
CITY24 - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #18

the elegance. >> Nick: very statuesque. >> The elegance who brings to the red carpet I am so happy to see she's back in films and working on projects and bringing her all to these beautiful fashion moments. On ann taylor joy can do no wrong in my books. She is somebody who really brings in -- she compliance whatever the theme is whether it's a film she's part of or does she combine sort of the whole theme of the movie into her fashion here of course she is wearing dior which is so elegant. >> Nick: she looks like a cake topper and I don't mean that in a joking way, I mean, it in a serious way. >> Sonia: is the jewels she's wearing with the dress. Jill saunter that is a headpiece but again it's a two-piece set it's kind of giving that beautiful sexy or five of when it comes to a suit. Is a skirt with a blazer but headpiece that takes it for me. No listen really quickly we know the glamours a huge part but you know it's also a big part of it? Drama. Kelly rowland is not happy. She was there for a premiere for a film looking obsolete beautiful but unfortunately there was an incident that happened where some of the ushers really wanted her to kind of rush up the stairs which we know is a huge moment for starters to turn around and do the wave and the photographers cut should all but for some reason in this video that is going viral everywhere now you can see the ushers really trying to rush her up at 1.1 of the female ushers you can see her hand right on her back there's a total of about four that's around her completely blocking her view from photographers and at one moment she gets to the very top. We don't have access to the actual video but I encourage you to go watch and be the judge of it. She had enough. She turned around and she pretty much let the usher completely have it and now people are like, oh that was very devout like behaviour but this was her moment. And we understand that it is a rush carpet and all of that but there is a way of doing it and to completely surround her and block her view and take away from that moment she was not happy about that. So little bit of drama there. >> I appreciate this. Right now we've got a scene from babes a new comedy coming out soon. Show to this baby be born. >> Don't touch me. >> Hold my hand. >> Different phases of adulthood one of them deciding to of a child on her own. Babes delves into the complexities of female friendship motherhood independence a lot of laughter and she draws us live on studio this movie is so good. I had the privilege to screen it yesterday you have to see it. Belly laughs. >> Thank you so much. >> Of note not alone in saying that their views are starting to come and I read one that says the bridesmaids of childbearing. What does that mean to you to see people responding so positively? >> Bridesmaids was definitely one of our northstar that we kept as her inspiration. Because the authenticity between kristin and maja to see to friends it was really bridesmaids in super bad that was our northstar. To see to friends who really love each other and are fighting -- I love how funny -- they are missing laughs and laughing at the last thing but I think -- getting these belly laughs it's intricately but you also do so much comedy. >> It feels like I'm in the pocket you noting mean? It's like my purpose and I feel aligned in it. But also I think the emotional part of this movie has surprised me how rewarding that has been. Leading was comedy for so long I think -- it's been nice to see people crying to. >> This video sorry film is very honest really taking a good look at what it's like to go through the journey of motherhood is also resonating so many parents. To do expected to hit people this way? I think people are watching this and going, oh, yeah, I remember that experience. I felt that. >> That's been interesting to see older parents whose kids are grown and sort of brought back to the days of having babies and toddlers. It's funny because it's real it's not like we are making so much we just haven't seen as audiences this story told

through women so often before. Also to just feel reflected in a film -- it's so hard. It's so hard to make a person into birth them in the world and raise them and I think people don't want to complain or they are only complaining sort of as I don't know it's sort of the conversation is binary and I think to have this space like in the movie two holds both how hard it is but how joyous and miraculous experience is two and also the miracle of having your friends in your village around to and having a new kind of family if feels good to hold. >> Lastly I want to ask you but this idea came to you at a time when you are expecting a part of it was he wanted to share those experiences. Was it fun to go back and say remember this was some of your colleagues and friends to the process? >>, yes, I couldn't believe what I was pregnant how unspoken so much of the process had been and