
CITY24 - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #29

>> I made a commitment to the people of canada to out. Insecurity in I have 4 or with options. I talk. Military of south and the north of it. Police not middle of we have movie. 15 schools and completed. We have pretty open. 20 schools already that walk growth in the north 5th. Not the size ongoing. We have made tremendous progress. In making sure that to come up at home. But north to come. We have a responsibility even we want join. And police men in own country in to out funding to profit. We feel deployed 1000 people, I told them to. To be ethical. That is in the book. We have 5,002. Monday because equally, that is what should not be an exception. That's deploying 1000 security men to haiti. Same. Commitment to peace. Sick of question from a pariah. >> Mister presidents president biden agreed thank first of all, when you talk about haiti president you said haiti is a collective responsibility for all nations. And for you, mister president, president biden present, do you believe that? These nations can break the back of this militia that is with the nation. And also when it comes to toronto. Thank you, mister president. You specially and that flag behind mister president, could you tell me what the apple news as well as can be used when it comes to the humanitarian crisis in that was my question. Your question, was haiti? United states kenya or the nation's collectively rate. The native has the anthony, >> Very way we're doing we're not talking about 1000 person army made up train per game. This is a crisis able do. We think we can this with them. Only national approach with haiti leading the way provided intelligence. Well, criminal. Do not and that's not they have no religion. >> Us president joe biden holding a joint press conference with president william ruto of kenya, talking about a number of geopolitical crises, including the situations in of hottest on in congo and haiti. They were also discussing the situation in the middle east will have more on that throughout the day. Time now is one 55 25 degrees. This is toronto's breaking news cp24. It is official toronto is getting a wnba team will have all the exciting news for gta basketball fans in moments. Phil perkins is next. Rolex, rolex, rolex My cash for your used or new Rolexs. Bring me your Submariners, your Yacht-Masters... your GMT's, your Date or your Datejusts. Oliver Jewellery pays the hightest prices for Rolexs! ooh yeaaahhh!!! Did you know there's another form of debt consolidation? It's called a consumer proposal. This government regulated alternative to bankruptcy helps you repay a smaller portion of your debt based on what you can afford. Simply make one monthly payment and put an end to both interest charges and collection calls. Take the first step with a free consultation. You'll wonder why you didn't do this years ago. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including

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more accessible. Like you'll be surprised that being a basketball team is more expensive than beyond a hockey team. And so we are neighbourhood based on the work with young coaches, them train and certify them to work with kids and bring basketball to the community. And so we have a bunch of kids from dixie road middle school. One of the schools partner with. >> All year experiencing an amazing day out skills and drills and fun with former wnba players, some national team players and they're having a great time of the coaches. >> Like >> We walk into this place. What you see right away or all the smiling faces, the enthusiasm amongst all these kids. Can you speak to that? That's how excited they are to be here. I think that >> Basketball is a sport that can be the most successful. Brings people together. Everyone has stars that they look up to, but it's also something where once you get a ball your hand, what do mean you want to dribble immediate, what a pass as a way to get involved right away. I think that's what works for the kids is they feel belonging feel they can contribute and they get those challenges. And so brings a lot of joy. Kids, kids thrive off of competition when it's delivered in a healthy way. And that's why you see joy in this room. >> I recognize you from being at the announcement earlier on today. What did you think of the wnba coming it's surreal, right? Is a dream come true. I think toronto is ready for a w a franchise a decade ago. So we've been waiting and it's to the point where it is ever going to happen. >> Now that it is happening, it's like picture south leg. This is going to be the most successful franchise in the league is going to be incredible to see stars and wnba on a day-to-day basis, whether they're on our team or not getting to watch them in person. And to see that like I think people are going to go away when they see the support. The ticket sales are going to be not, it's going to be sold out. And then the grounds. What that means is boys and girls across the city are going to have their local team look up to and that inspires them on the court and off the court. And that's what that announcement means. It means that this that we have now real. Thank you to this. >> Lot of excitement in the air, these kids behind the bill, you can see and the 2026 with a dog a season for the women's national basketball flotation professional here in the city. The >> All right, needs to be a next year right now. To happen, right? Thanks so much. Appreciate it. For more reaction on the announcement of trials, wnba team. We're joined live now by the host said tsn's the shift heaven young. Thanks. Joining us here live to cp24. All if I figure you're at the take is there, if you will, on the vibes. I was at that preseason game at scotiabank arena over the summer and it was. >> You know, if people are flying high, felt like a playoff atmosphere. So what was it like