
CJCH - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 10:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Ceasefire negotiations for the war in ukraine may be back on the table, but only one that recognizes the current battlefield lines. Large largerussian president vladomir putin told reporters peace talks must resume based on common sense. In ukraine, president volodmyr zelenskyy visited a printing house that was destroyed by a russian missile attack that killed at least seven people. >>> A group with links to the terror group isis may be behind a fatal shooting at a restaurant near toronto three years ago. The jury heard in court today that the victim was likely targeted because he wanted to expose his alleged killer. Ctv's jon woodward is tracking the story. >> Reporter: it was a bloody scene in may of 2021 in chicken land. Five people shot, 25-year-old name akil died in an attack that shocked the city of mississauga. >> I just don't understand. >> Senseless. Really s senseless. >> Reporter: at the time, police re-researched this surveillance individual go of the gunman before and of a the shooting. Part of the investigation that led to the arrest of three men. And led the crown attorney to tell a jury in the first degree murder trial of the brampton courthouse that akil had gone to work in abbasi's warehouse. The country attorney said you will hear evidence that akil became aware the group pledged allegiance to isis. And money was being used to finance that organization sent back home to further that cause. He was planning to go to the authorities and betray the others. It's our position that the others came up with a plan to prevent that had aing from, a plan to kill naim akil and his family. The plan was put into action with nav entering the restaurant, pulling a handgun and shooting seven times in less than 18 seconds. Witnesses told the court they saw a slender man rush from the restaurant and hop into the trunk of a waiting honda accord. Akil's mother had heard several pops. She was shot in the army and rushed in to see several other family members being shot including a son. She said I looked at him. He was looking at me. I could see the blood everywhere on the ground. She called 9-1-1 and asked any driver in the gas station for help. And surveillance cameras to follow the route back to abbasi's business, a major break in the case. Jon woodward, ctv news. >> A ceremony is set to begin just hours from now in france where officials are preparing to return the remains of an unknown soldier home to newfoundland. The soldier represents the hundreds who never made it back. Ctv's garrett barry is in beaumont hammel and introduces us to a group with a very social role in tomorrow's service. >> Reporter: they've been practicing all week. The pressure is on. Tomorrow's event is once in a lifetime. >> Big honour. Weight on your shoulders to perform to your highest standard really. It's to go out there, make sure you look the part, act the part. You're bringing home one of our en. >> Reporter: for the newfoundlanders in this group it's a very special job. Bringing a countryman home for the first time in a hundred years. >> Something as big as this is hard to put into words. To be a newfoundlander and as far as I can think back, everyone is a newfoundlander from where my family is from. They'll they'll tomorrow they'll walk alongside an unknown soldier as he heads back home to newfoundland. >> Everyone's going to feel very solemn. Feelings are going to be a bit high. I'm proud to be there. >> Reporter: many put their hands up to walk alongside the casket, so it be picked is a real honour. >> There's a lot of history around it obviously. Being in the military, our family in the military. So I want to take it personal and it's a great honour. >> Feel proud really. Feel proud. Represent canada. Represent newfoundland. You're here and it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. >> Reporter: that same group will accompany the unknown soldier on his final trip to be en tombed at the national war membernational warmemorial. >> A few people in the story are wearing a special flower that you also have on. Tell us a little more about that? >> These blue flowers are forget me notes similar to the poppies worn on remembrance day. It was actually exactly a hundred years ago that the veterans association of newfoundland adopted these blue flowers as their official symbol. They sold them, part of the project to pay for war memorials. To this day, nab doris will wear the blue flowers to remember the sacrifice of newfoundlanders and labradorians in wars fought overseas. Heather? >> Heather: a very moving

