
CITY24 - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #38

some people out there. >> Nathan: inflation on groceries was 1.4% in april. The major grocers have said they did not profit from inflation. >> Michelle: meanwhile, a new report from canada's food banks suggest a quarter of all canadians are facing food insecurity. >> Nathan: and it suggests almost half of canadians feel worse-off financially then they did last year. Ctv's john musselman has thee3 details. >> Reporter: officials at the daily bread food bank say demand has never been greater. Thousands of new clients arriving each month. They have jobs, but not enough money to pay the rent and afford groceries. >> Unfortunately, welcoming about 12 to 13,000 toronto I can't be sure who have never used a food bank before, are coming to the food bank for the very first time on a monthly basis. We are growing at 3 to 5% here in the city of toronto every single month. This past april, there were 311,000 client visits, up from about 60,000 pre-pandemic. >> Reporter: the bleak numbers match a report released today by food banks canada. It works with 5100 local food banks and community groups in all provinces and territories. Here's a look at the findings: 44% of people feel they are doing worse financially compared to last year, and 1 in 4 are experiencing food insecurity. Gentleman stand-out for me really is that behind all of these numbers are real people and real folks who are struggling to make ends meet like never before. Families with jobs that should be able to afford food to put on their table. >> Reporter: food banks canada looked at the overall situation with poverty across the country, comparing the progress of every government. Here's a sample of the report card: the federal government was given a "d"." ontario a d minus. Québec a c plus. Alberta, d . >> Nova scotia and P.E.I. did manage to bring their scores up a bit. So I don't want to suggest that no one's taking action. >> Reporter: food bank activists say federal and provincial governments need a coordinated poverty reduction plan. They claim there needs to be a greater sense of urgency to address this growing problem. John musselman, ctv news. >> Michelle: auto theft is a big concern across the gta, and now new data shows canada ranks among the world's top 10 countries for stolen vehicles. So far this year, interpol also says more than 200 stolen canadian vehicles have been found each week across the globe since february, and a total of more than 1500 vehicles have been identified. The international law enforcement agency says that's due to the rcmp integrating canada's database for stolen vehicles with that of its own. Interpol says thieves are attracted to canada's abundance supply of coveted models such SUVs and crossovers. >> Nathan: three european countries announcing today they will recognize a palestinian state. >> Michelle: israel was quick to respond, calling it a reward for terrorism. Ctv's annie bergeron-oliver has more on that and the worsening hunger crisis in gaza. >> Reporter: humanitarian aid groups in gaza are issuing a dire warning: supplies and personnel are running so low, the U.N. agency for palestinian refugees has suspended food aid operations in rafah. >> Both the situation is absolutely catastrophic. Children who are at the very brink of famine are now closer than they have probably ever been to this catastrophic situation. >> Reporter: it comes more than seven months since the war began, after he suggest that it's not a reward to hamas, who has no interest in two states, who has in interest in the continuation of israel's existence. It's an award to moderates in the palestinian country. >> Reporter: 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations, something only states are granted. Canada obtained from that vote. [ Shouting ] canada has maintained its

