turns 79 years old tomorrow. >> Imagine thinking you scored a champion winning goal only to have it called back. >> Lindsey: they thought that was it because it was the second overtime. They thought they won it all when they scored. The celebration already started. The goal was called back. Goaltender interference. And then this happened a minute later. Boston scoring to a deciding fifth game. Boston will have home ice advantage for wednesday's game. >> One saskatchewan man is proving the journey to the top is not an easy one, but worth it. >> You leave at 8 p.m. It's pitch back for the majority of the time. >> Lindsey: he reached the summit of mount everest early this month. He made it at 5:30 this morning. Proudly waving a saskatchewan flag. He is already eyeing another summit, too. >> Kelsey: we used today go camp every summer. It's stunning. I saw it from very far away as a child. I have such admiration for people who do this. My brother yesterday did a 12-hour run yesterday that involved a lot of walking. He said to his credit, he was just happy he made it through. He sent me a step reader at the end of the day. It was more than 80,000 steps. The next day, because they were in the golden day, he said I just went on a water fall hike. >> Anne-Marie: your brother is so active. >> Kelsey: at one point when he had 50,000 steps, I was like at 3200. >> Anne-Marie: good for him. >> Kelsey: kudos to you if you are doing any kind of training. We are going to collingwood. We are showing this community because later on today, there is a chance of seeing pretty significant rainfall. It has already started to rain there this morning. The plants benefitting from all of this moisture. It's going to come down at such an intensity later on. If you have any new sprout lings and you want to give them cover, it would be advisable to do so. Heavy rain coming in from the southwest of ontario is just picking up in intensity as it moves its way up across lake erie. What our computer models are forecasting is that it continues to intensify. The severity of this could continue to increase into eastern ontario. This morning... We have almost three pockets of rain. Southwest ontario, central communities heading into eastern ontario and southwest québec. And then heading over the great lakes toward sault Ste marie. Those three areas continue as we go into midday today. By lunch-time, it will be a fullout rainfest. All the way toward the prince edward county area. Southwest québec, again, you will see thunderstorms building

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