
CITY24 - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #41

>> The lawsuit comes after a previous lawsuit was settled with the city paying the families a total of 2 million dollars. The families are suing nearly 100 police officers for alleged failures responding to the shooting. What happened. Police failed to reach the classrooms during the active shooting for 77 minutes. In that time, the gunman killed 19 children and 2 teachers. And a new report suggests that international students are more likely to live in overcrowded homes than canadian students. The report released today by statistics canada showed in the top 10 municipalities with the largest number of international students. 25 2.63%, of them are living in unsuitable housing. The report also found that students from india were more at risk with more than 60% of them living in unsuitable housing in brampton, ontario and surrey, bc. 7.50 feel like 34 outside. You're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. Well, a new bio-pic on donald trump got rave reviews when premiered at cannes. But the donald himself threatening legal action ( ) With the $30 Massive Money ticket going big could be a scratch away. Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. Meet Febreze's Miracle Spray. New Febreze Fabric Refresher. I literally use this every day. To enjoy it's freshness for hours! After I make the bed, after I catch my dog on the couch. So I can wear my jacket one more time. It even makes shoes smell fresh. Febreze doesn't cover up odours with scent, but fights them and freshens! Over one thousand uses. Febreze Fabric Refresher. Safe to use around cats and dogs. [Wife] We wanted to find the best deals for our next fabulous trip. So we hired a private travel hacker. The top airlines, travel sites, she searches them all. -She's a technical genius. -i just used Skyscanner, it searches billions of prices to get you the best deal in just one tap. I tried showing them how easy it is to use Skyscanner, but the ultra wealthy don't like change. Who says kids these days are lazy -and don't know how to work? -i say that, all the time. Crave, The most talked about... Sounds intense. ... most anticipated shows... You step out of line even once. ... All right here. Subscribe now at Closed captioning of this cp24 program is brought to you by Bloom Retirement Communities. Now open in Oshawa, Stouffville, Lindsay and soon London. (Mellow music) welcome back. Well, donald trump's real life rise to real estate mogul as written about many times. But there is now a movie about the former U.S. president. It premiered at the cannes film festival. It's called the apprentice and the director says it's inspired by true events. Trump's campaign team says it's pure fiction and we're going to sue here's ctv washington bureau chief joy malbon. >> It's the buzzed-about movie about donald trump and his rise to powers in new york real estate tycoon starring the successions jeremy strong and sebastian stan as trump, the apprentice made its world premiere at the cannes film festival, making headlines for some controversial scenes. A disturbing scene shows the future president sexually assaulting his first wife, ivana, who died in 2022. And that's not the only thing trump would find objectionable from pill popping to surgery to remove a bald spot. Not exactly a flattering portrait. The film a canadian irish and danish co-production was shot in ontario. The director defended his film, saying it was inspired by true events, even inviting trump to see for himself. I don't miss a thing he would like it. >> I think that he, I think he would that's a price, you know. And I you know, like I said before, like I would be offer him too, going meet him wherever he wants. And then talk about the contacts of the movie, have a screening and have a chat afterwards. >> The trump re-election campaign lashed out, threatening a lawsuit in a statement saying this garbage is pure fiction, which sensationalize his lies that have been long debunked. It

