
CITY24 - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #27

festival has just announced it is laying off some of its staff as it continues to struggle. >> Financially, we're going to talk about that situation next. For Junior Hockey supremacy, here we go the stage for the chl's ultimate prize is set. One of the hardest trophies to win in all of hockey as champions have emerged. In the ohl the whl and the qmjhl to take on the host team. Saginaw spirit Saginaw is ready for the one hundred and forth time .. Mission accomplished! The memorial cup, presented by dow only.on tsn (Upbeat music) (Male vo) Make your first move with Battery Power made by Stihl (Upbeat music) Find steel tools starting at $229.99. Shop local, buy steel. Available at Current Power Machinery, Royal Windsor Drive, Mississauga and Alpine Lawn and Garden. Kennedy Road. Scarborough. We need to switch. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. But can we do it? Oh yeah. We can definitely make the switch. Sweet. People think you are only owed two weeks pay when you lose your job says that is a myth You may be owed much more than two weeks per year don't settle for less Always check with the Employment Layer first At Hi, I'm Mike Holmes. Are you looking to renovate your kitchen or bathroom? Hiring a reliable and honest professional who treats your house like its their own is critical. That's why I recommend agm Renovations. Mike, far too often homeowners reach out to us after realizing they've hired the wrong contractor. Bad workmanship, delays, hidden fees. Agm are the only kitchen and bathroom renovators I trust to get the job done right. [announcer] Call now and get $3,000 off! Your renovation destination! Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. (Upbeat music) the hot docs film festival has just announced a temporary closure of its flagship toronto theatre. >> As well as staff layoffs amid financial struggles. Painting really dire picture. And for more on these developments, we're joined live by chris bumbray, film critic in managing editor at job low dot com. Thanks so much for joining us. Chris, it's good to see you first. It was just for laughs. Now this how much of a blow do you think this is to canada's arts industry? >> Pretty huge. I mean, it's, it's funny. That was a big x, that came out today on deadline. One of the leading industry websites, which was basically saying that, you know, festivals and festivals in general, the world over going through a pretty tough time right now. I mean at cannes this year, they really pulled back a lot on the red carpet kind of stuff. And and the the staff actually is apparently trying to unionize, which is also happening right here in montreal. Sent asian film festival, pretty big genre what's happening with docs, though, is a completely different, you know, beast. I think because, you know, there's been accusations of a toxic workplace, you know, it's never been something that was necessarily a money maker, but it was always very good for the city, for kind of got the artistic side of toronto, good thing for phone culture in the fact that the hot docs cinema is closing in and you know, for for a at times, quite a things. It's a real landmark, it's going to be tough for them to build up an audience because I mean, you know, docks have never been necessarily the easiest sell, but they're not alone. I mean, tiff is also really struggling. You know, they got a big chunk of the of the federal budget, like a big cash infusion and are starting up the market in 2026. But you know, there's already other so markets, there's the fm, there's there's, there's kinds of of on the markets and can't, of course, so they're going to compete with I think a lot of these places are just having a really hard time coming back after, you not only covid, but then you also had the sag after strike right? Which really impacted the amount of movies that could be shown last year and what the turnout was going to be and what kind of revenue they could pull. And so not an easy time festivals at all, that's for sure. Kristen, as you highlighted, I mean, film festivals all over are facing a number of of challenges. >> What then do you envision for the future of that industry?