support for a two-state solution, where the palestinian state is only recognized as part of a long-term political solution. >> Canada's long-standing position has been to support -- to call for a two-state solution. That's the path to lasting peace in the middle east. >> Reporter: the recognition by the three european countries is historic, but largely symbolic. Their formal declarations will happen next tuesday. Annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news, ottawa. >> Michelle: a funeral service was held today for iran's president and seven others killed in a helicopter crash on many traveled to tehran from other parts of the country for the ceremony. Ebrahim raisi was discussed as a possible successor to iran's supreme leader. The country has set june 28th as the next presidential election. For now, there's no clear favourite for the position among the country's political elites. >> Nathan: the U.K. will go to the polls this summer. Prime minister rishi sunak set a date today for a national election. >> Now is the moment for britain to choose its future, to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one with no plan and no certainty. Earlier today, I spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has granted this request, and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. >> Nathan: it could be a risky move with his party behind in the polls. The conservatives have been in power for 4 years. The -- for 14 years. The tories and the opposition labour party have all but kicked off campaigning already, focusing largely on the economy and defence. >>> In new york, an annual spectacle has begun on the hudson river. The 36th edition of free trade week is kicking off with the traditional parade of ships. Nearly a dozen vessels are taking part in this year's event. Fleet week is a celebration of mayor tame services. It offers the public a chance to meet members of the navy, marine corps and the court ghost and tour the ships. About 3,000 military personnel will take part in the event over the next week. >> Michelle: there's new research tonight concerning that big star about 150 kilometres away from us. An international team says the sun's magnetic field originates much closer to the surface than previously thought. The finding could help predict periods of extreme solar storms like the ones that hit earth earlier this month. They discovered the magnetic field to general late 32,000 beneath the surface. Previous theories put it at more than 209,000 kilometres. >> Nathan: so, how was your commute home? Was it slow? Well, maybe one of these might come in handy. A flying car made its first public flight in tokyo. It climbed to a height of about 10 metres, entertaining a group of spectators. The government plans to build a landing and takeoff area on the site of a former market. >> Michelle: a potential new treatment for ms. A diabetes drug is being repurposed, offering new hope in the fight against the debilitating disease. Coming up, insight into the clinical trials here in toronto. >> Pat: and I'm pat foran. Coming up on "consumer alert," it's hard to believe that it'll soon be june and many families are planning their summer vacations. A new survey finds with the price of gas, food and lodging, many people will be staying closer to home this summer to try and save money. I'll have just report. That's just ahead. >> Jessica: no matter where you go today, tomorrow or into the end of the week, you're going to encounter a high uv index. So, patio or beyond, temperature-wise, it'll be nice, but we still need to take care of ourselves. Come up, a full look at your long-range forecast, and stay with us, we've got another full night of She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. ( ) In a field far away from the city there's a tree that's older than my grandmother's mother And it's all okay Some things stay the same ( ) And it's all okay Nothing stays the same ( )

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and been very comfortable. Although there's that threat of stormy weather which is looming right now. >> Nathan: you're right, though, when it's humid, it's nice to be by the water. It's more refreshing. >> Jessica: it makes a mainly difference. As soon as you pass over the train tracks, you feel the difference in temperature, that's just how vast it is. Overnight, we do cool down labour, but the chance of thunderstorms remains. Weather is brought to you by trane the most. The most reliable heating and cooling brand. It's hard to stop a trane. With all of this heat and humidity, the water provides the perfect mix of things to create a pop-up thunderstorm, so just keep that in mind. We are likely in the clear here, at least in the downtown core, but a good portion of southern ontario, eastern ontario still under that threat for severe weather. A little more intensely than we are here in the city. And throughout the majority of the gta. Still really warm. 27 here in the city. It feels like 34. Windsor feeling like 31. Even up towards timmins, feeling like 30 and all of this heat and humidity with the cold front passing through, bringing that threat of showers and the change of winds has made that perfect mix for some potentially stormy weather. Tonight, the chance of rain is going to linger. Although we're mostly cloudy hear through the downtown core. 16 for the low. We should be at 11. Everybody holding on to the heat as we head into the evening and that humidity isn't going anywhere. The winds dissipate, but the heat does not. Into the day tomorrow, much more seasonal. We'll sit around 25. Still a high uv index at a 7, so protection still required. This low stretches to far that it reaches québec, so this is a wide-sweeping system. The tail end of it is kind of what we're going to deal with as we wrap up our day today, but for the most part, the eye of the storm is nowhere near us, but the kind of tropics is what we've been contending with. The rest of the evening, the threat of showers pushes out. Through our thursday throughout the day, sunny start to finish. A few light clouds. A nice light breeze. Into our friday, an almost identical forecast. It does not until friday evening that we watch for the next round of showers to push their way through. Temperature-wise, we should be around 21 for the high. 11 for the low. It's easier to manage the heat over the next few days. As you get into saturday, there's that chance of showers. Not an all-day affair. And into sunday, picture-perfect way to wrap up the weekend. Heading into the beginning of next week, I'm ot going to call it a cooldown. It's just a return to more seasonal weather. Because you saw from the humidex that we still have and it will feel close to 21. The chance of showers monday. Then a little cloud cover the rest of the, we're but tiptoeing to the end of the month as we step into the meteorological start of the summer season in june, on the 1st, not too bad. >> Nathan: not to know. Thank you, jess.