BELONGS IN A DUMPSTER FIRE. AND HERE'S WHAT THE DIRECTOR HAD TO SAY. EVERYBODY TALKS ABOUT TO HIM, SUING A LOT OF PEOPLE. THEY DON'T TALK ABOUT HIS SUCCESS RATE OF, YOU KNOW. >> ASSUMING THE FILMMAKERS IS THE LEAST OF TRUMP'S PROBLEMS. HE FACES 88 CRIMINAL CHARGES IN 4 CASES. AND WE'LL BE BACK IN A NEW YORK COURTROOM NEXT WEEK AS HIS HUSH MONEY TRIAL CONTINUES. >> WELL, APPLE MUSIC RELEASES THEIR FINAL LIST OF 100 GREATEST ALBUMS OF ALL TIME. AS MY FACE LAUREN HILL'S 1998 ALBUM, THE MISEDUCATION OF LAURYN HILL RANKS NUMBER ONE IN THE LAST. >> AHEAD OF NOTABLE NAMES. ADJUST BEYONCE, THE BEATLES, MICHAEL JACKSON, PRINCE STEVIE WONDER NIRVANA. TORONTO ARTIST DRAKE RANKED NUMBER 47TH ON THE LIST WITH HIS ALBUM TAKE CARE. 7.55 FEEL LIKE 34 OUTSIDE. YOU'RE WATCHING TORONTO'S BREAKING NEWS CP24 LOOK AT THIS EVENING'S TOP STORIES. WE COME BACK. 99.9 Virgin Radio wants to help pay your way. Listen to Daryn and Deepa mornings on Virgin Radio for your chance to win $10,000 every week. Virgin Radio pays your way. Dana: Do you have questions about your employment rights? Ask A Lawyer is here for you. Each week, experts from answer your questions. Visit and watch Wednesdays at 9:30pm on CP24. We need to switch. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. But can we do it? Oh yeah. We can definitely make the switch. Sweet. The Sounds of Summer Sale is on now at Visions Electronics! Incredible savings on amazing tech for outdoor entertainment TVs, speakers, car audio, and more! No Interest and No Payments Until 2026 Plus a chance to Win your purchase See all the deals at Visions dot ca Hey, do you know how close we are to Peggy's Cove right now? So close. Hey, did we forget my white noise machine? Do the white noise people know about this? Yes, they do. Dana: Do you have questions about your employment rights? Ask A Lawyer is here for you. Each week, experts from answer your questions. Visit and watch Wednesdays at 9:30pm on CP24. (Mid-tempo music) To 50 years with my best friend. Nooo... Aya... Quick, the Quicker Picker Upper! One sheet of Bounty is all you need And Bounty is 50% more absorbent so you can use less. Bounty, the Quicker Picker Upper. (Mid-tempo music) So we're walking the whole coast of Nova Scotia. Literally the whole coast. We're talking lighthouses, seafood, glamping. Tidal bore rafting! Totally not a bore by the way! We hottubbed. We cold plunged. The Cabot Trail? The views! And the coastal towns? Oh! You should have been there. Okay, we get it. That's why we came with you this time. Right. Yes. Looking for a smarter way to mop? Introducing the new Swiffer PowerMop. An all-in-one cleaning tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time. Our new cleaning pad has hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb and lock dirt away. And it has a 360° swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. So you can clean your home faster and easier. Goodbye Hassle, Hello PowerMop. And with Terracycle, you can recycle your Swiffer Pads. -I'm always thankful when spring comes. It feels like a positive time. -Yes, we all get to spring clean and put new plans in place for the year. -How about you? Is there something you'd like to get done? Perhaps it's your home renovation or a purchase for your business. It's great to know a Flexi Line can help you do that. -Could you use eighty thousand, two eighty or even two point eight million? -Call us today at 1800-NEW-CAPITAL to see what's available to you. I'm playing Bingo... in a cave. It's Casino Time where you are. Ontario only. Must be 19+. Please play responsibly.