>> You know, it's so hard to say. I mean, I go to sundance every year in park city, utah. You know, god forbid there talking about moving that to la, which would be shocking because you know, it's, it's, associated with utah, but I think that that's what's going to happen during they're going to start localizing a lot of these places and you know, unfortunately, you know, I think canada's suffer from the fact that, you know, these these american films that sometimes they rely on for tests are going to support their own homegrown festivals, right? Kind of a sad thing reality of the business. I don't know. I mean, I feel like tips. It says it's not a bad idea open up the market. Hopefully it'll be something that pulls off, but they're going to really aggressive in getting big premiers you know, people to show up, but they might have to loosen some of the rules because they have this rule. Now that says that if the movie going to have to work, going to play in the first weekend of tiff, which is when everybody is in town. It has to be a world and I think that's something that has been very hard for them to enforcing this rule to really have to change. >> Coming back to hot docs at they put out a statement saying they're still trying to determine a path back to profitability. Is that possible christie think that's going to happen. >> People like me like to go see documentaries and movie theatres, but I'm unusual and that aspect, I I just I know it seems to me that it's not necessarily something that is that we're going to be done for profit, right? It's, it's, it's something that's, you know, its artistic and educational. And I think that if the government's not supporting it, I really don't see much of a way forward for them unless they they pivot to to kind of an online festival. But you know, that's that's always kind of attractive because it's nice actually go and do these things person social us. Challenging landscape for sure. Chris bumbray, film critic in managing editor at joe blow dot com. >> Thank you for your insights. Appreciate your take my pleasure. Thank you. And thank you for watching. Cp24 live at noon. Coming up after the break. The city is just provided an update on its approach to dealing with homeless encampments. We'll tell you all about that at 1:00. Stay with us. Huge jackpots are back at Delta Bingo Online, with even more chances to win! With 20 thousand dollars in prizes starting April 20th, and one-hundred-thousand dollars in prizes on May 25th, Saturdays are for yelling bingo. Play at [Coworker] - As I was saying, it will be very important to- [static crackling] Board directors- [static crackling] [keyboard clacking] [head creaking] [head pops] - Is your internet making you lose your mind? Primus is just what you need. Advanced Internet and Wi-Fi from 39.95 per month. Hey, it's Brian Baeumler. I'm here in Vaughan, Ontario, at Canadian Choice Windows and Doors, where they are always keeping up with the latest technology and trends. And this is one of them. The window wall, as you can see, floor to ceiling lighting, enhanced view, a nice, attractive design, energy efficient bring the outdoors in great for between a room and a patio and very secure. When the doors are closed and you keep the bugs out. Can't get enough of that. The Jeep No Limits Event is here. Which means more trails to blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoy no payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee, the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty seven hundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. New Finish Ultramax. Engineered for the toughest conditions. Dry burnt-on stains. Old dishwashers. Very hard water. New Finish Ultramax, with CycleSync technology, helps deliver the ultimate clean. -Spring is a great time to get things done. A Flexi Line might be right for you. -Could you use two eighty or even two point eight million? -Call us today. (Dynamic music) . Firefighters... What we do is hard. It's not enough to be strong. You have to be tough. Let's move! Get down! Get into a new station 19 on ctv Closed captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by Bloom Retirement Communities. Now open in Oshawa, Stouffville, Lindsay and soon London. (Upbeat music) (Upbeat music) rolex, rolex, rolex My cash for your used or new Rolexs. Bring me your Submariners, your Yacht-Masters... your GMT's, your Date or your Datejusts. Oliver Jewellery pays the hightest prices for Rolexs! ooh yeaaahhh!!! Every locker tells a story. Find the space you need to live every chapter of your story. Access Storage, here for you. Try four weeks free.

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construction that's set take next 3 years. Jamie is the bane of commuters existence is added exponentially more time to people's commute in another city. And with summer now, pretty much here. It's festival season concert season sports season. Lot of councils are wondering, how are people going to get in and out of the city. And so since 2 councillors in particular, bradford in burnside are going to be presenting a motion tomorrow on the council floor are making the case really to expedite construction, have crews out there 24/7 to try and get it done sooner. We caught up with cancer bradford on his way into the council meeting. >> Everybody understands the challenges in congestion here in the city of toronto. Costs are economy, 11 billion dollars annually in loss of productivity and perhaps even more important is it's really having an impact on people's quality of life. I see it in facebook groups, people stop talk to me on the street. They're losing hours of their day to congestion in the city and none of that's coordinated. The idea that we're going to tie up a major artery like the gardiner for 3 plus years with no end in sight. That's unacceptable for the past 7 weeks have been horrendous for people. So my motion in front of council at this meeting is to do everything we can to expedite that construction. That includes 24/7 working around the clock to get it done faster. >> You