
CIVT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>> Reporter: a collection built by canadians for canadians. Annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news, gatineau. >> Merella: some interesting stuff. That's our newscast for this thursday. Thanks for sharing your time with us and be sure to join todd van der hayden later tonight. For ongoing coverage of canada's top stories, tune in to ctv news channel. I'm merella fernandez. Your local ctv news begins right now. ( ) >> Announcer: >> Tonight on ctv news, a major blow for the mayor of surrey. >> The biggest concern for us right now is the enormous tax burden that is in front of us. >> The B.C. supreme court sides with the province in the battle over policing body is the saga over. And a threat becomes reality. Cyber hackers released

data they stole from london drugs after the company refused to pay a ransom. >> The threat to people's information and their financial security is very real and growing a worldwide. >> Cyber criminals also hack into the first nations health authority. But the government is doing to protect sensitive information. >> This is ctv news with mi jung lee. >> Good evening and thanks for joining us. In the tense tug of war between the province and the city of surrey, a major victory for the ndp in ordering the city to scrap the rcmp. The B.C. supreme court has dismissed surrey's attempts to stop the transition to a municipal force. >> Ctv's rob buffam is live in victoria with more on this years long battle that is really consumed surrey's agenda. Rob. >> It sure has been enjoying this is the court decision released today by the B.C. supreme court that effectively upholds the province's right to force the city of surrey to go ahead with a transition to policing. But it's also obvious that this political battle. Well, it is far from over. It's a big win for the province in its battle with surrey over-policing. This a decision. >> Indicates that you know what, it's over. >> The B.C. supreme court releasing its ruling today. The rejects the city of surrey's legal challenge and upholds the ndp government's order, forcing the continued transition to surrey police from the rcmp. Obviously huge relief for the people of surrey who just want this done. >> I want this done. Everybody wants this done. >> Well, not everybody, certainly not. Surrey's. Mayor brenda locke elected on a promise to resist the transition and keep the rcmp. >> The fact is the court challenge has revealed huge holes in this transition to the s p s. >> The political battle has brewed for 18 months lock rejecting offers of financial help from the province as inadequate. Claiming the transition to surrey police will cost up to 3 quarters of a billion dollars more over 10 years. She noted today's ruling confirms the move to police will cost more than rcmp and the true costs. >> We'll have an extremely, extremely. Onerous impact. On the city of surrey and especially on surrey taxpayers. This surrey police chief and some councillors say it's time to turn the page. People are so tired about hearing about this transition. It's been going on for. >> Almost 6 years now, it's been the single focus of what council has been dealing with milestone day for us. And yet again, it validates that the sps is here to stay, that we're moving forward. But while the mayor may have lost today's legal fight, she turned up the heat on the political one, emphasizing increase costs caused by the transition for voters in surrey this fall. >> Which mary ad is something that all of the ndp mlas in surrey and councillor and us, those alford and niagara are more than willing to find it acceptable for our residents. >> The province's said november 29th is the date surrey police will formally take over as the main police of jurisdiction. Mayor locke says the city hasn't decided if it will appeal the court decision. But after a year and a half of fighting over policing. It's a good bed. This story isn't done. >> Yeah, I agree with you. I don't think this story is done. So rob, what is next in this saga? >> The mayor locke said she can say yes or no whether or not there would be an appeal. She said council is going to have to review this decision and they will vote collectively as to whether or not to appeal it. As for the politics of it, mayor locke is clearly staked her political future on this issue. And with the provincial election just 5 months away, she is leveraging that. So lots more to come in the next few months. You john. >> Rob buffam reporting live tonight from victoria. >> To breaking news land all messy. One of the world's most famous athletes will not be making the trip to vancouver this weekend as the vancouver whitecaps take on inter miami fc at B.C. place. The whitecaps confirming that messy and fellow superstar luis suarez are not even making the trip to vancouver. Messi's possible involvement created a frenzy for tickets. In fact, saturday's game he's supposed to set a team record for attendance in the mls era prices for tickets vary. But when messi played in montreal, there were some that cost more than $700. The whitecaps are now offering food at half price for disappointed fans. And to more breaking news, london drugs says cyber criminals have followed through

