
CIVT - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 08:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

There is a wildfire heading towrads Seattle We need to stop the fire from wipping out the entire city. ((sirens)) We're entering the belly of the beast! ((roaring fire)) This is...huge. Lead them We're 19.. Family forever. *radio* Captain..The fire is over the bridge. ONLY 1 EPISODE LEFT UNTIL THE SERIES FINALE CATHC UP ON CTV.CA AND THE CTV APP Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. I'd do anything Welcome to the new PetSmart Treats rewardsTM. Ready go Collect points with every purchase. And save big on their favourite services. Anything for you PetSmart. Anything for Pets. Financial goals. Fidelity knows we've all got them. Maybe you want to own a home, or never own a home. Maybe you want to travel. Or have a kid. Or travel with your kid. Yours could be retiring early. Or never retiring at all. At Fidelity, we know everyone has different goals. But the one thing we share? We all want to get to them sooner. ( ) [music] House of Knives for Canada's largest selection of SHUN It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Visiting Vancouver this summer? Add Canada's largest aquarium to your travel bucket list. Connect with 65,000 animals like playful rescued sea otters and splashing sea lions. Soak up summer fun today because sometimes a postcard just won't cut it. Book now at Spring has arrived in Osoyoos! Where beauty blossoms at every turn! Soak up the sunshine, wine and endless outdoor adventure. This season plan your getaway at . Firefighters... What we do is hard. It's not enough to be strong. You have to be tough. Let's move! Get down! GET INTO A NEW STATION 19 ON CTV Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by PetSmart. Treats Rewards is here! More rewards. More benefits. More savings! Sign up today at It worked. It really worked. They said I was mad but it worked! [music continues] Oh, no! Not Morlocks! Not flesh-eating Morlocks! H-e-e-e-lp! [screams] Sheldon, are you okay? We have to get rid of the time machine. It is a little big for the living room, isn't it? Yeah, that's the problem. It's too big. I'm glad you agree. I hired some guys to help us move it. Come on in, fellas. [intense music] Oh, no, Morlocks! Eat him, eat him. [screaming] [gasping] Leonar-r-r-d! [theme music] dia Access Group at WGBH

today on ctv news, a big blow to surrey's bid to keep the rcmp. >> The people of surrey want this over and this a decision indicates that, you know what, it's over. >> Surrey loses its legal case against the province over being forced to switch to the surrey police service. Also tonight. >> Its hard to think of information more sensitive to people that health information, cyber criminals at it again. As a B.C. health authority gets hit by hackers. >> Our patient details at risk and gas prices dip in metro vancouver, but will it stay below $2 as we shift into the summer driving months? >> This is ctv news with nafeesa karim. >> Good evening, thank you for joining us. We begin with a major win in court for the province in its battle with surrey over policing the city took the province to courts to stop the transition to a municipal police force. But today the judge dismissed their case. >> Ctv's rob buffam joins us live from victoria with more rob. >> Nafeesa in his decision released today, the B.C. supreme court essentially upholds the province's right to force the city of surrey to transition to a police service away from the rcmp. It is just the latest chapter in this 18 month long said that the city of surrey resisting the province's order to transition to police from the rcmp. Today's ruling comes after a five-day hearing that concluded earlier this month, the city challenging the province's legal right to force the transition. Today, the supreme court rejected the city's argument upholding the province's right to impose the change and denying the city's claim for help covering the costs. >> People of surrey want this over and this a decision indicates that, you know what it's over. The fact is. >> The court challenge has revealed huge holes in this transition to the s p s on multiple levels. >> The ruling does confirm that transitioning enchanting surrey, please will cost more than the rcmp setting potential estimates of 30 to 75 million dollars more year for the transition. And maryland continues to emphasize that that will lead the higher taxes and voter rich surrey's something she says ndp mlas are seemingly okay with. As for an appeal, mayor locke says a decision on that has not been made yet. She says it's too soon yet to decide. But council will review the decision to make a decision. There. What is obvious though, is this political battle is only heating up with the provincial at election being leveraged in this ongoing dispute. Nafeesa. Now mike farnworth said that it was over, but it's clearly not. Thank you, rob. >> London drugs says the criminals behind last month's cyber attack have leaked some of the stolen data. >> After the company refused to pay a ransom. According to a company statement, the leaked files total more than 300 gigabytes in size and contain employee information. Data was stolen during a cyber attack on april 28. And that forced london drugs to close all 79 of its stores in western canada for nearly 2 weeks. One cybersecurity expert says there is potential the information leaked is extremely sensitive >> It could be things like for information, disciplinary proceedings, protesters in some cases, a food paradise. >> He doesn't know what information was leaked in this case, but says london drugs did the right thing by not paying ransom since the hackers might have exploited the company. Either way. The premier has revealed the hack of the first nations health authority is a ransomware attack. Ctv news has learned their significant information in the possession of cyber criminals. Blackmailing the organization. The hackers have posted samples of what they've stolen online, including signatures from senior staff on 7 figure contracts with medical providers and agreements with first nations governments. There are also samples of e-mails between providers and patients, including staff from northern health. >> A health authorities in those other agencies that are arm's length from government, especially first nations health authority. Our commitment is to the support they need to respond to this and also to prevent these types of attacks. Traffic. >> Cybersecurity experts say while is different hackers seeking around some from london drugs for says the first nations health authority, the tactics are similar. An earlier attack on provincial servers and virtual infrastructure is still believed to be a state-level actor. As the wildfire season begins in b.c., people hit hard by last year's devastating blaze in west kelowna. We're still picking up the pieces. Ctv's abigail