how it's almost branded now pregnancy and motherhood and what brand are you? That's kind of what, I mean, by binary conversation are you the brand where you're just loving it and everything is great or you the brand where it talked with the negative side. >> The tough stuff. >> There is so much of and it is hard to hold but it felt very funny to reflect. To have the opportunity to reflect on pregnancy and those early days. It helped me have a space to laugh at it and just remembered -- just how absurd it is. >> It's so refreshing to have these conversations and see them so thank you for making the time to come and we are looking forward to your movie in theatres friday? >> Yes we were in new york la and austin les wright in this friday we are all across the usa and canada. >> Wonderful can't wait for it. >> Things for having me. >> Nick over to you. >> Great conversation thanks for that. In the meantime spring is a time for renewal that includes your indoor and outdoor spaces. Jee-yun lee is live with designer -- help refresh the look of your home. You got it together are you good? >> We will see we are on part two of making our beautiful candles here. You saw how we made these moulds from her balloons know we are getting ready to shape them and paint them. >> We just order cracked the opening of you can still feel this. So from there we have one here so what I've done is -- what I've also done just to make it a little -- it's pretty durable so I put that on the outside. You don't have to put the sun but I just like the little extra bit just to keep it more hard and rigid because if you do pick it up and can potentially crash. >> Jee-yun: guess it is pretty fragile. >> He can do any colour but I think black is kind of chic. On the inside what I have is we prepared it for gold leafing so what we're going to do -- we take acrylic sized and say if this were the inside of the urn here -- that's a troy in a probably join about 20 minutes or so and this is what I've done earlier if you use the back of your medical, feel it, it's just a little tacky so that means it's ready so it's clear and tacky so this now the acrylic sized will never drive. So that's the beauty with size that you can do this. I did this last night and it still tacky so now we are ready to leave. You are approaching from this before. So gold leaf comes in two things. The italian goldleaf is a lot richer alone warmer along more quality -- this is a sampling of some of the leaf >> I think that's super fun. I've got some for you here I put the size on the inside so you can just take the leaf. >> You have to remind me how to do this. >> You can peel off the one side. What we're doing here we are filling the inside would actually touch it but we kind of

can and from here we kind of take it, lay it on and then just touch it was so brush. When you are doing this, use, these are leafing brushes but to be honest you can use an old cosmetic brush if you want. Or anything that's going to be supersoft like this. So if we are going to do this, look, have a different colour now so that's fine. >> It doesn't matter if it's hanging over it. >> Steven: no. Once the snow in there then once you've done the entire thing you just sort of swirl it in little circular motions and that will sort of take off the excess. So the beauty with leafing as well as that I've done this guy already I put the size on and then here, again if you are properly doing it you would use her hands but I just want to show you that you can literally goldleaf anything. >> Jee-yun: I've done the pumpkins a little can. >> You can change are completely. There is no looks that you can replicate from leafing. It's metal, right? You just get this beautiful sort of golds. You just can't get the same look. >> There are so many colour choices. This would be great as a gift. You can do this for halloween, for christmas. >> Steven: christmas colours, it's wedding season so much and if he did the outside and one of the wedding colours and he did the inside say for a head table for a wedding party or something. Super cute, super easy. They are quite fragile but at the same time they are really unique. >> What's his? >> The other thing I want to trade at just fantastic -- this year want to show you is called candle sand. So this is important to anything. Literally anything. Any glass, anything anywhere. And its wax, but it's a sand. And then what you do is you just put the wick in. And then you can, here. And when you these, is just, so here, like that up. And this will burn as well I candle and that if we let this little guy here. So this will burn down and this is just wax so what will happen is when it burns down to the wax, this will burn for ours. You just take the piece of melted wax out of reuse the candle sand. >> Jee-yun: that's amazing. >> Steven: you can make a candle out of anything which is really cute. >> I love that and of course you want to stay tune for a neck segment because -- some t-shirts. >> And we are blowing up