
CJCH - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

cannabis products were seized from 2 dispensaries in the moncton area. The items seized include various types of cannabis to atm's and thousands of dollars in cash. The search warrants were executed earlier this month at stores and moncton and riverview. Both of the accused are facing charges under the federal cannabis act. They are both expected in court at the end of july. Still to come tonight, kalin mitchell will have your full maritime weather forecast that next. Overcrowding concerns. >> People living in spaces that aren't bedrooms, whether that the hallways or closets. >> The new by-law in cape breton aimed at reducing unsafe living conditions following a fatal fire in the community. Race weekend is coming to Montreal and so is Mr. Worldwide Pitbull! On Saturday, June 8th. He headlines the Podium Concert presented by Google Pixel. Featuring top DJs, tons of interactive activities and more! It all takes place at Parc Jean-Drapeau, just steps from Circuit Giles-Villeneuve. Don't miss out! Tickets at Music Only It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! [Music]Reiker shoes available atat Clarence Shopping Martin Saulnierville. Maxwells Quality Footwearin Greenwood, New Minusand Yarmouth and The Shoe Box in Digby. [Music] Male Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg. Weekdays at 10:00, 09:00 Mountain on ctv. >> In 60 seconds listen for your chance to play the $1000 minute. >> On move 100. >> The new by-law in the sydney area is looking to crack down on the problem of overcrowding in rental units, particularly when it comes to international students. All rooming houses have become more common as affordable housing options. At times, they've been unsafe. Here's ctv's ryan macdonald. >> Jacqueline mercer still remembers when tragedy struck just down the street from her sydney home. >> There's too many, too many crammed in, not enough space in december, 2022, a 33 year-old cape breton university student from india died in a fire at this duplex. He was renting with 7 others. >> Now mercer, who currently has 3 international students living in her home, is welcoming a new by-law that same to preventing this kind of thing from happening again. I think it's a good idea if they follow through with this. >> Like if they do do the inspections, if there is someone that's going to so it'll be a complaint enforcement. The cape breton regional municipality is new licensing by-law for shared dwellings or rooming houses means landlords will have to be licensed by august. 20th. >> The application fee starts at $200 and has to be renewed on a yearly basis. The municipality says the message is clear that overcrowded and unsafe living conditions won't be tolerated. People living in spaces that aren't bedrooms, whether that the hallways or closets. >> I'm also seen not building codes not being followed. >> The municipality says there will be a grace period until august 20th to give landlords a chance to get licensed and up to speed on the new by-law. From then on, they say they'll started forcing us. >> But if there's and not compliance them finds will be enforced. The cbrm says in most cases, complaints would likely come from neighbours or from tenants themselves. >> Sometimes what happens when the students come there may be for people say, you know, renting the place, but then they have a friend that doesn't have anywhere to go. So then they're taking in their own people. >> Cbrm says the new by-law will require ongoing yearly inspections of properties for which shared while the licenses are approved. Ryan macdonald, ctv news city. >> The tent encampment that was a victoria park in downtown halifax for the winter has moved to a few meters away. But some of the same issues have gone with it. Ctv's hafsa

arif explains. >> Rows of tents lined this median in the past month. This encampment on university avenue in halifax has grown and so has its upkeep, especially when it comes to food donations. Community seems to be really good with dropping but sometimes they leave it on benches. Samantha nickerson and trent smith have been living here for 2 months. They normally don't leave the area and rely on food donations. It's beneficial for most of us because that means that we have something. We're not going to or 3 days without having to get something to eat. But recently people have been dropping off food and leaving it out all day. It's last thing we want. It is, is the rats and other rodents around because. >> Dan, the by-law will shut us down. And then we have nowhere to go. This has happened before. It's one of the reasons the city closed the victoria park encampment. You find people who will tell you that there. >> Toes were bitten by rats at night or they wake up and find rats in their tents. >> And their belongings and items were chewed on the city suggests people who want to help to ask those living in encampments what their needs are, they don't have anywhere to store it. >> Or to heat it. And so it ends up maybe somebody eat one to that. >> And then the rest because toss to sign exterminators have been called to this encampment a few times already. Now. >> But the city says it isn't considered a public health concern as of yet, the people living here hope that it stays that way. Hafsa arif ctv news, halifax. >> Time for a quick break. When we return, we'll have your full maritime weather forecast. But first, we saw some active weather through parts of the region fell. It was much calmer through the halifax area tonight. Coming up, kalin will have more on those lingering to give the perfect clue Muscles Flex! You gotta think fast join jimmy fallon and emmy-winning host keke palmer Let's Play! A new password on a new day on ctv The qeii Home Lottery final deadline is midnight tonight! Live lakeside in Glen Arbour with the 1.8 million dollar Grand Prize Showhome awarded with $50,000! Absolute final deadline midnight tonight! ( ) When you need healthcare in Nova Scotia, you have options. With services available at pharmacy clinics, mobile care clinics, urgent treatment centres, and virtual care, you have more options than you think. Right in your community. Find out how you can access more healthcare, faster Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. (Upbeat instrumental music) welcome back. Meteorologist kalin mitchell joins us now with your maritime weather forecast. And kalin, we've been dealing with some severe weather and some areas tonight. That was an active afternoon and evening for parts of the maritimes first, the province of new brunswick as we had a some strong and severe thunderstorms move in and through. Those were kicked off by a cold front. >> That was building in from the west of the same weather front that of last couple of days had a started, some severe thunderstorms in parts of ontario as well as quebec. Now as we move through the remainder of tonight, there is still a risk of some thunderstorms for parts of the maritimes. So it's a lower risk. Now and it's mostly for the province of nova scotia. In fact of the risk of thunderstorms highest for the province of nova scotia in the atlantic coastline of that province. You can see there the colour showing up the greens and the brighter colours, the yellows into the oranges and the reds and that that is going to extend into the early morning hours of friday before coming to an end after that for the remainder of friday for most of the maritimes, a mix of sun and cloud and it's going to be warm. However, friday afternoon and evening will see some scattered showers develop and move in across north and central areas of new brunswick. There will be a lower chance of showers for for prince