turner spoke with a firefighter from wilson's landing, whose home burned to the ground. Now he's been told he has to move his trailer where he's been living, even though it's on his own property. >> The house. That's exactly. Right there. >> Remnants of volunteer firefighter and true peralta's home at lake okanagan resort. His house is one of dozens not burned to the ground last summer during the massive, the devastating west kelowna wildfire trying to get on sears and see if we can get rebuilt. And. >> And the amount of red tape and the and the hurdles that we're getting. To john are too many. >> Still, he continues to pay property tax and strata fees, but without a place to call home. He went to mexico for the winter, returning 2 weeks ago. >> This was the start going up to the house. Right now. We have set up a and r b. On the parking lot. >> A makeshift home while he waits to see if his toronto will allow rebuilding. I told us try to. >> Many months ago that as soon as I was coming into into canada, I needed to leave in the resort because I don't have the funds to hear any other. >> Wait, but he received a shocking phone call thursday from his fire chief called me up and he says are, you know, I received this phone call from the rdco. >> They're telling me that they are going to remove you. From the resort within 24 hours. Ctv news contacted the regional district of central okanagan, which confirmed it did receive a complaint about the unpermitted use of peralta's trailer, but shared a different message. There would be no towing of his rv instead, education I'm running out of 5 years on running out of options. >> So I'm doing something with my property world. A strata will vote thursday night to decide if residents will accept the insurance policies pay out. About $350,000. A far cry from the purchase price or choose to rebuild. We have a steal this. Something he hopes the latter will be chosen. Abigail turner, ctv news, vancouver. >> After nearly 2 weeks away from home, plans are now underway for wildfire evacuees to return to fort nelson. Mayor rob fraser says local officials are pushing for a monday or tuesday deadline to start allowing the 4700 residents back home. Some doctors have already returned to the community along with grocery staff to restock store shelves. Fraser says recent rain helped crews battling the parker lake fire and that the imminent risk has been reduced. Despite the end of criminal court proceedings last week in the tragic killing of a 6 year-old port alberni boy, many questions remain unanswered. Dontay lucas died in 2018 after being returned to the care of his mother, both she and her partner have been sentenced to 15 years in prison for manslaughter is today. The premier was asked if he would support a public inquiry into doughty's death. He didn't commit to this, but promised us he did in january. Answers would be forthcoming. >> Our duty, our obligation to get answers. Both for a policy makers on our side to make sure that the does everything we can to prevent this from ever happening again. But also for the public so that they have clarity about what went wrong and what's being done to address those issues. The premier says the coroner is investigating the deaths. The representative for children and youth jennifer charlesworth is also doing a review. >> That will include on taste case, it should be complete in july. >> One of dante is former foster parents told ctv earlier this year that child services should have done more to protect him at the time. Charles worth confirmed child services had been contacted about concerns in daunte is home. B.C. serial killer robert pickton will remain in a medically induced coma for at least the next few days. Following an attack in a quebec prison. Quebec provincial police say the plan is to wake picton up later this week to see if you can survive on his own. He is currently on life support after he was attacked over the weekend. According to investigators, the inmate suspected of assaulting picton has not been interviewed yet. Victim was sentenced to life in prison in 2007 after being convicted of killing 6 women from vancouver's downtown eastside. The province is promising 670 new affordable housing units in communities across metro vancouver. >> Our government's commitment around is do everything possible to address the housing crisis, every imaginable avenue that we can take. To make sure that people have a and ability to build a decent life in our province. >> The new units are slated for vancouver, north vancouver and coquitlam. The ndp have been highlighting housing a lot in recent months. With an

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