balloons. >> I got a small one. (laughter) >> Bill: you can do it, jee-yun. Go, go, go. It's, okay. You're doing a beautiful job. I'm curious to they flowed in the pool? While. (laughter) it's a trick balloon. (laughter) I'm not having you organize my birthday party, jee-yun. Thank you. We will come back to you are doing great work there. It was a size of a grape there. Eighteen feels like 20 we have low humidity due to full sunshine -- high of 254050 kilometre per hour wind gusts hold onto the napkin if you're out there on the patio I encourage you to get it and enjoy the city because things will change a little bit as we roll into the wiccan photos from saturday and some cooler values back straight. Today gorgeous 25 mainly sunny and a bit breezy. Over to you yuli so the full forecast coming out. >> Think it we will focus on one situation causing delays of denton west gardiner from jameson pass kipling this is a collision site where the expressing collector linens merge collector lens merge another letting another lane through so to let things are going by but of course really jammed if you're heading out of downtown. Nick, courtney, back to you. >> Thank you. Toronto's wnba franchise is expected to be unveiled at a press conference this morning. >> Courtney: the league's commissioner has confirmed the news to the associated press. The wnba has said any new teams will be added for the 2026 season. Kilmer sports ventures is reported to own the team and is promising to make a "major announcement" at a news conference this morning. Kilmer is also a co-owner of maple leaf sports and entertainment. A toronto franchise would be the league's first outside of the U.S. the news conference is set to begin at 9am. >> Nick: the university of toronto is expected to hold talks today with students who have set up a pro-palestinian encampment on campus. The encampment was established three weeks ago in king's college circle.

the university has said it is corresponding with student representatives but that it has concerns about safety and hate speech in the camp. Some of the protesters are threatening to participate in a hunger strike until their demands are met. >> Courtney. Two people are in critical condition after a shooting outside a mississauga school. Police say shots were fired in the parking lot of settler's green public school on montevideo road, near winston churchill boulevard and battleford road, just after 11 last night . The two victims were taken to hospital in life-threatening condition. Investigators say they don't have any suspect information yet but that this appears to be an isolated incident. >> Mean time gta police services are launching a campaign to combat street racing. Project erase, which stands for eliminate racing activity on streets everywhere will kick off at exhibition place at 11 am this morning. Members from police services in toronto, york, peel, halton, hamilton and opp will be in attendance. Police say the 16-year-old boy who died was riding a mini-bike when he was struck at a four-way stop near jackman crescent. 24-year-old harnoor chauhan is charged in the crash four. Of a rally will be held in support of striking nestle workers in toronto today. Unifor says it will join members of local 252 outside the manufacturing plant on sterling road to show solidarity. The demonstration is set for 10am. Hundreds of nestle workers walked off the job almost three weeks ago. The union is seeking pension plan improvements and has rejected a two year freeze on a cost of living adjustment. Unifor says no progress has been made at the bargaining table and there are currently no negotiation dates planned. >> The country's top banking regulator is warning of possible financial turmoil ahead as homeowners face mortgage renewals. In its latest annual risk outlook, the office of the superintendent of financial institutions says more than 75% of all mortgages in canada are set to renew between now and the end of 2026. Most of those owners will face a higher rates, meaning their monthly bills could skyrocket. Of particular concern are negatively amortizing loans, where payments are already only going to the interest and not making a dent in the principle loan amount. >> Following a lot of sports news including baseball, the blue jays brought out the bats against the chicago white sox last night. >> Nick: the jays exploded for seven runs in the second, capped off by a two-run homer from bo bichette. The seven runs is the most the jays have scored in an inning all season, leading them to a 9-2 win. Some captivating new photos of deep space have been released by the european space agency. >> Taken by the euclid space telescope one of the most prized images -- 78 and the orion constellation enveloped in a shroud of interstellar dust. Reviews does of the mysterious dark matter and explore the evolution of the universe. These five pictures come less than a year after the telescope was launched. >> Courtney: those are incredible photos. >> It's