
CITY24 - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #26

gardiner, the proposal is to keep the rehabilitation. We're going around the clock in an effort to reduce the three-year timeline for the project and save the city some money. It's a discussion that's already happening behind the scenes at city hall. And we'll take you live to city hall now are some city councillors are speaking to reporters. Let's listen in. There's chris moise, voted against as well was ivan recommendation was >> People actually. Just what food right. >> We know that those people more choice people, black people, people of colour, people who are in the periphery. So by saying like, let's license and have them incur the costs is not right thing to do even though is saying that, you know, that a 3rd party actually pay for for the licensing. We know that eventually these people most marginalized of the ones with the paying for it. So again, there's an equity there that I have, very concerned about and you know, we in pivot space, do not see recognize that this is equity issue. >> Because there 11 cp24, can you tell us her thoughts on accelerating construction of the gardiner really support tells the bradford's motion to look at 24/7 construction and other strategies that he's in this timeline. >> The city is actually looking at that right now as steps looking at that right now. So has a preference motion really does that do to help in any case and there's that she work being done 24/7 right now under the gardiner, which is visible to the public. But again, staff is working on this. And I think this motion by councillor referees just really a performance and I don't want putting the city does say, though, that the primary work hours are 7:00am to 11:00pm monday to saturday. So canmore work not be done sooner. And would you support that no matter who is putting forward the motion where that's coming from it. That's something city staff say is possible here. >> Again, cities that's looking at that. But we have to look at noise mitigation and other things as well. We need a holistic approach, make sure that it's done properly. And again, people live in the area. We have to consider that as well. So again, this week for that report to come and that would kept informed decision on that. >> Do you think that city staff have been so hesitant weighed in on e-scooters? >> I'm not sure to be honest. Again, is here to stay. Yeah, the e-scooters in this building city hall. I've seen staff writing to be here with them right they are on the subways, they are. Alright. Listening to councillor chris moise speak to reporters at city hall is a busy week there. Everything from gridlock on the gardiner to e-scooters is on the agenda and we'll have more on that throughout the day. And also a big talker up-to-date toronto has landed a wnba team. >> The yet to be named team is going to be that leads 14 franchise and the first outside of the U.S. and for more reaction, we're joined live by catherine eicher, a hose of >> The pickup, a wnba podcast, its official. It is happening. How would you describe this moment? Let's hear >> A first of thank you so much for having a today has been absolutely what a huge it's been years in the making and we're finally here today this morning at that press cop for a fact that just felt like he huge celebration. You know, that the wnba commissioner was there larry bomb. All our politicians as you can see, I even got to interview justin trudeau earlier today like a wild thing that I get to say. It's been a really, really fun day justin trudeau is going to be on your podcast. >> He talked about how proud guys at that announcement today, how this is history in the making. What did he tell you? >> Yeah, that was like really he talked a lot about just like what this means for, you know, not just women, but for for young boys as well across the for women's sport, for women's basketball to become the norm to become the status quo. I got a bit about his kids who are really into sports what it's like to be a parent like raising young kids and like what kind of influence athletes have on them and things like that. It's really fun we've got to do today. He really nice and gracious with his time and now in a car cause we're at lady ballers of that they invited me to the next location. I feel like that's a big deal. So I'm just going wherever he goes right and just so people know you're at the lady dollars cap because that is where the prime minister is going to be meeting with young athletes. >> Yes, exactly. Thank you such a professional filling in the blanks for me. Thank you. >> Also the wb is commissioner talked about the rich history of women's basketball is right on clearly an appetite for it.