(Light music) >> Teenage boys dead man is facing charges after a crash in vaughan last night. People the u of t encampment holding an emergency rally tonight before they meet with administration officials tomorrow. City council, very busy plenty to talk about, including how to deal with a major shortfall when it comes to infrastructure spending. That's coming up. It's 8:00 feel like 34 outside from 299 queen street west. You're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. Good evening. I'm phil perkins. Thanks for joining us. It's got a van to start. A teenage boy is dead and a man is facing charges after a crash. There. It happened around 10 45 last night in the area of martin grove and langstaff. Police say the 16 year-old boy was on a mini bike when he was struck at a four-way stop near jackson crescent. 24 year old haar new cha ron is charged in the crash. The firework rates or we came outside to see. >> Within 2 minutes, the police already here so that came outside to his already sirens like that sirens, but lights the flashing lights and we did see the mangled debris of the little dirt. Biker they had to. And other people came on the side the mangled body was up against that light post. Just ahead there. >> Police say was out on bail on unrelated offences of the time. The crash, the 16 year-old boy who was killed has not been identified. Also man has been rushed to hospital after a stabbing in the west and police have taped off a plaza parking lot in the area of jane alliance avenue, north of st. Clair, stopping having around 5:00 this afternoon. Paramedics time cp24. A man in his 20's has serious but non-life-threatening injuries. No suspect information is available. And closer to downtown. Police are also investigating a stabbing near dufferin mall. Officers responded to the park right across the street from the mall shortly after 4.30 this afternoon. Police say a man in his 20's taken to hospital is expected to be ok. Officers are searching the area for a suspect that they're describing as a man with dreadlocks wearing all black clothing. To the east. And now a man has been convicted of murdering his mother and leslieville in 2022. The jury ruled the 23 year-old dallas lee is guilty of second-degree murder in the death of his mother. 56 year-old tn lee. Her body was found in several garbage bags in march of 2022 on eastern avenue after she was fatally stabbed in the apartment that she shared with her son. The killing his mother was never a question during the trial. But as defence had argued that it was the result of years of abuse will be sentenced at a later date. Well, with this cold case is closed. A woman found dead in lake ontario almost 7 years ago has been identified as a missing person from switzerland. Police released this drawing of the woman after she was found dead in the humber bay in august of 2017 in january of last year. Police use the woman's dna, determined that she had distant relatives. North america who heritage that trace back to the specific region and switzerland. Charles police then got in contact the swiss police to track down mintz family and confirm the dna match. Bringing the cold case to a close. Ongoing cabinet u of t now they held a rally in advance of talks with university administration tomorrow. Let's go now to cp24 steve. Right, steve. >> King's college circle is a location where this encampment has been set since may, the second and consists of both the university of toronto students and some outsider their pro-palestinian demonstrators who I have been here. As I said since may the second and that they are vowing to remain here until 2 other main demands are that they're putting towards the university of toronto. And that is that the university of toronto disclose the relationship with israel and that the university of toronto divest. >> Any investments that they have with israeli companies tonight at 6:00, this very large crowd gathered on the south side of king's college circle where many people addressed the crowd. Through a loud speaker reaffirmed their determination and their commitment to staying here. >> At this location until bows to demands are met. You're looking at the a large crowd right now and they're going to continue the demonstration again until the u of t meets those 2 demands, which are to disclose and to divest. Earlier on, we heard from some of these speakers who addressed this very large crowd. Some of what was >> Thanks that we are weak, that people not be able to maintain this encampment, but

they are look at the park been the student we ask everybody to please apply pressure on admin yvonne. Them at show we are here, that people not to leave, that people not compromise again. People want the palestinian people. >> Some of the demonstrators here tonight have vowed to participating in a hunger strike. Starting tonight. And they have said that they're committed to this hunger strike until such time, that u of t needs those to the man's which again are to divest and to disclose. And there is a meeting set up for tomorrow. >> Thank you very much. The wall from water to roads, toronto is facing a budgetary shortfall when it comes to maintaining his infrastructure. At a council meeting today. City councillors are discussing how best to deal with the growing financial issues. Here's ctv's natalie johnson. >> The fountain in the middle of mel lastman square pains. The perfect picture of the city's infrastructure issues when the waters on league's down into the parking lot below. And so with no money to fix it. The city has turned off the tops. It's a struggle. We can't keep up with the things that torontonians expect and weren't able to ever get out of that hole. >> Not without help from the other levels of government. The city staring down a 26 billion dollar shortfall when it comes to maintaining its roads, bridges, buildings and more. Nearly 40% of the city's capital assets. Grated is either poor or very poor. This isn't