tribute. Garrett, thank you. Coming up, remembering morgan spurlock. >> I want more. More. More. More. >> Heather: the oscar nominated filmmaker who made us re-think how we look at fast-food. Plus exceeding expectations. >> The demand is proving to be real for women's hockey. >> Heather: a look back at a successful first season for the pwhl. [ ] Latte macchiato. ( ) This one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. ( ) Sweet. Bye. Nespresso, what else? (Opening Mnemonic) (music throughout) ( ) ( ) (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. Are your gums bleeding and inflamed? New Colgate PerioGard toothpaste is clinically proven for healthier gums. It reduces bleeding and inflammation with its long-lasting Antibacterial activity. New Colgate PerioGard significantly reduces gum bleeding and inflammation. Canada's favourite pizza delivers again with a new mouth-watering stuffed cheesy bread only from Domino's. Introducing Philly Cheese Steak, one of five delicious varieties. Just $8.99 eachwhen you mix and match with another pizza, side or more cheesy bread. Domino's. Pizza over everything. This truly is a regional program for a regional hospital. Lets underscore that the iwk is your childrens hospital wherever you are. I was diagnosed with a stage 1 Wilms Tumor The iwk was so helpful to me and my family and helped me get through cancer. Iwk needs all the support they can get. It is helping improve the health in Canada. >> Heather: there is heartache in a community north of toronto a toddler struck by a recycling truck yesterday has died. The child, nearly two years old, suffered life-threatening injuries and later died in hospital. Barrie police are still investigating. It's unclear whether charges will be laid.

>>> Documentary filmmaker morgan spurlock has died following complications with cancer. The director was best known for supersize me. Ctv's kamil karamali has more. >> Double quarter pounder with cheese meal. >> Reporter: putting his body and health on the line became a part of morgan spurlock's legacy. >> I think I have to supersize. >> Reporter: known for his oscar nominated megahit supersize me, the documentary filmmaker ate nothing but McDONALD for a monday. >> I want more. More. More. More. >> Reporter: deteriorate his deteriorate condition. >> I think that people don't realize that just these types of diets can be very dangerous. >> Reporter: the movie took a bite out of the fast-food industry raising awareness of america's obhrai sis. McDONALD'S discontinued their supersize menu and included healthier options. >> Because of him it changed from supersize from a bargain to an epidemic in the pop culture imagination. >> Reporter: spurlock used the film's successes as a springboard. >> Osama. >> Reporter: releasing where in the world is osama bin laden. >> I want to do films that don't polarize people but make things that are for everybody. >> Reporter: directing a film for one direction and hosting his own show on cnn. Spurlock stepped down from his production company in 2017 after admitting to sexual misconduct. The west virginia native died from complications due to cancer at the age of 53. His brother saying morgan gave so much through his art, ideas and generosity. Today the world has lost a true creative genius and a special man. I am so proud to have worked together with him j became an actor in his own documentary. Paved the way for reality television. Even the way he changed entertainment and how we consume it was a huge impact. >> Reporter: most will remember him for a film that showed his hunger to the world, what followed was continuing to make films that everyone had an appetite for. Kamil karamali, ctv news, toronto. >> Heather: still ahead, looking to fly? This is not your average scene at altitude. [ ] the luxury airline offering owners and their pets a howling good time. [ ] summer of detours. As the tourism season ramps up -- it may be harder to get around halifax -- as construction leads to closures. That story and more -- tonight on ctv a new password on a new day on ctv Announcer: For over 100 yearsJamieson has been here for you,putting quality And we're here for 100 more. Canada's favourite pizza delivers again with a new mouth-watering stuffed cheesy bread only from Domino's. Introducing Philly Cheese Steak, one of five delicious varieties. Just $8.99 eachwhen you mix and match with another pizza, side or more cheesy bread. Domino's. Pizza over everything. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. Across Canada, parents face... Natural Negotiators. He's got more no's in him than you have minutes in a day. She can go limp faster than overcooked spaghetti. ( ) She can turn five more minutes into two whole hours. But with Maple Leaf Natural Top Dogs there's nothing to negotiate. Except wanting more. ( ) I'd do anything Welcome to the new PetSmart Treats rewardsTM. Ready go Collect points with every purchase. And save big on their favourite services. Anything for you PetSmart. Anything for Pets. ( ) That's a dq Chicken Strip Basket! Oh look at those tasty dq chicken strips. And fries! Plus all the dips! Oh let's order one, right now! Dq. Happy Tastes Good. The experts at Jamieson are herefor your health and wellness. Our Essentials lineup has products that support immune function, gut health, heart health, and the maintenance of good health. Jamieson is herefor your health. . Messi magic once again Oh Canada!! their time has come The stage is set And it is spectacular!!

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