today when it became official that toronto is getting a wnba team? >> It was you know, it was a packed audience full of big names. You know, you recognize some of them, obviously. Drake, masai ujiri, scottie barnes, ca larry, I think it just goes to show the audience that's been that's been built basketball in canada. It should be out of the toll. This has been a long time coming it. I'm like you said the preseason game edmonton, preseason game mustard, pronto. Both are sold out to prove the audience for a wnba had a and now we have one. >> You know, I'm sure everyone's already asked questions. What does this mean for the growth of the it is like a a medal for the city, that of toronto and for canada really because understand that larry tanenbaum said he's going to be canada's team. They're playing all across the country and its inaugural season. But what does this say about the state of the game here in this country? >> The state of the game in this country is incredibly strong. Ride. Obviously that are for canadian players in the wnba right now. You know, obvious, obviously, see what the toronto raptors have done in recent years to build that audience canada to do that, that pipeline of young canadian talent and italy obviously out canada's women's basketball team is top iran team going to the olympics. They have a chance to make a lot of it actually a medical home. I'm only going to tijuana forward, especially now with a wnba team coming to toronto. Think what the impact that vince carter had 20 years ago, influencing young kids who could watch. Aws re an nba team in toronto on the tv screen for the first time, their lives will not young girls. And you know, boys have opportunity to see the same with a wnba team. >> And how important is it? Obviously, larry tanenbaum has the experience for the mlse. But as you mentioned, the likes of kyle lowry, who you know, is entering twilight of his career. This could be an investment for hand. We saw scottie barnes, drake, masai who isn't directly tied to this. How important is to have this of people involved with the expansion of this team to make sure that it comes out right out the gate, just successful. >> Absolutely goes a long way. I think when you look at how these things are organized behind the scenes. It definitely takes a lot of big names working hard to make this happen to keep going forward and sustainable way going forward. You know, commissioner cathy set herself today. There you was really a

driving force in making this happen for toronto. They wanted to bring it into the city for quite some time. Going back to the success of last year's preseason game, but it really was larry tanenbaum taking the initiative and investing through his children to bring a team here. And I said that to continue in fordham already the first higher. The maiden announced today rush as the team's first president. She has it's very highly thought of in the industry as an incredible resident and he's done over the last couple years of the toronto raptors winning a championship about the end of 2019. Go a long way towards making sure that when wnba marches in toronto, it's going to be done so and sustainable way with a great process to bring success right away and going forward long term. >> Actually, no, absolutely. No aforementioned trees, resch mention a little bit. And that's something we're talking about here in the news. I'm sure maybe at the at the presser as well that the team nickname you know, in attendance, you know, just let something, be really nice. It was this name is that it you heard the culture here that you thought not just a pretty sweet jersey. >> One that I've heard a lot is the obviously, that would be pretty cool. One obviously about the history of basketball in this country in the city to try rescue says that and I'm sure many fans want to see about mostly early stage. I think theresa rush and the team are all years and I'm sure many more great ideas are going to come out as this process continues. I can't wait. It is a shift to oust kevin young, thanks so much. Appreciate it. >> You're having a doubt, it is a 208 right now. 25 degrees, let's take a look >> I was in a couple minutes was it on was a fun all so much fun. Some result so much fun. If you're making your year can have the fun to win the westbound gardiner barely moving as you head out of the downtown core. In case you missed it all the westbound gardiner, the just moved along and they haven't turned the camera yet, but the right lane is blocked just to the south kingsway. And this is for this ongoing garbage through that has decided to this time of day to pick up garbage just on the side of the road and continually block that right. Lane already had to deal with the road work. That is a reduced lanes between strachan and jameson. So that is the reason why you're dealing with this, a big big delay that does extend from before york bay yonge to have a little bit of good news. Things aren't all that out there with some problems on the eastbound lanes of the 4 when he's to dixie was a collision. It was in the left lane situation. It did clear and the don valley parker getting slower and slower on the northbound side. Now from don mills all the way up towards up before a one outside of camera view crews on scene of a collision blocking lanes on kennedy and steeles. I'll send it back to fill. >> All right, thank you very much. Appreciate that and is 40's is dead after a double shooting outside a mississauga school. Shots are fired. The parking lot of settlers green public school on montevideo road near winston churchill boulevard in battleford road, just after 11 last night, the 2 victims were taken to hospital in life-threatening condition, where one later died. Police say the victim in hospital is a male under the age of 20. The remains in critical condition. >> The way the call came in and informed us that there was some form of gathering here