on their threat to release confidential data. Lauren pullen is following this in the breaking news centre. Lauren. It comes after the company refused to pay a ransom. What more have we learned? Mi jung london drugs says it is employee information that has been leaked. >> And that it was both unwilling and unable to pay that 25 million dollar ransom. It says the leaked files total more than 300 gigabytes released onto the dark web. And the data of course, was stolen during that cyberattack on april 28, that forced london drugs to close all 79 of its stores in western canada for nearly 2 weeks. One cybersecurity expert says there is a chance the data leak contains sensitive information. >> It could be things like feller information, disciplinary proceedings, protests and in some cases to encourage the u.s.. >> And while he doesn't know what information was leaked in this case, he says data can be used for things like identity fraud or even extortion, but also adds that london drugs did do the right thing by not paying a ransom as hackers might have exploited the company. Either way, london drugs acknowledges mi jung. This is deeply distressing, adding it is offering employees 2 years of identity theft protection and says it will be notifying those affected me jump. Definitely an unsettling time for those employees. Thank you, lauren. >> And information have up from bc's first nations health authority is already up on the dark web. The premier's now confirmed it is a ransomware attack. Ctv's penny daflos reports cyber criminals are a growing and difficult threat to stop. Our the first nations health authority, which provides B.C. wide services and supports for indigenous people, is being blackmailed by cyber criminals. We have seen high-profile retailers like when a the the victim of ransomware. Now. >> The first nations health authority, the hackers have posted proof of what they've stolen online, including signatures from senior staff on seven-figure contracts with medical providers and agreements with first nations governments. They're also samples of e-mails between providers and patients, including staff from northern health. There's no evidence >> The health reserve that all affected by by the breach of the first nations health or their experts at seeking out the most sensitive information to steal to make their extortion attempts more effective. Ctv news has consulted several cybersecurity experts on this hack. One of them pointed to sloppy coating on f any cia's website. >> And another pointed out similarities to the london drugs ransomware breach. Both are different from the state level attack on provincial systems and attacker. That is a nation state is typically a kind of carrying out a spy a military mission. They will give up no matter how hard you defend yourself, the criminals behind the attack on the health authority and london drugs are really just after money. Government processes for court government had included upgrading our defences. Are you going to be committing to more resources, whether that's people, whether that's money for provincial agencies and related agencies like health authorities to try to combat what seems to be rising threat for a health authorities in those other agencies that are arm's length from government, especially first nations health authority. >> Our commitment is to the support they need to respond to this and also to prevent these types of attacks are having with 3 high-profile cyber incidents in the past month. Companies and individual british colombians to take it as a reminder of how vulnerable our information is. >> Penny daflos, ctv news. Vancouver. >> Scammers are targeting us more by fall with calls and text said it can be hard sometimes to know whether the communication is legitimate. Ctv's martin macmahon has a look inside an escape room set up by the cra to help people escape. Fraudsters. >> They say there are only 2 things you can't escape in life. That's death and taxes. And now the tax man of all people is trying to help you avoid getting scammed by setting up this escape room at metrotown >> The canada revenue agency is behind this. Those who enter the escape room encounter 3 scenarios and have to choose whether it's real or fake government. Communication scams can happen at any point at any part of your life. And this is a great example where people can actually see real-life scams come to life and what they should do if they encounter one and how to avoid them. And while we weren't allowed to take much video inside the escape room is apparently quite hard. And I for one, I couldn't. So I was really great. >> I say the hardest one was probably the last one, but all those e-mails that I did what they really think I actually did this, this guy every myself, I thought I would get 100% and I would be perfectly free of all scam. But so what that showed is that even a cra employee who is very aware,

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