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needed to test metformin for ms in clinical trials. And gonzález says he'll be watching the results with interest and hope. Pauline chan, ctv nut. >> Michelle: it was another hot day outside, especially for those who work in conditions where the temperatures can rise. >> Nathan: queen's park's bureau chief siobhan morris has the story. >> Reporter: not quite summer, but already the sun is baking ontario. Making for some sometimes sizzling working conditions on the street and off. >> We need better protection for workers from heat stress, as ontario faces more climate change driven extreme heat events. >> Reporter: new democrats, the ontario federation of labour and workers want the government to do more to make sure workers are kept cool. >> The time for action is now. >> Reporter: whether they earn their paycheques in schools. >> The heat drains them of their energy, making tasks such as cleaning, lifting, and moving equipment even more exhausting. >> Reporter: or work in the shop. >> I'm wearing heavy leathers, a mask, gloves, and sometimes I can only stand there for maybe ten mens, and I have to stand there and peel that off all. >> Reporter: critics say that cranking upping the ac if you have it is not an adequate plan. >> You'd be amazed at how many times I've heard from schools that not only is it swelteringly hot, but the water fountains are also turned off because they didn't pass the water testing. >> Reporter: the ndp will look at what other jurisdictions have done to inform a bill they'll present this fall. >> Making sure that there's cold water available, more breaks, there's shade, and where frankly you've got an indoor space and you can air-condition, then making sure you have an engineering solution that eliminates or reduces risk. >> Reporter: there's an acknowledgment these workers -úWILL cost more. >> There's also a cost when workers cannot work. When workers are needing to go home. We've seen lives lost. >> Reporter: she says the ministry does thousands of proactive inspections each year, but that workers should report something if they think rules are being broken. At queen, siobhan morris, ctv news. >> Michelle: after the break, we get the inside scoop on the upcoming inside out film festival, canada's largest For Junior Hockey supremacy, here we go the stage for the chl's ultimate prize is set. One of the hardest trophies to win in all of hockey as champions have emerged. In the ohl the whl and the qmjhl to take on the host team. Saginaw spirit Saginaw is ready for the one hundred and forth time .. Mission accomplished! The memorial cup, presented by dow only.on tsn rolex, rolex, rolex My cash for your used or new Rolexs. Bring me your Submariners, your Yacht-Masters... your GMT's, your Date or your Datejusts. Oliver Jewellery pays the hightest prices for Rolexs! ooh yeaaahhh!!! Five stars, for To Kill a Mockingbird. Unmissable and unforgettable. Richard Thomas is Atticus Finch in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird." May 28th through June 2nd at the caa Ed Mirvish Theater. Book at At Enterprise Mobility, our experts always see another road. Because with the right mobility solutions, the path to success is shorter than you think. ( ) Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. Menopause can change your hair. I have thinning happening here, which I noticed when I was taking a selfie. Using our thickening treatment fights breakage for fuller looking hair. I feel good. So I want products that are made for where I'm at. Hair Biology. Oh, maybe we try Peggy's Cove tomorrow? Sure. Or take the Dartmouth ferry... Yeah, maybe... So, whale watching? The day tomorrow, and that means beautiful sunshine along with a high uv index. So, if you plan on spendng sometime outside thursday, sun protection is important. Coming up, I'll have a re-cap of your full 7- day forecast. For over 75 years Pollard has manufactured quality windows and doors here in Ontario. Being customer focused and innovative allows us to provide exceptional value. Get factory savings and one year no payments. From our family business to your family home. Make a smart investment. Choose Pollard. Bladder leak underwear has one job. I just want to feel protected!

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