at the lot size on the east side of the school. The nature of that gathering is is unknown at this time. But there was some sort of altercation that that the 2 victims and either a suspect or suspects. The number right now are unclear. >> We were like maybe a kilometre or 2 away. And then we we heard like a lot of sirens like police sirens and then I thought we heard like like some sort of like pop or like some sound, but it might have been just like a car screeching. And then it was around like 10 48 11. So yeah. So that I don't know how much that will help power. >> Investigators say they don't have any suspect information yet, but several vehicles fled the area and some witnesses have come forward since. Well, the gta and police services across here have launched a campaign to combat street racing. It's called project erase, which stands for eliminate racing activity on streets everywhere kickoff at exhibition place this morning. Police in toronto, york peel halton hamilton and the opp were all in attendance. They're coming together for this campaign because they say the street racing has no jurisdictional boundaries. >> Since this time last year, we have seen a 31% increase in calls for service relating to stunt driving. These numbers are alarming and they are unacceptable. Last summer, the toronto police service lead project joint forces operation in partnership with the opp. >> Peel york and durham regional police services. Project bread. That was a huge success relating in 143 arrests. 135 spent writing and 90 criminal code dangerous driving charges. >> The reality is and street racing. And dangerous driving is illegal and it has no place on our roadways or highways or

our parking lots. Recently, york regional police and other gta police services have been dealing with an increase of organized groups of drivers gathering in large numbers for car meets and when some instances they engage in illegal activities, hazardous actions such as racing, drifting and burnouts. >> Stunt driving and street racing carry possible fines up to $10,000 as well as a 30 day license suspension at roadside and a 14 day vehicle. Impoundment. Well, conversations continue today at city hall to help address the concerns of toronto drivers who find themselves caught in the garden. Construction. Here's ctv's natalie johnson. >> Around the clock instruction is today. The talk at city hall. As councillors look to accelerate repairs on the gardner in the face of a public outcry over the three-year timeline on the latest round of construction that has snarled traffic in and around the expressway like never before. It is unacceptable. When you look at your restrictions around the world that seem to be able to accomplish this work much faster for toronto to sit on its hands suggest that 3 years is an appropriate timeline for these sort of things. >> Councillor brad bradford spearheading a motion to look at 24/7 construction to speed up the process. The current construction has meant a 30% cut to capacity to the gardiner between dufferin and strachan. Well, crews work to rebuild 700 metres of elevated expressway and rehabilitate the supporting structures underneath. >> People are saying we've got to do this faster. And let's take a serious look at working around the clock. I know. The downside of that. Is this going to be her and is noise for people living there night but they got to make a choice. >> Mayor says the contractor is currently testing the noise levels that would be created by overnight demolition. The primary work hours right now are 7:00am to 11:00pm monday to saturday. We have to keep the gardiner safe. And you know, when you come into a city and there's no infrastructure work, no construction work, that's a city in trouble. >> When you see cranes and you see orange pylons, that's a city that's keeping up to date. >> Council will also examine whether using off-site or prefabricated technology could help expedite the timeline. >> To 14 25 degrees right now, you're watching toronto's breaking news cp24 westjet says passengers will soon be able to fly for an ultra-low fare, so long as they're willing to travel without to carry a. We'll explain. Oh Canada!! their time has come Argentina have done it! One more Messi moment! Beyond glorious! Messi magic once again This is it...the stage is set That's what they came for!! And it is spectacular!! Exciting dynamic music Hi, Toronto! I'm Teddy Wilson. And I'm Nicole Servinis. Welcome to Things to Know t.o.. Teddy: Each week, this show shines a spotlight on a wide variety of local businesses, services, events and initiatives from across the Greater Toronto Area. Nicole: These companies are a part of what makes Toronto one of the world's most vibrant cities and a great place to live, work and play. Teddy: Join us every week on Saturday mornings for Things to Know t.o.. Nicole: And don't forget to visit our website,, to check out all of our great content. Exciting dynamic music (Light music) welcome back to some of our top stories on this thursday afternoon. Toronto has been awarded canada's first ever wnba team reaction coming up. The man is dead. A second person fighting for his life after a shooting in a school parking lot near winston churchill and battleford in mississauga. The latest not investigation. Just ahead. And toronto city council meeting for a second day. Councils have been discussing electric scooters and are expected to also talk about gardiner gridlock this afternoon and police force in the gta are launching a joint campaign in the fight against street racing. We'll tell you more about project erase. Stay with cp24 for more on all those stories. And if you want to read a little bit more, another stuff and those go to our website well, the country's top banking regulator is warning a possible financial turmoil ahead of homeowners facing mortgage renewals over the next couple of years out latest annual risk outlook.