edward island and for nova scotia afternoon into the evening for those 2 provinces, it will be about a 20 to 30% chance of a shower winds in the forecast for tomorrow, change direction a little bit, especially for new brunswick becoming more westerly and that will start to move in some less humid air off the continent into new brunswick. So humidity levels are going to be falling for that province on friday, falling friday night into saturday for both prince, separate island and for nova scotia. So for those who found a level of mugginess may be a little bit too high for them this week. There's going to be some less humid air moving in temperatures for tonight. Still plenty mild, most lows, 9 to 15 degrees. And despite the fact that we have some drier air arriving on friday, temperatures are still plenty warm for most of the maritimes, mostly 20 to 24 north and areas of new brunswick with some mid to high 20's in central southern parts of the province of closer 22 around the bay of fundy coastline. Prince edward island for tomorrow. Most high temperatures between 22 and 25 degrees except 17, the 19 on parts of the coast for cape breton for tomorrow. It warms up most high temperatures between 20 and 24 mid to high 20's for eastern areas. Mainland nova scotia except 14 to 18 degrees. Again on the atlantic coastline, coastal areas around the minus basin and enron central areas of nova scotia. High temperatures, 14 to 19 degrees, but inland lot of those highs will be coming up closer to a range of 24 to 26 the annapolis valley with high temperatures near 27 for tomorrow. And for communities on the south shore in the southwest of nova scotia, mostly 20 to 24 the interior again close to 26 degrees in the 7 day outlook for new brunswick on saturday, a mix of sun and cloud temperatures should be comfortable. So should humidity levels. It's a low chance of showers on sunday, but a 30% chance increasing cloudiness on monday after that rain possible on tuesday of next week. Chance of showers next thursday for nova scotia. The forecast on saturday, a mix of sun and cloud high temperatures should be. We'll see in the high teens to near 20 degrees. Cool spy couple degrees for sunday with a low chance of showers, then it's increasing cloudiness for monday. And after that rain possible on tuesday of next week. And finally for prince edward island in the outlook, cooler conditions ahead for the weekend. Highs near 16 a both saturday and sunday up to 18 degrees increasing cloudiness on monday. 18 on tuesday with rain possible. Stephanie. >> Thanks, kalin. Time now for a break. Stay with us. We'll be right back. Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) Every year the qeii Home Lottery awards fantastic properties. This year's qeii Home Lottery Grand Prize Showhome built by Stonewater Homes is exceptional! Its located in Hammonds Plains in the beautiful community of Glen Arbour. This great room really captures the essence of the Grand Prize Showhome! those floor to ceiling windows bringing in a ton of natural light and that view of Sandy Lake. Don't miss out! Get your tickets at Good luck! >> Thanks with turn. Facts is number one hit music station. Virgin radio. >> The st. John police force ran an inclusion and recruitment camp today to encourage attract new members who represent all maritimers. Ctv's avery macrae has the story. >> It wasn't a formal classroom, setting out one more hands-on learning those taking in the first ever inclusion and diversity recruitment camp got a good grasp of the day-to-day life of a st. John police officer. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect coming here today, but I'm pleased with the outcome and how involved people to staff sergeant matthew. We're says those enrolled all have some interest in the field. And the more diversity on the force, the better the benefit of having different languages in policing and be able to speak the native languages of >> Different individuals that we come across to on a day-to-day is a huge benefit. And the understanding, of there's an understanding of the different cultural backgrounds as well. >> That they bring to the table. Those taking part also see the benefits and hope to

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