
CITY24 - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #20

>> Thank you mr. Prime minister for those powerful words. It's my privilege right now to introduce you to fuse the boss guys, she's the commissioner of the women's national basketball association whose visionary stewardship continues to propel the wnba to unprecedented levels of success. I mentioned mayor charles kicks, but take a look at the pumps, guys. Folks, kathy engel berg, wnba commissioner. (applause) >> Wow. It's just so great to be here. Thank you, prime minister. Really appreciate those words around verizon women's sports. It's great to be back in toronto at such an honour to have you all here with us on such a historic day in the basketball community here in canada and doesn't look around the room, while, I I am so humbled to see what an impact the wnba has had on the city and this country and today's truly special day. Toronto and canada hold a special place in my heart for the wnba. We know the rich history of women's basketball here from the legends of the game like stacy, tammy right there to current stars like -- bridger carlton and working stores the prime minister mentioned elite edwards we are so proud that the canadians in our league and there is so much excitement, I mean, the preseason game the prime minister mentioned in this year we are in edmonton last year toronto energy and passion we saw in arenas was amazing. -rusyn 9:22am, again -- on the roof go to scotiabank arena when we attended our game and lots people came up to me and said thank you for making atrium future that's when I knew this is the right place as we are thinking about expansion. Into the tens of thousands and millions of girls inspired that day is just something that you cannot replicate without bringing the team here to canada so with that I am honoured to officially announce we have rewarded the city of toronto the 14th wnba franchise p or (applause) the team will start play in our 2026 season and we are such a pivotable moment? Of sub- viewership record selling of tickets growing the game -- acetate significant milestone in the ongoing growth of the league so this has been a major goal of mine certainly since I joined the league I am here with my team who wins this all possible and we know as we looked at the data around toronto being a remarkably diverse and vibrant city and we are so proud that the wnba's no part of this open and welcoming community and we are excited to expand the united states and this is our first as well as we continue to work to bring in new audiences, new fans, it creates new opportunities for players, the depth of talent in the sleekest amazing suit to be able to offer deeper pool of talent with the team here in canada as well as great. By the way in case you haven't been following the wnba -- they also serve —-dash we can't wait to see how they activate and become pictures here in the toronto community around the impact they will make. So as the longest tenured women's professional sports league in north america we just tipped off her 28 season last week. The momentum we have built the leadership we are showing concern -- 28. We have the highest viewership and history of the wnba blowing away prior records. So no the city of toronto joined us this is all possible because of larry tannenbaum -- please been in conversations with larry for a while and it became clear the he and his team have the

experience, the infrastructure, the expertise. This is a visionary ownership group into larry and judy there is no one we would rather partner was to take the first step on our journey to become a more global league. Are so proud to make history with you. Congratulations and toronto, welcome to the w. (applause) solaria if you would come up we would like to present you with our chronic ball a 23rd 2024 runner welcome to the w. (applause) (laughter) >> Thank you kathy. Thank you. To the entire wnba team who are here today, thank you very much for all your support. Under your leadership the wnba has experienced unprecedented growth including the league's first global expansion. I know this is just the sort of what's to come when we are honoured to have been selected as the first franchise outside of the united states. This is an incredibly important occasion and an important -- I'm thrilled so many of you are here to celebrate this game changing day for not only women's basketball but for sports in canada. Thank you prime minister trudeau and minister -- thank you. Premier ford and minister lumsden and mayor chow and mayor malik. This team is canada's team and we appreciate you all being here to celebrate with us today. This over 30 years ago I saw an opportunity to bring the nba to canada. We as the city and country are really there was a rude time in the replace and I jumped on the chance. Or when on the road and convinced each and everyone only to ask support an expansion team for toronto. It was no feet and if management these three -- recall her team. Since that time I have been spending a good time of my career helping to build championship calipers for franchises in our great city of toronto. Well some years are better than others we've been lucky enough to celebrate victories six times in the city. Most memorably with the raptors five years ago. (applause) seeing the pride of her teens -- warm partly though, I've seen howard teams inspire future generations to play and grow into a better version of themselves through the skills and discipline learned through sport. I've reference to nelson mandela's famous quote many times. Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, has the power to unite people. It speaks to use it in the language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers. Is this that dries my passion and commitment to sports in this country and the city. It's the legacy I want to leave for a next generation. Four years young girls and sauce couple have been inspired by some of the nba greats. Michael jordan, kobe bryant, the murderers and, kyle lowry who was with us here today, jamal murray. These young women never saw someone like themselves on the stage playing sports and love. Now the wnba has changed all that. And today we are changing that here in canada. Our team will complete the pathway for women in this country. They will see heroes that look like them in person and on the air all summer long. They will gain inspiration