a surprise we have been pointing set for years. We need a new deal for city of toronto says the direct consequence of the penny-pinching budgets of the 2 previous mayors. >> Who wouldn't invest in keeping our infrastructure in good repair. Last 2 administrations. >> Starved the city of resourced. >> One of the city's most contentious infrastructure projects has also been added to the agenda. The three-year construction on the gardner that is cut capacity between dufferin and strachan by 30% and tied up traffic like never before. The idea that we're going to tie up a major artery like the gardiner for 3 plus years with no end in sight. That's unacceptable. Should be getting that work done. 24/7 give them the noise exemptions, they need to get the job done. Someone who previously lived in asia. >> 24/7 is definitely something that should be normal. We have to find ways obviously to mitigate sound. >> The mayor says the city is now working with the current contractor to develop a plan for expediting the work. And the contractor is testing the noise levels that would be created by overnight demolition. It's not a repair work. >> Literally of to shore it up. >> On one side, so we can all ish the other side. Wow, using their garner, really quite difficult. >> Aging infrastructure that continues to cost money. The city doesn't have from gardiner gridlock to the fountain that's dried up like the capital budget. >> Well, city has also created a new report aimed at changing the way homeless encampments are dealt with. Officials are moving away from an enforcement model that are focusing on preventative and supportive measures to get people into permanent housing. City hall has faced pushback from unhoused people and advocates for clearing camps from parks and public spaces. As for shelter system is at capacity. >> Town I have written to economic and community development committee with the motion to direct city staff to develop and implement key actions to increase access to safe secure housing and shelter for people who who are living outdoors respond to the unique housing these of shelter seekers. And I particularly want to highlight recommendation for a pilot program of enhanced multi-sectoral case management support for people living those people who have complex mental and physical health needs and that this would be done in partnership with community serving and health care experts. >> The report will go before the city's economic community development committee on may. 29th. Well for pro-palestinian protesters who are accused of vandalizing a downtown books are have had the charges against them dropped 11 people in total were charged after the indigo of and bloor was splattered with red paint last year and posters were put up, accusing the ceo heather easement of funding genocide. The crown says it is withdrawing the charges because there is not a reasonable prospect of conviction. It will proceed with the remaining prosecutions. >> I didn't lose all employment because of these allegations that were false and proven to be so based on the constitutional and legal frailties in the case against all of the accused. It would be my view that in fact, there's no reasonable prospect of conviction in the case as jews, we say calling out

companies that support israeli war crimes is a legitimate form of protest. >> Targeting indigo is not antisemitic. >> The remaining 7 accused are charged with hate-motivated offences, including criminal harassment, mischief and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence. It is a 10 27 degrees. You're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. We come back. Israel recalling its ambassadors from spain, ireland and norway after 3 countries announced that they intend to recognize a palestinian state next week. Derek. Meredith. with the brightest smile You're my person. take me where I've never been before on a cloud above So who wants to make history? A new episode of grey's anatomy thursday at 9/10 mountain on ctv. Catch up on and the ctv app Announcer: For over 100 years Jamieson has been here for you, putting quality and pure ingredients first. And we're here for 100 more. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. Sfx: [phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance You or your family member have been injured. You're frustrated. You're not getting the justice you deserve. You need somebody to explain that you're more than a claim number. Call Diamond and Diamond at 1-800-567-hurt and get our team on your side. ( ) The experts at Jamieson are here for your health and wellness. Our Essentials lineup has products that support immune function, gut health, heart health, and the maintenance of good health. Jamieson is here for your health. (Upbeat music) one of the some viewers may find the next story and image disturbing. The families of 5 female israeli soldiers abducted by hamas, october 7th have released graphic footage of the kidnapping. We can show you an image from the video. It shows a terrorist holding one woman captive in tying her hands while another injured woman is held against the wall. The hostages families say they got the video initially from the idf and that it was originally released by hamas. The group is hoping to pressure the israeli government to secure the hostages release. And with that, 3 european countries have announced today that they will recognize a palestinian state. The move by ireland, norway and spain is seen as symbolic, but it sends another message to israel. The israeli foreign minister responding to this move saying that the message is that quote, terrorism pays. Here's ctv's annie bergeron-oliver. >> Humanitarian aid groups in gaza are issuing a dire warning. Supplies and personnel are running so low. The un agency for palestinian refugees has suspended food aid operations in the situation is absolutely catastrophic. Children who were. >> At the very brink of famine are now closer than