and I both know jamie time is money. So it's taking a lot more time to travel on the gardiner expressway and the city has no more monday. And so how do you square that? I mean, councils are going to try to figure out again. The resuming their meeting at 2:00. Back to you. >> We appreciate that update. Thanks. Pete. A special tribute at city hall today for jaye robinson, who died last week after a long battle with cancer. >> Science and >> A moment of silence was held in memory of the long time. Don valley, west councillor flowers and a framed photo were placed on her spawned in the chamber and her husband and 3 sons were in attendance as robinson's colleagues remember her for her dedication and service. >> Glancing through the many initiatives j brought to council. There was a trend. So its support for the outdoor athletics profit participation. Sports jason great values, many of us supporting tennis and soccer and the protection of urban forestry. She advocated for safer roads fighting impaired driving and fiscal responsibility. I believe that her last motion seconded mayor chow council to support establishing a professional women's soccer league in toronto. >> We shared a lot of important conversations and and shape me in part today you know, to be representing and fighting for my community and can do it, you know, to the degree that she was able to do it. And I say that having a little bit of a local connection, you know, might my in laws. >> Are up there, bayview and the 401 and they used to just rave about the customer service, which is really what our job is about customer service that they would get from jaye robinson and her team. >> Robinson represented an valley west since she was first elected in 2010. She held several positions over the years, including ttc chair and chair of the infrastructure committee. She took a leave of absence in 2019 to undergo treatment for breast cancer. Robinson returned to work a year later, but mostly attending meetings virtually and these behind her husband and 3 sites. The above and beyond everything is time now to take a look at the roads this afternoon with traffic specialist >> Quite a busy go as you do make your way out this hour. Because of problems happening on the northbound lanes of the don valley parkway. This is just as you make your way north lawrence. Those grass cutting crews still they are in the right lane. So if you're making your way north, this is why traffic barely moving now from well don mills also slow go on the eastbound lanes of the 4, one starting from 427. Continues busy 2 approaching keel in the express. It's a collision that does have the right lane as well as at a right shoulder off limits on the gardiner travelling into the downtown core, still pretty busy as you make your way from just before parkside through the construction zone outside of camera view, major problems happening up to cambridge westbound on the highway. 24 only one lane getting by for multi vehicle collision. Also eastbound 4, 7, at woodbine collision from before the new in our still in the 2 right lanes. And a reminder queen down to a single lane between woodbine in kenilworth that is for want to make repairs. I'll send it back to jim. Thanks adwoa o canada ranks among the top 10 countries in the world for stolen vehicles. That's according to interpol. >> The international law enforcement agency says it has identified more than 1500 stolen canadian vehicles across the globe since february. And that's when the rcmp integrated its database for stolen vehicles with interpol's. The agency says auto thefts are a significant revenue source for organized crime groups in thieves are attracted to canada's abundant supply of highly prized to

suvs and crossovers. Toronto police say one person has been injured in an overnight shooting downtown. It happened a little before 12 30 this morning in the area of isabel ensure born the man with a gunshot wound was found behind a building. He was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries. And police say the investigation is active and ongoing. So far no word on the suspect. A crash in north york sent one person to hospital a motorcycle and a car collided in oakdale road and sheppard avenue east area just east of the 400 or should just before 10 paramedics say the motorcyclist was taken to hospital with serious injuries, but is expected to survive. The driver of the other vehicle was unhurt remained at the scene is no word yet if charges will be laid. Crews had to tackle a 2 alarm fire in mississauga. The fire broke out at a building on main gate drive near matheson and tomken. No injuries have been reported. There's no word yet on what sparked the fire. Authorities say 2 deaths at a home in bradford last week were the result of intimate partner violence. South simcoe police were called to check on the well-being of the home's occupants on friday. Officers found the bodies of a man in his late 60's and a woman in her 50's. Investigators say it appears the man killed his wife and took his own life days before police arrived. Officials say the couple had lived in bradford for decades and police had been called to the residence before. Before. Pro-palestinian protesters who are accused of vandalizing a downtown bookstore have had the charges against them dropped 11 people were charged after the indigo at bay and bloor was splattered with red paint last year and posters were put up accusing ceo heather reisman of funding genocide. The crown says it is withdrawing the charges because there's not a reasonable prospect of conviction. It will proceed with the remaining prosecutions. The 7 accused are charged with hate-motivated offences, including criminal harassment, mischief and conspiracy to commit and indictable offence. The hot docs film festival announces a temporary closure of its flagship toronto theatre as well as staff layoffs amid financial struggles. A statement released earlier today from the festival says the hot docs ted rogers cinema will close their doors for 3 months, beginning on june. 12th canada's largest documentary film festival says the closure and temporary layoffs are necessary to to help find a path back to profitability. Well, this is toronto's breaking news cp24 israel is recalling its ambassadors from spain, ireland and norway after the 3 countries announced intend to recognize a palestinian state next week. We'll have the latest after the break. Welcome to the world of spycraft. (Dramatic music) Keep yours eyes glued to the action. Let's get down. Let's get funky! What are you concealing? You a communist sympathizer? (Whistles) It's just a job. Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. If you've received a traffic ticket, been charged with stunt or impaired driving or any criminal offence, the lawyers at x Copper will fight for you. Our team can protect your driving record, keep your insurance rates low and save you from criminal conviction. Contact us for your free consultation today. Is your roof over 10 years old? I'm Mike Holmes here with Ivan from agm Renovations. Mike, roofs over 10 years old cause mold, and major water damage to a home's interior. Always. Many homeowners don't even think about the roof until it's too late. Damaged ceilings, walls, flooring, furniture, I've seen it all. These disasters can be easily avoided by just replacing your roof on time. Don't wait. Replace your roof now. [announcer] Call now and get $3,000 off! (Dynamic music) here are some of the stories we're following this afternoon. Environment canada has issued a severe thunderstorm watch for the city of toronto. The city council has a busy afternoon on tap with plenty to discuss, including had ease gridlock on the gardiner and the renaming of yonge dundas square. Coming up, we'll have the latest from city hall. O canada ranks among the top 10 countries in the world for stolen vehicles. That's according to interpol. And stay with cp24 for more on

these stories have for further details. You can head to our website cp24 dot com. Well, spain, ireland and norway have all announced that they will recognize a palestinian state next week. The step comes amid international outrage over the civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis in the gaza strip. 7 months into the war. Today's decision may generate momentum for the recognition of a palestinian state by other eu nations and un member countries. Norway's prime minister said there cannot be peace in the middle east if there is no recognition israel has responded by recalling its ambassadors from all 3 countries. >> Make those the same steps with prime minister sanchez estate. We said that the point of recognizing the state of palestine, it's coming closer. 9 points has arrived. Today. Arden's, norway and spain. Our we recognize the state's of palestine. Each of us, when undertake whatever national steps are necessary to give effect to decision. >> We thank dose countries for taking this principle position. We believe that this is an astounding, a message of support the palestinian people's right to self-determination. Independence and statehood, which is non-negotiable. A number we believe it's also an astounding message. Against the apartheid colonialism and genocide. >> John allen is the former canadian ambassador to israel and spain and he joins us live this morning with his thoughts on the latest developments. >> I do think others will follow suit within the eu, possibly australia, new zealand and possibly canada. I think a recognition for many years we mouthed kind of support for 2 states, but we actually is western countries haven't done very much about it. And so and have increased. And s and yahoo government has essentially refused consider 2 states. I think effort by countries to give moderate palestinians some hope and to recognize that both. Israelis and have a to their own self determination going forward. >> Meanwhile, the israeli military says it's continuing its military activity in the west bank town of janine forces raided a militant stronghold yesterday, killing at least 7 people. That's according to the palestinian health ministry. Israel says the number of terrorists were killed, including 2 who threw explosives at soldiers. The new maru poll finds 55% of canadians think it's time for israel to stop its military actions in gaza, even if it means hamas continues to pose a threat. Well, that's compared to 45% who believe israel should press on until hamas releases the remaining hostages and agrees to acceptable ceasefire conditions. The survey of our voice canada online panelists is considered accurate within 2.5% 19 times out of 20. And for more on the results, we're joined live by john wright, the executive vp our public opinion. We appreciate your time. Let's talk about first off some of the key takeaways and one thing that what that stood out to me the ages on how I guess they voice their opinion on this conflicts. What some of takeaways a couple of things. First of all, the top line results show a country polarized and split. I mean, you may have a majority thinking in particular way, but when it's this close at 55 versus 45, you can see it in neighbourhoods on the streets in different parts of the country. >> It's also evident that younger people are more likely to want to have this pressed on. Then older people are. We've seen that since the outset, the first polling on this was done probably about last november and december. And at that point, all of the polling companies saw that younger people were more involved. Pressing the issue for the palestinian side as opposed to the israeli side. And that has continued on its by no mistake that we have now all of the campuses across the country affected in one way or another driven primarily by the j and section of people. But the reality is you do have this group among the age groups and in fact, have split out since day one. It is any particular reason throughout the results that that found that, you know, the older generation or at least though, the demographics where. >> I guess believe that israel should preston t feel that it

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