from -- brandon stewart and -- they can see that the sport they play has skills and women is just as important and worth investing because the more real recognize value and potential women's sports closer we get to more equitable future in the world of sports. So today we are here because once again we were in the right place at the right time and that's entirely because of the talent, hard work and perseverance of many women in this room today. (applause) many say women's sports is having a moment. I disagree. Women's sports has arrived. It is a movement. The world is finally taking notice of something that's been there all along. The men's talent, passion and competition. And that's why we're here today at the right time in the right place for her first wnba team in canada. (applause) I want to say a few words about our franchise. It's early days and we have a lot of work ahead of us but there are a few key parities grinding her work. First and foremost, this franchise will be canada's team our home base will be here, right here cocoa-cola coliseum of exhibition place in toronto, we will play games in vancouver and montréal throughout the season uniting the country behind our franchise and inspiring pride and passion and fans from coast-to-coast. We will always be committed to providing a world-class player in personal experience for all who represent her city and country through this team. We know that investing in our players is paramount to their success on off the court. This means an investment in expert staff, state-of-the-art facilities and creating an unmatched home court advantage that raises the bar for every franchise and league. It also means welcoming them to canada and making it feel like home. One more priority worth mentioning it's important for us to invest in communities across the country because success is not to throughout the players on the team it's also about ensuring a purposed lead legacy. Our players will serve as inspirational role models both on and off the court and we will be committed to making a positive impact in our communities across the country. I've talked a lot today about the historical opportunity ahead of us and I'd like to take a moment to think a small group of people without whom this would never have been possible. Ivan -- will be taking on the role of team president. (applause) patrick lee who will be our cfo. You have all been instrumental to the sunni, exhibition place annuity of all been incredible partners as well -- none of this would be possible without your support and I look forward to packing raise cross-country (applause) >> Thank you so much mr. Tannenbaum for those words and I also want to say, judy, think he was well. For making the dreams of millions of people across this country come true. Marketable. Right now we are going to bring to the stage a huge sports fan. He is our premier, doug ford. Come on up, doug. (applause) >> Thank you so much. It's great to be here all have to say is wow, what a speech. You have a bright future in politics. We better watch each other.

brought along we call him onesie and old cfl player but you're doing an incredible job so thank you I appreciate it. And larry, judy, thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for not just toronto but ontario -- blazing a trail today once again for numerous other things not to mention the raptors and every author sports team you are involved in and just being an icon, business leader, philanthropist. Giving back. What people don't know a lot of people the average person doesn't know but the tannenbaum's is the giveback. Every organization they aren't out there waving a flag to just do it. So thank you. And I see canon over there in the entire family the entire team think you for working so hard for community. This is going to be exciting ahead of opportunity is premier to travel around the scrape robinson visit so many high school so many colleges and universities and I will tell you I said this is trailblazing absolutely it is. This is going to give an opportunity to young women mr. Much of this we already have great canadian stars in the wnba just imagine a young woman going to high school here somewhere in toronto preferably etobicoke because that's where the greatest place to live is in etobicoke north up in rexdale but just imagine this. Yes, I got one etobicoke person there, god bless you. You know, just imagine this. Growing appearing to run a and then playing for the toronto team. What a dream that would be. You know, commissioner, thank you for everything you're doing. You have brought this to a whole different level. I was telling the commissioner about the diversity of our province. A hundred and 10 nationalities. Think of that. Over 200 languages being spoken and this is going to be truly not just a toronto team as larry were saying it will be canadian team. Commissioner, you just had the city five years ago which entreated. The praise of 2 million people coming in our street when the raptors one -- the parade. We look forward to doing it again another 2 million people on our great toronto team wins we have a team of champions here in ontario and I always say about ontario, you know, I had an to spend 20 years in chicago and our plants there in new jersey but ontario, you always talk with 6° of separation. I can pretty well find anyone in ontario it's 1 degree of separation. Everyone knows everyone it's a massive family at 16 million people growing rapidly the fastest growing region in north america bar none faster than texas and florida combined and within that growth there's going to be amazing athletes, amazing basketball stars and I just want to wish you all the best and god bless the people of ontario. Thank you so much. >> 1 degree of separation could not agree more premier ford. Now we are going to call upon the leader of, you guys know, it's canada's largest city the same city which has played host to the first-ever wnba game in canada. It was sold out. So is edmonton by the way. Merely be a child. She played a bit of hoops in her day, guys. Come on up, mayor olivia chow. >> Well, what an exciting day for toronto. I'm here joined with the local counsellor and deputy mayor (unclear name) and our all-star city manager who coaches referee basketball paul johnson. It's an exciting day for professional women's sports in our city. Is time. Yeah, it's time for women's basketball heroes. It's time for women basketball team. The new wnba team will have the power to bring people together at the stadium, people's living rooms, restaurants and bars. It will give people another reason to cheer for toronto boast pride and passion for our city. The team will inspire generations of young people.