probably ever to this catastrophic situation. Worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza comes more than 7 months since the war began after hamas attacked israel, taking more than 200 hostages today. A heartbreaking new video shows the moments after 5 young women were taken hostage or legal boat was 19 year-old daughter daniela is one of them. >> It's not a things, too, to see to seal the said terrified >> The ongoing conflict in the devastation it caused has prompted spain, norway and ireland to recognize a palestinian state. Our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait indefinitely. >> Especially when you see the right thing to do. >> Already do the decision has sparked swift condemnation from israel, which has ordered the immediate recalled its ambassadors from those 3 countries. Israel claims that this is a reward to hamas. And I suggested it is not a reward who has no interest in 2 states, has no interest >> The continuation of israel's existence. It's, it's a reward to moderates in the palestinian authority. >> The move comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations. Something only states are granted. Canada abstained from that vote >> Canada has maintained its support for a two-state solution where the palestinian state is only recognized. >> As part of a long-term political solution. >> Canada's long-standing

position has seen 2 sports to call for a two-state. >> Solution. That's the path to lasting peace in the middle east. The recognition by the 3 european countries is historic, but largely symbolic. Their formal declarations will happen next tuesday. >> Annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news, ottawa. >> Well, those in the U.K. will head to the polls for a snap general election on july 4th, british prime minister rishi sunak made the announcement earlier today after holding a meeting of his cabinet, where he informed them of his plans to dissolve parliament, sending britain to the polls. Under british law, a general election needed to be held by the end of the year. However, it was of the soon-ak to choose the date. Now he spoke with reporters earlier today about his decision to call for an election. >> Today I spoke with his majesty, the king to request the dissolution of parliament. The king has grown to this request and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it's been since the end of the cold. >> Party leader of the labour party, keir starmer says that his team will provide much-needed changes to the country if elected. >> Free reasons why you should change britain with labour. Because we will stop the chaos. Look around country. The sewage in our rivers, people waiting on trolleys in iowa. Crime virtually on polish mortgages and food prices through the roof. It's every bit of it. A direct result. The tory chaos in westminster. >> Today's conservatives are widely expected to lose to the opposition labour party after 14 years in power. Hip-hop mogul sean diddy combs is facing another sexual assault lawsuit. Former model mission winner kristen mckinney is accusing, comes of drugging and sexually assaulting her his new york recording studio in 2003. She is seeking an unspecified amount in punitive and compensatory damages. This is the 7th lawsuit filed against comes recent months. 6 contain allegations of sexual assault. Legal analyst dole says the settlement is most likely the outcome. >> I would think that sean combs, but try to immediately settle this, not only because of the fact that he has no evidence of physical abuse. And so this itself might have evidence about it. But we know that the you know, there is an ongoing in federal investigation and to him for what we think or maybe potential trafficking charges. So to that and he's certainly not going to want to sit for deposition in a lawsuit or something like this. >> Comes recently admitted that he beat his ex-girlfriend cassie in a hotel hallway in la in 2016 back in this country. Montreal police say there's no threat to the public after a recent string of homicides. There. Well, 3 teenagers were stabbed late last night after a fight broke out at a montreal bowling alley involving more than a dozen people. The city has seen 7 homicides in the last 10 days. However, they're not believed to be linked. Officials say the incident at the bowling alley is not gang related reported to have been caused by a personal conflict. The families of the uvalde school shooting victims. Now that they are suing police over their response to the 2022 school shooting. >> The lawsuits forthcoming most immediately. Against the state of texas, which has done nothing. But bird in this town. Before the shooting by not giving them the resources they need. These families from getting the information they need. And then blaming. Blaming the city. >> The lawsuit comes after a previous suit was settled with the city paying the families a total of 2 million dollars. The families are suing nearly 100 officers for their alleged failures. Responding to the shooting, police failed to reach the classroom during the active shooting for over an hour. And that time the gunman killed 19 children and 2 teachers. Back food banks. Canada is giving most provinces and territories poor marks when it comes to addressing poverty and food insecurity. The organization is out with its 2024 poverty report card. It found almost 44% of people nationally feel that they're financially worse off compared to last year. One in 4 said they're experiencing food insecurity. The federal government received an overall grade of d minus 7 out of 10 provinces, including ontario, also received a d minus chief executive officer, food banks. Canada. Kirstin beardsley says that this report card also aims at putting forward potential solutions to fix poverty and food insecurity. >> This isn't a report card you want to bring home to your parents, that's for sure. Most

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