you know, when toronto hosted its first wnba game was just sold out in minutes, set records already today. There's a wait list on my for season ticket does is make you want to watch. A >> Does it make me want to watch? >> Does it make you wonder why it took so long to get to all wonder why it took so long? >> Yeah, you know, I mean, last like you said, we have this record-breaking game it seems like mlse and rogers arena get in on this. And then they backed out for. Reasons that remain quite a head scratcher to be honest. And you know, larry, 10 bomb who I was like oh, larry tanenbaum such a feminist, but probably just a regular capitalist he's got the opportunity and used his own company to kilmer group to make this happen. And you a lot of it is due to his determination that we're here now. And I think, you know, women's basketball. >> You know, he was said very well like it's not just having a moment. It's arrived. I it's a great way to put it. I'm really glad he was able to finally make this happen. I think a lot of people would agree with you there. What kind of opportunities you think this creates. >> For women on and off the court, but also for businesses because there's money to be made >> O, it's huge. I mean, everything from merchandise to but also you have like you do the equivalent of what the raptors effect has been right? Like you you know, the raptors have been around for over 25 years. We have a whole generation of kids that grown up with that teen. Now we have like a really strong olympic team that's going to be, you know, going for a medal this summer. And you know, that was, you know, it's a bit of a pipe dream. 25 years ago, right? So you know, here we are. And I think like that was huge for different kinds of community growth, not just in toronto, but across canada. And I think this is going to have a very similar facts. >> Okay, catherine eicher hosts of the pickup, a wnba podcast. Thank you. Thanks so much. I think. Thank and coming up next on cp24 live at noon. A man is dead and a second person fighting for his life after a shooting in a school parking lot. >> Near winston churchill and battleford in mississauga. Stay with us for the (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. Sfx: [phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance Have you lost your job? Don't sign any agreement until you call Kornblum Law at 905-lost-job Call today and book a free consultation. Don't sign anything until you're sure the offer is fair Kornblum Law will review your case for free and we don't get paid unless you get paid more than originally offered. Kornblum Law with convenient locations across Ontario Call 905-lost-job or visit Is it time to renew your mortgage? Struggling with credit card debt? Owe money to the cra? Have difficulty paying your mortgage? Or need cash for any reason? Northwood Mortgage can help. Northwood is more flexible and has access to better rates than the banks. Approval is based on equity in your home and not just your income. And Northwood provides fast closing turnaround with a payment plan that suits your budget. For an easy home equity loan visit We're working harder for you Structube is your go-to shopping destination for furniture that makes a statement! In-store and online, get inspired by our selection of Top Value furniture, showcasing top-notch styles at unbeatable prices! Structube Low Prices, Amazing Styles (Mid-tempo music) >> Toronto has been awarded canada's first-ever wnba team will have reaction coming up. >> A man is dead and a second person is fighting for his life. After a shocking at a shooting, rather in a school parking lot near winston churchill and battleford in mississauga. >> And toronto city council's meeting for a second day. Councillors had been discussing electric scooters and they're also expected to talk about gardiner gridlock this afternoon. >> Good afternoon and welcome to cp24 live at noon. I'm leena latafat bakari savage. It is official toronto's getting a wnba team for more on today's announcement, let's go live to cp24 steve ryan c.

>> Bakari, leena big news when it comes to the wnba. Toronto, as we've been reporting all day has been awarded the 14th franchise in wnba history. This is their 28th a season with regards to the nba being it wnba that is being in the distance and the trial team will start their season in a 2026. We're at hotel x throughout the day when the announcement was made, the commissioner of the wnba was present as with the prime minister, the premier, the mayor and larry tanenbaum 10 above is a minority owner in the maple leafs. He was the person most responsible for bringing this wnba franchise to toronto. He will be the majority owner of this franchise as well. All those just talked made some remarks on a podium. And here is some of the remarks made by the commissioner and the prime minister with regards to this big announcement today here in >> The team will start play in our 2026 season. And we're just at such a pivotal pivotal moment. It for our league >> We have set viewership records sell out selling out season tickets growing the game and adding 14th team particularly significant milestone in the ongoing growth of of the leak. So this has been a major goal of mine. Certainly since I joined the league a few years ago. I'm here with my team who made this all and we know as we looked at the data around toronto, be a remarkably diversity and vibrant city. And we're so proud that the wnba is now part of this open and welcoming community. >> Through thick and through heartbreak and triumph and heartbreak. Torontonians consistently demonstrate their passion. >> Their commitment and their love for professional sports. Toronto is also