
CIVT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

election looming and housing affordability. A key issue amongst voters. Surrey is getting 10 new prefabricated classrooms to create space for 250 more students. >> The use of beef at the big time can be cut in half, making a big difference in delivering more spaces. So not far. Goodson said the province is spending 15 million on the new spaces, which will be split between 2 schools. >> Martha curie elementary is getting 6 more classrooms for 150 students, walnut road elementary will get another 4 classrooms on top of 12 announced last november to serve 100 more students. The new spaces are expected to be ready by next fall. Some help for truckers has been included as the province moves into the next phase of the highway. One widening project in langley. >> The new jury to 32nd street >> Right on cue, the new interchange will stand one metre taller for commercial trucks like that to clear easily. >> Rob fleming says in addition to the new interchange, 10 kilometres of highway one will be widened between 2 16 2 64th streets. And there will also be hov lanes added construction will start this summer. >> Some relief at the pumps today as gas is back down below $2. Salaita shift in what's been an unpredictable spring season. It's now hovering around a $1.95 per leader. That's a drop of 4 or $0.5 from earlier in the week. >> But despite the change, gas in the vancouver area still remains among the most expensive in north america. One gas analyst tells us it is still day-to-day as to whether the price will stay below $2 for a while before rising during summer driving. Months. Still ahead, we hear from the canucks as they pack it up for the season. >> Obviously disappointing way turner feels like you saw broke apart, really proud of everything we accomplished. >> The team is saying and a revelation about whi Theater Company's Guys and Dolls, revel in laughter and romance this summer at the Stanley. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! WestCoast Moulding and MillworkPremium quality interiorand exterior finishi Featuring the largest selectionof in-stock moldings and flat stock, custom builtsignature staircases and stair parts, millwork,doors, flooring and more. today. An American icon. A world favourite. Airstream is the poster child for the rv life! And it's always home at Traveland rv! Canada's largest Airstream dealer. Traveland rv invites you into shop their incredile Airstream inventory. Shop classic models, plus modern style touring coaches, RV's and trailers. The recreation lifestyle, powered by Airstream and made reality across Western Canada at your Airstream product specialist, Traveland rv. Visit Airstream of Traveland dot com Freedom is wide open spaces. Framed by rolling hills, endless skies and rich history. It is uncrowded, quiet, calm and yours to define. It is waking up and having nothing to do or discovering adventures without limit. Visit landwithoutlimits.catoday to venture toBC's Cariboo Chilcotin Coast. [shower running] [upbeat music] Not happy with what you‘ve got? Woman: “Honey, what are you doing?” Man: “Sorry, just really enjoying these new floors.” Don‘t imagine it. Upload a photo and visualize it at Closed captioning is brought to you in part by Fortis bc. We've got rebates [rebates] on high-efficiency windows, doors, and insulation. Visit for details. >> When you get a text or a call these days, it is sometimes hard to know whether the communication is legitimate or if it's a scam to help people avoid being dupes. The canada revenue agency has set up what it calls the the scam smart escape room. Those who enter the room encounter 3 scenarios and have to choose whether it's real or fake government communication. >> I actually did this, this guy every myself, I thought I would get 100% and I would

be perfectly free of all scam. So what that showed is that even a cra employee who is very aware, scams educated and what scouts look like even I people susceptible. >> The escape room has been touring across canada and is now at metrotown mall with sunday, the final day to check it out. Well, still reeling from game 7 heartbreak. The vancouver canucks spoke to reporters today for the final time this season. Players opened up about injuries and for some, their future with the team. Canucks sniper brock besser, who missed game 7 with a blood clot revealed it's 10 from blocking a shot in game. One of the second round and it got worse from there. But he says he's now on the mend. Elias pettersson, who struggled in the 2nd half of the season and playoffs as >> He was dealing with an injured knee since january. There's also the question of who will be back. He does door off tyler myers and dakota joshua are just some of the canucks looking for a new contract. >> I want to stay obvious. They want to be here >> Build off what just happened. Obviously, there's no more things are going to have that are out of my control. But yeah, I want to be here. Hopefully, we can find ways to keep a lot of players because I do think that a lot of them have a chance to with the with the coaches are taking a take the game to the next level. Goaltender thatcher demko also revealed he was nearly fully recovered from his knee injury and would have been ready to play. How the canucks advanced to round 3. >> Well, gorgeous sunshine today, but how long will it? Last marks forecast is next. Plus. >> Looking for some peace and quiet. How does a private The Pacific pulls us in to roam its hidden alleyways shift our perspectives breathe history taste the air and savor every moment. Let yourself be moved. Life's better with extra space. Space for family. Space for memories. Space for you. Sentinel Storage. Try 4 Weeks. Free! Details at What can you accomplish in an hour? At Everything Financial, give us just one hour of your time and we'll have you on the road to financial freedom with our Omni Formula Express Plan. It's that easy. You deserve to realize your goals, your dreams, and the retirement lifestyle you're after . Together with Everything Financial we can make it happen. Don't you deserve to keep more of your money? We are Applewood Auto Group We don't just sell cars. We buy cars, We service cars, we build cars, we race cars. We are cars. At Applewood Auto Group Your dream car isn't just a dream anymore. Man: My life wasn't always like this. But thanks to Sunshine Coast Health Centre, it is now. If you are like me when my life was falling apart, call them today. You won't regret it. Their individualized treatment and team of professionals will help you designa life you love too. - I am gonna need you to cover two classes. - [Narrator] Without enough teachers, school counsellors and specialists are being pulled away when kids need their support most. Bc needs to hire more teachers so we can help more kids. Welcome to the world of spycraft. (Dramatic music) Keep yours eyes glued to the action. Let's get down. Let's get funky! What are you concealing? You a communist sympathizer? (Whistles) It's just a job. . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play roland garros on tsn and tsn+ >> They really pose a lot of people and who would never really consider racing. >> It's called the murder horn aiden. And these B.C. riders are not messing around. We'll show you how they're shredding and making their sport more accessible right after marks forecast. But first, if you've been saving your money to buy a private island, you're in luck. As one just hit the market in b.c.. Pimm island is described as a 6.2 acre paradise where seclusion and convenience and twine along with natural sites.