incredible to think what's happening so far beyond us. We will have that on the next model of the iphone. Probably not but nevertheless sonia will let us know what's coming up and entertainment. >> Every time I see images no space like that I can't help but think of the -- x-files. The truth is out there. On the other side of the break we are going to be talking about how david letterman's show my next guest needs no introduction is coming back but This is Brad. Brad neglected to properly mount his brand new tv. And with a dishwasher on the brink... Brad's problems keep mounting. Lucky for Brad there's Jiffy. The app that connects homeowners with Pros in a Jiffy! Way to go Brad. Download the app or book online. Jiffy. Canada's number one home maintenance app. Did you know there's another form of debt consolidation? It's called a consumer proposal. This government regulated alternative to bankruptcy helps you repay a smaller portion of your debt based on what you can afford. Simply make one monthly payment and put an end to both interest charges and collection calls. Take the first step with a free consultation. You'll wonder why you didn't do this years ago. Need a plumber? Water in the basement? Pain in the drain? Remember the name. Roto-Rooter that's the name. And away go troubles down the drain. Roto-Rooter! Call 1-800-get-roto now.

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>> Well nick the person who has a dramatic attorney is actually liam hemsworth. All the dots are connecting. So he is coming in for the first time. This is after henry cabell's departure after three seasons -- we still don't know what henry actually left the season. The departure news did actually come -- coincide with the news that campbell was going to return to dc universe of superman which was also premature news that came up because that never happened as well. So we still don't know what happened there. Either way the witchery's getting to my seasons at netflix and will end after season five. We have some pans even here in the newsroom and they said they will give liam hemsworth a shot. It's always tough to step in when someone has already established their character and fans are not usually happy about that but it think liam hemsworth was a pretty good choice for this but only time will tell. >> People really like him so we will see. >> People do but somebody who may not like him very much as miley cyrus. >> That's a nice transition. >> See what we do here? We don't just show up looking all fine, you know? Who bring brains with that too. Listen, I wonder if miley cyrus will open up about her marriage and separation from hemsworth because she is sitting down with david letterman for his my next guest needs no introduction season the show is only getting two episodes. I like that. Netflix is going to release it to up besides but here's the trailer public. >> Here we go >> My bigger series to be getting fired but now how good does that sound? Every time somebody's like maybe they'd awaited us anymore, I'm like thank god. >> Here comes another one. >> You open your face up. I turned it around on them and said you can be at my show. I did shoot oppose another girl and they showed it and they weren't relating with her. I love them for that. >> -- you need to take a look at yourself. >> No, that is her voice. And know what you mean but that is so miley sources voice I love it so much. Charles barkley as you can see is also featured in the second episode they are going to dive deep with him as well but you are right to even call it a season? You know why? May be these are just the two people that david letterman wanted to talk to. You know what? Is all the time I have. >> These are the last two people that didn't need an introduction. >> I think there are still quite a few out there it is a way we are still getting it ended all drops on june 12th so I will be watching it. >> I think I would be interested in that. >> I'm curious because he's a great interviewer and the fact that he remember with jay-z he got him to open up about all the stuff some curious how far he gets as miley cyrus. >> That's it. >> See you back your tomorrow. Coming up, some clever diy ideas to refresh your kids summer wardrobe. >> Courtney: this is a bonus segment with jee-yun lee and steven saban dose coming up next. What do we have here? Little animals. EcoTech Windows and Doors offers cutting-edge ecosmart technology in its latest product line, meeting Energy Star compliance for substantial savings on your energy bill. Right now, we pay the tax, or don't pay till 2025. See more at Every locker tells a story. Find the space you need to live every chapter of your story. Access Storage, here for you. Try four weeks free. Visit ( ) ( ) We need to switch. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. But can we do it? Oh yeah. We can definitely make the switch. Sweet. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty!

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