a diversity, a welcoming city and a progressive city. So it should come as no surprise that when it hosted the first-ever wnba game in canada a year ago. It's sold out and set records for attendance. Broadcast viewership and merchandise sales. >> The team will play out of the coca-cola coliseum, which is just north of me behind me here, it just under 9,000 people. And the team will also take their game on the road, playing in both montreal and vancouver as they spread the word with regards to the wnba first-ever franchise being in canada, starting here in toronto, in 2026. That's a subjective. >> Alright cp24 steve ryan, thanks a thank you, steve. And for more reaction to toronto being awarded, canada's first-ever wnba team, we're joined live by raptors superfan now have. But it's great to see you as always. Most people know you as a raptors superfan, but you've been a champion of gender equity in sport for a long time, helping countless girls do what they love play basketball. What does this moment mean to you? >> He used to says hughes and o was a dreaming about this a few years ago. And couple times I did this in, let it go bombs hear about this and I'm so happy and excited that he's making it possible to come toronto in and I'm very excited about it. >> Okay, so along with that next, we're talking about, you know, the next wnba team, but the first for canada and outside of the U.S. let's talk about that. >> But it's just like the raptors. The raptors was the first team for from america and a little clothing from from in new team. And 25 years we were the champions and I'm so excited and thankful to let it go in a moment. Everybody who is in morden, this larry is going to do everything to make of the wnba team. It mp shorter while than we did with the bent state. >> You know, the prime minister was also on hand for this announcement. Now he's, you know, and he said for too long, women's sports have been underappreciated and underfunded. You know that that is true. And he also said that era is over. Now, what heard from female basketball players over the years. What they said to you about the lack of opportunities. >> Really, I think that's what it is. And I think obama understands that and dystonia are and no you, board is going you hold this team wnba, whatever it's going. I don't know the name yet. Whatever know the name but it's going do so well. And I talked lot for lot of people, you know, goes boys like look every summer for the goes. Also good to of the wnba stars come and I believe this is going to be appreciated everything we forced bulls because this is going to be canada's wnba just like the raptors and I'm so excited to see my good friend henry saw who's the president of this team and she has done an excellent job in raptors and I believe she's going to do it. Amazing, amazing job. Toronto woman wnba and also

let's talk about, you know, gender equality, levelling the playing field because look, you know, in the states, the wnba teams, they were flying commercially up until a few weeks ago. >> You know, the big question was why can't they fly charter jets like the nba team. Let's talk about all of that and how this team can make a difference. >> Will it really, you know, what? Look at what happened in the last a wnba game. It will soared open few minutes and everybody in the cold was amazing. And the tv was amazing. This is going to be really good. And wall and I tell you that some of these games, I would put so many people that mister millard, we don't bumble have to move this game 2 canada to bank of more schools. Re not. So I'm, I'm very excited about it. I can that. You don't get includes you know what raptors did for the canadian boys, would put before canadian kids who are playing elite basketball and nba. The same thing is going to happen with the bills team and I wouldn't put it day when they stop talking about boys in be and the boys basketball and the bills basket waiting for that day because these goals are amazing, they're not good getting no matter. But good the government toronto debits take place that there are both a wnba team goes, you would see that cold and the support like never seen before in this their amazing. They are good. You're right about that really quickly. Nav, are you going to be there courtside supporting these women? >> I'm hoping forward will be also supporting them as low as it can cheering for thank on thank you. Everyone who was in ward and bringing excited. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you again. Are not, but you always love your enthusiasm. It's been a pleasure. Thank you. >> And police are asking for help identifying a suspect in an alleged sexual assault at union station to investigators. They've released the security camera images of the man they're looking for. Police allege that a woman was sexually assaulted eastbound go train and the station last friday, the suspect was last seen going north on base he's described as being 20 to 30 years old, 5 to 10 with a slim build. It was wearing dark clothing, a baseball hat and carrying a scape anyone with information is asked to call police or crime stoppers. >> A man in his 40's is dead after a double shooting outside a school in mississauga. Shots were fired in the parking lot of sellers. Green public school on montevideo road near winston churchill boulevard and battleford road. This was just after 11 o'clock last night. The 2 victims were taken to hospital in life-threatening condition, where one later died. Police say the victim in hospital is a male under the age of 20, who remains in critical condition. >> We're not sure at the time right now at present that the vehicles on how they are related to the investigation. That