the office of the superintendent of financial institution says more than 75% of all mortgages in canada are set to renew between now and the end of 2026. Most of those owners will face a higher rate, meaning that their monthly bills could skyrocket particular concern. Our negatively amortizing loans where payments are already only going to the interest and not making a dent in the principal loan amount. But if you have money to travel, check this out. Westjet is plan to introduce a cheaper fare category for passengers willing to fly without a carry. A back now to check in the airline's ceo says the ultra low price offering will appeal to travellers seeking the most affordable fare, while also freeing up overhead bin space for other passengers. He says that the new category will be available in a couple of weeks. Travellers who purchase it will still be able to store a knapsack or purse under the seat in front of. Aviation logistics expert john gradek joined cp24 at noon with more on what this new fare will do to the industry. >> You can watch it airplane with just something that would trick under his seat in front of you. So a briefcase purse ers, whatever it is that you have has that they're mentions that would fit and you see front of you, that's okay. If you have anything that requires the story overhead you have to pay a higher fare. So they're, they're you know, scrambling here, trying to opportunities to, in fact, reduce the cost of kind nickel and dime eu. And it comes to stuff that you can take a more. >> Well, from one industry to another pixar animation studios letting go 14% of his workers as disney continues to scale back its content. Pixar now is is laying off about 175 employees. The job cuts hit other disney on the businesses last year, but picks ours were delayed due to production schedules. Now it will refocus its productions on theatrical releases and move away from a short form series for disney. Plus, no disney animated feature has generated more than 480 million dollars at the global box office since 2019. Switching gears, the justice department has filed a sweeping antitrust lawsuit against ticketmaster and parent company. Live nation entertainment, accusing them of running an illegal monopoly over live events. Squelching competition and driving up prices for fans. The lawsuit seeks to break up the company that they say is squeezing out smaller promoters and hurting artists. Live nation has come under fire recently for technical glitches that prevented millions from purchasing tickets for taylor swift's era's tour. >> Our complaint makes clear what happens when a monopolist dedicates its resources. 2 entrenching its monopoly power and insulating itself from competition rather than investing in better products and services. The alleged that live nation has a legally monopolize markets across the live concert industry in the united states for far too long. It is time to break it up. >> Live nation has denied engaging in practices that violate antitrust laws. It is 2.20 right now feel like 29. You're watching toronto's breaking news cp24. We'll have a check on the roads on your thursday. [ ] By reliably delivering more the Hyundai kona suv has earned, “Best Residual Value,” from jd Power four years in a row. [ ] From its advanced technology to its durability we took the best-selling subcompact suv in Canada and made it more wah. [Hyundai sting] It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Huge jackpots are back at Delta Bingo Online, with even more chances to win! With 20 thousand dollars in prizes starting April 20th, and one-hundred-thousand dollars in prizes on May 25th, Saturdays are for yelling bingo. Play at The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a big one. It's a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. That's two jackpots on every ticket: the lotto 6/49 Classic Jackpot and the growing Gold Ball Jackpot. Two chances to find your possible. [olg Sting] Denied boarding at the terminal why a family's dream vacation was ruined She was forced to go home rebook a flight at our own expense

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