it also has a main house 5 guest cottages care takers, residents and a tennis court. The southern gulf island is about a 10 minute boat ride from the canoe cove marina north of sydney. It's on the market for 7 million dollars. He doesn't have a holly mark, how are you going to get there or or yeah, they got a you know, you know, when you take the ferry ride from the lake or should be to nanaimo, there's all those small that's a long way. I was look at those ago. >> The buddy and that can make you think about that one. >> I always wonder about the plumbing, though. Yes, haha, black, tickle plumbing and ease of access is your eventually. >> All right, let's get to our not a bad day today. Starting off sunny. >> Was said a lot more sunshine than we anticipated, but we are going to get more cloud and in the southern interior, you're going to get some pretty good thunderstorms. Severe thunderstorm watch pretty much from the okanagan right now to the good news for tonight. And also through tomorrow on rna, you can see that activity into the southeast corner next front hitting us not as significant as the one earlier this week, that will break apart a little bit, but just enough to give us a few showers in the morning. And then some clearing once we get into the afternoon, more like sunny breaks and it is going to stay fairly unsettled, too, as we'll see more showers off and on as we head in through the weekend. Southern interior tomorrow. As we mentioned, there's that severe thunderstorm watch for vernon cologne osoyoos pretty much out towards nelson cranbrook revelstoke as well. Kamloops, you're just looking at a chance of showers to temperatures will stay around 1920 degrees, thunderstorms also through the central interior, williams, lake quesnel and prince george all hitting 15 periods of bella coola and 15 and cross the north. A good chance of showers in masset. Prince rupert terrace. He's like seeing periods of rain, smithers, periods of rain as well. For nelson, fort st. John also looking at the potential to see some thunderstorms. Not really good for fort nelson, not enough rain to sort improve the situation and they didn't really get enough to make things better. So cross your fingers. Port hardy will be 12 today, mostly showers coming in the morning along the island campbell river, comox nanaimo, all hitting about 13 15 11 out of tofino ucluelet 14 for both the gulf islands. Victoria sunshine coast. You'll see some showers in the morning. Sunny breaks later. Stays cloudy, though, up the sea-to-sky region. 12 in whistler and for metro vancouver in the valley, showers in the morning, mostly. And then you get some sunny breaks into the afternoon and temperatures will stay around 15 degrees, but it will stay fairly cloudy up the valley towards abbotsford and chilliwack. So tomorrow there's a chance of showers. Again, we're like I said back to yoyo of the forecast. We usually get through a spring periods of rain sunday and then a chance of showers on monday, tuesday, looking slightly drier only slightly. So you're saying my camping trip is a washout. Enjoy your camping ensure the girl into the indoor activities that will be thank you. Okay. >> Well, bart simpson won't be invited. Neither will homer, but maggie margin lisa might fit part fiction. But all legend andy garland takes us behind the velvet ropes of one of the coolest biking events around. >> It's called murder hornet made an all-women's under a mountain bike race, which riders are timed on their distance and it's named after a fictional mountain in the fictional town of springfield. >> It's a loosely based. Simpson's referenced. >> But the foot hills of animals about benson is the setting in real life as 170 plus women writers region from kids to seniors of all different abilities will be shredding their skills. The saturday get really polls, a lot of people and who would never really consider racing just a really great atmosphere of women supporting women writers from up and down vancouver island as well as the mainland will be making the track to get a chance to be involved in a race atmosphere exclusively for women. Mountain biking is becoming a big tourist draw for nanaimo. So I think we we bring in a lot of dollars put on by the nanaimo mountain bike club murder. Her maiden started 3 years ago to create equity in space for women in the sport. It's one of only a few all-female reese's that exist in a mountain bike increase region of b.c.. If we want women to participate in sports like this, that are a largely male dominated. We need to create the space and encourage women to come out and give it a try. And the word is getting out. Apparently. >> Participants in this year's race has increased by 65% over last year. I think it's pulling a lot of people out of their shell, getting a lot more. >> Women writing this, you know, mort tricky network. I like being in the forest and they don't like running. So this was a very good mix between the 2. >> Whether it's your first time or you're an experienced rider murder hard. Madden is geared towards anyone who wants to have fun and hone their skills alongside other women who love the sport and want to see it grow. Andy garland, ctv news. Nanaimo. >> Still to come, a squeal of a story. >> Move over goat yoga. There's a new barnyard animal coming

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