is something that will be certain to to update. And we're looking into right now at the time, it was a it was pretty populated in the evening varying reports of anywhere from 10 to 20 people gathered in that lot reasons. We don't know yet the time of the shooting. There are reports of vehicles leaving the but it's unfortunately, it's too early to tell what moments whether those witnesses or suspects or just individuals the sound of gunfire. >> O it's crazy. Like I never thought this area with like of stuff. You know. Because we moved to because it's like a really safe, like nice part of mississauga. So. >> It's like a really scary. >> Investigators say they don't have any suspect information yet, but several vehicles fled the area and some witnesses have come forward >> Gta police services a watch. A campaign to combat street project erase stands for eliminate recent activity on streets everywhere. They kicked this morning. Police from toronto, york peel halton hamilton and opened they were all in attendance coming together for this campaign because it's a that street racing has no jurisdictional boundaries. >> It's crucial for people to understand the risk associated with illegal street racing and the potential consequences not only for themselves, but for other users of our roads. We want to emphasize the importance of keeping racing activities confined to legal race trucks. This is essential for public safety. We want to encourage the public and empower communities to report dangerous driving and illegal racing activity. >> These drivers have organized themselves and advertising meets on social media, routinely encouraging followers to attend. The

stunts are often performed in front of groups of onlookers stand far too close to the dangerous activities that are taking place just to try to capture the next viral video for social media. They're placing themselves in harm's way and they're risking serious injury or worse. >> Driving and street racing carry possible fines of up to $10,000 as well as a 30 day license suspension at roadside and a 14 day vehicle. Impoundment. >> 12 40 to 24 degrees. Let's get a check on that lunch hour. Drive nsiah-yeboah keeping a close eye on the roads. Hi there. Oh, I am. Good leena we are dealing with quite a few problems on this very sunny at thursday's. If you're headed out and had scarborough on the eastbound lanes of the 4, 1, maybe stick with the collectors for one in the cowan, it is a a serious collision that does have the 3 left lanes occupied and on the westbound just past the 400 in the express. Crews dealing with a stalled vehicle stalls off to the side that mto crews are blocking that left lane. It is has been a very, very tough drive for the last little while on the gardner east and westbound because of long-term roadwork between jameson and strachan. That's also adding to his low drive. But as you make your way further west on at the gardner, we have crews on scene trying transportation, they're picking up garbage debris. So not sure why they don't do this in the overnight, but they decided to do it now. It's very busy out of the downtown core and it is that right lane that's occupied and sell them for for dtp still heavy go from shepard all the way down towards richmond. Mike hammer through here is out. But at last check, we were dealing with that maintenance in the loved ones. Getting word from trying to transportation wrap up by 12 30. 12 30 is coming on and they're still in that left lane. I'll send it back to you. >> The cp24 traffic report is brought to you by and coming up next on cp24 live at noon. We're going to talk to council brad bradford about motion to speed up construction of the guard. Stick around. (Upbeat music) (Upbeat summer music) (Male vo) Power through your to do list. (Upbeat summer music) And create a space that makes a splash. Find steel tools starting at $179.99. Shop local, buy steel. available at Pickering Mower, Pickering and Uxbridge Mower, Reach Street. Uxbridge. ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. With hard work, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. Do you have a wet, damp, or moldy basement? Call the oldest and largest waterproofing company. Call rcc. Whether your basement needs to be repaired from the outside or the inside, we'll consult you on the right solution. Call rcc waterproofing today. Family owned and operated since 1920. Clean your rugs with Love Your Rug. Whether it's machine, handmade, or exotic, we clean each rug differently. Let us do the heavy lifting as we provide free pickup and delivery. Love Your Rug. We put our heart into it. It's time to Love Your Rug. If you've received a traffic ticket, been charged with stunt or impaired driving or any criminal offence, the lawyers at x Copper will fight for you. Our team can protect your driving record, keep your insurance rates low and save you from criminal conviction. Contact us for your free consultation today. -Spring is a great time to get things done. A Flexi Line might be right for you. -Could you use two eighty or even two point eight million? -Call us today. (Dynamic music) >> Toronto city councillors, brad bradford and jon burnside are putting forward a motion to speed up construction on the gardiner. And for a closer look at this, joined live by councillor brad bradford, who is at city hall. Thanks so much for making time for us. I know it's been a busy look, a lot of people are passionate about this just before we through the break, we showed our viewers a live shot of the gardiner right now. It's a pretty painful drive these days. Tell me more about your motion and your expectations. >> The experience on the gardiner right now is an absolute horror show. It's choking our economy, it's killing our small business and it is ruining quality of life for residents here in toronto. The idea that the administration thinks this type of catastrophic delays acceptable for 3 years is that is not on. So the motion that I'm presenting today are a number of key steps to speed up the construction, minimize the impact and get