they will have new heroes, new role models, new local legends and new memories of favourite place. Sports memories lasts a lifetime. Everyone remembers their first baseball game, basketball game or where they were during the raptors game 71 -- I remember where I was. And you know, I came to canada own is 13. Lonely kid with my parents. Didn't know anybody. Landed at -- collegiate. Didn't know anyone. Spoke a bit of english. I tried out for the basketball team, and I got in your that's remade friendship. That's where I found my sense of belonging. That's where I got my confidence. Now I grew shorter as everyone grew taller. I didn't try out for grade 10, but you know, this wnba team, those sports heroes are going to mean a whole lot to a whole lot of teenage kids. Especially ones that are feeling not so sure, you know when you're growing up? Wow. That is the power of sports. Sports have the unique power to draw together, to unite us, to learn divisions and build bridges across all the different communities that call toronto home. We are united in the love of our city, our province and our country. This is a historic moment in toronto sports. I know that it wouldn't have been possible without the canadian women's fleets. Their hard work, their dedication. They have already proven what we already knew. That they can compete in their world stage and of course thank you prime minister. Thank you to the premier. Kathy, thank you and most especially the most 10 nations ambitious passionate hero, larry tannenbaum. Thank you so much. (applause) I speak for the entire city when I say we are excited to watch the new team compete and/or work of city council to make sure that we are ready for another huge championship parade. I have the honour today to, you don't you read to read out the entire proclamation just that we are really proud and that we are, icon of the mayor of toronto on behalf of toronto city council do hereby proclaim may 23rd 2024 as wnba day in the city of toronto. (applause) thank you. >> Well, thank you mayor child. Wnba day, ladies and gentlemen. History. So right now what I would like to do is gather these leaders and esteemed dignitaries together for a photo. There's one ball reserved it's a game ball for mr. Tannenbaum saw him giving the ball to mr. Tannenbaum as our guests, and share a historic photo and announcement that we will never forget it. >> We are watching history unfolds in the city of toronto right now women's basketball coming here to toronto the wnba expanding tour city is the first big move for the league outside of the united states. We know play for basketball officially starts in 2026. We just heard from larry tannenbaum he's a chairman of the comber sports adventures calling this also say this team is canada's team. The exhibition grounds that's where this announcement is taking place right now also additional games likely being played at scotiabank arena and other locations across the

country. Let's listen and again. >> Dignitaries. (applause) >> We also want to mention we heard mayor olivia chow officially proclaimed this wnba day here in the city of toronto so certainly a very exciting moment here. We can also share that the new team president has been named -- teresa also worked with ron raptors for many years this is such a huge deal obvious he for the city of toronto for women's basketball team has played here before we seen sellout crowds so this is something that we expect to continue to see of course it looks as though we will continue to follow this love announcement with the number of people who were there. The prime minister, the premier, the mayor on hand talking about this. The wnba commissioner think we will listen and for second here. >> To answer those questions for you. As we did our little such change we will go through a panel and I'm going to essentially tea everybody up on some the questions you may have and we will break and following that woodson -- was her zoom landscape. Those running me on the stage right now I will sort of the berean somebody I got to play with, he was, tammy sutton brown. (applause) ontario's finest wnba champion. She played for the charlotte saying she played for the indiana fever she played for 12 years in the women's national basketball association not to mention playing overseas in europe and asia. She was a proud member of our olympic team in the 2000 summer olympics that took place in sydney. She has had an indelible impact on women's basketball here in canada as well as the united states. That is tammy sutton brown ladies and gentlemen. >> Thank you. >> You guys heard mr. Tannenbaum mentioned teresa. She is extraordinary. Longtime toronto raptors executive she spent 10 years with the teams championship front office focusing on player development, strategy, operations, she played an instrumental role as you all know in the design of construction of raptors ovo athletic centre. She was pivotal in launching toronto's g league raptors nine oh five. Before the raptors she spent several years at the nba league office as a member of the international basketball operations team and today her innovation is going to take over. She is a new president of the wnba team here in toronto. And you guys heard from kathy engelbert. I could provide paragraphs and chapters on what she has already done. I mention she's a boss since she took over as commissioner in the wnba in 2019. We have a players driven collective bargaining agreements that she is at the helm of and responsible for. The money that has been raised for the wnba, incredible upwards of 75 million if I'm not mistaken, kathy. Her stewardship goes without saying is impeccable. So we are so fortunate to have a kathy, teresa and tammy and I'm going to start off this panel but just asking tammy, do you believe it? >> Wow. I always hope for this day. I think is an athlete you look forward to playing in front of family and friends and I always wish I could play on canadian soil. I wasn't able to put the canadians are playing the w right now will have that opportunity and the future canadians will have that opportunity so this is a really special day not only for toronto but this is canada's team. Another's number of fans across canada and this is your franchise. So yes I'm excited, I did not sink this day would ever come, I'm so excited and I'm so happy we are here today. >> Who did you look up to? Growing appear in ontario who were some of your basketball icons? >> There was no wnba when I was playing growing up and so my role models were michael jordan, magic johnson. Those are my role models because

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