torontonians moving again faster. And the pictures really tell a story. It feels like you're in a parking lot some it's certainly a brutal drive this hour as well. What do you say your colleagues? We just heard from council chris moise who says he doesn't really think your motion is going to help solve the problem. He says work is already being done. 24/7 and that he doesn't think this motion goes far enough. How do you respond? >> City staff will tell you work is not being done. 24/7 and that right? There is a classic example, you got a bunch of pylons around an empty lane. Maybe there's some construction equipment being stored there, but nothing is actually happening. >> And the delays are catastrophic, you for my council colleagues that don't feel the urgency of this type of motion. They're obviously not listening. I know the mayor has indicated that there is more work being done. Well, it's about time because it's been 7 weeks of this type of congestion. And yet it is choking our economy, killing our small business and and really ruining quality of life for torontonians. I'm glad that they're moving this forward. And if my role in bringing this motion forward, help start the conversation. That's important. And at the end of the day, we need to be exploring items like 24/7 construction assembly of some of the infrastructure off-site delivery. And finally having a coordinated approach to all of the parallel streets in the downtown that are equally congested and tied up with construction. You're dealing with major construction projects on lakeshore on gardiner, on king street, richmond adelaide queen. And that's why it at such a breaking point right now because there are no alternative routes for people to to use. So they are, they are in the unfortunate position of being stuck in traffic and it's not a minor delay. People's commutes have have doubled over the past 7 you know, it's time for the mayor and city hall to get serious about congestion, take some action. And my motion today is intended to be a catalyst for that. Let's go 24/7 on the gardiner and get it done faster. What have you heard from other city councillors who are supporting this motion and what about everyday people in the city, how have they reacted? >> You know what my my wife was showing is in communication and wanted to the east and mom groups and >> Somebody was just returning back from him at the youth. And that's hard enough for anyone when you're kind of going back to work by. She now is spending 2 additional hours in traffic navigating to her place of employment and back every day. And that's the type of real world impact that this is having on people, you know, some of the downtown councillors, my trying to dismiss the impact on people. Like I said, it's it's hurting small business. It's a logistical nightmare for people and the quality of life issue. The fact that it takes you longer to get to work at a time when we're trying to bring people back to the office. The reality that it's time away from your family at the end of the day, when you're trying to get home. Those impacts are real. Downtown councillors might try to be dismissive and certainly this hasn't been a priority for the mayor, but that changes today, we need to advance this work faster and we need to use all the tools that are disposal to make that happen. Cancer, I do want to ask you about >> The deputy mayor jennifer mckelvie says work is already underway to look at speeding up. >> Work on the gardiner that a report is going to be set to city hall soon. What are your expectations from that? Does that give you hope? >> It does and and you know, I talk to council mckelvie about this and they're expecting a report to address some of these issues to land in front of us in july. You know, my question for the mayor was why wasn't this done earlier? And it it seems like it was this motion from councillor burnside in us and myself, that was really a catalyst for this discussion. There's been a lot of reporting in coverage on this over the past couple weeks fight it just felt like congestion issues in the city of toronto were not a priority for this administration. That changes today. And I welcome that report. A comeback in july with a clear roadmap for 24/7 construction and the concerns about noise is that a fair argument? >> You know, look. There are definitely issues that come with construction and inconvenience. I think we just have to measure the. >> The impact in the scale that right now, there's 200 to 300,000 people who are losing hours on their commute every day because they're tied up in this construction vest. I don't think we have that balance right? I think this is proceeding too slowly. And when you consider the the impacts on the economy and the impact on returning people to the office, getting them home to their families. And it's not just a toronto issue. The gardiner is a key artery for the entire region. I've heard from folks from, from brampton and hamilton and further abroad. It's an issue for them as well. So we have to recognize the the impact of toronto here in the regional context, that has to be balanced with some of the you know, will be associated with construction locally. But at the end of the day, we cannot afford to sit on her hands for 3 years. And might this just

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